A slow mover that carries his house on his back

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 09/09/2022

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue _empty_.

4 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project"
  2. having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity; "able to learn"; "human beings are able to walk on two feet"; "Superman is able to leap tall buildings"
  3. have the skills and qualifications to do things well; "able teachers"; "a capable administrator"; "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable"
  4. having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army"


  1. have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"
  2. feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?"
  3. be the source of pain
  4. a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain


  1. having the characteristics of an acid; "an acid reaction"
  2. harsh or corrosive in tone;
  3. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
  4. being sour to the taste
  5. any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt


  1. a friendly nation
  2. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance; "he's a good ally in fight"
  3. friend
  4. become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage; "He allied himself with the Communists"


  1. 1. Kingsley Amis, English author who wrote “Lucky Jim”. 2. Martin Amis, English author who “London Fields”. Son of Kingsley Amis.


  1. social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers


  1. (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it
  2. a passageway under a curved masonry construction; "they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory"
  3. a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)
  4. a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
  5. naughtily or annoyingly playful; "teasing and worrying with impish laughter"; "a wicked prank"
  6. expert in skulduggery; "an arch criminal"
  7. form an arch or curve; "her back arches"; "her hips curve nicely"
  8. (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension


  1. prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"
  2. supply with arms; "The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"
  3. the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person
  4. any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
  5. the part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the arm
  6. any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"
  7. a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
  8. a division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"; "botany is a branch of biology"; "the Germanic branch of Indo-Euro


  1. a large number of people united for some specific purpose
  2. a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state
  3. the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare


  1. the creation of beautiful or significant things;
  2. the products of human creativity; works of art collectively;
  3. a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation;
  4. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication;
  5. studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills); "the college of arts and sciences"


  1. from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went off to school"; "they drove off"; "go forth and preach"
  2. from one's possession; "he gave out money to the poor"; "gave away the tickets"
  3. (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter; "the pitch was away (or wide)"; "an outside pitch"
  4. in reserve; not for immediate use; "started setting aside money to buy a car"; "put something by for her old age"; "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
  5. used of an opponent's ground; "an away game"
  6. out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts); "brush the objections aside"; "pushed all doubts away"
  7. not present; having left; "he's away right now"; "you must not allow a stranger into the house when your mother is away"
  8. o


  1. the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody (usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial); "he is out on bail"
  2. (criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial; "the judge set bail at $10,000"; "a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman"
  3. remove (water) from a vessel with a container
  4. Part of wicket in game of Cricket
  5. empty (a vessel) by bailing
  6. secure the release of (someone) by providing security
  7. deliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited period
  8. release after a security has been paid


  1. a thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration
  2. a driving belt in machinery
  3. jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"; "he noted that she wore a wedding band"
  4. a stripe or stripes of contrasting color; "chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands"; "the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps"
  5. a cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure
  6. a range of frequencies between two limits
  7. an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"
  8. instrumentalists not including string players
  9. a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing
  10. attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"<


  1. a heating element in an electric fire; "an electric fire with three bars"
  2. expel, as if by official decree; "he was banished from his own country"
  3. a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises
  4. a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter; "he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar"
  5. a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War
  6. a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate"
  7. a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background; "a green toad with small black stripes or bars"; "may the Stars and Stripes forever wave"
  8. musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats; "the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song"
  9. the body of individuals qua


  1. the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae
  2. an adult male singer with the lowest voice
  3. having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range; "a deep voice"; "a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice"; "a bass clarinet"
  4. nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes
  5. the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments
  6. the lowest part of the musical range
  7. the lowest adult male singing voice
  8. the lowest part in polyphonic music
  9. any of various North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus)


  1. you soak and wash your body in a bathtub; "he has a good bath every morning"
  2. a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it); "she soaked the etching in an acid bath"
  3. a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet
  4. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
  5. a town in southwestern England on the River Avon; famous for its hot springs and Roman remains
  6. clean one's body by immersion into water; "The child should bathe every day"
  7. an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to about 10 gallons


  1. a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
  2. long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
  3. smile radiantly; express joy through one's facial expression
  4. the broad side of a ship; "they sighted land on the port beam"
  5. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
  6. (nautical) breadth amidships
  7. express with a beaming face or smile; "he beamed his approval"
  8. a signal transmitted along a narrow path; guides airplane pilots in darkness or bad weather
  9. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion; "She was beaming with joy"; "Her face radiated with happiness"
  10. a column of light (as from a beacon)
  11. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"
  12. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation


  1. move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
  2. support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
  3. bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
  4. bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
  5. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
  6. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
  7. behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
  8. have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
  9. contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The cantee


  1. the act of hitting vigorously; "he gave the table a whack"
  2. a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist)
  3. sing loudly and forcefully
  4. endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys
  5. ammunition (usually of small caliber) loaded in flexible linked strips for use in a machine gun
  6. a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head"
  7. an elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found; "a belt of high pressure"
  8. a path or strip (as cut by one course of mowing)
  9. fasten with a belt; "belt your trousers"
  10. deliver a blow to; "He belted his opponent"


  1. curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
  2. diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left
  3. movement that causes the formation of a curve
  4. bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees"
  5. a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range
  6. change direction; "The road bends"
  7. a circular segment of a curve; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path"
  8. turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
  9. an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow"
  10. form a curve; "The stick does not bend"
  11. bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"


  1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');
  2. morally admirable
  3. without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor; "took the joke well"; "took the tragic news well"
  4. tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health;
  5. indicating high probability; in all likelihood; "I might well do it"; "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"; "you may well need your umbrella"; "he could equally well be trying to deceive us"
  6. in excellent physical condition;
  7. thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form; "The problem is well understood"; "she was well informed"; "shake well before using"; "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"; "well-done beef", "well-satisfied customers"; "well-educated"
  8. appealing to the mind;
  9. favorably; with approval; "their neighb


  1. a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
  2. a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame
  3. ride a bicycle


  1. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
  2. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
  3. the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food
  4. informal terms for a (young) woman
  5. Slang (UK) for a period of time in jail
  6. Isabella Lucy Bird, married name Bishop FRGS (15 October 1831 – 7 October 1904), was a nineteenth-century British explorer, writer, photographer, and naturalist.
  7. watch and study birds in their natural habitat
  8. warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings


  1. free of obstruction by blowing air through; "blow one's nose"
  2. sound by having air expelled through a tube; "The trumpets blew"
  3. burst suddenly; "The tire blew"; "We blew a tire"
  4. spend lavishly or wastefully on; "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"
  5. melt, break, or become otherwise unusable; "The lightbulbs blew out"; "The fuse blew"
  6. spend thoughtlessly; throw away;
  7. shape by blowing; "Blow a glass vase"
  8. make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
  9. allow to regain its breath; "blow a horse"
  10. be blowing or storming; "The wind blew from the West"
  11. show off
  12. cause to be revealed and jeopardized; "The story blew their cover"; "The double agent was blown by the other side"
  13. lay eggs; "certain insects are said to blow"
  14. leave; informal or rude; "shove off!"; "


  1. a small vessel for travel on water.
  2. a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce
  3. ride in a boat on water.


  1. an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions
  2. throw bombs at or attack with bombs; "The Americans bombed Dresden"
  3. strong sealed vessel for measuring heat of combustion
  4. fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
  5. an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual; "the first experiment was a real turkey"; "the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned"


  1. a serious and ludicrous blunder; "he made a bad bull of the assignment"
  2. mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
  3. advance in price; "stocks were bulling"
  4. uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
  5. speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths; "The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"
  6. obscene words for unacceptable behavior; "I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk"; "what he said was mostly bull"
  7. try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying
  8. a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)
  9. push or force; "He bulled through his demands"
  10. the center of a target
  11. the second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20
  12. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun


  1. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the wart"
  2. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
  3. undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"
  4. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
  5. cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil"
  6. Scottish stream
  7. destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
  8. use up (energy); "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"
  9. create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"
  10. feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
  11. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"
  12. feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
  13. spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
  14. burn at the stake; "Witches w


  1. a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
  2. hair growing in the pubic area
  3. dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes
  4. provide with a bushing
  5. a large wilderness area
  6. not of the highest quality or sophistication
  7. George - vice president under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (born in 1924)
  8. United States electrical engineer who designed an early analogue computer and who led the scientific program of the United States during World War II (1890-1974)
  9. George - 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946)


  1. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
  2. a card certifying the identity of the bearer; "he had to show his card to get in"
  3. (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat; "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"
  4. a list of dishes available at a restaurant; "the menu was in French"
  5. (golf) a record of scores (as in golf); "you have to turn in your card to get a handicap"
  6. a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures); "they sent us a card from Miami"
  7. a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited
  8. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
  9. a witty amusing person who makes jokes
  10. thin cardboard, usually rectangular
  11. ask someone for identification t


  1. be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"
  2. feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I don't care"
  3. prefer or wish to do something;
  4. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
  5. provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded"
  6. activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care"
  7. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention"
  8. attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard"
  9. judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care"
  10. a cause for feeling concern; "his major care was the illness of his wife"


  1. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;
  2. a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
  3. a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
  4. the quantity contained in a case
  5. a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
  6. a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"
  7. bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
  8. a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
  9. (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor ha


  1. United States country music singer and songwriter (1932-2003)
  2. exchange for cash; "I cashed the check as soon as it arrived in the mail"
  3. prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check
  4. money in the form of bills or coins; "there is a desperate shortage of hard cash"


  1. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold; "cast a bronze sculpture"
  2. select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"
  3. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
  4. deposit; "cast a vote"; "cast a ballot"
  5. assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"
  6. a violent throw
  7. the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel
  8. the act of throwing dice
  9. object formed by a mold
  10. bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
  11. form


  1. (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
  2. a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction
  3. a room where a prisoner is kept
  4. small room in which a monk or nun lives
  5. any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
  6. a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
  7. a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement


  1. a jaw; "I'll hit him on the chops"
  2. a small cut of meat including part of a rib
  3. the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide); "the boat headed into the chop"
  4. Karate blow
  5. hit sharply
  6. cut with a hacking tool
  7. cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat"
  8. strike sharply, as in some sports
  9. form or shape by chopping; "chop a hole in the ground"
  10. move suddenly
  11. a grounder that bounces high in the air
  12. a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball


  1. people living in a large densely populated municipality; "the city voted for Republicans in 1994"
  2. a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"
  3. an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate"


  1. a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it


  1. growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
  2. an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors
  3. a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"
  4. cover or provide with a coat
  5. form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
  6. put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"


  1. adult male bird
  2. adult male chicken
  3. the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled
  4. faucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquid
  5. obscene terms for penis
  6. set the trigger of a firearm back for firing
  7. tilt or slant to one side; "cock one's head"
  8. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"


  1. lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new;
  2. marked by errorless familiarity;
  3. (color) giving no sensation of warmth;
  4. lacking the warmth of life;
  5. of a seeker; far from the object sought
  6. unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication;
  7. feeling or showing no enthusiasm;
  8. having lost freshness through passage of time;
  9. having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration;
  10. extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion;
  11. the sensation produced by low temperatures;
  12. without compunction or human feeling;
  13. a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs);
  14. the absence of heat;
  15. sexually unresponsive;
  16. so intense as to be almost uncontrollable;


  1. a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
  2. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  3. cut short; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
  4. the stock or handle of a whip
  5. feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"
  6. the output of something in a season; "the latest crop of fashions is about to hit the stores"
  7. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
  8. a collection of people or things appearing together; "the annual crop of students brings a new crop of ideas"
  9. yield crops; "This land crops well"
  10. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
  11. prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land"
  12. the yield from plants in a single growing season


  1. to heal something or someone
  2. provide a cure for, make healthy again; "The treatment cured the boy's acne";
  3. prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats"
  4. be or become preserved; "the apricots cure in the sun"
  5. make (substances) hard and improve their usability; "cure resin"
  6. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain


  1. twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please"
  2. a strand or cluster of hair
  3. wind around something in coils or loops
  4. American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933)
  5. shape one's body into a curl; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in"
  6. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
  7. form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling"
  8. play the Scottish game of curling


  1. small highly nutritious seed of the tropical pigeon-pea plant
  2. tropical woody herb with showy yellow flowers and flat pods; much cultivated in the tropics
  3. Curried lentil dish


  1. make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible; "muffle the message"
  2. restrain or discourage; "the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere"
  3. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  4. slightly wet; "clothes damp with perspiration"; "a moist breeze"; "eyes moist with tears"
  5. a slight wetness


  1. having finished or arrived at completion; "certain to make history before he's done"; "it's a done deed"; "after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up"; "almost through with his studies"
  2. Cooked to perfection
  3. behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"
  4. arrange attractively; "dress my hair for the wedding"
  5. create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"
  6. give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally;
  7. carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
  8. travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles


  1. a room that is entered via a door; "his office is the third door down the hall on the left"
  2. a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); "the office next door"; "they live two doors up the street from us"
  3. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"
  4. anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"
  5. a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"


  1. shower with love; show excessive affection for; "Grandmother dotes on her the twins"
  2. be foolish or senile due to old age


  1. away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
  2. shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"
  3. (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards"
  4. understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down"
  5. paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace"
  6. soft fine feathers
  7. being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth"
  8. in an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"
  9. fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)
  10. extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream"


  1. small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs
  2. a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tents
  3. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"
  4. flesh of a duck (domestic or wild)
  5. to move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away; "Before he could duck, another stone struck him"
  6. (cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman
  7. submerge or plunge suddenly
  8. dip into a liquid; "He dipped into the pool"


  1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
  2. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
  3. good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
  4. attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
  5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn


  1. provide with an edge; "edge a blade"
  2. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland"
  3. advance slowly, as if by inches; "He edged towards the car"
  4. provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"
  5. a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object; "he rounded the edges of the box"
  6. the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something; "the edge of the leaf is wavy"; "she sat on the edge of the bed"; "the water's edge"
  7. a slight competitive advantage; "he had an edge on the competition"
  8. the attribute of urgency in tone of voice; "his voice had an edge to it"
  9. the boundary of a surface
  10. a line determining the limits of an area


  1. (used as a sentence connector) therefore or consequently


  1. become even or more even; "even out the surface"
  2. to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
  3. make level or straight; "level the ground"
  4. equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight"
  5. of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"
  6. being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
  7. divisible by two
  8. occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"
  9. the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall); "he enjoyed the evening light a


  1. at all times; all the time and on every occasion; "I will always be there to help you"; "always arrives on time"; "there is always some pollution in the air"; "ever hoping to strike it rich"; "ever busy"
  2. at any time; "did you ever smoke?"; "the best con man of all time"
  3. (intensifier for adjectives) very; "she was ever so friendly"


  1. assume a disappointed or sad expression; "Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"; "his crest fell"
  2. yield to temptation or sin; "Adam and Eve fell"
  3. fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back"
  4. lose one's chastity; "a fallen woman"
  5. the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions); "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort"
  6. a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"
  7. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"
  8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; "Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears"
  9. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity; "a f


  1. workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit; "it takes several people to work the farm"
  2. Smallholding
  3. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;
  4. collect fees or profits
  5. be a farmer; work as a farmer; "My son is farming in California"


  1. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
  2. fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking; "put the kettle on the fire"; "barbecue over an open fire"
  3. drive out or away by or as if by fire; "The soldiers were fired"; "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
  4. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
  5. provide with fuel; "Oil fires the furnace"
  6. Sack
  7. terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position;
  8. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
  9. a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning; "they sat by the fire and talked"
  10. bake in a kiln so as to harden; "fire pottery"
  11. intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the govern


  1. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces
  2. catch or try to catch fish or shellfish; "I like to go fishing on weekends"
  3. seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"
  4. any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills; "the shark is a large fish"; "in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"
  5. the flesh of fish used as food; "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"; "they have a chef who specializes in fish"
  6. the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20


  1. a playing card or a domino or a die whose upward face shows five pips
  2. Five(roman numerals) - being one more than four
  3. a team that plays basketball


  1. any wingless bloodsucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap


  1. the act of throwing yourself down; "he landed on the bed with a great flop"
  2. a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
  3. someone who is unsuccessful
  4. fall suddenly and abruptly
  5. exactly; "he fell flop on his face"
  6. an arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers; "this computer can perform a million flops per second"
  7. fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"
  8. with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud"
  9. fail utterly; collapse; "The project foundered"


  1. the lower part of anything; "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain"
  2. a member of a surveillance team who works on foot or rides as a passenger
  3. a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard; "he is six feet tall"
  4. travel by walking; "he followed on foot"; "the swiftest of foot"
  5. the pedal extremity of vertebrates other than human beings
  6. any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates
  7. a support resembling a pedal extremity; "one foot of the chair was on the carpet"
  8. add a column of numbers
  9. lowest support of a structure;
  10. walk; "let's hoof it to the disco"
  11. pay for something; "pick up the tab"; "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"; "foot the bill"
  12. the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head t


  1. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy"
  2. highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust;
  3. an act that violates the rules of a sport
  4. become soiled and dirty
  5. make unclean; "foul the water"
  6. spot, stain, or pollute; "The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it"
  7. make impure; "The industrial wastes polluted the lake"
  8. commit a foul; break the rules
  9. hit a foul ball
  10. especially of a ship's lines etc; "with its sails afoul"; "a foul anchor"
  11. become or cause to become obstructed; "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall"; "The water pipe is backed up"
  12. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter;
  13. characterized by obscenity;
  14. (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines
  15. violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanli


  1. place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
  2. a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.
  3. street names for marijuana
  4. also an item lodged as security for a loan.
  5. A knight's glove or gauntlet thrown to declare combat


  1. frivolous or trifling behavior; "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"; "for him, life is all fun and games"
  2. disabled in the feet or legs; "a crippled soldier"; "a game leg"
  3. your occupation or line of work; "he's in the plumbing game"; "she's in show biz"
  4. animal hunted for food or sport
  5. place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
  6. the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game; "the child received several games for his birthday"
  7. a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"; "I saw through his little game from the start"
  8. the flesh of wild animals that is used for food
  9. (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win; "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game"
  10. (tennis) a division of play during which one player serves
  11. an amusement or


  1. supply with a gate; "The house was gated"
  2. passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark
  3. total admission receipts at a sports event
  4. Takings
  5. restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment
  6. a movable barrier in a fence or wall
  7. control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate
  8. a computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs


  1. port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry
  2. a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at the door"; "he's a likable cuss"; "he's a good bloke"
  3. informal abbreviation of `gentleman'


  1. a female human offspring; "her daughter cared for her in her old age"
  2. a youthful female person; "the baby was a girl"; "the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle"
  3. a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
  4. a friendly informal reference to a grown woman; "Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls"
  5. a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"


  1. a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes
  2. play golf


  1. agreeable or pleasing;
  2. most suitable or right for a particular purpose;
  3. promoting or enhancing well-being;
  4. deserving of esteem and respect;
  5. articles of commerce
  6. with or in a close or intimate relationship;
  7. "
  8. thorough;
  9. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude;
  10. financially sound;
  11. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful;
  12. generally admired;
  13. George - Belfast-born soccer player (1946-2005)
  14. benefit;
  15. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');
  16. exerting force or influence;
  17. completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly');
  18. resulting favorably;
  19. not left to spoil;
  20. not forged;
  21. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specif


  1. covered with blood; "a bloodstained shirt"; "a gory dagger"
  2. accompanied by bloodshed; "this bitter and sanguinary war"


  1. American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River (1755-1806)
  2. English poet best known for his elegy written in a country churchyard (1716-1771)
  3. English radiobiologist in whose honor the gray (the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation) was named (1905-1965)
  4. of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black; "the little grey cells"; "gray flannel suit"; "a man with greyish hair"
  5. the SI unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation; equal to the absorption of one joule of radiation energy by one kilogram of matter; one gray equals 100 rad
  6. intermediate in character or position; "a grey area between clearly legal and strictly illegal"
  7. used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War (who wore grey uniforms); "a stalwart grey figure"
  8. showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair; "wh


  1. fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
  2. a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone
  3. clench together; "grit one's teeth"
  4. cover with a grit; "grit roads"


  1. consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour"
  2. (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister"
  3. partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job"
  4. one of two equal parts of a divisible whole; "half a loaf"; "half an hour"; "a century and one half"
  5. one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval
  6. partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"


  1. a college or university building containing living quarters for students
  2. a large building for meetings or entertainment
  3. a large room for gatherings or entertainment; "lecture hall"; "pool hall"
  4. a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research; "halls of learning"
  5. an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open; "the elevators were at the end of the hall"
  6. the large room of a manor or castle
  7. a large and imposing house
  8. United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)
  9. United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871)
  10. United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914)
  11. United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)
  12. English writer whose novel about a les


  1. a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
  2. guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
  3. a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand"
  4. place into the hands or custody of;
  5. a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; "the horse stood 20 hands"
  6. physical assistance; "give me a hand with the chores"
  7. terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos); "the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
  8. a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece; "the big hand counts the minutes"
  9. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
  10. ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
  11. one of two sides of an issue; "on the one hand...,


  1. give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
  2. kill by hanging; "The murderer was hanged on Friday"
  3. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
  4. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"
  5. be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"
  6. suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the venison for a few days"
  7. hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"
  8. cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"
  9. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"
  10. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms
  11. be placed in


  1. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"
  2. an individual person; "tickets are $5 per head"
  3. (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
  4. the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
  5. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"
  6. the pressure exerted by a fluid; "a head of steam"
  7. the subject matter at issue;
  8. a dense cluster of flowers or foliage; "a head of cauliflower";
  9. a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north"
  10. the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head;
  11. oral stimulation of the genitals; "they say he gives good head"


  1. a group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals all of the same kind that are herded by humans
  2. move together, like a herd
  3. a group of wild mammals of one species that remain together: antelope or elephants or seals or whales or zebra
  4. a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things; "his brilliance raised him above the ruck"; "the children resembled a fairy herd"
  5. cause to herd, drive, or crowd together; "We herded the children into a spare classroom"
  6. keep, move, or drive animals; "Who will be herding the cattle when the cowboy dies?"


  1. risque English comedian (1925-1992)
  2. United States railroad tycoon (1838-1916)
  3. form into a hill
  4. structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones; "they built small mounds to hide behind"
  5. (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
  6. a local and well-defined elevation of the land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"


  1. an opening deliberately made in or through something
  2. informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage"
  3. one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course; "he played 18 holes"
  4. a fault; "he shot holes in my argument"
  5. informal terms for the mouth
  6. an opening into or through something
  7. a depression hollowed out of solid matter
  8. an unoccupied space
  9. make holes in
  10. hit the ball into the hole


  1. provide with, or send to, a home
  2. housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"
  3. inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics"
  4. at or to or in the direction of one's home or family; "He stays home on weekends"; "after the game the children brought friends home for supper"; "I'll be home tomorrow"; "came riding home in style"; "I hope you will come home for Christmas"; "I'll take her home"; "don't forget to write home"
  5. an institution where people are cared for; "a home for the elderly"
  6. used of your own ground; "a home game"
  7. to the fullest extent; to the heart; "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home"
  8. (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base


  1. take by theft; "Someone snitched my wallet!"
  2. approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park"
  3. entice and trap; "The car salesman had snared three potential customers"
  4. secure with the foot; "hook the ball"
  5. a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket
  6. to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)
  7. a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent
  8. fasten with a hook
  9. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer; "he took lessons to cure his hooking"
  10. catch with a hook; "hook a fish"
  11. a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
  12. hit with a hook; "His opponent hooked him badly"
  13. a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something


  1. one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates
  2. any hard protuberance from the head of an organism that is similar to or suggestive of a horn
  3. a device on an automobile for making a warning noise
  4. a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves
  5. a brass musical instrument consisting of a conical tube that is coiled into a spiral and played by means of valves
  6. an alarm device that makes a loud warning sound
  7. a high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather)
  8. a noisemaker (as at parties or games) that makes a loud noise when you blow through it
  9. a device having the shape of a horn; "horns at the ends of a new moon"; "the hornof an anvil"; "the cleat had two horns"
  10. a noise made by the driver of an automobile to give warning;
  11. the material (mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and f


  1. clock time; "the hour is getting late"
  2. a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour"
  3. distance measured by the time taken to cover it; "we live an hour from the airport"; "its just 10 minutes away"
  4. a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour"


  1. a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"
  2. your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"
  3. (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
  4. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"
  5. the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"


  1. A coin of Genoa; any small coin.


  1. act in a funny or teasing way
  2. tell a joke; speak humorously; "He often jokes even when he appears serious"
  3. activity characterized by good humor
  4. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"


  1. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
  2. the last of the four Gospels in the New Testament
  3. a prostitute's customer
  4. (New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally said to be the author of the 4th Gospel and three epistles and the book of Revelation
  5. youngest son of Henry II; King of England from 1199 to 1216; succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Richard I; lost his French possessions; in 1215 John was compelled by the barons to sign the Magna Carta (1167-1216)


  1. (chess) the weakest but the most important piece
  2. one of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king
  3. a checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward
  4. a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
  5. a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
  6. a competitor who holds a preeminent position
  7. United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968)
  8. United States guitar player and singer of the blues (born in 1925)
  9. United States woman tennis player (born in 1943)
  10. preeminence in a particular category or group or field; "the lion is the king of beasts"


  1. a hard cross-grained round piece of wood in a board where a branch emerged; "the saw buckled when it hit a knot"
  2. tie or fasten into a knot; "knot the shoelaces"
  3. tangle or complicate; "a ravelled story"
  4. make into knots; make knots out of; "She knotted her fingers"
  5. a sandpiper that breeds in the Arctic and winters in the southern hemisphere
  6. any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object
  7. soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design
  8. a tight cluster of people or things; "a small knot of women listened to his sermon"; "the bird had a knot of feathers forming a crest"
  9. a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude
  10. something twisted and tight and swollen; "their muscles stood out in knots"; "the old man's fists


  1. a woman of refinement; "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady"
  2. a woman of the peerage in Britain
  3. a polite name for any woman; "a nice lady at the library helped me"


  1. English essayist (1775-1834)
  2. give birth to a lamb; "the ewe lambed"
  3. young sheep
  4. the flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as food
  5. a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
  6. a person easily deceived or cheated (especially in financial matters)


  1. a narrow way or road
  2. a well-defined track or path; for e.g. swimmers or lines of traffic
  3. Sir Ralph Lane (c. 1532 – October 1603)[1][2] was an English explorer of the Elizabethan era.


  1. any carefree episode
  2. any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing
  3. a songbird that lives mainly on the ground in open country; has streaky brown plumage
  4. North American songbirds having a yellow breast
  5. play boisterously;


  1. British artist and writer of nonsense verse (1812-1888)
  2. the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy who was betrayed and mistreated by two of his scheming daughters


  1. used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "less interesting"; "less expensive"; "less quickly"
  2. comparative of little; "she walks less than she should"; "he works less these days"
  3. (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree; "of less importance"; "less time to spend with the family"; "a shower uses less water"; "less than three years old"
  4. (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer; "less than three weeks"; "no less than 50 people attended"; "in 25 words or less"
  5. (usually preceded by `no') lower in quality; "no less than perfect"


  1. take hold of something and move it to a different location; "lift the box onto the table"
  2. a ride in a car; "he gave me a lift home"
  3. perform cosmetic surgery on someone's face
  4. move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
  5. transportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable)
  6. remove from a surface; "the detective carefully lifted some fingerprints from the table"
  7. move upwards; "lift one's eyes"
  8. plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised; "some actresses have more than one face lift"
  9. take off or away by decreasing; "lift the pressure"
  10. raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load"
  11. the act of giving temporary assistance
  12. remove fro


  1. something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"
  2. a connected series of events or actions or developments; "the government took a firm course"; "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"
  3. the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
  4. a formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"
  5. a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
  6. a formation of people or things one beside another; "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"; "they were arrayed in line of battle"; "the cast stood in line for the curtain call"
  7. a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes"
  8. a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
  9. reinforce with fabric; "lined books are more enduring"
  10. a pipe us


  1. elongate freshwater cod of northern Europe and Asia and North America having barbels around its mouth
  2. American hakes
  3. elongated marine food fish of Greenland and northern Europe; often salted and dried
  4. common Old World heath represented by many varieties; low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere
  5. water chestnut whose spiny fruit has two rather than 4 prongs


  1. a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
  2. give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of; "List the states west of the Mississippi"
  3. An enclosed field for jousting.
  4. enumerate;
  5. Nominal roll
  6. tilt to one side; "The balloon heeled over"; "the wind made the vessel heel"; "The ship listed to starboard"
  7. cause to lean to the side; "Erosion listed the old tree"
  8. include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?"
  9. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical; "the tower had a pronounced tilt"; "the ship developed a list to starboard"; "he walked with a heavy inclination to the right"


  1. any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
  2. fasten with a lock; "lock the bike to the fence"
  3. keep engaged; "engaged the gears"
  4. a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
  5. become engaged or intermeshed with one another; "They were locked in embrace"
  6. a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key
  7. hold in a locking position; "He locked his hands around her neck"
  8. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
  9. build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels
  10. a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
  11. hold fast (in a certain state); "He was locked in a laughing fit"
  12. a strand or cluster of hair
  13. pass by means through a lock in a waterway


  1. administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"
  2. a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers"
  3. divide into lots, as of land, for example
  4. to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal"
  5. anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random; "the luck of the draw"; "they drew lots for it"
  6. any collection in its entirety; "she bought the whole caboodle"
  7. an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"
  8. a parcel of land having fixed boundaries; "he bought a lot on the lake"
  9. (Old Testament) nephew of Abraham; God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah


  1. a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love"
  2. have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
  3. have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
  4. be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
  5. get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
  6. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"
  7. any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";
  8. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"
  9. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love


  1. the mother of Jesus; Christians refer to her as the Virgin Mary; she is especially honored by Roman Catholics


  1. a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin
  2. spicy sauce often containing chocolate
  3. a spy who works against enemy espionage
  4. the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams; the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites
  5. small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet
  6. a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away


  1. expose one's buttocks to; "moon the audience"
  2. any natural satellite of a planet; "Jupiter has sixteen moons"
  3. be idle in a listless or dreamy way
  4. the natural satellite of the Earth; "the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers"; "men first stepped on the moon in 1969"
  5. have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake; "She looked out the window, daydreaming"
  6. any object resembling a moon; "he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light"; "the clock had a moon that showed various phases"
  7. United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920)
  8. the light of the Moon; "moonlight is the smuggler's enemy"; "the Moon was bright enough to read by"
  9. the period between successive new moons (29.531 days)


  1. the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins; "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial"; "he is no longer news in the fashion world"
  2. a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary; "we watch the 7 o'clock news every night"
  3. information about recent and important events; "they awaited news of the outcome"
  4. informal information of any kind that is not previously known to someone; "it was news to me"
  5. information reported in a newspaper or news magazine; "the news of my death was greatly exaggerated"


  1. the world's longest river (4150 miles); flows northward through eastern Africa into the Mediterranean; the Nile River valley in Egypt was the site of the world's first great civilization


  1. high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence"
  2. make mention of;
  3. make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning"
  4. notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words"
  5. a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm"
  6. observe with care or pay close attention to;
  7. a brief written record; "he made a note of the appointment"
  8. a short personal letter; "drop me a line when you get there"
  9. a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
  10. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound;
  11. a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling; "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice"
  12. a piece


  1. the word class that can serve as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or in apposition
  2. a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action


  1. a whimsically eccentric person
  2. usually large hard-shelled seed
  3. half the width of an em
  4. a small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt
  5. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
  6. gather nuts
  7. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband barmy"
  8. Egyptian goddess of the sky
  9. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a bodybuilding freak"; "a news junkie"


  1. a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves; "great oaks grow from little acorns"
  2. the hard durable wood of any oak; used especially for furniture and flooring


  1. a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression
  2. an examination conducted by spoken communication
  3. of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located; "the oral cavity"; "the oral mucous membrane"; "the oral surface of a starfish"
  4. using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement"
  5. of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth; "oral hygiene"; "an oral thermometer"; "an oral vaccine"


