3500 dually trucks for sale near me

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How much is a Chevy 3500 dually?

2022 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD MSRP and Invoice Price.

When can I order a 2023 3500HD?

Order books for the 2023 Silverado HD will open as of May 5th, 2022.

How much can a 3500 dually Duramax tow?

The Duramax provides a maximum towing capacity of 18,500 pounds when properly equipped. This option is only available on crew cab models. Engine performance: 445 hp and 910 lb-ft of torque.

Why can a 3500 pull more than a 2500?

One of the biggest differences is that with the much wider chassis with the 3500HD with available dual rear wheels this truck is capable of towing much more weight. The dual rear wheels deliver much more power to the pavement. While the 2500 HD is capable of towing up to 18,510 lbs. the 3500HD can tow up to 36,000 lbs.


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