  1. having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"
  2. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
  3. over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
  4. throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
  5. at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
  6. throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
  7. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";


  1. be in debt; "She owes me $200"; "I still owe for the car"; "The thesis owes much to his adviser"
  2. be obliged to pay or repay
  3. be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense; "This new theory owes much to Einstein's Relativity Theory"


  1. a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games); "take me out to the ballpark"
  2. a gear position that acts as a parking brake; "the put the car in park and got out"
  3. a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property; "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park"
  4. a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park"
  5. a lot where cars are parked
  6. place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"
  7. Scottish explorer in Africa (1771-1806)
  8. maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"


  1. (New Testament) a Christian missionary to the Gentiles; author of several Epistles in the New Testament; even though Paul was not present at the Last Supper he is considered an Apostle; "Paul's name was Saul prior to his conversion to Christianity"
  2. United States feminist (1885-1977)


  1. a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes; "he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead"
  2. the highest point (of something); "at the peak of the pyramid"
  3. to reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity; "That wild, speculative spirit peaked in 1929";"Bids for the painting topped out at $50 million"
  4. the most extreme possible amount or value; "voltage peak"
  5. a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points"
  6. the period of greatest prosperity or productivity


  1. plural of pea - green vegetable


  1. (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
  2. a beautiful and graceful girl


  1. the flues and stops on a pipe organ
  2. a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
  3. a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
  4. a tubular wind instrument
  5. utter a shrill cry
  6. a hollow cylindrical shape
  7. trim with piping; "pipe the skirt"
  8. play on a pipe; "pipe a tune"
  9. transport by pipeline; "pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert"


  1. bet or wager (money); "He played $20 on the new horse"; "She plays the races"
  2. the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully
  3. play on an instrument; "The band played all night long"
  4. (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
  5. put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game; "He is playing his cards close to his chest"; "The Democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory"
  6. the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize); "his gambling cost him a fortune"; "there was heavy play at the blackjack table"
  7. perform music on (a musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Can you play on this old recorder?"
  8. stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her


  1. a game similar to field hockey but played on horseback using long-handled mallets and a wooden ball
  2. Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)


  1. cause to be directed or transmitted to another place; "send me your latest results"; "I'll mail you the paper when it's written"
  2. assign to a station
  3. place so as to be noticed; "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump"
  4. mark with a stake; "stake out the path"
  5. affix in a public place or for public notice; "post a warning"
  6. ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait
  7. the delivery and collection of letters and packages; "it came by the first post"; "if you hurry you'll catch the post"
  8. transfer (entries) from one account book to another
  9. a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
  10. assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"
  11. military installation at which a body of troops is stationed; "this military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby"; "there is an officer's club on the


  1. a feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red with rage"
  2. violent state of the elements; "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks"
  3. a state of extreme anger; "she fell into a rage and refused to answer"
  4. something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"
  5. Fury
  6. feel intense anger; "Rage against the dying of the light!"
  7. be violent; as of fires and storms
  8. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
  9. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"


  1. travel by rail or train; "They railed from Rome to Venice"; "She trained to Hamburg"
  2. convey (goods etc.) by rails; "fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
  3. separate with a railing; "rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace"
  4. provide with rails; "The yard was railed"
  5. enclose with rails; "rail in the old graves"
  6. any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
  7. criticize severely; "He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare"; "She railed against the bad social policies"
  8. a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal)
  9. spread negative information about; "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews"
  10. short for railway; "he traveled by rail"; "he was concerned with rail safety"
  11. complain bitterly
  12. a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports
  13. a bar or pair of pa


  1. the relative speed of progress or change; "he lived at a fast pace"; "he works at a great rate"; "the pace of events accelerated"
  2. amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; "a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5"
  3. a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure; "the literacy rate"; "the retention rate"; "the dropout rate"
  4. a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected"
  5. assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
  6. estimate the value of; "How would you rate his chances to become President?"; "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"
  7. be worthy of or have a certain rating; "This bond rates highly"


  1. a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
  2. an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation


  1. begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"
  2. a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
  3. move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"
  4. rotary motion of an object around its own axis; "wheels in axial rotation"
  5. cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"
  6. small rounded bread either plain or sweet
  7. move, rock, or sway from side to side; "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"
  8. a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.); "he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"
  9. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from


  1. an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
  2. live and take one's meals at or in; "she rooms in an old boarding house"
  3. the people who are present in a room; "the whole room was cheering"
  4. space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
  5. opportunity for; "room for improvement"


  1. return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise"
  2. of something having a dusty purplish pink color; "the roseate glow of dawn"
  3. increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
  4. rise in rank or status; "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list"
  5. become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
  6. go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
  7. exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
  8. become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
  9. move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
  10. move to a better position in life or to a better job; "She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great
  11. come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk n


  1. any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
  2. a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
  3. fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
  4. a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
  5. fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm; used for sealing documents and parcels and letters
  6. an indication of approved or superior status
  7. a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it); "the warrant bore the sheriff's seal"
  8. a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare; "SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land"
  9. the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal; "a coat of seal"
  10. decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
  11. hunt seals
  12. cover with varnish
  13. close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter w


  1. a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
  2. turbulent water with swells of considerable size; "heavy seas"
  3. anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume


  1. shed at an early stage of development; "most amphibians have caducous gills"; "the caducous calyx of a poppy"
  2. an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
  3. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring"
  4. get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes"
  5. cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; "spill the beans all over the table"
  6. pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities; "shed tears"; "spill blood"; "God shed His grace on Thee"


  1. wearing footgear
  2. used of certain religious orders who wear shoes
  3. furnish with shoes; "the children were well shoed"


  1. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
  2. a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity); "I built a birdhouse in shop"
  3. a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"
  4. small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done
  5. give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
  6. do one's shopping; "She goes shopping every Friday"
  7. shop around; not necessarily buying; "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"


  1. throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective; "shoot craps"; "shoot a golf ball"
  2. an explosive charge used in blasting
  3. move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
  4. sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put; "he trained at putting the shot"
  5. varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"
  6. run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"
  7. an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera; "my snapshots haven't been developed yet"; "he tried to get unposed shots of his friends"
  8. cloth with a warp and weft of different colours giving an iridescent effect
  9. send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly; "shoot a glance"
  10. an estimate based on little or no inform


  1. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
  2. give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
  3. provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
  4. finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"
  5. show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
  6. take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums; "The usher showed us to our seats"
  7. make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
  8. the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill"
  9. be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really show


  1. shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; "ghastly wounds"; "the grim aftermath of the bombing"; "the grim task of burying the victims"; "a grisly murder"; "gruesome evidence of human sacrifice"; "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages"; "macabre tortures conceived by madmen"
  2. people who are sick; "they devote their lives to caring for the sick"
  3. deeply affected by a strong feeling; "sat completely still, sick with envy"; "she was sick with longing"
  4. having a strong distaste from surfeit; "grew more and more disgusted"; "fed up with their complaints"; "sick of it all"; "sick to death of flattery"; "gossip that makes one sick"; "tired of the noise and smoke"
  5. affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad"
  6. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble;
  7. affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering"
  8. feeling nausea; feeling about


  1. to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
  2. produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
  3. deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
  4. divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
  5. make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"


  1. make to a size; bring to a suitable size
  2. sort according to size
  3. cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance)
  4. the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing); "he wears a size 13 shoe"
  5. the physical magnitude of something (how big it is); "a wolf is about the size of a large dog"
  6. a large magnitude; "he blanched when he saw the size of the bill"; "the only city of any size in that area"
  7. the actual state of affairs; "that's the size of the situation"; "she hates me, that's about the size of it"
  8. (used in combination) sized; "the economy-size package"; "average-size house"
  9. any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics; "size gives body to a fabric"


  1. the act of singing;
  2. the characteristic sound produced by a bird; "a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age"
  3. a short musical composition with words; "a successful musical must have at least three good songs"
  4. a distinctive or characteristic sound; "the song of bullets was in the air"; "the song of the wind"; "the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead"
  5. the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy
  6. a very small sum; "he bought it for a song"


  1. dope (a racehorse)
  2. liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food
  3. an unfortunate situation; "we're in the soup now"
  4. any composition having a consistency suggestive of soup


  1. inaccurate in pitch; "a false (or sour) note"; "her singing was off key"
  2. having a sharp biting taste
  3. in an unpalatable state; "sour milk"
  4. one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons
  5. go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
  6. make sour or more sour
  7. the property of being acidic
  8. the taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth
  9. smelling of fermentation or staleness
  10. a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar
  11. showing a brooding ill humor; "a dark scowl"; "the proverbially dour New England Puritan"; "a glum, hopeless shrug"; "he sat in moody silence"; "a morose and unsociable manner"; "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven; "a sour temper"; "a sullen crowd"


  1. indicating the most important performer or role; "the leading man"; "prima ballerina"; "prima donna"; "a star figure skater"; "the starring role"; "a stellar role"; "a stellar performance"
  2. the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
  3. a star-shaped character * used in printing
  4. (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
  5. any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
  6. a performer who receives prominent billing
  7. an actor who plays a principal role
  8. a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem
  9. mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"
  10. be the star in a performance
  11. feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"


  1. relative position in a graded series; "always a step behind"; "subtle gradations in color"; "keep in step with the fashions"
  2. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation; "She stepped into a life of luxury"; "he won't step into his father's footsteps"
  3. measure (distances) by pacing; "step off ten yards"
  4. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal; "the situation called for strong measures"; "the police took steps to reduce crime"
  5. place (a ship's mast) in its step
  6. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down; "he walked with unsteady steps"
  7. shift or move by taking a step; "step back"
  8. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance; "he taught them the waltz step"
  9. put down or press the foot, place the foot; "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake"
  10. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending


  1. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it;
  2. the event of something ending;
  3. a spot where something halts or pauses;
  4. stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments;
  5. the state of inactivity following an interruption;
  6. a brief stay in the course of a journey;
  7. the act of stopping something;
  8. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical;
  9. an obstruction in a pipe or tube;
  10. a restraint that checks the motion of something;
  11. a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens;
  12. (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes;
  13. a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations;


  1. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;
  2. a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color; "they buried him in his best suit"
  3. playing card in any of four sets of 13 cards in a pack; each set has its own symbol and color; "a flush is five cards in the same suit"; "in bridge you must follow suit"; "what suit is trumps?"
  4. a petition or appeal made to a person of superior status or rank
  5. a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage); "its was a brief and intense courtship"
  6. (slang) a businessman dressed in a business suit; "all the suits care about is the bottom line"
  7. accord or comport with; "This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!"
  8. be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs"
  9. enhance the appearance of; "Mourning becom


  1. deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"
  2. divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
  3. express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
  4. reveal information; "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"; "The former employee spilled all the details"
  5. exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words"
  6. use language; "the baby talks already"; "the prisoner won't speak"; "they speak a strange dialect"
  7. the act of giving a talk to an audience; "I attended an interesting talk on local history"
  8. an exchange of ideas via conversation; "let's have more work and less talk around here"
  9. discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of'); "his poetry contains much talk about love and anger"
  10. idle gossip or rumor; "there has bee


  1. a recording made on magnetic tape; "the several recordings were combined on a master tape"
  2. measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths; "the carpenter should have used his tape measure"
  3. the finishing line for a foot race; "he broke the tape in record time"
  4. register electronically; "They recorded her singing"
  5. record on videotape
  6. fasten or attach with tape; "tape the shipping label to the box"
  7. memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information; "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview"
  8. a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening; "he used a piece of tape for a belt"; "he wrapped a tape around the package"


  1. United States poet and critic (1899-1979)


  1. (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous"
  2. a limited period of time; "a prison term"; "he left school before the end of term"
  3. the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent; "a healthy baby born at full term"
  4. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
  5. any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial; "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree"
  6. a word or expression used for some particular thing; "he learned many medical terms"
  7. name formally or designate with a term
  8. one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition; "the major term of a syllogism must occur twice"


  1. a suitable moment; "it is time to go"
  2. a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to smell the roses"; "I didn't have time to finish"; "it took more than half my time"
  3. British broadsheet newspaper
  4. the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
  5. rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
  6. adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
  7. a person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time together"
  8. regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
  9. an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip"
  10. measure the time or duration of an event or action or the per


  1. fictional character in a play by George Pitt; a barber who murdered his customers
  2. Scottish chemist noted for his research into the structure of nucleic acids (born in 1907)


  1. the people living in a municipality smaller than a city; "the whole town cheered the team"
  2. an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city; "they drive through town on their way to work"
  3. an administrative division of a county; "the town is responsible for snow removal"
  4. United States architect who was noted for his design and construction of truss bridges (1784-1844)


  1. something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares; "the exam was full of trap questions"; "it was all a snare and delusion"
  2. to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"
  3. catch in or as if in a trap; "The men trap foxes"
  4. hold or catch as if in a trap; "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"
  5. place in a confining or embarrassing position; "He was trapped in a difficult situation"
  6. the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
  7. a hazard on a golf course
  8. a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned
  9. a light two-wheeled carriage
  10. a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters
  11. drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas
  12. informal terms for the mouth


  1. stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree
  2. chase an animal up a tree; "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"; "her dog likes to tree squirrels"
  3. plant with trees; "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"
  4. English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
  5. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
  6. a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
  7. a figure that branches from a single root; "genealogical tree"


  1. convey in a tube; "inside Paris, they used to tube mail"
  2. a hollow cylindrical shape
  3. provide with a tube or insert a tube into
  4. an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city); "in Paris the subway system is called the `metro' and in London it is called the `tube' or the `underground'"
  5. conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases
  6. place or enclose in a tube
  7. electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
  8. ride or float on an inflated tube; "We tubed down the river on a hot summer day"
  9. (anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure


  1. undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"
  2. cause to move around or rotate; "turn a key"; "turn your palm this way"
  3. taking a short walk out and back; "we took a turn in the park"
  4. become officially one year older; "She is turning 50 this year"
  5. cause to move along an axis or into a new direction; "turn your face to the wall"; "turn the car around"; "turn your dance partner around"
  6. turning or twisting around (in place); "with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room"
  7. change color; "In Vermont, the leaves turn early"
  8. move around an axis or a center; "The wheels are turning"
  9. the act of turning away or in the opposite direction; "he made an abrupt turn away from her"
  10. go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"


  1. a solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "they took vows of poverty"
  2. make a vow; promise; "He vowed never to drink alcohol again"
  3. dedicate to a deity by a vow


  1. English writer of novels who was an active opponent of the women's suffrage movement (1851-1920)
  2. English economist and conservationist (1914-1981)
  3. Part of a lock, matching the notches on the key
  4. watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
  5. a division of a prison (usually consisting of several cells)
  6. block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who need a similar kind of care; "they put her in a 4-bed ward"
  7. a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections
  8. a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another
  9. United States businessman who in 1872 established a successful mail-order business (1843-1913)


  1. characterized by strong enthusiasm; "ardent revolutionaries"; "warm support"
  2. make warm or warmer; "The blanket will warm you"
  3. easily aroused or excited; "a quick temper"; "a warm temper"
  4. get warm or warmer; "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"
  5. freshly made or left; "a warm trail"; "the scent is warm"
  6. having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"
  7. having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat; "a warm body"; "a warm room"; "a warm climate"; "a warm coat"
  8. psychologically warm; friendly and responsive; "a warm greeting"; "a warm personality"; "warm support"
  9. (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows; "warm reds and yellows and orange"
  10. in a warm manner; "warmly dressed"; "warm-clad skiers"
  11. of a seeke


  1. in financial comfort; "They live well"; "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"
  2. in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"
  3. to a great extent or degree; "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"; "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"; "the house has fallen considerably in value"; "the price went up substantially"
  4. with skill or in a pleasing manner; "she dances well"; "he writes well"
  5. wise or advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be well to start early"
  6. with prudence or propriety; "You would do well to say nothing more"; "could not well refuse"
  7. resulting favorably;
  8. with great or especially intimate knowledge; "we knew them well"
  9. come up, as of a liquid; "Tears well in her eyes"; "the currents well up"
  10. in good health especially after having suffered illness o


  1. the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention; "the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt"- George Meredith
  2. a fixed and persistent intent or purpose; "where there's a will there's a way"
  3. a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die
  4. determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended"
  5. decree or ordain; "God wills our existence"
  6. leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate"


  1. attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
  2. a victory (as in a race or other competition); "he was happy to get the win"
  3. something won (especially money)
  4. be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
  5. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
  6. win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"


  1. a message transmitted by telegraph
  2. the finishing line on a racetrack
  3. equip for use with electricity; "electrify an appliance"
  4. send cables, wires, or telegrams
  5. fasten with wire; "The columns were wired to the beams for support"
  6. string on a wire; "wire beads"
  7. provide with electrical circuits; "wire the addition to the house"
  8. ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc
  9. a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance


  1. Austrian composer (1860-1903)
  2. eat hastily; "The teenager wolfed down the pizza"
  3. any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs
  4. a cruelly rapacious person
  5. a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women
  6. German classical scholar who claimed that the Iliad and Odyssey were composed by several authors (1759-1824)


  1. cause to undergo fermentation; "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content"; "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"
  2. be employed; "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
  3. activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"
  4. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
  5. exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity; "I will work hard to improve my grades"; "she worked hard for better living conditions for the poo


  1. (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure
  2. an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic
  3. any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude
  4. a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features
  5. separate or apportion into sections; "partition a room off"
  6. regulate housing in; of certain areas of towns

5 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. a theatrical performer
  2. a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"
  3. thespian


  1. a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
  2. any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau
  3. a substance that exerts some force or effect
  4. the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause
  5. an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect; "their research uncovered new disease agents"
  6. a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission


  1. having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste"
  2. in a like manner; "they walk alike"
  3. equally; "parents and teachers alike demanded reforms"


  1. an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or about personal freedom


  1. fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
  2. native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits
  3. A popular make of phone
  4. An American technology company.


  1. someone who bakes bread or cake
  2. a maker of cakes


  1. round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games; "the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve"; "the mayor threw out the first ball"; "the ball rolled into the corner pocket"
  2. a spherical object used as a plaything; "he played with his rubber ball in the bathtub"
  3. form into a ball by winding or rolling; "ball wool"
  4. a solid projectile that is shot by a musket; "they had to carry a ramrod as well as powder and ball"
  5. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
  6. a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass; "the ball at the base of the thumb"; "he stood on the balls of his feet"
  7. a lavish dance requiring formal attire
  8. a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder"
  9. the people assembled at a lavish formal dance; "the ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded"
  10. United States comedienne best


  1. a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it; "the basin of the Great Salt Lake"
  2. the quantity that a basin will hold; "a basinful of water"
  3. Sheltered area for mooring
  4. a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids; "she mixed the dough in a large basin"
  5. a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your hands and face; "he ran some water in the basin and splashed it on his face"
  6. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet; "flood control in the Missouri basin"


  1. a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope
  2. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"
  3. an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block"
  4. shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
  5. a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit; "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the company's stock"
  6. shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
  7. a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block"
  8. be unable to remember; "I'm drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"


  1. an orange of low brightness and saturation
  2. abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1859)
  3. Scottish botanist who first observed the movement of small particles in fluids now known a Brownian motion (1773-1858)
  4. make brown in color; "the draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard"
  5. (of skin) deeply suntanned
  6. fry in a pan until it changes color; "brown the meat in the pan"
  7. of a color similar to that of wood or earth
  8. a university in Rhode Island


  1. one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes; "he collected cards and traded them with the other boys"
  2. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
  3. a card certifying the identity of the bearer; "he had to show his card to get in"
  4. (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat; "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"
  5. a list of dishes available at a restaurant; "the menu was in French"
  6. (golf) a record of scores (as in golf); "you have to turn in your card to get a handicap"
  7. a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures); "they sent us a card from Miami"
  8. ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor; "I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!


  1. measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners"
  2. a timepiece that shows the time of day


  1. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope"
  2. the area within view; "the coast is clear"
  3. move effortlessly; by force of gravity
  4. a slope down which sleds may coast; "when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course"
  5. not trying all that hard
  6. the shore of a sea or ocean
  7. obsolete word meaning boundary or limit


  1. respectful deference; "pay court to the emperor"
  2. an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court"
  3. a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance"
  4. make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary"
  5. a room in which a lawcourt sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"
  6. engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years"
  7. the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will visit the duke's court"
  8. seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia"
  9. a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
  10. a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
  11. the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
  12. the family


  1. cause to herd, drive, or crowd together; "We herded the children into a spare classroom"
  2. approach a certain age or speed; "She is pushing fifty"
  3. fill or occupy to the point of overflowing; "The students crowded the auditorium"
  4. a large number of things or people considered together; "a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"
  5. an informal body of friends; "he still hangs out with the same crowd"
  6. to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah"


  1. Greek missionary; the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet is attributed to him (826-869)


  1. the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
  2. the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"
  3. a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"
  4. the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last"
  5. the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes"
  6. the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"
  7. the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"
  8. the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"


  1. an evil supernatural being
  2. someone extremely diligent or skillful; "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time"; "she's a demon at math"
  3. a cruel wicked and inhuman person


  1. a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"
  2. a room that is entered via a door; "his office is the third door down the hall on the left"
  3. a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); "the office next door"; "they live two doors up the street from us"
  4. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"
  5. anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"


  1. be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current; "snow drifting several feet high"; "sand drifting like snow"
  2. be subject to fluctuation; "The stock market drifted upward"
  3. a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine; "they dug a drift parallel with the vein"
  4. drive slowly and far afield for grazing; "drift the cattle herds westwards"
  5. the pervading meaning or tenor; "caught the general drift of the conversation"
  6. cause to be carried by a current; "drift the boats downstream"
  7. a general tendency to change (as of opinion); "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book"; "a broad movement of the electorate to the right"
  8. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to


  1. having ears (or appendages resembling ears) or having ears of a specified kind; often used in combination
  2. worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down; "a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down"-Clifton Fadiman; "an old book with dog-eared pages"


  1. expected in the near future; "look for an early end to the negotiations"
  2. at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties"
  3. before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time"
  4. being or occurring at an early stage of development; "in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer"
  5. in good time; "he awoke betimes that morning"
  6. of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700"
  7. during an early stage; "early on in her car


  1. one of four playing cards in a deck with eight pips on the face
  2. a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life
  3. the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one
  4. Rowing boat with eight oars


  1. used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son; "Bill Adams, Sr."
  2. a person who is older than you are
  3. any of various church officers
  4. any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern hemisphere having white flowers and berrylike fruit


  1. British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880)
  2. British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965)


  1. a misconception resulting from incorrect information
  2. part of a statement that is not correct; "the book was full of errors"
  3. (computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer
  4. Mistake
  5. a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention;
  6. (baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed
  7. inadvertent incorrectness
  8. departure from what is ethically acceptable


  1. become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close; "The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor"; "A number of banks failed that year"
  2. fall short in what is expected; "She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law"; "We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust"
  3. fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
  4. judge unacceptable; "The teacher failed six students"
  5. be unsuccessful; "Where do today's public schools fail?"; "The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably"
  6. fail to do something; leave something undone; "She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib"; "The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account"
  7. be unable; "I fail to understand your motives"
  8. get worse; "Her health is declining"
  9. prove insufficient; "The water supply for th


  1. something experienced with great delight; "a feast for the eyes"
  2. an elaborate party (often outdoors)
  3. a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed; "a banquet for the graduating seniors"; "the Thanksgiving feast"; "they put out quite a spread"
  4. a ceremonial dinner party for many people
  5. gratify; "feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view"
  6. partake in a feast or banquet
  7. provide a feast or banquet for


  1. throw with force or recklessness; "fling the frisbee"
  2. move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa"
  3. throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
  4. the act of flinging
  5. indulge oneself; "I splurged on a new TV"
  6. a brief indulgence of your impulses
  7. a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"


  1. form flutes in
  2. a high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
  3. a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
  4. a tall narrow wineglass


  1. an amount of a product
  2. bear fruit; "the trees fruited early this year"
  3. the consequence of some effort or action; "he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies"
  4. cause to bear fruit
  5. the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant


  1. be willing to concede; "I grant you this much"
  2. any monetary aid
  3. allow to have; "grant a privilege"
  4. Support
  5. transfer by deed; "grant land"
  6. give as judged due or on the basis of merit; "the referee awarded a free kick to the team"; "the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff";"Funds are granted to qualified researchers"
  7. give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
  8. bestow, especially officially; "grant a degree"; "give a divorce"; "This bill grants us new rights"
  9. the act of providing a subsidy
  10. a right or privilege that has been granted
  11. a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business; "he got the beer concession at the ball park"
  12. 18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885)
  13. United States actor (born in England) who was the elegant leading man in many films


  1. a filamentous projection or process on an organism
  2. cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments
  3. any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal; "there is a hair in my soup"
  4. a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"; "each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells"
  5. filamentous hairlike growth on a plant; "peach fuzz"
  6. a very small distance or space; "they escaped by a hair's-breadth"; "they lost the election by a whisker"


  1. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner;
  2. a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry;


  1. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
  2. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
  3. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed
  4. troops trained to fight on horseback;
  5. provide with a horse or horses
  6. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times


  1. pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
  2. any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears
  3. someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"


  1. an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses"
  2. the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema; "the house applauded"; "he counted the house"
  3. the members of a religious community living together
  4. the management of a gambling house or casino; "the house gets a percentage of every bet"
  5. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
  6. provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
  7. In curling, the circle around the tee within which stones must lie to count.
  8. contain or cover; "This box houses the gears"
  9. play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults; "the children were playing house"
  10. a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"
  11. a building


  1. offensive term for a person of German descent


  1. a short crowbar; "in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy"
  2. to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open; "The burglar jimmied the lock": "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"


  1. English phonetician (1881-1967)
  2. one of the first great English architects and a theater designer (1573-1652)
  3. American naval commander in the American Revolution (1747-1792)
  4. United States golfer (1902-1971)
  5. United States railroad engineer who died trying to stop his train from crashing into another train; a friend wrote a famous ballad describing the incident (1864-1900)
  6. United States labor leader (born in Ireland) who helped to found the Industrial Workers of the World (1830-1930)


  1. strong espresso coffee with a topping of frothed steamed milk


  1. acting in conformity; "in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line"
  2. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;
  3. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
  4. the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"
  5. something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"
  6. a connected series of events or actions or developments; "the government took a firm course"; "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"
  7. the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
  8. a formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"
  9. a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
  10. a formation of people or things one beside another; "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"; "they were


  1. a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
  2. any very large body of (salt) water


  1. low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water; "thousands of acres of marshland"; "the fens of eastern England"
  2. New Zealand writer of detective stories (1899-1982)
  3. United States painter (1898-1954)
  4. Bog


  1. an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiously


  1. (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public
  2. the surrounding environment; "fish require an aqueous medium"
  3. someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead; "he consulted several mediums"
  4. a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position; "a happy medium"
  5. an intervening substance through which something is achieved; "the dissolving medium is called a solvent"
  6. (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms
  7. (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed
  8. a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter
  9. an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication
  10. a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information


  1. warranting only temporal punishment; "venial sin"
  2. of the younger of two boys with the same family name; "Jones minor"
  3. limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"
  4. inferior in number or size or amount; "a minor share of the profits"; "Ursa Minor"
  5. lesser in scope or effect; "had minor differences"; "a minor disturbance"
  6. not of legal age; "minor children"
  7. of a scale or mode; "the minor keys"; "in B flat minor"
  8. of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization
  9. of lesser importance or stature or rank; "a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor back roads"
  10. a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngster"
  11. of lesser seriousness o


  1. wealth reckoned in terms of money; "all his money is in real estate"
  2. the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender; "we tried to collect the money he owed us"
  3. the official currency issued by a government or national bank; "he changed his money into francs"


  1. manipulate the mouse of a computer
  2. to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"
  3. any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
  4. a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad; "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball"
  5. person who is quiet or timid
  6. a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye


  1. The rounded edge of a step or moulding
  2. having a nose (either literal or metaphoric) especially of a specified kind
  3. defeat by a narrow margin
  4. rub noses
  5. push or move with the nose
  6. advance the forward part of with caution; "She nosed the car into the left lane"
  7. catch the scent of; get wind of; "The dog nosed out the drugs"
  8. search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"


  1. the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet


  1. an aromatic flavorful vegetable
  2. bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb
  3. the bulb of an onion plant


  1. established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
  2. make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
  3. a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order"
  4. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
  5. issue commands or orders for
  6. the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
  7. appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
  8. (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
  9. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose


  1. very unusual; different in character or quality from the normal or expected; "a strange, other dimension...where his powers seemed to fail"- Lance Morrow
  2. belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times"
  3. recently past; "the other evening"
  4. not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied; "today isn't any other day"- the White Queen; "the construction of highways and other public works"; "he asked for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other books are still in storage"; "then we looked at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction"


  1. breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
  2. utter while panting, as if out of breath
  3. a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open; "she gave a gasp and fainted"
  4. (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately; "he had a sharp crease in his trousers"
  5. the noise made by a short puff of steam (as from an engine)
  6. underpants worn by women; "she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing"


  1. the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher; "when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper"
  2. a medium for written communication; "the notion of an office running without paper is absurd"
  3. a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements; "he read his newspaper at breakfast"
  4. cover with wallpaper
  5. a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses; "he has written many scientific papers"
  6. cover with paper; "paper the box"
  7. an essay (especially one written as an assignment);
  8. a business firm that publishes newspapers; "Murdoch owns many newspapers"
  9. a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses
  10. short essay


  1. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
  2. force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
  3. the part played by a person in bringing about a result;
  4. come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
  5. something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"
  6. leave; "The family took off for Florida"
  7. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle"
  8. go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
  9. that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation; "it requires vigilance on our part"; "they resisted every effort on his part"
  10. discontinue an association or relation;


  1. have or participate in a party; "The students were partying all night before the exam"
  2. Celebrate
  3. an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; "he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day"
  4. a group of people gathered together for pleasure; "she joined the party after dinner"
  5. an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"
  6. a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen"
  7. a person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part"


  1. copper coins
  2. a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit
  3. a fractional monetary unit of Ireland and the United Kingdom; equal to one hundredth of a pound
  4. The plural of 'penny' - e.g. one penny, two pence, three pence etc. (A penny is 1/100 part of a pound in UK currency)


  1. obscene terms for penis
  2. disciple of Jesus and leader of the Apostles; regarded by Catholics as the vicar of Christ on earth and first Pope
  3. peter out to diminish gradually and stop; dwindle to nothing: The hot water always peters out in the middle of my shower. to tire; exhaust


  1. a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
  2. a share of something; "a slice of the company's revenue"
  3. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition; "he was here for a little while"; "I need to rest for a piece"; "a spell of good weather"; "a patch of bad weather"
  4. a portable gun; "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster"
  5. game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"
  6. repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"
  7. a work of art of some artistic value; "this store sells only objets d'art"; "it is not known who created this piece"
  8. eat intermittently; take small bites of; "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"; "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"
  9. a separate part


  1. be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"
  2. the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"
  3. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
  4. a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
  5. a promontory extending out into a large body of water; "they sailed south around the point"
  6. indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck"
  7. sharp end; "he stuck the point of the knife into a tree"; "he broke the point of his pencil"
  8. one percent o


  1. any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand
  2. fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire


  1. physical strength
  2. possession of controlling influence; "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"; "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"
  3. possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
  4. a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
  5. a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
  6. a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
  7. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority; "the mysterious presence of an evil power"; "may the force be with you"; "the forces of evil"
  8. supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines"
  9. (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)
  10. (of a government or government official) holding an


  1. intended for the right hand; "a right-hand glove"
  2. an interjection expressing agreement
  3. of or belonging to the political or intellectual right
  4. in the right manner; "please do your job properly!"; "can't you carry me decent?"
  5. being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north; "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"
  6. in an accurate manner; "the flower had been correctly depicted by his son"; "he guessed right"
  7. in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess"
  8. precisely, exactly; "stand right here!"
  9. a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east; "take a right at the corner"
  10. in or into a satisfactory condition; "things are right again now"; "put things right"
  11. completely; "she


  1. a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
  2. an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
  3. a partly sheltered anchorage


  1. large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen
  2. small Old World songbird with a reddish breast


  1. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
  2. the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
  3. move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle; "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"
  4. a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
  5. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion; "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"
  6. rotary motion of an object around its own axis; "wheels in axial rotation"
  7. emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound; "The thunder rolled"; "rolling drums"
  8. small rounded bread either plain or sweet
  9. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and e


  1. size or measure according to a scale; "This model must be scaled down"
  2. a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
  3. measure with or as if with scales; "scale the gold"
  4. relative magnitude; "they entertained on a grand scale"
  5. remove the scales from; "scale fish"
  6. the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it; "the scale of the map"; "the scale of the model"
  7. pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
  8. an ordered reference standard; "judging on a scale of 1 to 10"
  9. climb up by means of a ladder
  10. reach the highest point of; "We scaled the Mont Blanc"
  11. take by attacking with scaling ladders; "The troops scaled the walls of the fort"
  12. measure by or as if by a scale; "This bike scales only 25 pounds"
  13. a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
  14. a metal sheathing of un


  1. (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column
  2. erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip


  1. sound practical judgment; "Common sense is not so common"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away"
  2. the faculty through which the external world is apprehended; "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"
  3. a general conscious awareness; "a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self"
  4. a natural appreciation or ability; "a keen musical sense"; "a good sense of timing"
  5. comprehend; "I sensed the real meaning of his letter"
  6. the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted; "the dictionary gave several senses for the word"; "in the best sense charity is really a duty"; "the signifier is linked to the signified"
  7. become aware of not through the senses but instinctively; "I sense his hostility"; "i smell trouble"; "smell out corruption"


  1. put a shirt on
  2. a garment worn on the upper half of the body


  1. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
  2. not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"
  3. quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"
  4. the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
  5. lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking"
  6. in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"
  7. accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
  8. (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory"
  9. at a disadvantage; "I was caught short"
  10. not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary


  1. use slang or vulgar language
  2. a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
  3. informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar; "their speech was full of slang expressions"
  4. abuse with coarse language
  5. fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"


  1. someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable)
  2. someone who works at something specified
  3. Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790)
  4. English explorer who helped found the colony at Jamestown, Virginia; was said to have been saved by Pocahontas (1580-1631)
  5. religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 (1805-1844)
  6. United States blues singer (1894-1937)
  7. United States suffragist who refused to pay taxes until she could vote (1792-1886)
  8. United States singer noted for her rendition of patriotic songs (1909-1986)
  9. United States sculptor (1906-1965)
  10. Rhodesian statesman who declared independence of Zimbabwe from Great Britain (born in 1919)


  1. a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
  2. a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"
  3. a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
  4. a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns; "we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles"
  5. the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'); "an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage"
  6. any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the world's a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations"
  7. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the socia


  1. put into, or keep in, a stall; "Stall the horse"
  2. small area set off by walls for special use
  3. postpone doing what one should be doing; "He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days"
  4. small individual study area in a library
  5. a booth where articles are displayed for sale
  6. a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed
  7. seating in the forward part of the main level of a theater
  8. a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge; "the plane went into a stall and I couldn't control it"
  9. deliberately delay an event or action; "she doesn't want to write the report, so she is stalling"
  10. come to a stop; "The car stalled in the driveway"
  11. cause an engine to stop; "The inexperienced driver kept stalling the car"
  12. cause an airplane to go into a stall
  13. experience a stall in flight, of


  1. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface; "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window"
  2. move with one's feet in a specific manner; "step lively"
  3. a musical interval of two semitones
  4. furnish with steps; "The architect wants to step the terrace"
  5. the sound of a step of someone walking; "he heard footsteps on the porch"
  6. treat badly; "This boss abuses his workers"; "She is always stepping on others to get ahead"
  7. the distance covered by a step; "he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig"
  8. cause (a computer) to execute a single command
  9. a short distance; "it's only a step to the drugstore"
  10. a flight of stairs or a flight of steps
  11. relative position in a graded series; "always a step behind"; "subtle gradations in color"; "keep in step with the fashions"
  12. the course along which a person has walked or is walking in; "I followed in his steps"; "h


  1. be loyal to; "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"; "The friends stuck together through the war"
  2. a small thin branch of a tree
  3. be a devoted follower or supporter; "The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"; "She sticks to her principles"
  4. endure; "The label stuck to her for the rest of her life"
  5. be or become fixed; "The door sticks--we will have to plane it"
  6. be a mystery or bewildering to;
  7. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous; "They stuck me with the dinner bill"; "I was stung with a huge tax bill"
  8. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"
  9. stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"
  10. pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed; "He stuck the needle into his finger"
  11. threat of a penalty; "the policy s


  1. an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
  2. a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"
  3. a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
  4. a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"
  5. keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
  6. find a place for and put away for storage; "where should we stow the vegetables?"; "I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some"


  1. sweeten with sugar; "sugar your tea"
  2. a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative
  3. informal terms for money
  4. an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain


  1. strip of feathers; "pull a chicken"; "pluck the capon"
  2. to separate or be separated by force; "planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars"
  3. the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds); "I hate to hear the crying of a child"; "she was in tears"
  4. separate or cause to separate abruptly; "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper"
  5. move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
  6. the act of tearing; "he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear"
  7. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking; "they went on a bust that lasted three days"
  8. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands; "his story brought tears to her eyes"
  9. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants"; "she had snags in her stockings"
  10. fill with tears or shed tears; "Her eyes


  1. a special abstraction; "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart"
  2. a special objective; "the thing is to stay in bounds"
  3. a statement regarded as an object; "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?"
  4. an event; "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
  5. a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"
  6. a special situation; "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thing"
  7. a separate and self-contained entity
  8. an action; "how could you do such a thing?"
  9. an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
  10. an entity that is not named specifically; "I couldn't tell what the thing was"
  11. any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence; "the thing I like about her is ..."
  12. a vaguely specified concern; "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going we


  1. a single chance or instance; "he couldn't afford $50 a throw"
  2. propel through the air; "throw a frisbee"
  3. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"
  4. get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes"
  5. cause to fall off; "The horse threw its inexperienced rider"
  6. put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"
  7. make on a potter's wheel; "she threw a beautiful teapot"
  8. organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
  9. cause to be confused emotionally
  10. move violently, energetically, or carelessly; "She threw herself forwards"
  11. to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; "Jane threw dinner together"; "throw the car into reverse"
  12. be confusing or perplexing to;


  1. adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
  2. an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip"
  3. regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
  4. an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor in his time"
  5. an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed; "the multiplication of four by three gives twelve"; "four times three equals twelve"
  6. measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners"
  7. a reading of a point in time as given by a clock; "do you know what time it is?"; "the time is 10 o'clock"
  8. a more or less def


  1. a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships
  2. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"
  3. The Tower is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited Tarot decks. It has been used in Tarot cards since the 15th century as well as in divination since the mid-19th century.
  4. appear very large or occupy a commanding position; "The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain"; "Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall"
  5. a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger building


  1. read with difficulty; "Can you decipher this letter?"; "The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs"
  2. follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress"
  3. make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
  4. copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
  5. make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the dark forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
  6. either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
  7. pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
  8. a drawing created by superimp


  1. engage in the trade of; "he is merchandising telephone sets"
  2. be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; "The stock traded around $20 a share"
  3. the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
  4. the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services; "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"
  5. the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
  6. an equal exchange; "we had no money so we had to live by barter"
  7. steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator; "they rode the trade winds going west"
  8. a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
  9. do business; offer for sale


  1. convey (goods etc.) by truck; "truck fresh vegetables across the mountains"
  2. a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects
  3. an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling


  1. a piece of poetry
  2. a line of metrical text
  3. literature in metrical form
  4. familiarize through thorough study or experience; "She versed herself in Roman archeology"
  5. compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"


  1. something that remunerates;
  2. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing; "the wages of sin is death"; "virtue is its own reward"
  3. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns); "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"


  1. an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"
  2. a masonry fence (as around an estate or garden); "the wall followed the road"; "he ducked behind the garden wall and waited"
  3. a layer of material that encloses space; "the walls of the cylinder were perforated"; "the container's walls were blue"
  4. (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure; "stomach walls"
  5. surround with a wall in order to fortify
  6. anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"
  7. a vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)
  8. a difficult or awkward situation; "his back was to the wall"; "competition was pushing them to th


  1. a silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid


  1. United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)
  2. of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets; "white nights"
  3. United States architect (1853-1906)
  4. being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"
  5. United States political journalist (1915-1986)
  6. anemic looking from illness or emotion; "a face turned ashen"; "the invalid's blanched cheeks"; "tried to speak with bloodless lips"; "a face livid with shock"; "lips...livid with the hue of death"- Mary W. Shelley; "lips white with terror"; "a face white with rage"
  7. Australian writer (1912-1990)
  8. (of hair) having lost its color; "the white hairs of old age"
  9. United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1


  1. young people collectively; "rock music appeals to the young"; "youth everywhere rises in revolt"
  2. United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877)
  3. United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955)
  4. English poet (1683-1765)
  5. United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959)
  6. (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn"
  7. British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)
  8. not tried or tested by experience; "unseasoned artillery volunteers"; "still untested in battle"; "an illustrator untried in mural painting"; "a young hand at plowing"
  9. United States ci

8 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. Often used with liquorice to denote a mixture of various liquorice sweets


  1. the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural); "he mastered only the rudiments of geometry"
  2. a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language


  1. an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
  2. a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis"
  3. the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
  4. a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; sequences and series and integration and differentiation
  5. a form of literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed
  6. the use of closed-class words instead of inflections: e.g., `the father of the bride' instead of `the bride's father'


  1. capital and largest city of Serbia and Montenegro; situated on the Danube


  1. Plural of brother
  2. Male relations


  1. a list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc); "I have you on my calendar for next Monday"
  2. enter into a calendar
  3. a tabular array of the days (usually for one year)
  4. a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year


  1. a person who chooses or selects out


  1. a swarthy complexion
  2. having a dark or somber color
  3. an unenlightened state; "he was in the dark concerning their intentions"; "his lectures dispelled the darkness"
  4. an unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness"
  5. absence of light or illumination
  6. absence of moral or spiritual values; "the powers of darkness"


  1. the baseball playing field
  2. the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate
  3. a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more red rhombuses on it; "he led a small diamond"; "diamonds were trumps"
  4. a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
  5. a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram
  6. very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem


  1. the act of regarding as equal
  2. a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
  3. a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best"


  1. your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief; "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling"
  2. an indication that makes something evident; "his trembling was evidence of his fear"
  3. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved
  4. provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes;
  5. give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague"
  6. provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"


  1. abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open)
  2. presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking"
  3. the act of exposing film to light
  4. a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
  5. vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain; "exposure to the weather" or "they died from exposure";
  6. aspect resulting from the direction a building or window faces; "the studio had a northern exposure"
  7. the disclosure of something secret; "they feared exposure of their campaign plans"
  8. the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate; "he used the wrong exposure"
  9. the state of being vulnerable or exposed; "his vulnerability to litigation"; "his exposure to ridicule"
  10. the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experie


  1. a port city in southeastern Ontario at the western end of Lake Ontario
  2. United States statesman and leader of the Federalists; as the first Secretary of the Treasury he establish a federal bank; was mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr (1755-1804)
  3. United States toxicologist known for her work on industrial poisons (1869-1970)
  4. English beauty who was the mistress of Admiral Nelson (1765-1815)
  5. Irish mathematician (1806-1865)
  6. the capital of Bermuda


  1. add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category; "We must include this chemical element in the group"
  2. enclosed in the same envelope or package; "the included check"
  3. consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"
  4. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; "admit someone to the profession"; "She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar"
  5. have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"


  1. a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline; "legal terminology"; "biological nomenclature"; "the language of sociology"
  2. the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics"; "he wrote both words and music"; "the song uses colloquial language"
  3. (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"
  4. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication; "language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals"
  5. the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication; "he didn't have the language to express his feelings"
  6. a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols; "he taught foreign languages"; "the language introduced is standard throughout the text"; "the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the


  1. long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States


  1. the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part; "the majority of his customers prefer it"; "the bulk of the work is finished"
  2. (elections) more than half of the votes
  3. the age at which persons are considered competent to manage their own affairs


  1. inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics"
  2. concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country; "the national government"; "national elections"; "of national concern"; "the national highway system"; "national forests"
  3. limited to or in the interests of a particular nation; "national interests"; "isolationism is a strictly national policy"
  4. owned or maintained for the public by the national government; "national parks"
  5. of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country; "national hero"; "national anthem"; "a national landmark"
  6. a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects"
  7. of or relating to nationality; "national origin"
  8. characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation; "a national trait"


  1. a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
  2. inconsequential conversation; "they traded a few nothings as they parted"


  1. (law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive
  2. a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain"
  3. Pests


  1. hurt or upset; "she looked offended"; "face had a pained and puzzled expression"
  2. cause to feel resentment or indignation; "Her tactless remark offended me"
  3. hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego"
  4. strike with disgust or revulsion;
  5. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises;


  1. an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity


  1. Roman POLANSKI: Film director


  1. be pierced or punctured; "The tire punctured"
  2. cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing; "puncture an air balloon"
  3. reduce or lessen the size or importance of; "The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence"
  4. pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into; "puncture a tire"
  5. make by piercing; "puncture a hole"
  6. the act of puncturing or perforating
  7. a small hole made by a sharp object
  8. loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object


  1. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
  2. Ask
  3. pose a question
  4. pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"
  5. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
  6. challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
  7. uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something; "the dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"
  8. place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
  9. the subject matter at issue;
  10. an informal reference to a marriage proposal; "he was ready to pop the question"
  11. a formal proposal for action made to a deli


  1. impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
  2. the state that precedes vomiting
  3. defectiveness or unsoundness; "drugs have become a sickness they cannot cure"; "a great sickness of his judgment"


  1. a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail
  2. the fur of a squirrel


  1. established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; "a standard reference work"; "the classical argument between free trade and protectionism"
  2. conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure"
  3. any distinctive flag
  4. conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British)
  5. an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support); "distance was marked by standards every mile"; "lamps supported on standards provided illumination"
  6. Normal
  7. the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community"
  8. a basis for comparison; a reference point again


  1. have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
  2. withstand the force of something; "The trees resisted her"; "stand the test of time"; "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"
  3. be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
  4. be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
  5. put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"
  6. having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
  7. be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
  8. (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"
  9. hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"
  10. executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing


  1. an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion; "his sympathies were always with the underdog"; "I knew I could count on his understanding"
  2. sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)
  3. a relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other; "the two of them were in close sympathy"


  1. a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestra
  2. a large orchestra; can perform symphonies; "we heard the Vienna symphony"


  1. a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
  2. a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease


  1. the process of using your mind to consider something carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"
  2. the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"
  3. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
  4. the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual; "19th century thought"; "Darwinian thought"


  1. mentally and emotionally stable; "she's really together"
  2. in contact with each other or in proximity; "the leaves stuck together"
  3. assembled in one place; "we were gathered together"
  4. in each other's company; "we went to the movies together"; "the family that prays together stays together"
  5. at the same time; "we graduated together"
  6. with cooperation and interchange; "we worked together on the project"
  7. with a common plan; "act in concert"


  1. a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground
  2. A game of physical skill played on a large plastic mat.
  3. small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer than doughnuts


  1. a very small distance or space; "they escaped by a hair's-breadth"; "they lost the election by a whisker"
  2. the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face
  3. furnish with whiskers; "a whiskered jersey"
  4. a long stiff hair growing from the snout or brow of most mammals as e.g. a cat


  1. United States playwright (1911-1983)
  2. English clergyman and colonist who was expelled from Massachusetts for criticizing Puritanism; he founded Providence in 1636 and obtained a royal charter for Rhode Island in 1663 (1603-1683)
  3. United States baseball player noted as a hitter (1918-2002)
  4. United States poet (1883-1963)
  5. English philosopher credited with reviving the field of moral philosophy (1929-2003)
  6. United States country singer and songwriter (1923-1953)

6 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to
  2. a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)


  1. attract and fix; "His look caught her"; "She caught his eye"; "Catch the attention of the waiter"
  2. cause to stop; "Halt the engines"; "Arrest the progress"; "halt the presses"
  3. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"
  4. the state of inactivity following an interruption;
  5. take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"


  1. dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend"
  2. in a state of sleep; "were all asleep when the phone rang"; "fell asleep at the wheel"
  3. lacking sensation; "my foot is asleep"; "numb with cold"
  4. into a sleeping state; "he fell asleep"
  5. in the sleep of death


  1. English novelist noted for her insightful portrayals of middle-class families (1775-1817)


  1. a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter
  2. revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party
  3. a tool for bending; "he used pliers as a bender"


  1. (chess) a piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color
  2. port wine mulled with oranges and cloves
  3. a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ


  1. a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers"
  2. A large male kangaroo, especially of the great grey species.


  1. put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"
  2. store (liquids or gases) in bottles
  3. a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped
  4. a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children
  5. the quantity contained in a bottle


  1. a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim
  2. a player who rolls balls down an alley at pins
  3. a cricketer who delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket


  1. a wooden support that holds the strings up
  2. a circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected
  3. the hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose; "her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose"
  4. something resembling a bridge in form or function; "his letters provided a bridge across the centuries"
  5. make a bridge across; "bridge a river"
  6. cross over on a bridge
  7. any of various card games based on whist for four players
  8. connect or reduce the distance between
  9. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
  10. an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands
  11. the link between two lenses; rests on the nose
  12. a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth


  1. type genus of the family Cancridae
  2. the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22
  3. a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Leo and Gemini
  4. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Cancer
  5. any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream


  1. someone whose work is driving carts
  2. 39th President of the United States (1924-)
  3. Englishman and Egyptologist who in 1922 discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen (1873-1939)
  4. Carrier


  1. move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king
  2. interchanging the positions of the king and a rook
  3. a large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack
  4. (chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard
  5. a large and stately mansion


  1. coins of small denomination regarded collectively; "he had a pocketful of change"
  2. a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event; "he attributed the change to their marriage"
  3. undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
  4. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"
  5. cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
  6. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?"; "He changed hi


  1. the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
  2. any utterance produced simultaneously by a group; "a chorus of boos"
  3. a group of people assembled to sing together
  4. a company of actors who comment (by speaking or singing in unison) on the action in a classical Greek play
  5. a body of dancers or singers who perform together
  6. utter in unison; "`yes,' the children chorused"
  7. sing in a choir


  1. ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length; a plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point; "he calculated the circumference of the circle"
  2. something approximating the shape of a circle; "the chairs were arranged in a circle"
  3. Group of friends/contacts
  4. form a circle around; "encircle the errors"
  5. travel around something; "circle the globe"
  6. move in circles
  7. movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance"
  8. any circular or rotating mechanism; "the machine punched out metal circles"
  9. a curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra; "they had excellent seats in the dress circle"
  10. street names for flunitrazepan
  11. a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary"
  12. an unofficial associa


  1. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"
  2. a figurative restraint; "asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market"; "kept a tight leash on his emotions"; "he's always gotten a long leash"
  3. necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck
  4. a band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over
  5. a band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal's neck as a harness or to identify it
  6. the stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot
  7. a short ring fastened over a rod or shaft to limit, guide, or secure a machine part
  8. take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
  9. anything worn or placed about the neck; "the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar"; "a collar of flowers was placed about the neck of the winning horse"
  10. furnish with a collar; "collar the dog"
  11. (zoology) an encircli


  1. change color, often in an undesired manner;
  2. add color to;
  3. affect as in thought or feeling;
  4. give a deceptive explanation or excuse for;
  5. decorate with colors;
  6. the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
  7. modify or bias;
  8. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading;
  9. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect;
  10. the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music"
  11. interest and variety and intensity;
  12. (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction;
  13. a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race
  14. any material used for its color;
  15. having or capable of producing colors;


  1. the intersection of two streets; "standing on the corner watching all the girls go by"
  2. (architecture) solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone
  3. an interior angle formed by two meeting walls; "a piano was in one corner of the room"
  4. turn a corner; "the car corners"
  5. the point where two lines meet or intersect; "the corners of a rectangle"
  6. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
  7. a place off to the side of an area; "he tripled to the rightfield corner"; "the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean"
  8. gain control over; "corner the gold market"
  9. a remote area; "in many corners of the world they still practice slavery"
  10. the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect; "the corners of a cube"
  11. a projecting part where two sides or edges meet; "he knocked off the corners"
  12. a small concavity
  13. a predicament from


  1. provincial capital of the Northern Territory of Australia
  2. English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)


  1. domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn
  2. the symbol of the Democratic Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874


  1. a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
  2. (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device
  3. the operator of a motor vehicle
  4. a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver
  5. someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle


  1. A city on the Firth of Tay in eastern Scotland.


  1. (computer science) a program designed to perform such editorial functions as rearrangement or modification or deletion of data
  2. a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine)


  1. a means or way of escaping; "hard work was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"
  2. escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action; "She gets away with murder!"; "I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities"
  3. an avoidance of danger or difficulty; "that was a narrow escape"
  4. an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy; "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life"; "his alcohol problem was a form of escapism"
  5. flee; take to one's heels; cut and run; "If you see this man, run!"; "The burglars escaped before the police showed up"
  6. nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do; "his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible"; "that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive"
  7. remove oneself from a familiar environment, u


  1. accompany as an escort; "She asked her older brother to escort her to the ball"
  2. accompany or escort; "I'll see you to the door"
  3. the act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them
  4. someone who escorts and protects a prominent person
  5. a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking"
  6. an attendant who is employed to accompany someone


  1. To trifle; to toy. -- v. t. To fondle; to dandle.


  1. in the fourth place; "fourthly, you must pay the rent on the first of the month"
  2. coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude; "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present"
  3. the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it
  4. one of four equal parts; "a quarter of a pound"
  5. following the third position; number four in a countable series


  1. a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
  2. a yard or lawn adjoining a house
  3. the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden
  4. work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"


  1. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius";
  2. unusual mental ability
  3. a natural talent; "he has a genius for interior decorating"
  4. exceptional creative ability


  1. an assumption that is taken for granted


  1. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"
  2. created by grinding; "grind designs into the glass bowl"
  3. use as a basis for; found on;
  4. a relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"
  5. dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced
  6. instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
  7. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface; "they dug into the earth outside the church"
  8. work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
  9. connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"
  10. fix firmly and stably; "anchor


  1. a stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking


  1. the abode of God and the angels
  2. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace


  1. German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)


  1. a game played on an ice rink by two opposing teams of six skaters each who try to knock a flat round puck into the opponents' goal with angled sticks
  2. a game resembling ice hockey that is played on an open field; two opposing teams use curved sticks try to drive a ball into the opponents' net


  1. the quality of being funny; "I fail to see the humor in it"
  2. the liquid parts of the body
  3. (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state; "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile"
  4. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
  5. a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"
  6. put into a good mood
  7. the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"


  1. arranged in a single line (as "inline skates" whose wheels are one behind the other)


  1. a zone or area resembling an island
  2. a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water


  1. United States comedian and actor in silent films noted for his acrobatic skills and deadpan face (1895-1966)


  1. English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946)


  1. strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
  2. work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
  3. productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
  4. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
  5. a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries
  6. concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"


  1. unite to form a league
  2. an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
  3. an association of states or organizations or individuals for common action
  4. an obsolete unit of distance of variable length (usually 3 miles)


  1. The lungs of sheep, pigs etc
  2. any device serving as a source of illumination; "he stopped the car and turned off the lights"
  3. make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit"
  4. a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires; "do you have a light?"
  5. begin to smoke; "After the meal, some of the diners lit up"
  6. the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark"
  7. alight from (a horse)
  8. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"
  9. to come to rest, settle; "Misfortune lighted upon him"
  10. the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun"
  11. fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the pare


  1. a small amount or duration; "he accepted the little they gave him"
  2. small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context); "a nice little job"; "bless your little heart"; "my dear little mother"; "a sweet little deal"; "I'm tired of your petty little schemes"; "filthy little tricks"; "what a nasty little situation"
  3. (informal) small and of little importance; "a fiddling sum of money"; "a footling gesture"; "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war"; "a little (or small) matter"; "a dispute over niggling details"; "limited to petty enterprises"; "piffling efforts"; "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction"
  4. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group"
  5. (of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voi


  1. a room (as in a hotel or airport) with seating where people can wait
  2. an upholstered seat for more than one person
  3. sit or recline comfortably; "He was lounging on the sofa"
  4. be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"
  5. Rested


  1. a diacritical mark (-) placed above a vowel to indicate a long sound
  2. Emmanuel Macron, President of France from 2017.


  1. an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
  2. (cricket) an over in which no runs are scored
  3. serving to set in motion; "the magazine's inaugural issue"; "the initiative phase in the negotiations"; "an initiatory step toward a treaty"; "his first (or maiden) speech in Congress"; "the liner's maiden voyage"


  1. a way of acting or behaving
  2. how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion"
  3. a kind; "what manner of man are you?"


  1. Scottish physician who discovered that elephantiasis is spread by mosquitos and suggested that mosquitos also spread malaria (1844-1922)


  1. predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer


  1. most important element;
  2. have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
  3. be or become completely proficient or skilled in; "She mastered Japanese in less than two years"
  4. an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
  5. get on top of; deal with successfully; "He overcame his shyness"
  6. key that secures entrance everywhere
  7. have dominance or the power to defeat over; "Her pain completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the problems"
  8. presiding officer of a school
  9. an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters"
  10. an authority qualified to teach apprentices
  11. directs the work of others
  12. someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
  13. an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
  14. a person who has general authority over others
  15. a combata


  1. that which has mass and occupies space; "physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it"
  2. have weight; have import, carry weight; "It does not matter much"
  3. (used with negation) having consequence; "they were friends and it was no matter who won the games"
  4. a vaguely specified concern; "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well"
  5. a problem; "is anything the matter?"
  6. some situation or event that is thought about;
  7. written works (especially in books or magazines); "he always took some reading matter with him on the plane"


  1. a robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street)


  1. United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846-1911)
  2. the people who live in a nation or country;
  3. a politically organized body of people under a single government;
  4. a federation of tribes (especially Native American tribes); "the Shawnee nation"


  1. a concept of quantity involving zero and units;
  2. enumerate;
  3. give numbers to; "You should number the pages of the thesis"
  4. the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals;
  5. a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification;
  6. the number is used in calling a particular telephone;
  7. one of a series published periodically;
  8. a symbol used to represent a number;
  9. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program;


  1. an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
  2. professional or clerical workers in an office; "the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard"
  3. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power; "being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage"; "during his first year in office"; "during his first year in power"; "the power of the president"
  4. a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
  5. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
  6. a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities; "the offices of the mass"
  7. place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed; "he rented an office in the new building"


  1. United States jazz musician who influenced the style of Louis Armstrong (1885-1938)


  1. official residence of an exalted person (as a sovereign)
  2. a large and stately mansion
  3. a large ornate exhibition hall
  4. the governing group of a kingdom; "the palace issued an order binding on all subjects"


  1. interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing; "The speaker paused"
  2. temporary inactivity
  3. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something


  1. a grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a third party; "stop talking about yourself in the third person"
  2. a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  3. a human body (usually including the clothing); "a weapon was hidden on his person"


  1. English dramatist whose plays are characterized by silences and the use of inaction (born in 1930)


  1. utter a shrill cry
  2. trim with piping; "pipe the skirt"
  3. play on a pipe; "pipe a tune"
  4. transport by pipeline; "pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert"
  5. playing a pipe or the bagpipes
  6. a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
  7. a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems
  8. (used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot"


  1. a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
  2. an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which billiard balls are struck
  3. (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)
  4. a small isolated group of people; "they were concentrated in pockets inside the city"; "the battle was won except for cleaning up pockets of resistance"
  5. a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly
  6. a supply of money; "they dipped into the taxpayers' pockets"
  7. a hollow concave shape made by removing something
  8. (bowling) the space between the headpin and the pins behind it on the right or left; "the ball hit the pocket and gave him a perfect strike"
  9. an enclosed space; "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"
  10. put in one's pocket; "He pocketed the change"
  11. take unlawfully


  1. the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
  2. maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol


  1. pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing; "pretty girl"; "pretty song"; "pretty room"
  2. (used ironically) unexpectedly bad; "a pretty mess"; "a pretty kettle of fish"
  3. more attractive
  4. to a moderately sufficient extent or degree;


  1. a doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; intended to fit over the hand and be manipulated with the fingers
  2. a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer
  3. a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else


  1. someone who pushes
  2. an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
  3. one who intrudes or pushes himself forward
  4. a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
  5. a sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes


  1. a person who enjoys reading
  2. a person who can read; a literate person
  3. someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
  4. someone who contracts to receive and pay for a service or a certain number of issues of a publication
  5. one of a series of texts for students learning to read
  6. a public lecturer at certain universities
  7. someone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church
  8. someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corrections


  1. a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
  2. (horseshoes) the successful throw of a horseshoe or quoit so as to encircle a stake or peg
  3. a contestant entered in a competition under false pretenses
  4. a person who is almost identical to another


  1. come into existence; take on form or shape;
  2. get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
  3. rise up; "The building rose before them"
  4. organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
  5. return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise"
  6. a movement upward; "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon"
  7. increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
  8. rise in rank or status; "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list"
  9. become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
  10. go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
  11. exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
  12. become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
  13. move up


  1. food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually consisting of or including greens


  1. any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn
  2. a pale pinkish orange color
  3. of orange tinged with pink
  4. flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae
  5. a tributary of the Snake River in Idaho


  1. A concave molding used especially in classical architecture.


  1. a man who serves as a sailor
  2. muckraking United States journalist who exposed bad conditions in mental institutions (1867-1922)


  1. one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions; "the regular sequence of the seasons"
  2. a recurrent time marked by major holidays; "it was the Christmas season"
  3. a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"; "she always looked forward to the avocado season"
  4. make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; "she tempered her criticism"
  5. make fit; "This trip will season even the hardiest traveller"
  6. lend flavor to; "Season the chicken breast after roasting it"


  1. in the second place; "second, we must consider the economy"
  2. merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name
  3. the gear that has the second lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; "he had to shift down into second to make the hill"
  4. a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"
  5. the official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match
  6. a 60th part of a minute of arc; "the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here"
  7. following the first in an ordering or series; "he came in a close second"
  8. Second - 1/60 of a minute; the basic unit of time adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites
  9. a particular point in time; "the moment he arrived the party began"
  10. an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "in a mo"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit"
  11. transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment


  1. a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection; "the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers"; "his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies"
  2. (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other; "the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors"
  3. (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions
  4. a periodical that appears at scheduled times
  5. a serialized set of programs; "a comedy series"; "the Masterworks concert series"
  6. (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams; "the visiting team swept the series"
  7. similar things placed in order or happening one after another; "they were investigating a series of bank robberies"


  1. East Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil


  1. a trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
  2. a light shade of grey
  3. coins made of silver
  4. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively; "able to dazzle with his facile tongue"; "silver speech"
  5. a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
  6. having the white lustrous sheen of silver; "a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap"; "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen"
  7. turn silver; "The man's hair silvered very attractively"
  8. of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver; "silvery hair"
  9. make silver in color; "Her worries had silvered her hair"
  10. made from or largely consisting of silver; "silver bracelets


  1. a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
  2. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"
  3. animation and energy in action or expression; "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"
  4. the intended meaning of a communication
  5. any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
  6. the vital principle or animating force within living things
  7. the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection); "his emotional state depended on her opinion"; "he was in good spirits"; "his spirit rose"
  8. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
  9. infuse with spirit; "The company spirited him up"


  1. act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
  2. decorative cover for a bed
  3. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
  4. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs"
  5. cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
  6. a haphazard distribution in all directions
  7. become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office"
  8. the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age); "she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread"
  9. distribute or disperse widely; "The invaders spread their language all over the country"
  10. two facing pages of a book or other publication
  11. become distributed or widespread; "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread amon


  1. develop suddenly; "The tire sprang a leak"
  2. produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"
  3. spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
  4. move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
  5. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
  6. develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape"
  7. a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed; "the spring was broken"
  8. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
  9. a point at which water issues forth
  10. a natural flow of ground water
  11. the season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he will hold office unt


  1. raise to the second power
  2. turn the oar, while rowing
  3. a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles; "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"
  4. turn the paddle; in canoeing
  5. any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles; "a checkerboard has 64 squares"
  6. position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
  7. an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
  8. pay someone and settle a debt; "I squared with him"
  9. a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
  10. be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
  11. someone who doesn't understand what is going on
  12. cause to match, as of ideas or acts
  13. firmly and solidly; "hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"
  14. the


  1. a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled rackets
  2. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
  3. edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable
  4. any of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits
  5. to flatten


  1. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon;
  2. occupy or take on; "He assumes the lotus position"; "She took her seat on the stage"; "We took our seats in the orchestra"; "She took up her position behind the tree"; "strike a pose"
  3. drive something violently into a location; "he hit his fist on the table"; "she struck her head on the low ceiling"
  4. cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear"
  5. cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp; "strike an arc"
  6. find unexpectedly; "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
  7. arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing; "strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"
  8. stop work in order to press demands; "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "Th


  1. string together; tie or fasten with a string; "string the package"
  2. a collection of objects threaded on a single strand
  3. stretch out or arrange like a string
  4. a linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)
  5. move or come along
  6. a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding; "a string of islands"; "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"
  7. (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
  8. a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)
  9. stringed instruments that are played with a bow; "the strings played superlatively well"
  10. add as if on a string; "string these ideas together"; "string up these songs and you'll have a musical"
  11. a necklace made by


  1. food or meals in general; "she sets a fine table"; "room and board"
  2. a set of data arranged in rows and columns; "see table 1"
  3. a company of people assembled at a table for a meal or game; "he entertained the whole table with his witty remarks"
  4. flat tableland with steep edges; "the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water"
  5. arrange or enter in tabular form
  6. hold back to a later time; "let's postpone the exam"
  7. a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; "it was a sturdy table"


  1. a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices"
  2. a belief that can guide behavior; "the architect has a theory that more is less"; "they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales"
  3. a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"


  1. an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
  2. any movable possession (especially articles of clothing); "she packed her things and left"
  3. an entity that is not named specifically; "I couldn't tell what the thing was"
  4. any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence; "the thing I like about her is ..."
  5. a vaguely specified concern; "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well"
  6. a special abstraction; "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart"
  7. a special objective; "the thing is to stay in bounds"
  8. a statement regarded as an object; "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?"
  9. an event; "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
  10. a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"
  11. a special situation; "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thi


  1. being ten more than twenty
  2. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three


  1. dig a trench or trenches; "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"
  2. cut a trench in, as for drainage; "ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields"
  3. set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"
  4. cut or carve deeply into; "letters trenched into the stone"
  5. fortify by surrounding with trenches; "He trenched his military camp"
  6. impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"
  7. a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
  8. any long ditch cut in the ground
  9. a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor


  1. a person who does something thoughtless or annoying; "some joker is blocking the driveway"
  2. large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
  3. an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual; "the first experiment was a real turkey"; "the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned"
  4. flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted
  5. a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923


  1. English highwayman (1706-1739)


  1. a textile machine having a system of revolving spikes for opening and cleaning raw textile fibers
  2. any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix


  1. an opening in a wall or screen that admits light and air and through which customers can be served; "he stuck his head in the window"
  2. a pane of glass in a window; "the ball shattered the window"
  3. an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function; "he could see them through a window in the trees"
  4. the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something; "the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves"; "they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded"
  5. a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
  6. a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back; usually is capable of being opened
  7. a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material
  8. (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different fr


  1. edible marine gastropod
  2. small edible marine snail; steamed in wine or baked
  3. remove or displace from a position
  4. gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
  5. emit or reflect light in a flickering manner; "Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?"


  1. a state in which you want to learn more about something
  2. something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science"
  3. the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising
  4. have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"
  5. place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
  6. be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities"


  1. typical of tabloids; "sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow press"
  2. turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow"
  3. yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
  4. fungal or viral disease of plants, characterised by discolouration and stunting
  5. easily frightened
  6. of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk
  7. affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc
  8. cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M.W.Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight"
  9. changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment"


  1. the largest city in Switzerland; located in the northern part of the country; "Zurich is the center of the German-speaking part of Switzerland"

9 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight
  2. (figurative) something that hinders or handicaps; "she was an albatross around his neck"


  1. general activity and motion
  2. the making of animated cartoons
  3. the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something
  4. quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
  5. the property of being able to survive and grow; "the vitality of a seed"
  6. the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes"


  1. a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band; "the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade"
  2. a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon"


  1. United States actor; husband of Georgiana Emma Barrymore and father of Ethel Barrymore and John Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore (1847-1905)
  2. United States actress; daughter of John Drew and wife of Maurice Barrymore; mother of Ethel Barrymore and John Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore (1854-1893)
  3. United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1878-1954)
  4. United States actress; daughter of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1879-1959)
  5. United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1882-1942)


  1. a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
  2. period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6


  1. subtly skillful handling of a situation
  2. wisdom in the management of public affairs
  3. negotiation between nations


  1. a container so designed that the contents can be used in prescribed amounts
  2. a person who dispenses


  1. five-toed pachyderm
  2. the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
  3. An Imperial paper size of 23 x 28 inches


  1. a casual meeting with a person or thing
  2. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle; "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary"
  3. a minor short-term fight
  4. come together; "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!"
  5. a hostile disagreement face-to-face
  6. come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
  7. a casual or unexpected convergence; "he still remembers their meeting in Paris"; "there was a brief encounter in the hallway"
  8. be beset by; "The project ran into numerous financial difficulties"
  9. experience as a reaction; "My proposal met with much opposition"
  10. Met


  1. gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth"
  2. any of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries


  1. of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; "a crucial moment in his career"; "a crucial election"; "a crucial issue for women"
  2. of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"
  3. having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office"
  4. having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner"
  5. important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant"


  1. 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882-1945)
  2. wife of Franklin Roosevelt and a strong advocate of human rights (1884-1962)
  3. 26th President of the United States; hero of the Spanish-American War; Panama Canal was built during his administration; "Theodore Roosevelt said `Speak softly but carry a big stick'" (1858-1919)


  1. the activity of supplying a stock of something; "he supervised the stocking of the stream with trout"
  2. close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural)


  1. procedure
  2. skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; "practice greatly improves proficiency"
  3. a practical method or art applied to some particular task

7 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause
  2. in a straight line; "pearly teeth evenly aligned"
  3. place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table"
  4. bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"
  5. align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
  6. be or come into adjustment with


  1. a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)


  1. one of a class of artifacts; "an article of clothing"
  2. nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
  3. (grammar) a determiner that may indicate the specificity of reference of a noun phrase
  4. a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)
  5. bind by a contract; especially for a training period


  1. a narrative poem of popular origin
  2. a narrative song with a recurrent refrain


  1. French physiologist noted for research on secretions of the alimentary canal and the glycogenic function of the liver (1813-1878)


  1. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)
  2. small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda
  3. Unglazed porcelain


  1. a pupil who lives at school during term time
  2. someone who forces their way aboard ship; "stand by to repel boarders"
  3. a tenant in someone's house


  1. expel gas from the stomach; "In China it is polite to burp at the table"
  2. form, produce, or emit bubbles; "The soup was bubbling"
  3. cause to form bubbles; "bubble gas through a liquid"
  4. rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles; "bubble to the surface"
  5. a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic
  6. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks"
  7. an impracticable and illusory idea; "he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble"
  8. a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control; "his proposal was nothing but a house of cards"; "a real estate bubble"
  9. a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide)
  10. Suds


  1. a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
  2. throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeo
  3. attack viciously and ferociously


  1. the common European short-winged hawk
  2. a New World vulture that is common in South America and Central America and the southern United States


  1. a binary compound of carbon with a more electropositive element


  1. promise of reward as in "carrot and stick"; "used the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers to get their vote";
  2. orange root; important source of carotene
  3. perennial plant widely cultivated as an annual in many varieties for its long conical orange edible roots; temperate and tropical regions
  4. deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant


  1. A familiar nickname or substitute for Charles.


  1. (grammar) an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence
  2. a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)


  1. United States aviator who held several speed records and headed the women's Air Force pilots in World War II (1910-1980)


  1. be a companion to somebody
  2. an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"
  3. a unit of firefighters including their equipment; "a hook-and-ladder company"
  4. a social gathering of guests or companions; "the house was filled with company when I arrived"
  5. organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"
  6. small military unit; usually two or three platoons
  7. crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
  8. a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen"
  9. a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
  10. the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the


  1. transform and make suitable for consumption by heating; "These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes"
  2. transform by heating; "The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle"
  3. prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"
  4. the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"
  5. prepare a hot meal; "My husband doesn't cook"
  6. tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"


  1. usually refers to curly hair as in had him by the 'short and curlies'


  1. move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio"
  2. move in a graceful and rhythmical way; "The young girl danced into the room"
  3. skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways; "Dancing flames"; "The children danced with joy"
  4. taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music


  1. the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial"
  2. (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense"
  3. (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
  4. the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury; "a good boxer needs a good defense"; "defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem"
  5. protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease"
  6. (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program"
  7. a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense"
  8. a structure used to defend against attack; "the artillery battered down the defenses"
  9. the justification


  1. a personal journal (as a physical object)
  2. a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations


  1. make a blueprint of
  2. the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
  3. a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp"
  4. a dose of liquid medicine; "he took a sleeping draft"
  5. the depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded)
  6. a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg; "they served beer on draft"
  7. a current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)


  1. furniture with drawers for keeping clothes
  2. a cabinet with shelves
  3. low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup
  4. a wardrobe assistant for an actor
  5. a person who dresses in a particular way; "she's an elegant dresser"; "he's a meticulous dresser"


  1. large richly colored butterfly
  2. large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings
  3. red table grape of California
  4. the male ruler of an empire
  5. a paper size before metrication.
  6. the largest and heaviest penguin.


  1. the time of life between 40 and 50
  2. the decade from 1940 to 1949
  3. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and four


  1. American revolutionary patriot who was president of the Continental Congress; was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence (1737-1793)


  1. come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place without incident"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
  2. come into being; become reality; "Her dream really materialized"
  3. happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; "It happens that today is my birthday"; "These things befell" (Santayana)
  4. come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
  5. chance to be or do something, without intention or causation; "I happen to have just what you need!"


  1. hunt with hawks; "the tribes like to hawk in the desert"
  2. sell or offer for sale from place to place
  3. the act of selling goods for a living
  4. English theoretical physicist (born in 1942)
  5. clear mucus or food from one's throat; "he cleared his throat before he started to speak"


  1. Having a heart; having (such) a heart (regarded as the seat of the affections, disposition, or character).


  1. versatile United States film actor (born in 1937)
  2. United States sculptor (1887-1966)


  1. someone who enters by force in order to conquer
  2. attackers


  1. 17th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875)
  2. 36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973)
  3. English writer and lexicographer (1709-1784)


  1. the act of coming down to the earth (or other surface); "the plane made a smooth landing"; "his landing on his feet was catlike"
  2. structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods
  3. an intermediate platform in a staircase
  4. bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail"
  5. reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
  6. cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
  7. shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"
  8. arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
  9. bring ashore; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island"
  10. deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head"
  11. the act of coming to land after a voyage


  1. light in a transparent protective case


  1. an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook"
  2. be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match"
  3. a burning piece of wood or cardboard; "if you drop a match in there the whole place will explode"
  4. make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater"
  5. something that resembles or harmonizes with; "that tie makes a good match with your jacket"
  6. set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other"
  7. a formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete
  8. bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"
  9. a pair of people who live together; "a married couple from Chicago"
  10. give or


  1. a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole); "there were millions of flies"
  2. (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units
  3. the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros


  1. not prepared or vigilant; "the blow caught him napping"; "caught in an off-guard moment"; "found him off his guard"
  2. take a siesta; "She naps everyday after lunch for an hour"


  1. zero
  2. a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
  3. in no respect; to no degree; "he looks nothing like his father"


  1. a symbol used to represent a number;
  2. of or relating to or denoting numbers; "a numeral adjective"


  1. large American feline resembling a lion
  2. a leopard in the black color phase
  3. a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis


  1. the act of maneuvering a vehicle into a location where it can be left temporarily
  2. space in which vehicles can be parked; "there is plenty of parking behind the store"
  3. place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"
  4. maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"


  1. a tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)
  2. precisely accurate or exact;
  3. make perfect or complete;
  4. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;
  5. being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish;
  6. without fault
  7. Exemplary


  1. the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"
  2. the physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something; "he studied the physics of radiation"
  3. a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels


  1. a clear and telling mental image; "he described his mental picture of his assailant"; "he had no clear picture of himself or his world"; "the events left a permanent impression in his mind"
  2. the visible part of a television transmission; "they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone"
  3. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "they went to a movie every Saturday night"; "the film was shot on location"
  4. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
  5. illustrations used to decorate or explain a text; "the dictionary had many pictures"
  6. show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
  7. a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the narrative was interrupte


  1. concerning things deeply private and personal; "private correspondence"; "private family matters"
  2. confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; "a private place"; "private discussions"; "private lessons"; "a private club"; "a private secretary"; "private property"; "the former President is now a private citizen"; "public figures struggle to maintain a private life"
  3. an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marines; "our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value"
  4. not expressed; "secret (or private) thoughts"
  5. concerning one person exclusively; "we all have individual cars"; "each room has a private bath"


  1. invigorate or heighten; "lift my spirits"; "lift his ego"
  2. move upwards; "lift one's eyes"
  3. increasing in quantity or value; "a cost-raising increase in the basic wage rate"
  4. bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
  5. raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load"
  6. multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
  7. cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread"
  8. establish radio communications with; "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"
  9. collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
  10. activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
  11. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"


  1. a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
  2. an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest
  3. a member of the Texas state highway patrol; formerly a mounted lawman who maintained order on the frontier


  1. one of a series of texts for students learning to read
  2. a public lecturer at certain universities
  3. someone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church
  4. someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corrections
  5. a person who enjoys reading
  6. a person who can read; a literate person
  7. someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
  8. someone who contracts to receive and pay for a service or a certain number of issues of a publication


  1. larceny by threat of violence
  2. plundering during riots or in wartime


  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Homo sapiens


  1. one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions; "the regular sequence of the seasons"
  2. a recurrent time marked by major holidays; "it was the Christmas season"
  3. a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"; "she always looked forward to the avocado season"
  4. make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; "she tempered her criticism"
  5. make fit; "This trip will season even the hardiest traveller"
  6. lend flavor to; "Season the chicken breast after roasting it"


  1. (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game"
  2. work done by one person or group that benefits another; "budget separately for goods and services"
  3. (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
  4. employment in or work for another; "he retired after 30 years of service"
  5. the act of mating by male animals; "the bull was worth good money in servicing fees"
  6. the act of public worship following prescribed rules; "the Sunday service"
  7. an act of help or assistance; "he did them a service"
  8. tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
  9. a means of serving; "of no avail"; "there's no help for it"
  10. a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
  11. a force that is a branch of the armed forces


  1. a member of Christian group practicing celibacy and communal living and common possession of property and separation from the world
  2. a person who wields power and influence; "a shaker of traditional beliefs"; "movers and shakers in the business world"
  3. a celibate and communistic Christian sect in the United States
  4. a container in which something can be shaken


  1. a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you; "they installed a shower in the bathroom"
  2. a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower; "a little shower of rose petals"; "a sudden cascade of sparks"
  3. a party of friends assembled to present gifts (usually of a specified kind) to a person; "her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting"
  4. someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see
  5. a brief period of precipitation; "the game was interrupted by a brief shower"
  6. take a shower; wash one's body in the shower; "You should shower after vigorous exercise"
  7. provide abundantly with; "He showered her with presents"
  8. spray or sprinkle with; "The guests showered rice on the couple"
  9. expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns; "He was showered with praise"
  10. rain abundantly; "Meteors showered down over half of Australia"
  11. washing yourself by standing uprig


  1. Scottish obstetrician and surgeon who pioneered in the use of ether and discovered the anesthetic effects of chloroform (1811-1870)
  2. United States divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication


  1. (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
  2. a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group; "none of her sisters would betray her"
  3. (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address); "the Sisters taught her to love God"
  4. a female person who has the same parents as another person; "my sister married a musician"


  1. A regular stop on a railway line
  2. Police headquarters
  3. assign to a station
  4. a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose; "he started looking for a gas station"; "the train pulled into the station"
  5. the frequency assigned to a broadcasting station
  6. the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand; "a soldier manned the entrance post"; "a sentry station"
  7. (nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty
  8. proper or designated social situation; "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station"


  1. Austrian composer of waltzes (1804-1849)
  2. Austrian composer and son of Strauss the Elder; composed many famous waltzes and became known as the `waltz king' (1825-1899)
  3. German composer of many operas; collaborated with librettist Hugo von Hoffmannsthal to produce several operas (1864-1949)


  1. V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service; "they earned their stripes in Kuwait"
  2. a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service
  3. mark with stripes
  4. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
  5. a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background; "a green toad with small black stripes or bars"; "may the Stars and Stripes forever wave"
  6. a kind or category; "businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal"


  1. a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"
  2. a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic"
  3. a room where a doctor or dentist can be consulted; "he read the warning in the doctor's surgery"
  4. the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures; "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School"


  1. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment


  1. Italian fashion designer (1946-1997)


  1. English naturalist who formulated a concept of evolution that resembled Charles Darwin's (1823-1913)
  2. English writer noted for his crime novels (1875-1932)
  3. Scottish insurgent who led the resistance to Edward I; in 1297 he gained control of Scotland briefly until Edward invaded Scotland again and defeated Wallace and subsequently executed him (1270-1305)


  1. a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind);
  2. a person who keeps a devotional vigil by a sick bed or by a dead body
  3. a guard who keeps watch


  1. the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
  2. the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed
  3. a party of people at a wedding
  4. take in marriage
  5. perform a marriage ceremony; "The minister married us on Saturday"; "We were wed the following week"; "The couple got spliced on Hawaii"


  1. a liquor made from fermented mash of grain


  1. the British royal family since 1917
  2. a city in southeastern Ontario on the Detroit River opposite Detroit


  1. either end of the yard of a square-rigged ship

10 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. Queen of France: Marie A....


  1. come to terms; arrive at an agreement
  2. negotiate the terms of an exchange; "We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar"
  3. the negotiation of the terms of a transaction or agreement


  1. raise a formal objection in a court of law
  2. ask for identification; "The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard"
  3. issue a challenge to; "Fischer challenged Spassky to a match"
  4. take exception to; "She challenged his claims"


  1. the honorary or titular head of a university
  2. the person who is head of state (in several countries)
  3. the British cabinet minister responsible for finance


  1. an expert who gives advice; "an adviser helped students select their courses"; "the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala"


  1. either half of the cerebrum
  2. half of the terrestrial globe
  3. half of a sphere


  1. a medical specialist in hygiene


  1. those in charge of running a business
  2. the act of managing something; "he was given overall management of the program"; "is the direction of the economy a function of government?"


  1. the act of punishing


  1. be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"
  2. communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"
  3. sig·nal (sgnl) n. 1. a. An indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that serves as a means of communication. See Synonyms at gesture. b. A message communicated by such means. 2. Something that incites action: The peace treaty was the signal


  1. something or someone seen (especially a notable or unusual sight); "the tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape"
  2. optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision
  3. a blunder that makes you look ridiculous; used in the phrase `make a spectacle of' yourself
  4. an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale


  1. add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language"
  2. add as a supplement to what seems insufficient; "supplement your diet"
  3. a supplementary component that improves capability
  4. serve as a supplement to; "Vitamins supplemented his meager diet"
  5. a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)
  6. textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end

12 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. a medium that disseminates via telecommunications
  2. cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
  3. taking part in a radio or tv program
  4. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
  5. sow over a wide area, especially by hand; "broadcast seeds"


  1. belief about (or mental picture of) the future
  2. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values
  3. the feeling that something is about to happen
  4. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment

13 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. a considerate and thoughtful act
  2. kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"
  3. the process of giving careful thought to something
  4. information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"
  5. a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour"
  6. a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone

3 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species
  2. a social gathering to carry out some communal task or to hold competitions


  1. a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; "they took a cable car to the top of the mountain"
  2. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
  3. a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"
  4. where passengers ride up and down; "the car was on the top floor"
  5. the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant


  1. a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis
  2. feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats; wildcats
  3. any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild
  4. a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts; frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work
  5. a whip with nine knotted cords;
  6. the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant;
  7. a spiteful woman gossip;
  8. an informal term for a youth or man;
  9. A catamaran


  1. go down momentarily; "Prices dipped"
  2. a depression in an otherwise level surface; "there was a dip in the road"
  3. dip into a liquid while eating; "She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce"
  4. scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface; "dip water out of a container"
  5. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate; "dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint"
  6. plunge (one's hand or a receptacle) into a container; "He dipped into his pocket"
  7. immerse in a disinfectant solution; "dip the sheep"
  8. place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
  9. dip into a liquid; "He dipped into the pool"
  10. slope downwards; "Our property dips towards the river"
  11. a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms
  12. appear to move downward; "The sun dipped below the horizon"; "The setting


  1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
  2. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
  3. good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
  4. attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
  5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn


  1. half the width of an em
  2. Latin: An entity or being; an existing thing; the abstract idea of being
  3. A unit of measurement used in printing equal to one twelfth of a pica, or approximately 0.01384 inch


  1. G-force - a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity; used to indicate the force to which a body is subjected when it is accelerated
  2. give a command to a horse to turn to the right side
  3. turn to the right side; "the horse geed"


  1. ions"
  2. irritate; "Her childish behavior really get to me"; "His lying really gets me"
  3. grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of; "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him"
  4. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
  5. be a mystery or bewildering to;
  6. reach and board; "She got the bus just as it was leaving"
  7. reach by calculation; "What do you get when you add up these numbers?"
  8. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form; "Scram!"
  9. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;
  10. go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
  11. move into a desired direction


  1. an informal term for a person's role; "he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly"
  2. headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim
  3. put on or wear a hat; "He was unsuitably hatted"
  4. furnish with a hat


  1. dark protective fluid ejected into the water by cuttlefish and other cephalopods
  2. fill with ink; "ink a pen"
  3. a liquid used for printing or writing or drawing
  4. mark, coat, cover, or stain with ink; "he inked his finger"
  5. append one's signature to; "They inked the contract"
  6. sporting tattoos


  1. the bureau of the Treasury Department responsible for tax collections


  1. either the outer margin or the inner margin of the aperture of a gastropod's shell
  2. the top edge of a vessel or other container
  3. either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking
  4. an impudent or insolent rejoinder; "don't give me any of your sass"
  5. (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx


  1. not worth considering as a possibility; "a picnic is out because of the weather"
  2. away from home; "they went out last night"
  3. not allowed to continue to bat or run; "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out"
  4. from one's possession; "he gave out money to the poor"; "gave away the tickets"
  5. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election; "now the Democrats are out"
  6. moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden; "the cat came out from under the bed";
  7. being out or having grown cold; "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"; "the fire is out"
  8. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
  9. outer or outlying; "the out islands"
  10. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning"
  11. outside or external; "the out surface of a ship's hull"
  12. no longer fashionable;


  1. a prehistoric unrecorded language that was the ancestor of all Indo-European languages
  2. dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pastry top


  1. give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
  2. catch rats, especially with dogs
  3. give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
  4. take the place of work of someone on strike
  5. employ scabs or strike breakers in
  6. any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
  7. desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage
  8. a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman's coiffure
  9. one who reveals confidential information in return for money
  10. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible person a `git'"
  11. someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike


  1. anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume
  2. a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
  3. turbulent water with swells of considerable size; "heavy seas"


  1. institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against; "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"; "She actioned the company for discrimination"
  2. French writer whose novels described the sordid side of city life (1804-1857)


  1. to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big"
  2. in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"


  1. a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin;
  2. platform surrounding the head of a lower mast
  3. the greatest possible intensity;
  4. be ahead of others; be the first;
  5. situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"
  6. the upper part of anything;
  7. finish up or conclude;
  8. be the culminating event;
  9. a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance;
  10. cut the top off;
  11. a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips;
  12. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container);


  1. a high rocky hill
  2. a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill


  1. make or wage war
  2. a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious; "the war on poverty"; "the war against crime"
  3. the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war"
  4. an active struggle between competing entities; "a price war"; "a war of wits"; "diplomatic warfare"
  5. a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply; "war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring"

14 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. the act of removing solid particles from a liquid
  2. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding; "the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook"

11 letter answer(s) to _empty_


  1. the act of consuming something
  2. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
  3. (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing; "the consumption of energy has increased steadily"
  4. involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body


  1. European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song
  2. English nurse remembered for her work during the Crimean War (1820-1910)


  1. a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts


  1. a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
  2. a crane for moving material with dispatch as in loading and unloading ships
  3. a long truck for carrying motor vehicles

15 letter answer(s) to _empty_

Other crossword clues with similar answers to '_empty_'

"'Neath the ___" (Wellesl
"'Tis the ___ to be jolly
"... happily ___ after"
"... ___ after"
"60 Minutes" regular
"A Book of Nonsense" auth
"A Cooking Egg" poet
"A good servant but a bad
"A good walk spoiled," sa
"A Thousand Acres" noveli
"A Tract on Monetary Refo
"A ___ of One's Own"
"A" or "an"
"A" or "the"
"Adam and Eve on a raft,"
"Adam Bede" author
"Adam Bede" novelist
"Aha!" elicitor
"All in the Family" produ
"All ___ is metaphor, and
"All ___!" (captain's cry
"America, the Beautiful"
"American ___"
"And so ..."
"And that's an ___!"
"Animal House" frat man
"As ___" (letter closing)
"Ash Wednesday" poet
"At-ten-SHUN!," e.g.
"Back to you"
"Bad" for "good," e.g.
"Be All You Can Be" group
"Beam ___, Scotty!"
"Beep beep" maker
"Ben-Hur" author
"Black Beauty" author
"Blue" or "White" river
"Both Sides Now," for one
"Boy, do I ___!"
"Busy" one
"Cats" lyricist
"Cats" poet
"Chatt'ring" birds in Sha
"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"
"Cleopatra" backdrop
"Cogito ___ sum"
"Cogito, ___ sum"
"Come here often?", e.g.
"Come here often?," e.g.
"Common" thing that's not
"Consider ..."
"Consider Yourself" music
"Cool" ones
"Couldn't be better!"
"Cut it out!"
"Cut that out!"
"Daniel Deronda" author
"Darn it!"
"Destination" in a 1950 s
"Did I ___!"
"Did you ___ that?"
"Did you ___?!"
"Did you ___?"
"Die Fledermaus" composer
"Do I ___!"
"Do you come here often?,
"Does not compute"
"Don't gimme no ___!"
"Don't I know you from so
"Don't ___!"
"Drawing is putting a lin
"Du jour" item
"Elektra" composer
"Eleni" author Nicholas
"Enough, you're killing m
"Fancy that!"
"Fantastic Mr. Fox" autho
"Farm" dwellers
"Felix Holt" novelist
"Flaming ___" (1960 Elvis
"For Better or for Worse"
"Four Quartets" poet
"Fourth base"
"Frasier" actress Gilpin
"From Here to Eternity" n
"Gee whiz!"
"Gerontion" poet
"Get ___ it!"
"Getting close"
"Good job!"
"High ___" (Anderson play
"Hmm, I didn't know that!
"Hmm, I don't know!"
"Hold everything!"
"Holy smokes!"
"House of Meetings" novel
"How about that!"
"How about that?!"
"I didn't know that!"
"I don't know" lead-in
"I don't want to hear any
"I finished"
"I had no ___!"
"I hadn't thought of that
"I shall not want Honor i
"I'm all ___"
"I'm impressed!"
"If a ___ is happy, it ca
"If at first, the ___ is
"If I ___ ..."
"If you ___...!" (threat)
"If ___ I should leave...
"Imagine that!"
"In" place
"Is that so!"
"Ishtar" or "Heaven's Gat
"It follows that
"It just isn't ___"
"Jake's Thing" author
"Jake's Thing" novelist
"James and the Giant Peac
"Jug handles"
"King Lear" bowdlerizer
"Kiss, Kiss" author
"Knock it off!"
"Language that rolls up i
"Laughable Lyrics" writer
"Lent" body part
"Let 'em have it!"
"Let's go!"
"Let's Make a Deal" choic
"Let's Make a Deal" host
"Let's Make a Deal" optio
"Let's ___"
"Like Niobe, all ___": Ha
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
"London Fields" author
"London Fields" novelist,
"Lucky Jim" author
"Lucky Jim" author Kingsl
"Lucky Jim" novelist
"Lucky Jim" novelist, 195
"Marchers" through the an
"Matilda" author
"Matilda" author, 1988
"Memory" musical
"Middlemarch" author
"Middlemarch" novelist
"Mighty" things
"Mr. Apollinax" poet
"Name That Tune" clue
"National Velvet" horse
"Newsweek" rival
"No kidding!"
"No more!"
"No ___" ("Beats me")
"None of the above"
"Notch" on Orion's belt
"Nothing ___" (bargainer'
"Number two with a Coke,"
"Ode to the Confederate D
"Off with you!"
"Oh, I don't know"
"Oh, my!"
"Oh, sure"
"Oh, wow!"
"Old King Cole" artist's covered
"Oliver Twist" girl
"On the ___ hand ..."
"Open ___!"
"Open ___"
"Open ___" (magical comma
"Opening" word
"Peter and the Wolf" bird
"Phi, chi, psi" follower
"Pride and Prejudice" aut
"Put a sock ___!"
"Quit it!"
"Quite contrary" nursery
"Quo vadis?" speaker
"Roger, ___ and out!"
"Roger, ___ and out"
"Romola" writer
"Round-on-way" line
"Saving Private Ryan" sub
"Scenes of Clerical Life"
"Schindler's ___"
"Seeing red" feeling
"Sense and Sensibility" a
"Shut your ___!"
"Silas Marner" author
"Silas Marner" novelist
"Six ___ and half a dozen
"Skunk egg"
"So ___ me!"
"Soap" family name
"Sorry, Wrong ___"
"South Pacific" heroine
"South Pacific" nurse
"Split" soup ingredients
"Star Trek" extra: Abbr.
"Star Trek" fig.
"Star Trek" off.
"Star Trek" rank: Abbr.
"Sum" preceder
"Surely you ___!"
"Surely you ___"
"Sweet" things
"Tales From the Vienna Wo
"Tantum ___" (part of a E
"That mad game the world
"That's amazing!"
"That's an ___!"
"That's enough!"
"That's incredible!"
"That's news to me!"
"That's ___ to me!"
"The blood-red blossom of
"The child of Pride," acc
"The Fathers" novelist
"The great aphrodisiac,"
"The great instructor," p
"The Gremlins" author
"The Hollow Men" poet
"The Homecoming" playwrig
"The Jumblies" poet
"The Mill on the Floss" a
"The Mill on the Floss" w
"The moon is ___; I have
"The more ___ the less vi
"The Naked Jungle" menace
"The Office" or "House"
"The Perfect Storm" setti
"The Pregnant Widow" auth
"The Sacred Wood" essayis
"The Sacred Wood" writer
"The Sacred Wood" writer,
"The Sixth ___"
"The Thin Red Line" novel
"The trade of kings": Dry
"The usual," e.g.
"The usual," say
"The very ___!"
"The Voyage of the Beagle
"The Waste Land" poet
"The Witches" author
"The Worst ___ in London"
"The ___ in the Hat" (rhy
"The ___ With the Dragon
"There is little reason i
"There was an old man ...
"There was an Old Man wit
"This just in ..." fare
"This means ___!"
"This ___ shall pass"
"Thundering" group
"Tippecanoe and Tyler ___
"To do" list
"Too bad!"
"Too bad"
"Treatise on Money" autho
"Tropical plant", one says in cod Italian style?
"Turkey on white, hold th
"Turn right"
"Um ..."
"Valley of the Dolls" act
"Vienna Blood" composer
"Wait Till the Sun Shines
"Waiting for Godot" prop
"Wedding Crashers" co-sta
"Well done!"
"Well, did you ___?"
"Well, I'll be!"
"Well, that beats all!"
"Well, that's odd"
"Well, whaddaya know!"
"Whaddaya know!"
"What's the big ___?"
"What's the ___?!"
"What's your sign?" is on
"What's your ___?"
"What's ___ for me?"
"When ___ is punished, it
"Where the heart is"
"Where's my serpent of ol
"Whoa, ___!"
"Wine, Women and Song" co
"Winnie the Pooh and Tigg
"Wow, I didn't know that!
"Yeah, ___"
"Yellow Dog" author Marti
"Yesterday" he wrote, accurately, "with slip-up forgotten, Mum finally relaxed"
"You are here" symbol
"You come here often?" e.
"You could've knocked me
"You dirty ___!"
"You don't say!"
"You go, ___!"
"You have no ___!"
"You have no ___"
"You Only Live Twice" scr
"You sure got me"
"You ___?"
"You're the ___" (Cole Po
"Your place or mine?" and
"Your turn"
"___ and out"
"___ and the Wolf"
"___ down now!"
"___ et Magistra" (John X
"___ in there!"
"___ is the only slight g
"___ it all!"
"___ missing ..."
"___ or charge?"
"___ or plastic?"
"___ Over Beethoven"
"___ Pan"
"___ to leap tall buildin
"___ Young" (Nat King Col
# 6 ("Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C
#24 of 24
#39 in a series
#41 or #43
$5.15/hour, e.g.
$75/night, e.g.
&mdash; 20 Across; &mdash; over
&mdash; Drummond
&mdash; Masefield, poet
&mdash; Twist
'06 Series winner
'69 Brando film
'Mystery novel' in quotes
'Open ____ '
'Praying' insect
'The Waltz King'
'The', definitely
'___ in the UK'
(Now mainly farmed) fish
(Of a horse) with shoes on
(Of a place) secluded
(Of ship) lean over
(The) greater number
(with 18 Across) Rogue transported women AND Granddad took a bus
*"... out like a ___"
*Bracket shape
*Edwin Starr, 1970
*Exam ... dentist ... Rob
*Quilt filling
*Right face, e.g.
*Salad partner
*Sign ... organ ... teleg
*Stone in Hollywood
*When the break-in occurr
*___ center
... and replacing American in top basketball team?
... left over from farewell performance?
... Novel abandoned, he hit "Tweet"
... supporter of cathedral gets him a promotion
... thus King's mortified
007 not someone lacking in manners?
007, for one
1 under par that's ignored girlfriend …
1,000 smackers
1.85 kilometers/hour
1/12 of a recovery progra
10 going into Cambridge college for the present time
10% taker
100 to 1, e.g.
100,0,100,1,000? Nonsense!
1005001001000 - see?
1040 grp.
1040 initials
1040 org.
1040 sender
11 was one place to cover part of Javid's remit
12 leading characters in Last of the Summer Wine, mostly
12's possible reason for high amount of power?
13 Down group
14-1's spanner regularly fixing disruption to Suez Canal when one end's blocked
14th letters
15 preceder
16-year-old's desire
16-year-old's want
17-year-old, legally
1948 Literature Nobelist
1955 Disney title charact
1960 musical with Bill and Nancy
1964 Dave Clark Five song
1965 Wilson Pickett song, In the Midnight ___
1966 Lennon-McCartney tun
1968 Oscar-winning musica
1968 third-party candidat
1969 target
1970 musical about marria
1981 Lloyd Webber musical
1991 film "Little Man ___
1992 Pulitzer poet James
19th ___ (golf clubhouse)
19th-century demon barber of Fleet Street
1:00, e.g.
1D's ball
2 drops in for meat
2 used by secret agent in revolution
2's 23
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ..., e.g.
2.5%/year interest, e.g.
20 possibly even less sensitive
20's son, representing county at Rome ground
20-20, e.g.
2002 Peace Nobelist
23 or 5 fruit from 4? Not English
24 cans
24 cans of beer, e.g.
24 cryptically not a measure of speed
24 in desert
24 minutes of basketball
24 minutes, maybe
24-hour eatery, maybe
24s getting county opener out
25 supports in river
27 Italy's past includes Tango
2:00 or 3:00
3 "not hard" for Rowan?
3 Musketeers units
3,600 seconds
30 minutes, in the N.F.L.
3M product
4 the record, holding empty luggage out
4-Her's home
40 quarters, e.g.
41st in a series
42 Long, e.g.
5 Gaelic lines of poetry
5, 8, and 18 mixed for PM once
50 + 0 + 5 + ¼ = 0?
50 + 0 + 5/2 = 0?
50 housed in the old squat finding chicken
50 percent
50% of Bonn
50-acre homestead, maybe
50/50 share
501 stars producing records
60 minutes
6:30 p.m. broadcast
7 and 11, in a casino
8 1/2, e.g.
8 cockney fixer
9 1/2 narrow, e.g.
9 communications, those given dismissively?
9 shed overlooked by hill
99 of "Get Smart," e.g.
9C, say
A barber has to work arou
A barber might nick it
A batting failure for a famous Donald
A better means of seeing the sights
A bird may have one
A bit of artless language
A bit open, but not ultimately ajar
A blue or white flower
A boxer might have a fat
A boy? Quite possibly!
A bummer for bums
A chair usually has one
A child in law
A child regularly rejected tart
A circus performer?
A civilised chap as an aid for actors?
A clown might get it in t
A common one isn't always
A common viral infection?
A cry of surprise about theatre&rsquo;s foremost performer
A custom abroad
A dead one looks like som
A diamond ring turned up in the end?
A dime a dozen, e.g.
A direction to be off
A dirty person may draw o
A drink from one may give you courage?
A driver may change one
A driver may sit on it
A duck or ducks
A film might receive one
A flat, e.g.
A flat, for example
A Fonda
A friendly and reliable country
A full one should give you a capital start
A good outcome for those visiting on holiday?
A granny?
A great deal
A great many
A group of detectives, sharp
A guide is key to crossing river from the South
A heap of material from old record company with radical content
A hoop may be attached to
A hoop may hang from it
A Kennedy
A king arriving in fenland city ahead of time
A language's set of letters
A large amount
A little bit powerless, die in Berlin?
A little crack in gingerbread man
A little lamb
A little letter which isn't the fifth?
A loan taken by coach - it helps to plan ahead
A loser may have to tight
A lot died with gas all around
A lot of heated conflict
A lot of money - drive very fast
A lot of snow, one foot, at end of drive
A lot of Tijuana
A male delegate?
A man's drink
A metal splinter I picked up
A metronome keeps it
A minority of fans in general behave like noisy tits
A mischievous creature sent back, one bringing irritation?
A mobile device promoting line for letters
A nautical mile per hour
A night light?
A number
A number a lot may go for cheaply?
A number argue after female receives another stroke on bottom
A number dined while speaking?
A number needing a drink out of the sun
A number of hands up this jumper?
A number of heavy objects uncovered
A pack animal?
A part of this starts 17-
A particular role that requires no top
A partner each and every year
A path out of here?
A phoney with no sex life
A photographer's hypothermia?
A quiet request not to finish fruit
A race covering one mile demands energy
A ramble up around Stein Head provides variety
A record broken by half-cut sleuth in bed, perhaps
A red pine
A reduced state
A route abroad
A runner may break it
A security
A series of letters from Charles Tringham
A session of football, Henry against Alfred
A shade cowardly
A short distance dogs perhaps returned
A short rest, in actors'
A slice of beef is highly inappropriate food for vegetarian
A slice of honeydew with bananas
A small drink of liquor
A smaller amount
A spell let out rebounds
A street apart
A struggle with English for fellow in crew
A student is after an alternative exam
A team of detectives is sharp
A technique abroad
A thousand chant occasionally offensive lyrics around the pitch
A time for celebrating its charms perhaps
A time to hide dope plant?
A tip to rewire support for bust
A traditional question from the floor?
A truckload
A tunnel, maybe
A university dropout to teach unique method
A vice president makes very little money
A way to stop our man getting speed
A Webmaster may approve i
A whole bunch
A woman with no time for such a tricky game
A, B or C, for example - short message
A, B, C, D, F or G?
A.L. team, on scoreboards
A.P. or Reuters, informal
Aardvark fare
Aardvark's diet
Aardvark's fare
Aardvark's meal
Aardvark's prey
Aardvarks' fare
Aardvarks' morsels
Abbey ___
Abe's Mary
Ability to act
Able to bounce back well, like billionaires?
Abode of angels
Abode of the gods
About time for 15D?
About time for puss
About to furnish Arab table full of dates
About to leave submission for which counsel may argue
Above being under the influence of drugs?
Abrasive particles
Absence of light
Abstract viewpoint those people held about serving men
Abuse in common parlance
AC/DC quiet round piano playing piece
Academic essay
Academic taking on significant example of idiocy
Academic year division
Academy grad.
Accept less rum in glasses
Accident cause
Acclaim, losing no time
Accompanied by
Accompaniers of carrots i
Accompany to a party
Accompanying person
Accomplished leader dismissed by board
Accomplished poet, we're told
Accomplished teacher has energy
Accord, e.g.
According to the law, short leg is a supporter
Accountant's on top of hush money
Accounts written across blackboards
Ace catch includes new spy
Ace intro for sales pitch
Ace or deuce
Ace or jack
Ace place?
Aces high, for example
Acorn droppers
Acorn lover
Acorn producers
Acorn sources
Acorn trees
Acorns, perhaps, out of one's tree
Acquisition from a deal
Acronym part: Abbr.
Act grandmotherly
Act in your own best interests: perform singles with comics at fair
Act like a grandma
Act of laying bare
Action English novelist mentioned
Action favourites return
Action taken to reverse temper tantrums
Actions, one's taken away?
Active fellow, he gets things done
Activity exemplified in t
Activity with bubbles
Actor in a principal role
Actor in Bond?
Actor Johnson of "Plan 9
Actor nearly let reporter go free
Actor's assistant
Actor's assistant in clothing store
Actor's minimum
Actor's minimum wage
Actor's representation of a well-mannered person
Actor's representative
Actors in a play
Actors like empty citadel, not one in Spanish region
Actors speak them
Actors throw stone about first
Actors thrown
Actress Arlene
Actress Gilpin of "Frasie
Actress in 8/11/12 can kid
Actress Lyon, who played
Actress Sharon
Actual title of the 1979
Ad in, e.g.
Add a fringe to
Add fringe to
Add salt and pepper?
Add spice to
Add spices
Add to (something)
Add zest to
Add zing to
Addams Family member
Added power, in slang
Additional - spare
Additional despatch cut by company
Additional trouble avoided by bishop
Additional trouble doesn't begin
Additional; different
Address word
Adhere; baton
Adhesive strip
Adjective follower
Adjust drape in church
Admin guy meets spy handling Middle East
Administered with a spoon
Admit Lincs town is out of ham
Adriatic or Aegean
Adriatic, e.g.
Adriatic, for example
Adult male bird
Advance cautiously
Advantage admitted by landed gentry
Advantage duke found in, say, opening of estate
Advantage held by seed, generally
Advantage in battle, if on top of hill
Advantage in financial document shorn of trappings
Advantage in seed germination
Advantage Mantel
Advantage of clipping front of boundary shrubs
Advantage of top-cut grass
Advantage of wife leaving club
Advantage where bushy boundary has front clipped
Advice-giving sort
Advil target
Adviser is firm about University lecturer
Aegean, e.g.
Aerobic bit
Aerobics action
Aerobics class order
Affair - matter
Affair to be of consequence
Affair with female swimmer
Affair; throw
Affect, with "to"
Affectionate women are mostly married
Affluent, in Arles
Africa's longest river
African river
After a long time, Dan arranged business schedule
After leaving hospital, pursue patient
After losing first point, nervously receives this?
After opening of bottle, down coke in New York
After rejection, half-hearted offspring proceeded cautiously
After short space nobleman and monarch meet
After upcoming editor brought in, backs lecturers
Agcy. with agents
Agent 6 in sticky situation occasionally tense
Agent taking out female player
Aggressor is popular villain
Agree on a starting point
Agreed it's over
Agricultural establishment
Ahead of schedule
Ahead of time
Ahead of time, almost not having started
Aid for Santa
Aid to Santa
Ailing president's no time for chemist, perhaps
Aim; unit of type size
Air alternative
Air controller's place
Air current
Air kiss when knight travels east
Air maneuver
Aircraft abandoning its initial path
Aircraft, informally
Airplane seating request
Airport area
Airport delay?
Airport inconveniences
Airport rental
Airport V.I.P. section
Airs shown by a daughter during posh formal dances
Alarmist's cry, in a fabl
Albania's last Communist
Albany's father-in-law
Alcohol providing animation
Alcoholic drink I needed during several journeys back
Alcoholics Anonymous has
Alder or elder
Aldrich Ames, for one
Algorithm component
Algorithm part
Alison's associate?
Alkali's opposite
All of them lead to Rome,
All out
All paid up
All square
All the letters of Plath Bea devoured
All the letters, or not quite two?
All the more - smooth
All the stage is his worl
All the world's one, to t
All there
All those on stage thrown off
All ___
Alley tally
Alliaceous plant
Alliance - old measure of distance
Alliance including one new country
Allow wild speech supporting head of government
Alma ___
Almond or pecan
Almost be bold enough to succeed famous scientist
Almost half the afternoon spent in the Tube
Almost having taken head off, order dismissal
Almost in the lead for a brief moment
Almost loathe bowler, for one
Almost missing header at the start
Almost perfect vision
Almost wrong, authors' name
Alpha's counterpart
Alpha's opposite
Alpha, beta or gamma
Alpha, e.g.
Alphabet ender
Alpinists must guard against such publicity
Also accepted king must go
Alter amount handed back over counter
Alter price, getting name for resistance
Alter some of the coinage
Alter; money
Alternate; different
Alternative accepted by such poor singers
Alternative article in gold
Alternative books originally recommended by governor
Alternative of two
Alternative to a shower
Alternative to air
Alternative to air or hig
Alternative to calling
Alternative to check or c
Alternative to office or
Alternative to piece of cake as epitome of ease
Alternative to plastic
Alternative to plastic at
Alternative to salad
Alternative to scissors or stone?
Alternative to this and t
Altruism rarely covers returning weapons
Always cut Sweden out
Always cut top off
AM or FM specification
Amateur ballet often displaying skill
Amazon ___
Ambassadorship, e.g.
Ambulance chaser's advice
American Beauty, for one
American commando in ocean and lake
American Legion place
American rock band missing the openings
American serving in the westbound crew
American singer's money
American throne for English king
American trousers
American's cautious, not having monarch continuously
Amino ___
Amino, for one
Amman's Queen ___ Interna
Among others, General Sherman's oddly targeted
Amos of "Amos 'n' Andy"
Amos's last name, in "Amo
Amount charged
Amount in a whiskey glass
Amount that's settled for
Amount to be divided
Amount to make do with
Amphibious motor that's got for nothing?
Amtrak transportation
Amusing escapade; bird
An A.T.M. dispenses it
An accompanying person in Paris is stifling exclamation of surprise
An actor may trip over on
An American period
An American queue
An antenna has four
An ecclesiastic
An examination of the Golden Boy
An individual for each lad
An instruction to play loudly on one instrument or another
An octopus has eight
An old joke?
Analyst&rsquo;s initial manner is remote
Ancestry record
Anchorage in Greek island, by the sound of it
Ancient tree
And so
Anderson's "High ___"
Angel's worry
Angels leader
Angels' place
Angels' playing field
Anger - fashion
Angle (and a three-word h
Angle of ray?
Angle; trap
Angry display
Angry motorist's need
Animal - husky, say?
Animal - one with nine tails!
Animal balancing a beachb
Animal compartment
Animal in hospital, sore unfortunately
Animal in stream heading west
Animal left after landowner barricaded run
Animal runs into pipe
Animal runs into water-pipe
Animal stuck in grating
Animal to give birth in harbour
Animal with withers
Animal's hide when given away
Animal; foolish person
Animals man put on road
Animals run away, first to last
Animated film pooch
Animation image incorporating infrared
Annotation; tone
Annoying computer message
Annoying electronic sound endlessly made by buzzer
Annoying thing
Annoyingly playful
Annual foursome
Annual horse race, with "
Annual quartet
Annual Scripps event
Anon's partner
Answering machine insert
Antares, for one
Antenna holders
Anti-Gaelic lines?
Anxious feeling
Any Alp
Any letter from A to G
Any NATO member
Any one of the Top 40
Any part of J.F.K.: Abbr.
Any trump
Anything made or done
Apartment part
Aphrodite's domain
Apiphobiac's fear
Apollo 11 destination
Apollo target
Apparatus used by women gymnasts
Apparently good point by church in article
Appeal (for)
Appear elated
Appear late in day having failed in appeal
Appear very large
Appear, with "up"
Applause for royal flush?
Apple or maple
Apples and pears etc
Apples, but not IBM's
Appointed time
Appointment where curling is over and done with?
Apprehensive feeling
Approval indicator
Appurtenance for Santa
Apr. 15 addressee
Apr. 15 check recipient
Apr. 15 letters
Apr. addressee
Apr. payee
April 15 deadline agcy.
April 15 initials
April 15 org.
April abbr.
April check payee: Abbr.
April forecast
April initials
April shower?
April to October, for bas
Apron wearer
Apt attachment to the sta
Aquatic bird
Aquatic mammal
Aquatic vertebrate
Arab leader accepting last list of discussion items
Arab League is partially competent
Arbor Day honoree
Arboreal creature with st
Arboreal rodent
Arboretum sight
Arborist's concern
Arborist's study
Arctic native
Arduous challenge
Are you, texting, grabbed by good-looking date?
Area at top of stairs
Area between flights
Area between stair flights
Area between stripes
Area of expertise
Area of Mars
Area of swampy ground
Area of Zambia concerned with energy
Area subject to particular restrictions
Area that’s developed to west and north
Area that's wet and hot on planet
Argentine fossil vertebrae exhibits
Argument about final bank job
Argument weakness
Argument, something that's unpacked in lawsuit
Aries or Taurus
Arithmetical value
Ark or bark
Arlene of "Here Come the
Arlene of "One Life to Li
Arm offerer
Armed conflict
Armed guard in foreign sector
Army, for one
Around second half of year, put up rents
Around second part of Lent, don't eat sumptuous meal
Around the bend
Arrangement prior to uptake of drugs policy
Arrangement; command
Arrival that's between flights
Arsenal provides room for these members
Art gallery
Art gallery benefactor
Art gallery founder
Art philanthropist Sir He
Artful Dodger, e.g.
Arthritis complaint
Arthur Murray instruction
Arthur Murray lessons
Article craftily ignoring Liberal chaos
Artist left after nothing said
Artist's manager
Artist's suffix with land
As a result
As good as possible
As one
As well
As well as
As well it&rsquo;s where a countdown is heading
As well-placed models presumably are when sitting?
Ascorbic ___
Ash or elm, for example
Asian symbols of wisdom
Ask (for)
Ask about
Aspirin target
Aspirin, e.g.
Ass; stupid person
Assembly instructions par
Assess fifth dodgy boyfriend?
Assign a value to
Assign an "R," say
Assign an NC-17, e.g.
Assign stars to
Assign stars to, say
Assistance required to cover top of charcoal burner
Assistant brought up to support mass TV etc
Assistant's first to get to the bottom of plan
Association for a common purpose
Association of sports clubs
Association of women on message
Asteroid area, e.g.
Astin or Martin
Astronaut Schirra
Astronomer's sighting
Astronomy figure
Aswan Dam locale
Aswan's river
At a dead end, as a case
At a distance; match
At all
At all times
At any point
At any time
At dawn
At first extreme weight held up fame
At great cost, heading off in good time
At Sodom regularly? Excessively!
At that
At work see about upper limit, finding way out
Athos, Porthos and Aramis
Atlas dot
Attached to
Attain maximum intensity
Attained new heights
Attempt at a basket
Attempt to embrace man with love in ideal situation
Attempt to get a small whisky?
Attempt to score
Attend to a plot
Attendance figure
Attendance lists
Attention given by nobleman, briefly
Attention seized by the artist
Attention: clothes should come with no top
Attorney getting politician slightly wet
Attractive quarry, dry inside
Au fait
Auction groups
Auction items
Audible, quiet man
Audio receiver
Audiologist's concern
Auditor's org.
Auditor's store for funds
Auditory organ
Auditory organs
Aunt of 1960s TV
Aussie 14 champ here?
Australian city
Australian city turning inward
Australian wild
Authenticate each plan
Author in the 1950s "angr
Author kept spinning plate
Author Kingsley
Author of "Time's Arrow,"
Author of Adam Bede, d.1880
Author of Lucky Jim, d.1995
Author of nonsense poems and limericks, d. 1888
Author of On the Origin of Species, d.1882
Author of Sense and Sensibility
Author Roald
Author seen looking to the left in photo, I learned
Author T. S. ___
Auto security feature
Autoharp, e.g.
Autumn in America
Autumn in Vermont?
Autumn trip over
Available for purchase
Available? Not here
Avenge oneself on
Avian creature
Avis alternative
Avis or Alamo offering
Avoid cricketing failure
Avoid expression of affection
Avoid finishing sentence?
Avoid love
Avoid regularly tense head
Avoid utter failure at the crease
Award for a good student
Award of merit
Away from home
Awfully steep having to swallow fifty pounder
Awkward position
Ax to grind
Axes to grind
’80s double act taken to extremes?
… another goes smoothly along
… comedy blood?
… crew too heavy? Not half!
… that's out dreaming?
… worst risks son's raised
… so I must ring head of Rentokil
… success not entirely unexpected? Excellent
B flat here?
B or B+, say
B or better
B to C minus 1 returns X
Baby and kid American brought up
Baby in wool?
Baby sheep
Bachelor of ___
Bachelor's area
Back in a moment
Back into a corner
Back massage by Norse causes skin injury
Back problem
Back talk
Back to basics here, as Conserv­ative taking drugs?
Back up
Back-to-back winner to coach Hungary
Backing European Commission provided Foreign Office post
Backing some Arabian oil limits big figure
Bad breath cause, maybe
Bad film of oil obliterating lake
Bad spot for a nail
Bad thing to be under
Bad thing to make a decis
Bad throw, e.g.
Bad witness
Bad's opposite
Bad, for good
Baddie having a brief time in wicked place?
Bag for instance
Bag lunch eater?
Bagel choice
Bagel or bialy
Bagel request
Bagel type
Bake sale offering
Baked dessert
Baked dish
Baked food? Large quantity, not left
Baked item
Baker's dozen, maybe
Baker's predecessor
Bakers' wares
Bakery display
Bakery item
Bakery offering
Bakery product &mdash; or part, so it&rsquo;s said
Baldness remedy?
Ball club deal
Ball hit out of bounds
Ball lands in short playing area
Ball of string?
Ballroom activity
Balls featuring in quotes regularly
Baltic or Bering
Baltic, e.g.
Band around the waist
Bands of colour
Bank card finally split
Bank contents
Bank posting
Bank quote
Bank sight
Bank-washer in Cairo
Banned Pete
Bar - bird
Bar accommodating one hundred runners at the start
Bar bird
Bar food
Bar means of transport
Bar order
Bar raising large sum of money
Bar’s story-teller returned
Bar; waterbird
Barber's obstacle
Barber's obstruction
Barbershop quartet part
Bare lead ending in shock
Bare peak
Barely beat
Barely beat, with "out"
Barely better
Barista's offering
Bark or punt
Barmy army boxes tough cockney: a bit of a spar
Barn's place
Barnes & Noble habitu
Barrier keeping tons off path
Barroom foot rest
Bart or Lisa
Base's opposite
Base; unit
Baseball blunder
Baseball news
Baseball player news
Baseball's Charlie Hustle
Baseball's Wynn
Baseball, slangily
Bash or jab
Bash sash and strip zip
Basic bingo item
Basic biological unit
Basic desire for one belief
Basic unit of time
Basketball defense
Basketball shooting game
Bass ___
Bassoon, basically
Bat mitzvah, e.g.
Batcave figure
Bathroom division
Bathroom item
Bathroom sink
Batman's sidekick
Batpole user
Bats heading off in a great crowd
Battered sword in house
Battery contents
Battery fluid
Battery liquid
Battery where bird is served?
Battle against last in third division
Battle of Fair ___, 1862
Battle to get space at bar
Battleship shade
Battling booze, with onset of nausea for the lead singer
Bazooka part
Be a director
Be a fink
Be a rat
Be a stool pigeon
Be able to nail
Be carried along
Be dependent
Be editor of Independent, admitting wife is no friend of cyclists
Be effective
Be employed one of two weekends
Be featured (in)
Be fitting; outfit
Be frightened of losing female attention
Be furious
Be hazily inattentive, in
Be held in esteem
Be held in high esteem
Be important
Be in pain
Be in the game
Be in the game or in the
Be judgmental
Be overly fond
Be overthrown
Be something special
Be sore
Be stuck (on)
Be suspended
Be too fond
Be uncontrolled
Be undecided
Be wary of losing initial attention
Be weakly affectionate
Be worthy of
Be worthy of, merit
Be worthy of; speed
Beach sandal problem
Beachball balancer
Beagle expert finally achieved a rare victory
Bean concoction?
Bean cover
Bean product?
Bean sprout?
Beanball target
Bear after it sees stars
Bearing; style of art
Beast of burden
Beast of burden put on small island
Beat (out)
Beat back car
Beat by a bit, with "out"
Beat by a nose
Beat by a point or two
Beat Frenchman brought into cup game
Beat slightly
Beat, barely
Beat, but barely
Beatle - singer with Peter and Mary
Beatles record label
Beatles song that begins
Beatles' record company
Beatles' record label
Beau's buy
Beaufort ___, area above
Beautiful array of colors
Beautiful fairy
Beautiful fairylike being
Beautiful woman ignoring one for a time
Beauty mark
Beaver's nearest relative
Beaver, e.g.
Because of this
Become a traitor
Become disenchanted
Become immoveable
Bed choice
Bedroom fixture
Beech or birch
Beer buy
Beer order
Beethoven piano concerto, Op. 73
Beetle, e.g.
Before curfew
Before dawn, say
Before Elton's first hit record
Before sunrise
Before the bell
Before the due date
Before the usual time
Before time
Before, it was on every 24; after, unavailable, it’s frozen
Before-long connection
Beginning of a conclusion
Beginning to lose a little lead
Beginning to open very large letter
Beginning to sniff instant glue
Behind ___
Being mischievous, skipping first half of study
Believe no one's keeping calm
Bell that looks the same
Belt out
Belt, perhaps
Belt; group of musicians
Beltway fig.
Ben's partner
Bench locale
Bend to put on stockings in store
Benefactress of university finally stricken with doubt
Benevolent group of creatures in Dr Who
Berkeley Square serenader
Besides what's here
Best of seven, e.g.
Best of seven, say
Best Picture of 1968
Best plaything for a child?
Best spinner
Best vessel brought up
Best, but barely
Bestow much love (on)
Bestow; concede
Bet or buy lead-in
Betray European judge
Betray, with "on"
Better witness finally recalling reg number right
Better ___
Betting odds
Bettor's concern
Between third and fifth
Beverage that may be foam
Bewhiskered circus animal
Bewhiskered trash collect
Bialy flavorer
Bibliography, basically
Bic filler
Big 22 perhaps lent banks euros
Big area of philanthropy,
Big beagle feature
Big beer buy
Big dachshund features
Big Dipper component
Big donkey features
Big dud
Big elephant feature
Big elephant features
Big exam
Big expense for newspaper
Big failure
Big fat mouth
Big first for a baby
Big flop
Big guy gripping ruby maybe cracks it
Big Mac ingredient
Big mouth
Big mouth, slangily
Big name
Big name debut cut short
Big name in computers
Big name in Italian fashi
Big name in the ad biz
Big name instrument one’s lost
Big news on the sports pa
Big part of an elephant
Big performance opening pot
Big pipes
Big prize on "The Price I
Big problem for a pilot
Big rabbit features
Big reveal sees English banker trap unknown figure by safe
Big sea bird &mdash; there&rsquo;s three fewer than expected on the green
Big share
Big shot
Big shot at a bar?
Big shot: "How annoying to be rejected"
Big snowfall
Big spread
Big storm
Big swig
Big test
Big tractor, informally
Big wind
Big winner at the casino
Bigmouth, e.g.
Bigmouth, for one
Bill carrying nothing aboard capsized vessel
Bill turned up around old ship
Bill, the fellow being a pain
Billiard ball that&rsquo;s not spotted?
Billiard cushion
Billie Holiday's 1939 protest song about lynching, Strange ___
Billie Jean
Billing unit
Bills and coins
Bills for sisters attending the courts
Bills, e.g.
Bin Laden hunter
Bind, so to speak
Bingo audience
Bionic part of the Bionic
Birch or spruce
Bird - boy's name
Bird - name
Bird - one in Lincoln green?
Bird almost ready to face strong wind
Bird call
Bird edges round cake crumb
Bird having rook trouble
Bird ingesting large bean or nut
Bird laugh
Bird of ill omen? Not for the golfer!
Bird of prey
Bird of reef?
Bird one tells stories about
Bird runs over waste receptacle
Bird sound, piano and song - it's murder!
Bird speed
Bird starts to rummage on waste container
Bird that "at heaven's ga
Bird that comes "bob, bob
Bird to imitate bee by the side of a road
Bird with rook and duck on waste container
Bird&rsquo;s time for sleep, buffeted by wind?
Bird’s carefree frolic
Bird's footprints not close to nest
Bird's gullet pouch
Bird's home
Bird's nest is one being very high
Bird's unpleasant feeling in stomach
Bird; tie securely
Bird; zero score
Birds initially ignored nuts
Birthday greeting
Bishop abandons generous approach
Bishop in gown has line in crime
Bishop's bottom producing low frequency sound
Bit of a climb
Bit of aid
Bit of assistance
Bit of banter
Bit of choreography
Bit of dance attire for F
Bit of dialogue
Bit of effrontery
Bit of evidence in court
Bit of food delivered to church
Bit of handkerchief embro
Bit of infirmity
Bit of insolence
Bit of instruction
Bit of marginalia
Bit of moonlight
Bit of moonshine
Bit of pastry on outside of cake
Bit of planning
Bit of skid row litter
Bit of stitching: Abbr.
Bit of surveillance evide
Bit of theatrics
Bit of Trivial Pursuit eq
Bit of Watergate evidence
Bit of wood glue
Bit quiet for those monitoring the airwaves?
Bit, portion
Bite lip
Bite to eat and beer outside quiet pub at front
Bitter Conservative needs help all around
Bitter, bitter having leaked runs
Bitterly complain
Blab freely
Black and white?
Black belt's blow
Black billiard ball
Black bird died in flock
Black cat
Black eye initially violet, forming bruise on skin
Black for one short layer of coal
Black Knights of college
Black leopard
Black or red insects
Black pool ball
Black vessel in stream
Black-eyed ones
Blackfish or redeye
Blackmore heroine
Blacktop, e.g.
Blade part
Blast maker
Blast source
Blessed fellow on phone causing row!
Block division
Block series of TGVs to Paris
Blockage in colon, say
Blockbuster buy
Blog bit
Blog comment
Blog entry
Blogger's audience
Blokes crowd round to help girl
Bloodhounds have big ones
Bloodsucking insect
Bloom sprang up
Blooming British abandoning fight
Bloomsbury group member
Blotto or stinko, e.g.
Blouse or shirt
Blouse, e.g.
Blouses with underwear included for 14s?
Blow a high note: put in valve
Blow hot and cold about small medical procedure
Blow the whistle (on)
Blow the whistle on store
Blow up
Blown snow
Blue dye
Blue expanse
Blue feathers
Blue feathers (4)
Blue Jays, on a scoreboar
Blue or White follower
Blue preceder or follower
Blue-eyed boy's rebellious action
Blue-pencil wielder
Bluebeard's home neat? Yes, finally, for the first time
Blueprint feature
Bluffer's game
Blunder contributing to emperor retreating northward
Blunder has rascal guillotined
Board defect
Board game roundly omitting content that's graphic
Board's partner
Boast about clothes
Boat taken from coast regularly
Boater, perhaps, that&rsquo;s wasting time
Boatman goes on south to get sun?
Boatman's place: long stop
Bob down
Bob's face (having pleasured himself?)
Bobber's quest
Bobbing object
Bodies of water
Body of salt water
Body of water
Body parts that may be be
Bodyguard, Eastern type protecting China's leader
Boggy area
Bolt (down)
Bolt to run smoothly making comeback
Bolts lawyers' entrance to Strangeways
Bond's boss and assistant returned for films, TV etc
Bond, for one
Bony structure of the foot
Booby trap component
Book Alfa Romeo battery recharge
Book by Sartre in translation
Book on complete subject
Books to get on earlier vehicle
Books university dons published
Boom box setting
Booster, to a rocket
Boot, in baseball, e.g.
Booted a bit of the pitch over the top of Hillsborough
Booted, say
Booth, e.g.
Boozer drinking hooch finally fired
Boozer visited by earl in Paddington?
Border broken up in united Germany
Border held by determined Germans
Border is quiet at this place, one of two in the world
Border straddled by distinguished gentlemen
Bore; extremely
Boric ___
Boring home game, last in series?
Borscht, e.g.
Boston or Chicago, e.g.
Boston Red Sox mascot
Boston suburb
Both genders abandoned criminal player
Bother for a boxer
Bother over burning gas
Botox targets
Bottle: guzzler emptied it
Boulder's smaller than this state capital, paradoxically
Bounce around with fondness for housework
Boundary giving us the upper hand?
Bounding main
Bovine animal
Bow out of second-rate finale
Bowl balls without line and length at crease?
Bowl bishop when batting
Bowl brilliant opener when batting
Bowl first of bumpers when at home
Bowler changes end to get ratings
Bowler or boater
Bowler's assignment
Bowline or sheet bend?
Bowline, say
Bowling alley
Box extremely stupid person
Box office
Box office take
Box ___ (tree)
Boxer's attendant
Boxer's problem
Boxer's punch
Boxer's trainer, e.g.
Boxing blow
Boxing prize
Boy admitting film-maker's rank
Boy bowled over having got hold of hard author
Boy going to ocean for the summer maybe
Boy heads?
Boy in a Johnny Cash song
Boy is bound to leave drive with damage
Boy standing to welcome Hungary's first writer
Boy to get surgery at last to become a woman
Boy trapped back in concrete pillar
Boy with yen for peeress
Boy's father has regular build
Boy: "Wonder about nickel, boron and gold?"
Bra insert
Brain matter?
Brain popper
Brain wave
Brain's site
Brainwave regularly featuring in middle ear
Branch headquarters?
Branch installing new vault
Branch location
Branch of science
Branch site
Branching diagram
Brand of British vessel
Brandy cocktail
Brass instrument
Brat hasn't time to make mistake
Braun, finally turning to husband in Germany's capital - "What can we do to win this war?"
Brave enormous halves switch sides
Brave, in a way
Bravo follower
Braying animal
Brazil, for one
Brazils and pecans
Bread - a way to get Japanese sort to rise
Bread items
Bread maker
Bread, a status symbol for the rich?
Break in end of paragraph where N-Z found to include L
Break loose - flight
Break pots?
Breakdown cause
Breakdown is its own possible cure
Breathes noisily
Breezy talk
Bridge or foot feature
Bridge part
Bridge piece
Bridge shape
Bridge team being eaten by opponents is source of headlines
Brief affair
Brief affair; throw
Brief attempt about right
Brief case in flat
Brief immersion
Brief letter
Brief letter school sent back
Brief letter sign-off
Brief message
Brief O.K.: Abbr.
Brief spark for a shiner
Brief swim
Bright thought
Brilliance one's shown in class
Brilliant getting rid of British Conservatives?
Brilliant person
Brilliant time to leave foundation
Bring action against
Bring in
Bring in a number to help - sharpish!
Bring to a standstill
Bring to an end, removing the head!
Bring to bay
Bring to court
Bringing up
Briny deep
Briny issue, maybe salt
Brit's elevator
British abandoning one in order to get alternative
British art institution, say, a non-starter
British art museum
British author, notably of children's books, d.1990
British avoiding showing intelligence? Correct
British coppers
British crowd returned device for detonation
British flyer let me see hat
British general in the driver's seat in WW2 transport
British governor of Massa
British monarch keeps bird in hat
British poet laureate Nah
British quiet losing leader in wild Australian parts
British Rail now ruined by ex-PM
British writer of many children's books, d. 1990
Britons on vacation drinking like fishes
Broad smile
Broadbrim, e.g.
Broadcast live in the morning
Broadcast live in two different ways
Broadcast live with a mike
Broadcast vulgar singer
Broadcaster's need
Broadcasters, e.g.
Broadway debut of 10/7/82
Broadway hit
Broadway hit with 7,000+
Broadway smash whose post
Broken hot tap? Best cover item in film
Bronwen regularly invading my secret place
Bronze animal in New York
Bronze beater
Broth, for example
Brought up nonsense about performer
Brown betty ingredient
Brown river in Scottish city
Browne's "cure of all dis
Brownish songbird
Browser setting?
Brunswick stew ingredient
BT's first mobile network - one creating a buzz
Buchan's 1915 novel has 39 of them
Bucket locale
Bud drinker?
Bud's place
Buddy Holly's "Peggy ___"
Buds may be produced in t
Bug going round hospital in poor quarter
Bug zapper?
Buggy power
Bugs in "A Bug's Life"
Bugs in lines
Builder of cells
Builders' sites
Building hospital by a river
Building sites
Building we found in shelter of hill
Building weapon unleashes anger
Built-up area
Bulb in contact with conductor of electricity
Bulb in contact with electrical current working finally
Bulb lit repeatedly, consuming current
Bulb used by cooks
Bulb used in cooking
Bulb's working, subject to receiving current
Bulbous vegetable
Bull's partner
Bumbling beast
Bun seed
Bun topper
Bunch : grapes :: ___ : b
Bunk bed feature
Bunker perhaps where some turned up
Bunker ___
Burbot or turbot?
Burger garnish
Burger layer
Burger topper
Burlesque props
Burmese and others
Burn cause
Burn detached houses
Burn second of tracks featuring 8 15?
Burning state
Burr's duel victim
Burrowing animal
Burrowing arthropods
Burrowing mammal
Burrowing rodent
Bus or air alternative
Bus schedule specificatio
Bus stations?
Busby or derby
Business attire
Business chatter quietly positioned ahead of work
Business loss
Business outfit
Business starts to commission orders following expansion
Business van
Buster —, US comedian
Buster on the silent scre
Busy bodies
Busy buzzer
Busy insect
Busy little insects
Busy one
Busy one?
Busy type
But it's a dramatic work!
Butcher's or bakery
Butcher's, baker's or can
Butter or jam
Butter or mayo
Butter or oleo
Butterfly's a tiny bit orange at one end
Butterfly; ruler
Buttonhole flower people leaving taxi?
Buy and sell
Buyer be where?
Buzzer in spelling competition?
By any chance
By logic, then ...
By mouth
By that reasoning
By tradition, the first Bishop of Rome
Bygone religious group
C or G
C ___
C-F musical interval - Prince Regent George's eventual regnal number
C.B. equipment, to a C.B.
C.I.A. worry
C.P.A. hirer
Cabbage collector, for sh
Cabbage-moth's eating up last letter
Cabinet assistant
Cabinet backs section of Companies Act
Cabinet department until
Cabinet position with responsibility for clothing company
Cable in Wiltshire, stripped of core
Caboose, for one
Caffe additive
Caffe ___
Caffeinated concoction
Cager's offense
Cagney epithet
Cain vis-
Cain vis-a-vis Abel
Cairo's river
Cairo's waterway
Cake maker
Caladryl: itch :: Bengay
Calculate astrologically
Calculator message
Calendar divisions
Calico, e.g.
California Grenache, e.g.
California-based multinational IT company
Caligula, say
Call at first
Call at home
Call boxing arena
Call it a day
Call some prison guards
Call time
Call time in school
Calligrapher's buy
Calligrapher's need
Calligrapher's purchase
Calm there got disturbed
Calm time of day
Calm-sounding composition
Calves, e.g.
Cameron apparently thinks Syrian leaders are pussies
Camp group
Campaign setting
Campanologist’s double?
Campbell's product
Camper's lamp
Camping item
Campus building
Campus location
Can seem a thousand short
Can you dig it?
Canal device
Canal feature - hair piece
Canal locale
Canal part
Canal section
Canal site
Canal sites
Canal zone?
Canal zones?
Cancel industrial action
Cancel raise
Cane or beet?
Cane, e.g.
Canopus or Aldebaran
Cantilever, e.g.
Cape &mdash;; French &mdash;
Cape ___ Islands
Cape ___, westernmost poi
Capital city on the Danube
Capital of Bermuda
Capital of Bermuda - musical
Capitol site, with "the"
Capitol ___
Cappuccino cousin
Capsule of cyanide on food portion
Capt.'s aide
Capt.'s inferior
Captain James of the high
Captain's command
Captain's domain
Captain's place in game
Captain's position in game
Capture on video
Car attendant
Car beeper
Car in front of pillar box, wingless and slow too
Car supplying lots of expected attendees?
Carbolic ___
Carbon monoxide poisoning's beginning to permeate numerous soldiers
Card game
Card game for two
Card game that can get red hot
Card game that's a hint t
Card player leaving feast cut turkey
Card suit
Cardinal has predecessor cast in iron
Cardinal: one less impressed by fine English
Cards suit
Carefree adventure
Carefree outing
Careful study
Careful thought
Caribbean and others
Caribbean, e.g.
Carnival booth
Carnivorous insect, which rests as if in prayer
Carpenters and harvesters
Carpenters, e.g.
Carpentry class
Carriage in ambush
Carriage, they say, for spectators ...
Carriage; snare
Carrier crew
Carries on
Carries on with The Times
Carrots' plate-mates
Carry - tolerate
Carry drug in pub
Carry enormous animal
Carry grizzly creature
Carry's partner
Carry, convey
Carry, give birth to, and put up with Rupert?
Carry; animal
Carry; endure
Carter had one
Cartesian conjunction
Cartoon series, a much cooler version of 16 17?
Cartridge contents
Cartridge filler
Case for holding a light
Case of diamonds, say
Case one of four
Cash has won and remains holder, reversing plummet in rankings?
Cash in my old points
Cash register output
Cash register part
Cash, notes
Cashews and such
Casino action
Casino winner, often
Casino, to a gambler
Cassandra and Raquel originally in Reliant Robin, say
Cast in 10 officers
Cast leading pair in third series
Cast member
Cast of Brief Encounter
Cast of characters?
Cast off
Cast's concern
Castor or Pollux
Casual affair, as steps taken in Scotland?
Cat and dog keeping round rear flap
Cat lady&rsquo;s in pursuit of desire
Cat's quarry
Cat's-paw, e.g.
Cataract site
Catch a break on radio
Catch a few rays?
Catch constituent up
Catch husband out &mdash; is one listening?
Catch lines being raised
Catch some climbing
Catch that's catchy?
Catch wine circle substituting carbon
Catch; carriage
Catchall category
Catchall column
Catching z's
Catchy musical phrase
Catchy part of a song
Category under "race," ma
Caterpillar or butterfly
Catherine the Great's suc
Catholic leaving continent with undue speed
Cattail's locale
Cattle group
Cattle in a cattle drive
Cattle rancher's unit
Caucasian Chalk ___ , 1948 Brecht play
Caught god's part in Sophocles play?
Caught participating in obviously contrived game
Caught when stashing last of eight ounces?
Cauliflower ___
Cause for a massage
Cause for alarm?
Cause for an aspirin
Cause for an erasure
Cause of an itch
Cause of much bellyaching
Cause of sloppiness, mayb
Cause to halt
Causes a commotion about boxing lawsuit
Causing puckering, perhap
Causing the lips to pucke
Caution one finally leaving vehicle
Caution shown when playing king, fearful scoundrel nicking it?
Cautious advice
Cease and desist
Cease sports training over problems at outset
Cease work below street
Ceiling support
Celebratory meal
Celebrity beginning, but not ending
Celebrity extremely short with retired painter
Celebrity finally dabbling in wrong aspect of astrology
Celebrity has to begin shortly
Celebrity sending nasty people back
Celebrity&rsquo;s scornful expression when upset
Celebrity's expression of mild irritation is taken the wrong way
Celebrity, bald almost
Celestial body
Cell assignment
Cell occupant
Cell wall, perhaps
Centaur, in part
Center of a Christmas dis
Centerpiece of this puzzl
Cereal plant portion
Ceremonial flag
Ceremony read out? Correct!
Cerise rocks without volume/mass?
Certain bulb
Certain cabernet
Certain charger
Certain chess piece, info
Certain commando
Certain computer message
Certain dashes
Certain money transfer
Certain soldiers
Certain sorority girl
Certain tennis stroke
Cha cha cha, e.g.
Cha, cha, cha, e.g.
Chain link?
Chain unit
Chairman's need
Chairman's paper
Chaise ___
Challenge for Jack and Ji
Challenge for the wheelch
Challenge, legally
Challenge, metaphorically
Chamber quartet?
Chance to play
Chance to play in a game
Chance to win
Chance upon confrontation
Change 22 19 14 24 down
Change around the Thames
Change colors
Change direction
Change of direction in match
Change of direction is a shock
Change pound before church
Change Roman coin in Switzerland
Change routine
Change stage act
Change, perhaps
Changer of text in English rubbish I had written up
Channel going in deep I pulled towards the surface?
Channel or river filled with fish? On the contrary
Chaperone - Cortes
Chaps receiving help recovered from unproductive bowling spell
Chapter's partner
Character on staff nearly broken
Characteristic events on radio offended Vatican
Characteristic group of symptoms
Characters offering help below mountain height
Charades, e.g.
Charge cut for informer
Charge Germany following hostility
Charge per unit
Charitable people overlooking new openings
Charles's game
Charlie — old Berlin feature? Primarily yes
Charlie enters transaction to get deposit
Charlie is playing Henry for money
Chart shape
Chart type
Chart with many lines
Chart-topper penned by our group is unblemished
Chartism's campaigning for annual festival
Chat volubly after drop of Tanqueray gin?
Chauffeur's order
Cheap commodity?
Check artist's standing with the others
Check box choice
Check for ID, as at a bar
Check out ancient coin in church
Checked item
Checkers of proofs
Checkout annoyance
Checkout clerk's question
Cheek — that's by the mouth
Cheek, and other facial feature
Cheers and others
Cheers! Australia's booted out tech giant
Cheese steak topper
Chemical ___
Chemist is pounds in red, needing turnover
Cherry or apple
Cheshire cat's hangout
Cheshire cat's place
Chess board unit
Chess piece
Chess piece left in class
Chess piece lieutenant put back in box
Chess player moving first
Chess player’s success welcomed by bridge partners
Chess player’s wine?
Chest of drawers
Chesterfield or ulster
Chestnut or walnut
Chestnut, e.g.
Chewing the fat, all finally understand
Chicago, e.g.
Chicken noodle, e.g.
Chicken two in 24
Chicken ___
Chicken's cry that hurt
Chicken, possibly, served in can?
Chief journalist
Chief messenger doesn't take either side
Chief section of the foot
Chief's sly hunch
Chief, playfully mischievous
Chief: Prefix
Chief; part of body
Chiffon creations
Child of invention?
Childhood nickname of 21-
Children are being injected with £1 drug
Children's author had to lift line
Children's author Roald
Children's card game
Chime time, with "the"
Chimpanzee researcher Goo
China has fantastic residence for ruler maybe
Chinese calendar animal .
Chinese checkers board sh
Chip's partner
Chirpy sort almost putting on ceremonial dress
Chloe rang regularly &mdash; a warning?
Choice at checkout
Choice on "Let's Make a D
Choice word?
Chorale part
Choreography move
Christian festival
Christie murder setting
Christie setting
Christie's "Death on the
Christie's Miss Marple
Christmas bird takes a lot of covering
Christmas buy
Christmas greeting
Christmas or Easter, eg
Christmas tree adornments
Christmas tree topper
Christmas ___ (holiday st
Chuck half of this paddle
Chuck Norris finally punching Leo, for one
Chuck Norris's heading for paradise
Chump or pork pie served after fish
Church founder has time to visit aristocrat
Church leader
Church officer
Church official
Church official of greater seniority
Church official; tree
Church V.I.P.
Church with no end of incense for convert
CIA employee
CIA feels prepared where all evidence is gathered?
Cider maker
Cincinnati and lowball ar
Cinnamon unit
Circulation concern
Circulation, in a way
Circumstances covering investigation
Circus barker
Circus barker?
Circus participant
Circus performer
Circus performer to take flight, we hear?
Circus performer with a b
Citric ___
City between Boston and S
City district
City division
City hit hard
City hotel supporting club
City in eastern Scotland
City northeast of Boston
City on the Danube
City planner's concern
City to look cheerful as soldiers enter
City university in Zambia originally having money to burn?
City wasn't prepared for revolution
Civil War side, with "the
Clansmen being oddly selective, for instance
Clash with a queen
Class competition
Class describing imaginary number for Einstein?
Class division
Class going round rear of medieval fortress
Class invaded by large rook
Class list
Class of tools?
Classic name on stage
Classic one-word headline
Classic theater name
Classical heptad
Classical septet
Cleaning solution?
Cleo's lane
Cleopatra's river
Cleric with a crook?
Clerical robe
Clever of bishop to drink beer? Just the opposite!
Clever releasing B side
Clever stories have no intro­duction or conclusion
Clever thought
Clever to ignore Britain's leader? Correct!
Clever, not needing book to be correct
Clever, skilful
Cliff oddly lacking energy before game
Cliff's brink
Cliff's not very small trunks
Climb; flake of skin
Clinton has two
Clock could be item as also found in Laos
Clock info
Clock or watch pointer
Clock reading
Clock regulator
Clock sweeper
Clog (up)
Close British section of canal
Close hostilities with ultimatum, finally
Close securely
Close the main line
Close tightly
Close up
Close, as an envelope
Close, as friends
Closed plane curve
Clothing item
Clothing tag information
Clown's prop
Club accommodating old vessel
Club chauffeur
Club for AA member?
Club that spurs one on
Club that'll bring tears to your eyes
Club wants women to gain advantage
Club, maybe, that footballer tries to avoid
Clubs or hearts
Clubs, e.g.
Clubs, possibly, for eccentrics
Clue game board space
Clue, for one
Co-operate with Brand, say, and dance
Co-operating state
Co-worker is friendly, though not at first
Coalition: the French disease
Coast Guard mem.
Coast Guard off.
Coast Guard officer below
Coast Guard officer: Abbr
Coast Guard rank: Abbr.
Cobbler, e.g.
Cocaine found in tea, right? It's not true
Cocaine is one, for example
Cockney intent on keeping the peace
Coconut yield?
Cod, dab, eel and ray
Code G
Code word for C
Code word for G
Coffee concoction
Coffee four in 24
Coffee or cocoa
Coffee order
Coffee served with hot milk
Coffee shop order
Coffee yet to arrive having eaten last of breakfast
Coffee: second of two cut
Coffeehouse order
Coiled lock of hair
Coils half of rope up, making a knot
Coin collection
Coin collections
Coins are suspended in church
Coins as part of wages
Coins belonging to elderly people
Coins or notes
Coins, banknotes
Colbert ___ (Comedy Centr
Cold and rainy
Cold beer needed after second climb
Colditz prisoner, perhaps, with little hesitation, might
Collagen injection site
Collagen target
Collar site
Colleague in compound being loveless
Colleague of Kent
Collect-all-the-cards gam
Collection agcy.
Collection holder
Collection of teams
Collectors' org.
College student's declara
College tour around yard
Colloquialisms in curious language
Colonial group
Colonialist discussed aspect of infrastructure
Colony insects
Colorado's Mesa ___
Colorful talk
Colour of milk
Colour of ripe lemons
Colour; fish
Colours in evening paper
Comb (wool)
Comb maker
Combination ___
Come about
Come across game
Come along - £20 for cycling trip? Rip off!
Come by
Come down with
Come gallantly holding final letter
Come in third
Come to a halt
Come to a ___
Come to an end
Come ___ , 1969 Beatles song
Comedian, one writing dully about sergeant?
Comedic missile
Comes across holding up bag
Comes out on top
Comfortable spring
Comic bat's 1D puttin' wig and gown on?
Comic's missiles
Comic-strip light bulb
Coming back unprepared for conflict
Coming down
Coming up, strike boss
Command British to leave frontier
Command group
Command; sequence
Commander introduces final list of discussion items
Comment before "I don't k
Comment not to be taken s
Commercial ___
Common ailment
Common alias
Common bathroom sight
Common breast-pocket stai
Common British bird
Common dessert ingredient
Common family name
Common flag feature
Common flag symbol
Common girl's middle name
Common or standard weekend
Common songbird
Common surname
Common survey option
Common sweetener
Common test subject
Common test taker
Common thing
Common thing?
Common Web site link
Commonly catch sound, in this
Comms code C
Comms code for G
Communication channels
Communication means
Communication means at th
Communicators on the rise aim to captivate English Duke
Communion assistant
Community competition
Community contest
Community event
Community get-together
Commuter line
Commuter option
Commuter's choice
Commuter's option
Commuting option
Compact, e.g.
Companion from different sector
Company car once made by Ford
Company co-founded by 57-
Company part
Company perk
Comparative form of littl
Comparison basis
Compete in a Soap Box Der
Competent brewer initially brought in beer
Competent firm? No way
Competent leader removed from board
Competition distance once used
Competition of sorts
Competitive advantage
Competitive ___
Compiler the woman would dump in the outhouse
Complain bitterly
Complain furiously as fibber turns up
Complain over nothing left for workers' share
Complaint of Labour leader lacking in fluency
Complete absence of law
Complete failure
Complete flop
Completed insurance, shelling out $100
Completely bungle
Completely correct Conservatives
Completely ended
Completely worn out
Complicated problem
Component that is found inside computer terminal in office
Component with unknown function
Composer drops in for meat slice
Composer of Salome and Elektra
Composer on the case of correct decision
Composer Warlock
Composer who got crotchety with 1?
Composer’s art’s reflected by American symphony primarily
Computer accessory needed by famous engineer
Computer aid
Computer announcement
Computer attachment
Computer bit
Computer choice
Computer company
Computer device
Computer device offering way of working with purpose
Computer giant
Computer item with a trac
Computer logo
Computer option
Comrade in arms
Con's preoccupation
Concealing head in funny acrobatic manoeuvre
Concede, as a point
Concept everyone associated at first with papers
Concert promoter's figure
Concert receipts
Concert site
Concert venue
Conclude a minimal amount of settlement's best
Conclude corporations must be on the rise
Conclusion in home game
Conclusion lead-in
Conclusion of movie, Three Kings, skirting over inaccuracy
Conclusion preceder
Conclusion sometimes drawn by an organist
Conclusion starter
Condescend to remove an old feature of organ
Conditional and temporary release from custody
Conditional release
Condolences; understanding
Conduct in sector, poor
Confederate uniform color
Conference need
Confine to home
Conflagration; sack
Conflict Mike finds heated
Conflict taking month to heat up
Confrontation Descartes maybe recalled, involving European noble
Confuse - cast
Congressional declaration
Conjecture made by those people importing gold
Conjecture the other ranks verify finally
Conked out
Conquistador promotes last pair to head bodyguard
Conservative compassion after leader deposed in urban area
Conservative in E-type getting armed guard
Conservative pinching man&rsquo;s idea
Conservative remains ready
Conservative welcoming the man's idea
Conservative's "question and answer" tour's ending in the Home Counties
Conservatives, with "the"
Conservatory's focus
Consider cost
Considers dropping thousand for good stuff
Constellation component
Constellation part
Container - it’s used by grammar expert
Container for liquid
Container releasing its contents in prescribed amounts
Container; courage
Contemplate securing round bit of IT equipment
Contender in the Belmont
Contents of some farm bus
Contest in which the rule
Contest of sorts
Contests; corresponds
Continue downhill without
Continue effortlessly
Continuous pain? One must ring hospital
Contract bridge?
Contract negotiator
Contract parts
Contract stipulation
Contracts essentially null and void for motorway, perhaps
Contrarily, editor cutting back is one authors rely on
Contrary attention-seeker, brunette, after short story for broadcaster
Control river parasites
Control tower word
Controversial agcy. since
Convention site
Conversation arising in Greek/Latin
Convert, in a way
Convertible or coupe, e.g
Cook's offering coated egg starters, man!
Cooked and ready to eat
Cooked Dover sole
Cooked in London eatery
Cooked thoroughly
Cooked; carried out
Cool cat
Cool dude, in jazz
Cool guys
Cool sort
Cool wind after dark in Florence, say
Cooperating for capturing woman
Coot or moorhen, for example
Cop given nuts spitting out large stones
Cop's cry
Copland's first piano sextet: amazing, something to look forward to
Copper coins
Copper to escort dealer
Coppers finding 48th vice president
Cops and robbers, e.g.
Copy key first — and do a runner!
Copy over?
Copy righter?
Copy, as a film
Coral ___
Cordelia's father
Cordial start of meeting after hostilities
Core group?
Corinthian conclusion
Corinthian, for one
Corn order
Corn piece
Corn serving
Corn spike
Corn spikes
Corn unit
Corn units
Corn, wheat or soybeans
Corner indefinite number engaged in plot
Corporal punishment to stay
Corporate bigwig
Corporate type
Corps remains ready
Correct height on masts, sails, etc
Correct liturgy for listeners?
Correct; appropriate
Correct; entitlement
Correctional worker?
Corrosive liquid
Corrosive substance
Corrupt "haves" all at once inherit our greatest public asset
Corrupt PM, say, needing your compassion
Cost to get out of 46-Acr
Costco quantity
Couch potato's passion
Cougar or Jaguar
Cougar or Lynx
Could be Hazel’s crazy!
Could it be grandfather, white-headed - I'm blown away!
Council member, maybe
Count carrying more weight after transitioning
Counter everything during my arrest
Country bumpkin
Country home to accommodate Old King Cole first
Country making no progress has to ditch male in leading position
Country partner?
Country path
Country road
Country road made of bare earth, for example
Country singer Anderson
Country singer Johnny
Country singer on whom "C
Country singer?
Country way
Country; bird
County academic keeps 20
Couple holding hands, consum­ing punch or wine, not 18
Couple moving west, joining new community
Couple seen in a restaura
Courage and determination
Courage and what one might find it in?
Courage that may help motorist on winter drive
Courage, determination
Courage; container
Courage? Makes an error about one retreating
Course ahead involving Aegean?
Course component
Course division
Course of ship going round lake
Course went on, reportedly?
Court area
Court call
Court card
Court defense
Court demand
Court getting behind composer in decision
Court opening
Court presentation
Court proceeding
Court supporting Italian barman's decision
Courteous chap
Cousin of "hmmm!"
Cousin of a cockroach
Cover (over)
Cover food put out on table?
Covered in blood
Cow crowd
Cow group
Coward's color
Cowardliness - trait originally cultivated in royal household
Cowardly cry: that hurt!
Cowardly; colour
Cowboy's companion
Cows maybe man&rsquo;s seen on road
Coyly roguish
Cracker seed
Crackers — or what you need them for
Crafts' partner
Craggy hill
Craggy peak
Craggy prominence
Crap coke and drop of acid upset one doing lines
Craps play
Crash and burn
Crate, so to speak
Crater's edge
Craving, slangily
Craze giving rise to intense anger
Crazy for health food
Crazy nightmare might be the case for Brazil
Crazy old king&rsquo;s losing his head
Crazy teachers&rsquo; society
Cream of the crop
Create, as a CD
Creative activities
Creative skills
Creative spark
Creative work left in reserve, writing for newspaper?
Creator of the Bennet fam
Creatures hunted for sport
Creatures with tunnel vis
Credit card statement fig
Credit's counterpart
Crescent moon feature
Crescent-shaped tract of
Crew member
Cricket fielding position
Cricketer first for honours in Somerset city
Crier's place
Crime award inspiring small informal gathering
Crime scene evidence, oft
Criminal making fellow pressure coppers
Crimson Glory, for one
Crisis point
Critic's unit
Criticise poet, initially rubbish
Crocodile ___
Cromwell, for example
Crook from north in sack
Crook, third in line, involved in plot
Cross about small means of access
Cross: Christianity :: __
Crossing point
Crosspiece put over hole in floor
Crossword direction
Crotchet or minim, say?
Crowd good at English
Crowd runs from site of fire
Cruise ship Empress of th
Cruise that goes all around the UK?
Crumbled in golf on series of holes
Crushed to powder
Crusted dessert
Crusted desserts
Crusty dessert
Crusty dish
Crusty one?
Crusty ones
Cry after the sound of a
Cry before
Cry from a tickled person
Cry from the bench
Cry made while cracking a
Cry repeated in aerobics
Crystals used for dishes
Cub: it is desperate for something to eat
Cuba or Aruba
Cuba, e.g.
Cuban export
Cube consumed orally
Cube not displaying face in elevation
Cube root of 125
Cue ball
Cue user
Cultivate plants
Cultivated plot
Cultural centre?
Cultural doings
Cultural interests
Cultural stuff
Cup handle
Cup's edge
Curiosity victim
Current carrier
Current doctor, frightfully fit
Current events
Current fad
Current line
Current man on board
Current of air
Current type of beer
Curry, not the first, in space
Cursor mover
Curtains made at home, apart from fringes
Curve (in a road)
Curved doorway
Curved masonry construction
Curved overhead structure
Curved piece of metal, for grabbing
Curved structure
Curved structure builder ultimately installed in a church
Custard cream, say?
Cut (with an axe)
Cut - a piece of meat
Cut back on ball game
Cut back primarily on game
Cut down, as a photo
Cut into pieces
Cut of lamb
Cut of meat
Cut of meat; hack
Cut off
Cut policeman seen around hospital
Cut right into fish
Cut short, maybe
Cut some French opals
Cut taker
Cut throat
Cut wood
Cut, as a picture
Cut; slice of meat
Cutting part
Cutting the mustard
Cyclisme à vélo?
Dacre perhaps somehow tried to take in head of OFCOM
Dad exercises and stops to draw breath?
Daft to discount British forces
Daily pork pie? Fool!
Daily story for credulous chap
Daily V.I.P.
Dallas Cowboy's emblem
Dame — Melba, singer
Dame of whodunits
Damn Anglicans coming round for cash
Dance and drama
Dance bit
Dance components
Dance flourish
Dance instruction
Dance instructor's call
Dance instructor's instru
Dance lesson
Dance makeup
Dance maneuver
Dance move
Dance movement
Dance partner
Dance partner?
Dance set?
Dance unit
Dance with comrade beyond a disaster?
Dance's partner
Dandy bagging large turkey
Dandy consuming large turkey
Dangerous place to pass a
Dangle poles over a pier,
Dapple, say, is essential when set beside Rocinante’s rider
Dartboard's centre
Dartmoor topographical fe
Dash lengths
Dash locale
Dash measures
Dash sizes
Dash widths
Dash-dot, dash-dot, dash-
Date chart
Daughter must leave expensive organ
Daughters leave mottled fruit
Dave's partner's electronic track
Davy Jones's domain
Davy Jones's locker, with
Daydream - Europa of Jupiter, say
Daylight saving, e.g.
Daylight savings saving
Dead large stash of drugs in a small piano
Dead to the world
Deadbolt, e.g.
Deadfall, e.g.
Deal - occupation
Deal for one week with fashion clothing
Deal from cedar trees brought back
Deal in angry speech I ignored
Deal maker
Deal, possibly, with 100 vices
Dealer in bread and cakes
Dealer in Volkswagen trucks
Dealing with discord in ranks?
Dear fuel finally leads to some deliveries falling short
Dear guy?
Debugging discovery
Debutante's date
Decade of this puzzle's t
Decide against boxing plan
Decision, judgement
Decision-making diagram
Deck member
Deck of 52
Deck units
Declaration of 1941
Declaration of Congress
Declare "good" or "excell
Decline swim
Decline with age
Deep affection
Deep blue
Deep brown, without end
Deep ditch
Deep swimmer
Defeat good enemy?
Defeat, barely
Defense type
Degree in music
Delay beginning to seem unlikely
Delay getting seat in choir
Delay outlet at a fair
Delay sales booth
Delay unbelievable after standing start
Deliberately lose most of the argument
Delicate skill
Delivery area
Delivery man's hat
Delivery possibility
Democrat dealing with vital representation of party?
Democratic Party symbol
Demonstrate; spectacle
Demonstration after head's ousted principal
Demonstration spurning first entrance to city?
Den denizen
Dendrologist's subject
Dennis, to Mr. Wilson
Dental school exam?
Denunciate, with "at"
Department at an auto sho
Departure from idea thrills
Dependent, often
Deposing leader in panic is blunder
Depression not over, off to see pharmacist?
Dept. of the Treasury dep
Depth of a vessel's keel below the surface
Derby hat
Derby or bowler
Derby, for one
Dermatologist's concern
Descartes's "therefore"
Descent from treeless upland
Description of Els's scores
Deserter's charge reduced
Deserter? Not in the desert once!
Deserve special perks, sa
Deserve special treatment
Deserving a thumbs-up
Design feature of many a
Design feature over many
Designate "commercial" or
Designer's need
Desire contents of sugar container?
Desire to solve cryptic without thesaurus - finally!
Desist from temper tantrum right away
Desk item
Desolate spot
DeSoto, e.g.
Despicable one
Despicable person
Dessert choice
Dessert from an oven
Dessert in a pan
Dessert: fine chilled, but not cold
Desserts akin to cobblers
Desserts with crusts
Destination for a W-2
Destination of many filin
Destructive digger
Detached piece of land
Detailed examination
Detect both poles coming into view
Detective Lord ___ Wimsey
Detective's assignment
Determination - coarse sandstone
Determination I should replace article in bequest
Determination to see power slipping from grasp with time
Determine the age of, in
Detest not going all the way in Balmoral?
Detroit, e.g.
Developer very much ahead
Devil’s lair imprisoning little Maureen
Devoted, as friends
Devour ravenously
Diacritical mark
Diagonal mover in chess
Diagram representing different relationships
Dialogue units
Diamond flaw?
Diamond stat
Diamond, e.g.
Diamonds or spades
Diamonds, e.g.
Diamonds, for example, that you can wear
Diane of "Annie Hall"
Dice roll
Dice, say
Dickens, perhaps, about first in reading material, primarily at this time of year
Dickens-based musical
Dict. label
Did pound firstly get used on ball?
Didn't have enough
Didn't sit still?
Die (out)
Difference between winner
Different article in gold
Different one
Different order that has evidently reversed, first of all
Different parent, not married
Different part of bible seen by woman
Different person subject to order, abandoned by British
Difficult problem for Ravel
Difficult work cut down when given to American singers
Difficulty hearing crucial part of negative statement
Dilettantes' passions
Diluted fruit drink
Dimensions, magnitude
Diminished by
Diminutive suffix
Diner basketful
Diner dessert
Diner, for one
Dinghy or dory
Dinghy, e.g.
Dinner bread
Diploma feature
Direct issue
Direct payment
Direction at many a corne
Directive to a chauffeur
Directive to James
Directly above
Directly show where
Director's cut turned up with a new short film
Dirt, GO?
Dirty dog
Disappointed shout
Disappointment felt after this, for character on the radio?
Disastrous failure
Discard; small building
Discarded queen, perhaps, retaining spades
Discarded spades held here?
Discharge a cannon
Disciple following evangelist, a man of many words
Disciple prefacing good Biblical contribution from 16
Disconcert; chuck
Discounted by
Discover - modicum
Discovering it sends homeowner up the wall
Disgraced Liberal Farron put up in small hotel
Disgruntled player's dema
Dish covering penny whistle
Dish from canteen is absent-mindedly overturned
Dish that's often roasted
Dishes containing raw vegetables
Dishes regularly spoiled with 25% salt
Dishonestly altering (the books)
Disliking learning about play
Disloyal sort
Dismiss spring and end happily
Dismissed in contest, though not bowled
Disney dog
Disney's "___ of the Sout
Disorder putting off old woman and another woman
Dispatcher's word
Display behind Low cartoon, at the back
Display behind Medical Officer, working
Display one's buttocks publicly
Distance definable, for me, as initially in four pieces
Distant motorway building
Distant object in game is your debt, according to the 26 of 9 1 across
Distinct step
Distinctive area
Distinctive features of M
Distinctive flag
Distortion affecting my radar beam
Distress signal
Ditch fish angler finally caught
Ditch fish around river
Ditch fish in river? The opposite
Diva, e.g.
Dive forward to catch duck in passenger area
Divisible by two
Division of school hard by river
Division of the school year
Division of the year
Divisions of the year
Do - political group
Do a caulking job
Do a critic's job
Do a number
Do agricultural work
Do battle with foreign noble blocking Frenchman's return
Do better than
Do drugs after American working girl gets home?
Do lullabies, e.g.
Do right cutting wages
Do search in the centre with others
Do, e.g.
Do, for example
Do, re or mi, e.g.
Do, re or mi?
Do, say
Dobbin's "right"
Doc Holliday's game
Doc wears them
Docket item
Doctor instructed to ignore first bit of wind?
Doctor involved in study of genius
Doctor pursues hygiene issue, maybe mine
Doctor's consulting room
Doctor's office, to Brits
Doctors' practice
Document exchanges hands - it's too hot to handle
Doe being defended
Does it store all the letters one writes?
Dog biter
Dog botherer
Dog hounder
Dog seen in Soho, undernourished
Dog treat
Dog's owner
Dog-eared piece
Dog-___ (well-worn)
Dogs perhaps retreating, one in flight
Dogwood or palm
Dojo blow
Dollars and Deutsche mark
Domain of the goddess Tet
Dome light?
Domestic animal
Domesticated animal
Domino's order
Don't be serious
Don't go on
Done with
Door fastener
Door without a knob, say
Doorstep cry
Dormant; inattentive
Dory or ferry
Dot - full stop
Dot; argument, idea
Dotty over young woman
Double agent
Double checker
Double order, perhaps
Double ___
Double-decker checker
Doubled, a 1969 #1 hit so
Doubled, a pen
Doughnut feature
Doughnut's center
Doughnut's middle
Dove's aversion
Dowager welcomes knight's opening
Down (on)
Down for the count
Down tools
Down with something
Dozing snake has secured shelter
Dozing snake seen around shelter
Dr. Seuss character
Dr. Seuss's "The Cat in t
Drag one's feet
Drain part
Drainage area
Drainpipe discovery
Drainpipe part
Drake's partner?
Dramatic artist
Dramatic production
Draw a line round
Draw a small amount
Draw an outline of
Draw game?
Draw suspicion
Draw very uncreatively
Draw? Point for football team, commonly
Drawing place
Drawn game of rugby with both wings sent off
Drawn to the old method of patterning textiles
Dreadful feeling
Dreaming, maybe, like backward-looking PM of yesteryear
Dressing room door figure
Dressy attire for a man
Drillers' group?
Drink bottle
Drink containing skin of plump fruit
Drink contents of dish?
Drink from a machine
Drink in The Feathers?
Drink large tea brewed outside front of temple
Drink less bubbly, taking lips away
Drink less gin to inspire sheer love
Drink not right for social gathering
Drink of spirits getting us fired
Drink that may be a doubl
Drink that may be vanilla
Drink was revolting
Drink with a foamy top
Drink with milk
Drink's rough, reportedly
Drink; playing piece
Drinking last of ale, Hoskins had a thought!
Drinking places
Drinking spree
Drive around? No time or opportunity
Drive close to Ferrari in journeys westward
Driven group
Driver of one vehicle or another over short period
Driver's destination?
Driver's place
Driveway's end
Driving passion?
Driving place
Driving test directive
Drone, e.g.
Drones, maybe
Drool over Irish bottle
Drop a line?
Drop in the mail
Drop-off point
Dropped fly ball, e.g.
Dropped pop-up, e.g.
Dropping the ball, e.g.
Drops rents
Drug cop
Drug dealer
Drug found in a police department
Drug left in London area
Drug runner at Folkestone?
Drug story sat on by daily
Drug user represented by a police chief
Druidic worship sites
Drum containers
Drum locale
Drum set?
Drum site
Drunken lads in Ibiza, for example
Drunken type somewhat lacking
Drunks' language is filled with vernacular
Duck found on European river
Duck, possibly, served inside
Duel personality
Duffel &mdash;; morning &mdash;
Duffer's challenge
Duffer's locale
Duffer's obstacle
Dugout, for one
Duke of Cornwall's father
Dull card game
Dull color
Dull discomfort
Dull hurt
Dull pain
Dull persistent pain
Dull time turning over small space in yard?
Dumbarton ___ (D.C. estat
Dumbarton ___ Conference
Dump water overboard
Dunce finally excluded from class project
Dungeons & Dragons locale
Dustin of "Rain Man"
Dusting target
DVD box set purchase
DVD box set, possibly
DVD menu option
Dwarf or giant, maybe
Dwelling place
Dwindle away to nothing
E or G, e.g.
E-file receiver
E.g. the skill independent learner retained in modern times
Each source of riches gets attention
Each state, symbolically
Each young fellow comes on board for various times
Eager and willing
Early course
Early Hanoverian with hint of total determination
Earn an award, given by queen in royal residence
Earth's satellite
Earth, good and spherical
Earth; stop from flying
Earthly satellite
Earthmovers removing sleepers and rubbish
Easily enter place after escape of one horse
Easter display
Easter entree
Easter parade attraction
Easter serving
Easter ___ (period up to
Easter, e.g.
Eastern commander about to close what's to be done?
Easy as ___
Easy card game
Easy mark, in cards
Easy on the eyes
Eat hastily
Eat in a hurry
Eat like a king
Eat ravenously when course is over
Eating stuff
Ebony or mahogany
Eccentric - stiff paper
Eccentric item that could be removed from deck
Eccles getting help upon rejection in the papers, perhaps
Eclipse, for one
Economic lifeblood
Economical, eschewing a rise
Economist hits out over money
Economist Janeway
Economist John Maynard __
Economy, for one
Eden event
Edge of landmass
Edge, rim
Edible animals shot as a sport
Edible bulb
Edible fish
Edible green seeds
Edible kernels
Edinburgh's locale, in po
Edison product
Edward who popularized th
Edward who wrote "The Owl
Efficient medical treatment out of bounds
Eg arm borne by soldiers, those taking a back seat?
Eg Marilyn Monroe&rsquo;s heavenly body?
Eg Victoria&rsquo;s position in life?
Eg, a banana
Eg, a heart or club
Eg, apple or pear
Eg, Borneo
Eg, bowler
Eg, cypress
Eg, eider; get down
Eg, eyot or inch
Eg, flycatcher
Eg, football match
Eg, Jersey
Eg, minestrone
Eg, minim
Eg, mulligatawny
Eg, painting, sculpture
Eg, pecans
Eg, pharmacist
Eg, Sardinia or Java
Eg, taste or touch
Eg, The Times
Eg, three or 3
Egg drop, e.g.
Egg shell
Eggs order
Eggs ___ easy
Ego-less, trembling internal light
Egypt's main water supply
Egyptian lifeline
Egyptian river
Egyptian tomb feature
Eight the hard way, e.g.
Eighteen letters about college player
Either 50 of 50/50
Either end of a gate
Either end of a spar on a square-rigger's mast
Either of two opposing wa
Elaborate meal
Elder for one right to fetch round support of course
Elder or alder
Elder, for one
Elective course?
Electric wire feature
Electrical conductor
Electrical cord
Electrician's hookup
Electricity carrier
Electronic publication set up for football maybe
Elements of type found within spermatozoa
Elephant flappers
Elephant fleeing circus finally in the Spanish fairy story
Elephant in a song
Elephant's-___ (plant)
Elevator button
Elevator direction half t
Elevator man
Elevator part
Eleven-a-side field game
Eliot's Grizabella, e.g.
Elizabeth Taylor's third
Elm or elder
Elm or oak
Elm or pine
Elsewhere - unfashionable
Emanation from Earth's mantle
Embossed emblem
Embraced in cuddle that's rough
Embroidered ltr., often
Emerge in season
Emerges with trip arranged to see opera
Emile's love on Broadway
Emma's young fellow's hot … mainly after exercise!
Employer of many auditors
Empty bar to have coffee?
Empty shore near a stretch of water
Empty space; aperture
Ems followers
Emulate a grandparent, ma
Encased lamp
Encrustation to mount
End of a dash
End of a fishing line
End of a footrace
End of a Greek run
End of flight, outdoors and in
End of forest area stripped by fire, ultimately - ash?
End of the comment
End removed from utensil as well
End sinks after rising
End street work
End with jars upside down
End with successful snooker shots brought up
Ending with "for" or "wha
Ending with dog or long
Ending with land or sea
Endless sexual perversion primarily gratifies royal
Endless story beginning to kill conversation
Endlessly dressing feathered friend
Endure - mammal
Endure ill-mannered guy
Enemy leader?
Enemy's opposite
Energy produce by sun in equivalent type of oil
Energy-filled sandwich to make you move fast
Engine problem
English are heard repeatedly admitting old mistake
English composer providing part for violin that's played by quartets
English coppers
English country gent bites tail off rather large rodent
English general in the Am
English might, needing to lose mass for racing boat
English poet laureate Nah
English poet laureate of
English poet laureate, 16
English Queen entertaining politician, or another monarch
English right infiltrated by the same heartless journalist
English rush north for work
English spa city on the River Avon
English spa founded by the Romans
English student gets one over on cross novelist
English tips?
Enid Blyton's famous number?
Enjoyable - moral
Entertain our group in garden
Entertainer in part works cutting fringes
Entertainment partner?
Entirely unknown friend
Entourage play tennis here - and try to win
Entrance area
Entrance German goddess
Entrance to many a plaza
Entry blank datum: Abbr.
Envelope closer
Environment suitable for tailless mammal
Epistle apostle
Epitome of easiness
Epitome of easiness?
Epitome of thinness
Equestrian competition unfinished still
Equestrian equipment
Equilateral quadrilateral
Equine animal
Equips for war
Erection to blame for this headache?
Erstwhile show-off lowering level of European publicity
Eruption from Earth's mantle
Esau vis-
Escalate, with "up"
Escalator part
Escalator parts
Eskimo ___
Eskimo's catch
Espresso added to frothed steamed milk
Espresso coffee and milk
Espresso order
Espresso with steamed milk
Essay's basis
Essentially gazump wealthy financial centre
Essex sailor sleeping at home after cold
Established facts
Established regimental flag?
Estate, say, starts to contact all residents
Esther 8:9 is the longest
Et ___
Et ___ (and others)
Etcher Cadmus
Etcher's fluid
Etcher's need
Etching liquid
Ethical to deduct marks in exam
European bound by rail for Paddington?
European getting you upset, a failure
Evaluate some person or thing
Eve's downfall
Eve's fruit
Even a prig could be a passer-on of gossip
Even once
Event proceeds
Event receipts
Event that fails badly
Event where one stands fo
Eventually leave wife suffering
Every family has one
Every possible anagram for 'sweets'?
Every so often repair organ
Everybody's got the back of lovely colleague
Everyday product said to have been invented in China in about AD 100.
Everyone at the back of hotel room
Evidence of pain
Evidence of slur after organis­ation dropping regulation for food, supposedly?
Evil one
Evil spirit
Evil spirit making November follow March
Evolution pioneer
Evolution theorist
Ewe's baby
Ex-governor Spitzer
Ex-governor Spitzer of Ne
Ex-PM, having been given a roasting?
Exact moment
Exam format
Exam given face-to-face
Exam not fine for a learner
Exam sans pencils
Exam some scholar once rejected
Exam type
Examination for all? Not entirely
Examination format
Examination of gold and aluminium
Examination of the ears, so to speak
Examination of the mouth
Examination removing top of reef feature
Excavation machine, for s
Excellent energy party picked up
Excellent to receive love in street
Exceptional ability
Exceptional intellect
Exceptional intelligence
Excessive speed
Excessive urgency
Excessive, with no additional energy required to make the pace
Exchange (as A and R in t
Exchange rubbish vehicle
Excitement as I'm entering American state
Excitement? I'm in a state
Exclamation before "I did
Exclusive group providing local anaesthetic?
Exec, slangily
Execute witch around noon
Exemplars of twinship
Exercise routine bit
Exercise, having eaten one baked dish
Exhausted, with "in"
Exhibit Holbeins and new Goyas at the front
Exhibiting greater modera
Exhibits, basically
Existential topic for Hei
Existential woe
Exodus - all inside leaving headland in this?
Exorcist's enemy
Exorcist's quarry
Exorcist's target
Expanse of salt water
Expanse of water
Expected, as payment
Expedition missing out top of Umbrian peak
Expedition retains openings for trainee explorers
Expensive losing diamonds in some corn
Experience one French duke avoided for this reason
Experienced one
Expert adviser is relentless about fuel regularly being wasted
Expert in some chaos
Expert on Muslim leader brought into court
Expert swimmer, male, adapted proper, genuine clothing
Expert turning up in hotel bar
Expert, so to speak
Explanation as to how something might work
Explode, as a volcano
Exploit dispute minister rejected in agreement
Exploit involving second blowout
Explorer Marco
Explosive device
Explosive hail reaches northern sky
Express broadband provider - not half!
Expression of annoyance about Wisconsin regional capital
Expression of annoyance over principal
Expression of relationship quite in error about a cricket side
Expression of surprise
Extend - banquet
Extinguished; abroad
Extra flash
Extra horsepower, in slan
Extra horsepower, slangil
Extra time is needed by loose-limbed people
Extra time to follow chaps who do yoga?
Extract of weed generating irritability
Extraordinary student I observed in class
Extreme anger? It&rsquo;s the fashion
Extreme fear after deposing leader is mistake
Extremely sharp
Extremely short after nothing's done
Eye drops
Eyebrow makeup
Eyebrow shape
F. Murray Abraham feature
F.B.I. operative
F.B.I. worker
F1 world champion Graham
Face-lift, e.g.
Face-to-face exam
Face-to-face test
Facial hair
Factor in shipping costs
Facts presented in court
Faculty notice about new Society
Fail miserably
Failed negotiation result
Failed state?
Failing to start, expensive sound processing unit
Faintest residue
Fair beater
Fair description of 11 and 25, in particular, but not in general
Fair flat
Fair game? Not quite
Fair one?
Fair share, maybe
Fair ___ (Civil War battl
Fair's opposite
Fairly - good-looking
Fairly easy on the eye
Fairly easy on the eyes
Fairly insignificant Republican is imprisoned
Fairly narrow-minded about rule
Fairly unimportant to bridge river
Fairly; attractive
Fairy of Persian folklore
Fairy tale dwelling
Fairy tale locale
Fairy tale setting
Fairylike being of myth
Fall flat
Family animals up for a bit of a walk
Family business
Family chart
Family diagram
Family joined by grand royal personage
Family map
Family portrait, of sorts
Family, our people, seen in garden
Famous actor
Famous Egyptian bottles light brown in colour
Famous entertainer deserts, upset
Famous horse corrected evil in small rook
Famous musical
Famous traitors sent back
Fan of Wales at first supports Bale with love
Fancy British car, inform
Fancy car, for short
Fancy secretary, wanting introduction later
Fancy wheels, informally
Fandango accompaniment
Fans of whips?
Far from a little money for one's cup of tea?
Farewell from placental mammals in delightful place
Farm group
Farm worker
Farm workers?
Farm yield
Farmer's harvest
Farmer's land
Farmer's output
Farmer's yield
Farrier, e.g.
Fashion craze
Fashion line named for a
Fashion's not out to make human condition better?
Fast food eponym
Fasten - hair
Fasten securely
Fastening device
Fat guy in shorts
Fat mouth
Fat ___ (fight memento)
Father is getting through the Guardian
Father of Goneril
Father ___
Faucet problem
Faux pas
Favor cloyingly, with "on
Favourite jumper
FBI employee
Fear head chopped off in mistake
Fear losing face, thus making a mistake
Fear losing fine musical ability
Fear taking time off could be a mistake
Fearless competition
Feathers on the floor?
Feature of Africa ... and
Feature of an exit strate
Feature of many a ballroo
Feature of many a greetin
Feature of the French Revolution, being decapitated? Wrong
Feature on an official do
Features of some cell pho
Fedora or fez
Fedora, e.g.
Feeder frequenter
Feel anxious after change of leader
Feel bad
Feel compassion
Feel concern
Feel eager
Feel sore
Feel sympathy (for)
Feel very hot water up north?
Feel; discernment
Feel; one's reason
Feeling less cold, singer engages career accountant
Feeling of apprehension
Feeling of dread
Feeling of general dread
Feeling on anxiety
Feet per second, e.g.
Feline mammals
Fell backwards in lounge, perhaps
Fell sick with Scotch finally going to head
Fell, turning over in space
Fellow and I have hit, fame and some money
Fellow dallied not half in affair
Fellow describing time in prison cell
Fellow ejected from chapel, the German high-up in congregation
Fellow feeling inhibited accepts to lightly touch setter's back
Fellow linguist half abandoned illicit relationship
Fellow with vital dope
Fellow worker colonel ignored for three miles once
Fellow's beginning with Heather in hasty romance
Fellow's total failure
Female also overturned base
Female associates
Female bringing joy ultimately to boy
Female by meadow in little jumper
Female child
Female depressed about habitual seducer
Female novelist in same state as 20, we hear
Female sheep from the south with curly tail
Female soldier's extremely regimental
Female title
Female US soldier joining both sides
Female with weapon in ranch?
Fence door
Fence entrance
Fence opening
Fence part
Fend (off)
Ferry or dinghy
Ferry or wherry
Festival flourishing its charms
Fettle - kilter
Fiction Professor taking week's rest
Fictional horse's reward for finishing second
Fictional rabbit
Field goal?
Field of work
Field opening
Field yield
Fielding position in the news?
Fiesta, e.g.
Fife to get the better of Dundee at the end
Fifty per cent
Fig or fir
Fighter plane to take off? It’s a failure
Fighting force
Fighting force always includes Royal Marines
Figure - song
Figure expert is someone blunting crisis ahead of the Queen
Figure manure should be spread and left
Figure meal run out
Figure of interest?
Figure on an electric bil
Figure out
Figure scoffed loudly
Figure showing more dead
Figure skater Janet
Figure skating?
File a suit
Filing org.
Film composer one morning seen amongst leaves
Film job
Film or play
Film theatre replaces variable, new projector
Film worker
Film's lead
Final letter from girl in borders of Oklahoma
Final parts in cast recast for theatrical hit
Finally crash via fall of fifty per cent
Finally get to airshow in Bournemouth, say
Finally take this long garment and slip off?
Financial predicament
Find - a very small amount
Find - tiny portion
Find and copy
Find by investigation
Find courage in drink
Find eastern wagon heading west
Find place to store luggage close to hand in Ipswich, say
Find venue for governing body
Finding composer's taken to court
Finding court composer's given precedence
Finding man who scored on court
Fine - drilled hole
Fine at avoiding angry passion
Fine for a non-drinker found in the quarry
Fine fur
Fine or liberal follower
Fine spring
Fine subjects
Fine things
Fine things?
Fine to avoid unnerving experience? Agreed
Finest &mdash; and worst?
Finest cannabis from the south
Fingered organ
Fingerprints, e.g.
Finish line marker
Finish line, maybe
Finish line, perhaps
Finish off sweet, mint?
Finish second best
Finish stone work
Finished - as a remainder
Finished disguise, except the front
Finished on top
Finished; above
Fir or poplar
Fire controller for game
Fire iron
Fire prodder
Firearm - collector's item
Fired a gun
Fireplace rod
Fires do it
Fireworks time, with "the
Firing of a gun
First anniversary gift
First Army rank of 39-Acr
First couple of children in A&E hurt
First course option
First course, often
First female leader of Netherlands quits
First impeached U.S. pres
First lady gets new uniform
First Lady having concern ultimately quits
First Lady supported by Republican at all times
First Lady's new uniform
First Lord of the Treasury
First number in a record
First number in season re
First of bells echoes buzzer
First of letters penned by women concerning seducer
First part of a record
First to abandon relative, or second
First two of theatre seats, say, will do for cast
First vessel from the east
First wife and knight on terms
First ___ first
First-anniversary gift
First-sight phenomenon
First? Almost not the first
Firth of Tay port
Fish crossing river channel
Fish in pool in Gloucester
Fish in this spot when caught
Fish of the deep
Fish out of river is a ray
Fish served by maid primarily in reception room
Fish served in delicious almonds
Fish, a whopper for Wally
Fish; heather
Fish; low voice
Fish; singer
Fishing string
Fit for a King?
Fit for duty
Fit porter, maybe, carrying bishop
Fit-for-a-king spread
Fitness tests disregarding the principles of all legitimate science
Fitted at the smithy's
Fitted with horseshoes
Fitting decision?
Fitting entitlement
Fitting venue for staging Annie?
Five cents a minute, e.g.
Five cents a minute, say
Five hundred pounds, but apparently not a thousand?
Five in the morning, say
Five to ten, e.g.
Five-digit extension
Fiver, say
Fixed charge
Fixed flag
Fixed price
Fixture ends in drubbing: Chelsea team sublime
Fizzle (out)
Fizzle, with "out"
Flag - level of attainment
Flag - of the usual kind
Flag feature
Flag location
Flag-carrying soldier resolved to clear surgeon
Flak - cling
Flake found in case of Slavic beer
Flake off
Flapper has to call a doctor back
Flash of inspiration
Flash producers
Flashing image?
Flashlight's projection
Flat 7 has no entrance
Flat and smooth
Flat number son mislaid
Flat numbers 7 and 11 have this in common
Flat-topped pieces of furniture
Flatfoot's lack
Flatten (pastry)
Flatten headless, evil-tempered dwarf
Flatus mostly annoyed the Queen?
Flavor of Calvados brandy
Flavorful seed
Flavour is the main issue
Flawless French oddly cheeky to conceal
Fleet left before first light
Flight divisions
Flight key on board before take-off?
Flight segment
Flipped ball catches me going the wrong way
Flippered animal
Flippered mammal
Flog - band
Flogging witch that's eaten wife and family
Flop in procreational period repelled legend
Flop in the country
Flop or lop follower
Floppy rabbit feature
Floral gift
Florentine : spinach :: l
Flower - climbed
Flower - got up
Flower for Valentine's Da
Flower girl regularly seen in Tyneside
Flower got out of bed
Flower of Lancashire and Yorkshire neither red nor white?
Flower, one planted by lake in Northumberland?
Flower; went up
Flu season protection
Flu symptom
Fluff - sorrowful
Fluish feeling
Flush (with)
Flush, for one
Flush, say
Fly holders
Flyer's attempt to cross river
Flying insect
Foam at the mouth
Foamy coffee order
Foamy mugful
Folded corner
Folio is top for highbrow school population
Folks going through leave
Follow a Parisian boarding carrier
Follow a suggestion …
Follow Henry in various places, avoiding river
Follow Tory leader contest
Follower of each or no
Follower of inter or et
Follower of lop or dog
Follower of Mary
Follower of the bottom li
Following instinct, director proceeded carefully
Fondle that woman, husband's away so it's safe
Fondue feature
Fondue, for one
Food dishes, often tossed and dressed
Food fish
Food item served in a bas
Fool (around)
Fool in defence, City's back
Foolish American boy, who makes you think of Wallace?
Fools caught out in great numbers
Foot curve
Football game division
Football play
Football team in China excellent
For a time, traitor is protected
For a young girl it’s sort of over
For all time
For example, an account in Times?
For example, one sort of anaesthetic
For example, the recital's pitiful
For free
For this cube, what's subtracted from vertical measurement when it's minimised?
For this reason
Force everybody to stumble
Force into performing tracks in Las Vegas
Force open
Force open, as a lock
Force required to cut up diamonds
Force to cut back - cool
Ford model introduced in
Ford Motor product
Ford or Hudson
Ford or Lincoln
Foreman's declaration
Foremost of intellects in class?
Forest guides keep rook within limits
Forest plant
Forest unit
Forest's something eliminated by Brazilian president
Forge worker
Forger sends money in two holdalls first of all
Form 1040 org.
Form letters
Form letters?
Form of 27 in a mixed state
Form of a thank-you
Formal entrance
Formally support, endorse
Former boyfriend of 15-Ac
Former Cabinet department
Former E.P.A. chief Chris
Former F1 champion's peak?
Former measure of distance
Former PM
Former PM to respond to Sun?
Former President First Lady left in bed
Former president offers financial help
Formicide: ant :: pulicid
Forms grp.
Fortified building
Fortified stronghold and lake in order
Fortress; rook
Fortune initially increased tenfold, dear
Fortune, pounds, gold - all go into his purse
Forty-five minutes of football
Forty-niner's fantasy
Forward and upward process for boats
Foulness, perhaps, of diesel banned at regular intervals
Foundation of government on all sides
Foundations may support t
Four cardinals making the headlines
Four iron used to secure par, say?
Four Quartets poet
Four six-packs
Four years, for a preside
Four years, for a U.S. pr
Four years, maybe
Four-sided figure
Fourth dimension
Fourth row
Fowl - flop
Foxtrot follower
Fracture fixer
Fragile golf bag
Fragment of molar on back of mouth
Fragrant flower
Frame that's attached to pan in storeroom, did you say?
Frank holder
Frank option
Fraternity "T"
Fraternity, e.g.
Free restaurant serving
Free ride that takes one up and down
Free ticket offered by a US city theater group
Freeway, e.g.
Freewheel along
French are to get better of English in breakout
French article put forward case: right to leave union
French article unclear, dismissing initial alliance
French film actor opens his own sound stage
French friends
French president
French wine bottles right for French politician
French ___ soup
Frequent flier
Frequent garden visitor
Frequent target of engine
Frequent Woody Allen feel
Frequent Woody Allen them
Frequent word from ham op
Fresh talk
Freshwater char
Freshwater fish
Fresno newspaper
Fridge posting
Fried rice ingredients
Friend friendly, though not originally
Friend in need
Friend in war
Friend or foe, e.g.
Friend with king’s mother at public school?
Friendly nation
Friendly, minutes after fighting
Friendly, wife with member
Friends of Fran
Friends of French literary father and son
Friskies eater
From beginning to end, cut crossword solutions
From pillar to ___
Front car in a motorcade
Front page fill
Front-page stuff
Frontier gathering
Frost lines
Frost's "The ___ Not Take
Frozen fish left inside
Fruit beer &mdash; keeping very quiet
Fruit crush
Fruit drink 8 swallowed
Fruit eaten as a vegetable
Fruit horse possibly ignored at first
Fruit in bottom of skip covered by pale bananas
Fruit mostly employed after I departed
Fruit mostly smelt awful when brought up
Fruit or meat dish
Fruit that's very soft dunked in beer
Fruit with marked skin peeled
Fruitcakes, or ingredients for them
Fruiting part of corn
Fry a bit
Full house, e.g.
Fully anesthetized
Fully fit
Fully qualified
Fulminate (against)
Functioning in all respec
Funny fellow
Funny pair?
Fur or fleece
Fur, say
Furnishes room, like cushions?
Furniture item
Furniture item fool perhaps shortened to get round corner, finally
Furniture store with department covering Kelvin's proposal
Furniture you&rsquo;ll find in different sorts of theatre
Furry tunneler
Fuss over, with "on"
Fuzzy flier
G ___
G, e.g.
G, maybe
Gag judge standing in for start of trial
Gag son aboard plane
Gained altitude
Galilee, e.g.
Gallery on the Thames
Gallery showing works by
Gamble about large boxing prize
Gamble about third place in relay race
Gamblers' holdings
Game and wine upset old solvers
Game couple
Game division
Game ender, perhaps
Game fish
Game for four players
Game girl but no model, ultimately
Game involving full houses
Game Irish saint can’t finish
Game of golf embraced by newlywed
Game on a green
Game on horseback
Game piece in Hasbro's Th
Game plan
Game played in a court
Game played in chukkas
Game played on horseback
Game played with a dotted
Game played with a straig
Game portion
Game segment
Game that uses King and Queen after work's over
Game using clubs
Game with 18 holes
Game with a dummy
Game with mallets
Game with sticks
Game with straights and f
Game you can't play left-
Game, or its start, as heard on radio
Game-stopping call
Game; G
Game; gourd
Game; letter G
Game; structure
Games played with a pack
Gang brought in to pull massive vehicle
Gangster's existential anxiety
Garage alternative
Garage contents
Garden access
Garden adjunct
Garden building
Garden entrance
Garden flower
Garfield, e.g.
Garlic's kin
Garment tenor's wearing split from behind
Gary who invented the Pet
Gas about Number 4 gets ranker
Gas bill's first to hurt
Gas maybe the product of identical factors
Gas producer
Gasp - that woman not suitable for 1 across
Gasp at that woman being a cougar?
Gasps for air
Gateway near Chichester partly demolished
Gathering clamour breaks record
Gathering speed at sea, perhaps?
Gauguin or C
Gawp mostly, to see famous artiste
Gaze dreamily
Gazing without seeing a lot of horses
Gazpacho or gumbo, say
Gazpacho, e.g.
Gen. McAuliffe's retort
Gene Cernan was the last
Genealogical chart
Genealogical diagram
Genealogical work
Genealogist's diagram
Genealogist's work
Genealogy chart
Genealogy display
General acquisition
General anxiety
General Assembly topic
General's command
Genesis event, with "the"
Genesis of an invention
Gent's partner
Genteel woman
Gentle animal
Gentle creature
Gentle one
Gentleman's partner
Genuine scare, heading off
Genuinely not about to join forces
Geo or Reo
Geographical septet
Geological depression
Geological feature on a U
Geometric figure
George or T. S.
George who wrote "The Spa
German bolted down mountain pass
German dictator
German dictator battered the French? Right!
German leader&rsquo;s opportunity, getting backing of list of names
Gerund, e.g.
Get 4 - 26
Get a peep inside binder
Get away
Get away from Francesca Peroni
Get away from sides of enormous promontory
Get away with key?
Get down
Get down quickly and run back
Get free
Get free headgear in English Home Counties
Get out of what one might get out for
Get out of, as clothing
Get out with this key
Get rid of
Get rid of - moult
Get rid of garden facility
Get rid of hut in garden
Get rid of outhouse
Get rid of slight squint
Get sore
Get the goods
Get together
Get together (with)
Get-out-of-jail money
Gets more friendly with expelled members
Getting on after constant complaint
Ghost - pluck
Gibson garnish
Gibson, e.g.
Gift for a diva
Gift on "The Bachelor"
Gift on a first date, may
Gift that might cut
Gift-wrapper's need
Gig getter, often
Gilpin of "Frasier"
Gin - hidden danger
Gin? Some coming up
Girl got up for some wine
Girl takes in information for programme
Girl was in revolt
Girl with the dog Spot
Girl’s name
Girl, to become wife, runs out
Give a 5, e.g.
Give a bit
Give a darn
Give a hoot
Give a little
Give a star, say
Give and take?
Give applause
Give birth to - large mammal
Give good venting of the spleen?
Give instructions for tidiness
Give marks to
Give pain
Give stars to
Give stars to, perhaps
Gives a piece
Glaciated mountain peak
Glass part
Glass-encased item in "Be
Glitch deleting time from alarm
Globules of air
Glossary entry
Glossary part
Gloucester's king
Glue; piece of wood
Gnats flying around a great worry
Go "pfffft"
Go (along)
Go a-courting?
Go across for game
Go after
Go after legally
Go along with sector changes
Go and see topless women first
Go around in circles
Go bad
Go ballistic
Go bird catching
Go down quietly &mdash; I had returned
Go fish, e.g.
Go for one, ready to try it?
Go left or right
Go off - act
Go off scratching head after bee sting
Go one better than
Go over
Go over Black Mountains
Go over the wall, maybe
Go over, as lines
Go red in the face
Go right
Go round - social group
Go round as headless comic
Go sailing
Go sour
Go time in a game
Go to the gallows
Go up for graduation
Go up in smoke
Go with exotic corset
Go with the current meaning
Go with the flow
Go ___ (exceed)
Go, perhaps, for hunted creatures
Goad batsman with beginnings of slight advantage
Goal attempt
Goal-oriented activity
Gobble (down)
God's abode
Godiva's title
Goes like the dickens
Goes on the fritz
Goes to the gallows, not the first time, in dread
Goes under
Going in the appropriate direction, Joe's joined the rowing crew
Going together, after "in
Going upstairs I think I have a sad face?
Gold bag brought over containing small pen
Gold colour wheels around Fiat
Golden ___
Golden ___ Bridge
Golf bag item
Golf club
Golf club; motorist
Golf course pitfall
Golf goof
Golf hazard
Golf peril
Golf shirt
Golf unit
Golfer Rory admits blunder
Golfer's concern
Golfer's goal
Golfer's obstacle
Golfer's target
Gone to pick up tea inside
Goober ___
Good and extravagant speech in general
Good at one's job
Good English food!
Good exercise channel
Good feeling
Good Housekeeping award
Good judgment
Good listener?
Good name for a lawyer?
Good name for a trial law
Good Olympics score
Good person with halo maybe in train
Good resting place?
Good shot brings oppressor to premature end
Good shot in quoits
Good student's reward
Good thing to have in com
Good to mouth off, in 19
Good to put an end to slight obsession
Goodie to be divided
Google heading
Got over there cycling at the same time
Got promoted
Got rid of
Got up
Got up in pink
Got up to display national emblem
Got up to make drink
Government expert on cycling skills
Government ministry to employ all the numbers?
Government report
Government set to offload first growth area
Govt. collectors
Grab a nap, having necked last of beer
Graceful spirit
Grad student's grilling
Grade schooler's reward
Graduate&rsquo;s home sink
Grammar concern
Grand complex surrounds European area of cultivation
Grandma, in a fairy tale
Granny perhaps seen reversing in Milton Keynes
Granny Smith, e.g.
Granny Smith, for one
Granny ___
Granny, for one
Granola servings
Graphic ___
Graphically violent
Grass is pretty when cut to half length
Grassy area where the President gets shot?
Gratify by compliance
Gravlax base
Gravy holder
Gravy vessel
Great affection
Great anger
Great artist
Great crack - take too much of it?
Great depression?
Great expanse
Great healer, so they say
Great name?
Greater likeliness to win
Greater number
Greek and Italian resolution
Greek character discovering some gas
Greek character initially eating baked food
Greek character is nothing fantastic
Greek character old and huge
Greek character wanting English dish
Greek descendant's animal discovered in vast geological age
Greek equivalent of Z
Greek letter
Greek Resistance character?
Greek vowel
Green activity
Green feature
Green flanker
Green gem
Green Giant bagful
Green or blue shade
Green space attached to a house
Green space vessel with bit of pink on top
Green, to Goya
Greeting card feature
Gridiron scoreboard info
Grimm villain
Grin from ear to ear
Grocery shopper's aid
Groomsmen regularly got up
Ground outside hard, but provided with boots
Group at school athletic
Group from Sweden: time to go over records
Group getting the French fever
Group in a spies' network
Group in shelter nursing endless fever
Group living under a religious rule
Group not allowed on the radio
Group of actors
Group of animals that woman ultimately tamed
Group of buffalo
Group of cattle
Group of companies
Group of concurrent symptoms
Group of cows
Group of cows, etc
Group of friends in line on the Underground?
Group of monks giving command
Group of musicians
Group of people
Group of people a little left out
Group of people behaving like sheep?
Group of people in theatre seats
Group of singers
Group of sports clubs
Group of symptoms
Group of symptoms indicating a disease
Group of things in order
Group of thousands, maybe
Group of, eg, cows
Group outlawed on the radio
Group studying hotel in Nottinghamshire town
Group; ring
Grouper, e.g.
Groups of performers overlooking core musical
Grouse seriously could be a wading bird
Grover's street
Grow crops or livestock
Growing business?
Growing locale
Grp. that gets a pay cut?
Grp. that launches invest
Grp. that's true to form?
Grub finally reaching organ, stomach
Grueling exam
Grueling grilling
Grunge band playing here finally shows bite
Grunge band unconvincing here at last shows bite
Grunge band, unconvincing here, finally shows bite
Grunge performed by elderly lead with a wheeze
Guacamole or hummus, say
Guacamole, for one
Guard's course of action finally changed
Guard's workplace
Guardian&rsquo;s charge raised finally after conflict
Guardianship; anxiety
Guess marksman still finished
Guide English class absorbing chapter
Guide for watch started admin when distracted
Gulf ___
Gulping oxygen, tired out journalist
Gum site
Gummed flap
Gumption - feeling
Gun blast
Gun man
Gunned down last of pipers piping
Gunpowder holder
Gut feeling
Gut feeling?
Gutless benefactor, one criticising Nobel, by the sound of it!
Guts and gumption
Gym apparatus
Gymnast's equipment
Gymnast's perch
Gymnast's place
Gymnastics apparatus
Gymnastics apparatus, for
Gymnastics move
Gyro meat
Haberdashery, e.g.
Hack Charlie’s first dance
Hack possibly putting run in stockings?
Hack's first letter goes on record
Hack, e.g.
Had a balance
Had a bill, still
Had an obligation to pay
Had bills
Had creditors
Had debts
Had lunch
Had markers out
Had payments due
Had to hand it to?
Hair coil
Hair feature
Hair in need of a barber
Hair piece
Hair roller result
Hairdresser punched by Mike Parr?
Hairstyle; gullet pouch
Half a horse? Wow!
Half a sawbuck
Half a train track
Half completed building
Half hitch, e.g.
Half hope to take advantage of building
Half of a McDonald's logo
Half of an Asian capital?
Half of an E.P.A. mileage
Half of an E.P.A. rating
Half suck garish sweet substance
Half the world is into cannabis, I say
Half, quarter or eighth f
Half-cut banter in bar
Half-finished fleece by a very small jumper
Half-heartedly wed gal without IT experience
Half-inch stripe wearer:
Half-naked celebrity
Half-term drink
Halftime crew
Halftime lead, e.g.
Halt contest
Halt in assigned place
Halvah ingredient
Ham's punctuation
Ham's site
Hamburger medium-rare, e.
Hamelin critter
Hamelin pest
Hamlet's big brother
Hamlet's cousin
Hammer holders
Hammer Night horror
Hammer site
Hammock's attachment
Hand holders
Hand support
Handling crew a long time before people start to travel
Hands in this sticker
Hanna-Barbera mouse
Happy ___
Harangue one leaving employment ...
Harass nonstop
Harbinger of spring
Harbinger of tooth troubl
Hard and difficult climb
Hard cheese biscuit - a live throb
Hard cross-grained round piece in wood
Hard drinker, extern­ally wrecked
Hard growth is essentially difficult
Hard hat
Hard liquor
Hard punch
Hard sand
Hard to stop virtuoso for long
Hard work curtailed American voices
Hard-shelled fruit
Hard-to-erase stuff
Hard-to-refute evidence
Hardly anything
Hardly important
Hardly try
Hardly worth mentioning
Harmless prank
Harold —, playwright
Harp seal's lack
Harry&rsquo;s husband, plump, no Romeo
Harvest yield
Harvesters, e.g.
Has time to get ecstasy - and speed
Has to repeat, maybe
Hat left in shady spot
Hat that may be tipped
Hat-tipper, say
Hated change, bit upsetting - it's very dangerous
Haulier and partner sort bananas
Have a ball?
Have a feeling
Have a feeling about
Have a gut feeling
Have a hankering
Have a hunch
Have a yen
Have affection
Have an effect
Have an effect (on)
Have an in (with)
Have concern
Have fun - theatrical work
Have high opinion of some scholar at Eton
Have permanent effect
Have rheumatic pains
Have status
Have the lead
Have to admit it hurt so close to recognition
Having a close resemblanc
Having a short sleep
Having a strong resemblan
Having considerable skill
Having footwear
Having lunch, say
Having moderate heat
Having neither side ahead
Having nobody owing anybo
Having protected feet
Having set out after power, act
Having tantrums on retreat, one in flight
Having the know-how
Having the power, skill or means (to do something)
Having the resources
Having the right stuff
Hawk, e.g.
Hazard making some upset
He rules fifth-rate politician’s a gutless mistake
He said "Most editors are
He should stop politician? It's an idea
He wrote "There was an ol
Head covering
Head leaves, disparages answers to crossword clues
Head left periodically for a swift one?
Head light?
Head of a diocese
Head of army strips standing up in bed?
Head of government
Head of old Oxford debating society abandoning university
Head of Oundle has great final term
Head of, eg, corn
Head off crazy host
Head on and on, covering Italy
Head out on the ocean?
Head piece?
Head set
Head start
Head, in old slang
Head-scratcher's comment
Headache for a snow shove
Heading back to the pavilion?
Headquarters for UBS and
Heads banging on low bedroom ceilings? Those are frightful!
Heads for this outlying rocky peak
Heads out to lunch
Headset, to hams
Headstrong one
Headwear item
Headwear that's uncovered
Healthy - source of water
Healthy 18D
Healthy expression of group intent
Healthy source of water
Healthy; extremely
Heard composer's 15D?
Heard quiet section
Hearing aid
Hearing aids?
Hearing organ
Hearing organs
Hearing organs during rehearsal
Hearing part?
Hearing things
Hearing, say
Heart drug found round about old place
Heart problem
Heart problem?
Heartbreaker Tom assumes right to be good looking
Heartless but correct about age
Heartless Governments contributing to worker uneasiness
Heartless old jailer producing dead duck
Heartless scoundrel regularly failing to turn up
Heartless Soviet camp "in the way", in a manner of speaking
Heartlessly ransacks building sites
Heartlessly, say, represented modern indications of disorder
Heat unit?
Heather Graham looks nice in fancy tops
Heather uses loveless language
Heather's surviving without sex
Heather; fish
Heavenly body
Heavenly body exemplified in Titania? Show Bottom!
Heavenly light
Heavily sedated
Heavy drinking session sees new head of department drowning in ale
Heidegger regularly displays sharpness of mind
Heir lines?
Held up some in ambush?
Hell, to General Sherman
Help (out)
Help from a lifeguard
Help in hunting
Help on the way up
Help to give worker influence
Hence Rees-Mogg & co ring?
Henry beset by metallic sound: object
Henry Ford's first drink, relatively modest
Henry James's "The Portra
Henry left college
Henry’s in great pain
Heraldic family symbols
Herculean task reducing flab ourselves
Heroic outlaw
Hertz offering
Hesitation to enter 20, possibly, as a figure
Hesitation to shout &mdash; not a mistake
Hibernating snake securing shelter
Hidden from public scrutiny with summer over?
Hidden mike
Hide a mike on
High craggy hill
High hat
High mass of land
High school class
High school course
High temperature not starting at any time
High-flying songbird
High-pitched woodwind instrument
High-school class
Highest point
Highest quality
Highly adroit
Highly graphic
Highway division
Highway or byway
Highway section
Highway ___
Highwayman has power in Italian city
Highways and byways
Hill dwellers
Hill group
Hill made of piled-up rubbish
Hill-dwellers, when disturbed by National Trust
Hinged barrier
Hinged ladder
Hint from artist leaving daily grind
His mate lays one decrepit redhead off
His professionalism may be brought into play
Hit - trousers' support
Hit a low point
Hit band
Hit boy below the belt
Hit hard
Hit hard - run fast
Hit Sierra, then three-wheeler
Hit very hard
Hit's opposite
Hit; cancel
Hit; zone
Hitch, e.g.
Hitching place
Hitching ___
Hitherto unknown info
Hive dweller
Hive insect
Hive resident
Hoarder - gentleman collecting right and left
Hoarder&rsquo;s small slip turned into short bedcover
Hobby farm denizens
Hobby, e.g.
Hog, so to speak
Hold aside, as a college
Hold off
Hold up a market trader's place of work
Holding practice game breaches code of conduct
Holds note, displaying urgency
Holdup accessory?
Holdup device?
Hole (in a tyre)
Holiday meal, informally
Holiday roast
Hollow surprise, with new head of squad at end of Prime Suspect
Hollywood Boulevard sight
Hollywood figure
Hollywood sighting
Home ec's counterpart
Home for hippopotamuses
Home of Fort Dodge
Home to some Sargents, wi
Homer or Bart
Homes for squirrels
Honey maker
Honey producer
Honeydew lovers
Hoofed mammal &mdash; or husky, do we hear?
Hook up electronically
Hook, line or sinker
Hootenanny, e.g.
Hopeless feeling
Hopes for the future
Hopper around a board
Hopping insect
Horizontal bar
Horrible giants, one departing in state of anxiety
Hors d'oeuvre item
Horse bit
Horse command
Horse height measure
Horse or dog lead-in
Horse play?
Horse that has never won
Horse that hasn't won a race
Horse's chamber
Horseback game
Horseback sport
Horseshoe-shaped letter
Horseshoe-shaped symbol
Horseshoes score
Hose, e.g.
Hoskins is into people pursuing a life
Hoskins would start to examine answer to make clue
Hospital division
Hospital drama involving one organ
Hospital room
Hospital teas prepared in great speed
Hospital unit
Hospital work
Host and little woman outside front of restaurant
Host certainly not leggy?
Host is extremely foolish going topless
Host related to member?
Host seeker
Host that's daft, but not soft in the head
Host's crackers to appear topless
Host, as a party
Hot dog topping
Hot drink, second of two almost finished
Hot milky drink
Hot rod's parking fine about to be overturned
Hot stuff is awfully ripe - you can say that again!
Hot tub
Hotel feature
Hotel hunter's concern
Hourly charge
Hourly fee, e.g.
Hourly wage, e.g.
Hours clocked up?
Hours in fantastic pain
House arrests good for regret after 12?
House in pain detailed on air
House pets
How eggs cooked too much like pie?
How octopus might be described in the military?
How some people think
How some things strike
How to address Margaret with a letter in Greek
How to go from capitals of Spain, Russia, Qatar and Peru.
How twins often dress
How-to listings
How-to unit
Hue, shade
Huffs and puffs
Hug givers
Huge amount
Huge expanse
Huge expanses
Huge quantities
Hugo's friends
Hull husband abandons hunt
Human body part with vest
Human equivalent of a 16-
Humanitarian org.
Humble follower
Humble home
Humorous writer, tragic figure abused by children
Hundred and two, closing or opening
Hunted wildlife
Hunting dog
Hurdler's assignment
Hurl, fling
Hurst set to play with Cohen: it bears fruit
Hurt one squeezing hard
Hurts to cut off head and limbs
Husband in great pain
Husband joining club in English city
Husband joins club; a wife's place?
Husband reliable when taking out son and dog
Husky sounded to be a working animal
Hydrochloric ___
Hydrofluoric ___
Hype, with "up"
I accepted having to follow sea channels
I agree to enter a card game
I am about to study young woman
I am not in Barking to save a life
I do's, e.g.
I got mixed up with Rachel - I'm an idiot
I hate this time, being overwhelmed by a lot of those ideas
I must be ousted from Italian city in revolution
I really didn't mean that sounds like Ravel
I represented 11 in this capacity ...
I say, get a move on
I state "lives must take precedence"
I would take back pawn with pawn …
I'm in a state of exhil-aration
I'm not sure try's given as a result
I'm surprised Sir's angry and bristles?
I'm surprised to get approval for trap
I've a radio &mdash; listener engaged there
I've cleared no new in-person testimony
I, for one
Ibuprofen target
Ice cream go-with
Ice figure?
Ice pack only partially needed
Ice skating figure
Ichthyologist's study
Idea for less capital divides people in general
Identical trees moved into filming area for TV programme
Identify retired English opener
Identifying word
Idiot half-cut lodger attacking one?
Idiot has no wife to join
Idiot's guide provided by university lecturer
Idolize, with "on"
If long, it's unlikely to succeed!
Ill health
Ill-mannered type with short hair
Ill-natured American police department
Ill; nauseous
Illegal parker's concern
Illegal parker's worry
Illuminates thin head moving east
Imagine old Scot standing near northern river
Imagine that
Immature, year-old gnu heading north
Immerse briefly
Impatient person's annoya
Impatient person's dread
Impersonator in "Little R
Implication makes many quarrel
Impolite reply
Important foreign currency on reflection for economist
Important highway
Important teacher picked up dismissing component of education
Impression Brummie had drink? No time!
Impressive tactic to overcome disablement
Imprinted disk affixed to a document
Improved on G&S ditty
Improviser's asset
Impudent talk
Impulsive indulgence
In a dead heat
In a good way
In a position to help
In a similar way
In a tie
In addition
In America, dull sauce lacks bit of va-va-voom
In another direction
In any case
In any way
In audition, run away from pest
In bad condition
In bed and snoring? Turn around please!
In bounds
In charge of
In class Indian primarily shows outstanding intellectual ability
In combination
In concert
In conjunction
In decrees, I declare myself ABC
In dreamland
In excess of
In full, oven-ready relish
In goal
In good health
In good time, like a nobleman quite possibly?
In grandfather's case, a regular swinger
In heaven
In Morpheus' arms
In need of something on top for congestion etc?
In one short day starter in office is to show a lot of cheek
In perpetuity
In pre-Rome constitution he was the ruler
In preference to
In print
In residential care?
In romance poetry, a freq
In short, 'ermine' is an expression
In smaller quantity
In support of
In the 20's, say
In the absence of authority, some seizing chief
In the beginning Chuck has a way to get actors
In the company of
In the end, chefs use identical seeds for flavouring
In the morning European follows good sport
In the open
In the past
In the strike zone
In the ___ (focused)
In thing
In which to see drivers turn left in odd places
In which you may find gravy or salt
In ___ words
In ____, playfully
Inadequate - brief
Inch of grass with section snipped
Incident not beginning in Trafalgar Square
Inclination to leave
Independent quartet carried by yak
Independent's right to plug Guardian's listening device
India ___
Indian dish eaten by one tailless duck, perhaps?
Indian dish for children's author
Indiana ___
Indicate drink is empty?
Indicate; place
Indication of being after a job
Indication of timing choice about to do for university
Individual gracious without cash
Individual human being
Individual rule accordingly adopted by writer
Indomitable spirit
Industrial action
Industrial arts class
Industrial display certain to get airing
Industrious insects
Indy 500 data
Indy 500 entry
Indy setter upset Celtic hooligan set straight in a row?
Infantry - unit of linear measure
Infantry base
Inferential word
Inferior schooling excludes child
Influential member of a t
Info gathered by heartless adjunct for spy
Inform on (someone)
Informal language
Informal letter signoff
Informal speech
Information about Arab-Dutch plot
Information in court
Information in law case
Infuriate First Daughter ousted by independent young woman
Ingredient in a lyonnaise
Initial, as a voyage
Initially blue, in the sense of depression
Initially easy to walk up over small flight
Initially pop up with favourite dummy
Initially prefers interpretive dance over salsa, say
Initially take blame for chops
Initially, is doctor elated at result of brain operation?
Initials of Anglo-American poet going on about practical creatures
Inland ___
Inn's offering
Inner tension
Inner ___
Inside of a paper towel r
Inspiration for Hunter S.
Instal one in a sumptuous abode
Installed in house, a reed organ
Instant - support
Instant support
Instigate litigation
Instruct bishop to leave frontier
Instruct British to avoid frontier
Instruction part
Instruction to supply goods called for by the Speaker?
Instructions for shooting 16, 20, 27
Instructions part
Instrument leaders of group used in the auditorium rarely
Instrument showing temperature inside pipe
Instrument starts to generate useful information through automated reasoning
Instrument with fingerhol
Insurance company worker
Insurance policy specific
Insurance quote
Insurance seller
Insurance shopper's conce
Insurance worker
Integrally divisible by t
Intelligence problem
Intelligence shown by bidders giving their opponents hiding
Intelligent computer left in dining room
Intelligent to get out of head for sure
Intense fondness
Intention, desire
Intentionally baffle
Intentionally lose
Intentionally lose argument, following temperature getting hot
Intently watching a lost series
Intently watching, but missing a series
Inter ___
Inter ___ (among other th
Interchange leads to dreary Slough, symbol of Britain
Interest figure
Interest level
International negotiations see qualification appended to country's boundaries
Interrogate; doubt
Intersection sign
Interval on a scale
Intimate - with a comfortable temperature
Intrepid, e.g.
Introductory course?
Inveigh (against)
Invention starter
Inventive thought
Inventor's start
Inventor's starting point
Investigator's employer:
Involving bloodshed
Iowa harvest unit
iPhone maker
iPod maker
Ipswich perhaps draw - Norwich at the top
Irish poet contributing to event at Easter
Irish spirit
Irish ___
Irishman delivered flower
Ironing challenge
Irons or Woods
Irritability, say, of Parisian taken aback
Irritating jumper?
Is debate with hag about question regarding affairs of state? Au contraire
Is in possession of bit of temazepam, ecstasy and speed
Is victorious
Isolated feature in the main is secure
Issue warning to clubs using right to block promotion
It "makes the world go ro
It bollixes up the machin
It can be bought without
It can be checked
It can be cracked
It can be good or nasty!
It can be white, silver or golden
It can come before after
It can fall flat
It can get under your ski
It can open
It clears the way
It comes early for one being sent off
It comes in a roll
It comes out of a pen
It comes to mind
It constitutes one quarter of a deck
It contains a dash
It could be 'five-bar'
It could be dramatic when Liberal interferes in wages
It could be proper
It could be revolving
It details what's left
It follows a premise
It follows first, second
It follows higher course to start with?
It follows that
It gets one&rsquo;s writing to flow?
It goes by quickly
It goes side-to-side
It goes to waist
It has a ball at the circ
It has a bark but no bite
It has a bed
It has a bright side
It has a crown
It has a germ
It has a keystone
It has a low pH
It has a shell
It has a variety of sched
It has a very large bed
It has a wet floor
It has bars
It has gutters on each si
It has its limits
It has many sides
It has shoulders
It has some crust
It has two shoulders but
It heals all wounds, in a
It holds its weight
It holds water
It is "resistless in batt
It is an advantage to go slowly
It leaves an impression
It looks good on paper
It makes a bit of a stir
It makes a clicking noise
It makes an impression
It may be a trap
It may be above first
It may be abstract
It may be advanced
It may be bright
It may be checked
It may be checked, in two
It may be cocked
It may be cocked or cuppe
It may be common
It may be cracked open
It may be critical
It may be cupped or cuffe
It may be declined
It may be driven
It may be eaten at a circ
It may be felt on your he
It may be fixed
It may be floppy or point
It may be forfeited
It may be free for philos
It may be French
It may be glossed over
It may be good or free
It may be hard on a const
It may be heard before an
It may be high or low on
It may be hogged
It may be humble
It may be in the doghouse
It may be jumped
It may be lent
It may be lent or bent
It may be magnetic
It may be new or blue
It may be on your side
It may be painted red
It may be picked
It may be proper
It may be pulled in chara
It may be Red, White...an
It may be skipped or jump
It may be sprung
It may be striped
It may be strong or long
It may be subject to modi
It may be supplied by a d
It may be tipped
It may bring a tear to yo
It may cause tearing
It may get glossed over
It may get into a jamb
It may go into action
It may have a square in t
It may have fallen on a f
It may lead to a strike
It may make your face red
It may need dusting
It may pop on a plane
It may precede a chaser
It may require surgery
It may rest on a rack
It may stop a saw
It means nothing
It means nothing to 45-Ac
It means nothing to Navra
It means nothing to some
It might be on the corner
It might get a plug
It might go over your hea
It might make you say "Ah
It might need a fitting
It must be followed
It must be tired to work
It often goes out with a
It parallels Number Ten - as its occupants do in today's solutions
It pops into the head
It precedes 15
It precedes order to make a perfect arrangement
It provides proof of ace group of detectives attending sports event
It rides the rails
It rises in Lake Victoria
It should go on a head
It sticks out at the side
It talks
It travels at the speed o
It turns the tide
It was dropped in the '60
It was dropped in the 60'
It was hell, to Sherman
It went through Memphis
It&rsquo;s nothing, darling
It's a living
It's a thought
It's about talking and listening, when talking
It's always found in nonsense verse
It's an adventure, missing commercial flight
It's an eyeopener
It's beside a sideburn
It's built for a trial
It's catching
It's cheap, proverbially
It's deep
It's enough to make one weep
It's found between the sh
It's full of holes and tr
It's given to a waiter
It's good for "absolutely
It's got from a dealer
It's hard on a yard
It's held by club at Hull City
It's held in a squid's 37
It's in a jamb
It's just a little out of
It's just a thought
It's just an idea
It's just one thing after
It's kept in a pen
It's listed in minutes
It's made of plaster of p
It's made to hold a medical patient, say
It's measured in degrees
It's needed to find the r
It's not forked out
It's nothing
It's nothing to Agassi
It's on a roll
It's on the back of the $
It's placed at the counte
It's received at a wareho
It's rounded up in a roun
It's said with a poke in
It's shown to some
It's smelled when somethi
It's somebody's work, oddly enough
It's sometimes forbidden
It's sometimes passed
It's subject to crashing
It's synonymous, primarily, with "to crush"
It's taken while waiting
It's tender
It's time to go when you're shown this
It's usually made from a
It's where the heart is
Italian composer ahead of court ruling
It’s a pain having insurance arranged right away
It’s ending in aftermath
Item a fisherman uses ...
Item for a D.J.
Item for discussion is not quite lacking it, somehow
Item for Little Jack Horn
Item in magazine showing extraction of power from proton, say
Item list for meeting
Item of cricketing equipment miscreants sometimes jump?
Item of furniture
Item of headgear
Item of luggage
Item of no importance
Item on a docket
Item resting on stumps
Item thrown in a ring
Item with a brim or crown
Item worn by woman asleep next to Bond
Items finish in oven
Items for a meeting
Items in a Planters can
Items in an auction
Items in pack
Items of business information original person almost absorbs
Items of furniture
Items on runway heading off arrivals at airport
Items to discuss? Get on with new one after Director intervenes
Its business is growing
Its cycle is indicated by
Its days are numbered
Its HQ is in D.C.'s Feder
Its stroke is "as a lover
Its symbol is "X"
Its symbol is X
iTunes selection
IV part
J. Edgar Hoover used one:
J., F. or K.: Abbr.
Jack gets United to take on son Tom?
Jack Horner's treat
Jack or 10
Jack or ten
Jack perhaps leaving daughter an old banger?
Jack's love in "Titanic"
Jack, for one
Jacks, e.g.
Jackson or Cleveland
Jacopo ___, composer of t
Jaguar, e.g.
Jaguars, e.g.
Jaguars, say, reversing a little fast accidentally
Jail room
Jail unit
Jam for bear
Jam ingredient
Jam ingredient?
Jam site
James and the Giant Peach author
James Joyce short story
James Russell Lowell, for
James ___, who wrote "The
Jane —, author
Jane who wrote "Sense and
Japanese ruler
Jazz aficionado
Jazz combo member
Jazz devotees
Jazz fans getting half of performers rejected
Jazz fans' musical
Jazz man
Jazz player
Jeans and khakis
Jeans man
Jericho features
Jerry Garcia's band, for
Jersey group?
Jersey, e.g.
Jet engine problem
Jewelry store feature
Jigsaw element
Jigsaw puzzle element
Jigsaw puzzle unit
Jim at the bar
Jim Morrison's group, wit
Jimmy —, US president
Jipijapa, e.g.
Jive men
Jive talkin'
Job advert online, perhaps
Job for a barber
Job for Holmes
Job for Perry Mason
Jobs creation
Jobs site
Jockey's need
Jockey's whip
Joe in America perhaps recently avoiding railway
Joe ___
John almost making a comeback, or George?
John Buchan used 39 of them
John Donne's "___ Be Not
John known as "The Father
John Maynard —, English economist
John or ___ Doe
John, at sea
Johnny with a guitar
Johnny's ready?
Join forces every year
Joiner hasn't the head to become senior
Joiner in seat wearing garment, a certain style
Joiner, groom initially embraced by his partner?
Joint Scots and Irish flowers, identically trimmed
Joint tenant's place?
Joke made by judge is French
Joke May has lost grandeur? On the contrary
Joke this bad keeps chaps hiding?
Joker perhaps was concerned with English being banned
Joker, e.g.
Joker, scratching company name, who'll deliver news
Jordan's Queen ___ Intern
Jot down
Jotting; tone
Journalist bowled over by criminal plea
Journalist having last slices of the sliced bread brought up
Journalist re-stocked it, ordering pens
Journalist travelled up without it
Journalist's rubbish papers English rejected
Joy needs to pull a man
Judge about to imprison hard solicitor's client
Judge in old car heading off
Judge is French — that’s funny
Judge put away rebel's leader first
Judge's cry
Judge's shout
Judge, with "up"
Judgement disregards "good" reason for waterworks
Judging point at a dog sh
Judo move
Jug handle
Juliet with nausea spewed over bag for writer
Jumbo, for one
Jump (out), as from a pla
Jump a season?
Jump season
Jumping the gun
Jumping-off point
Jungle woman
Junior officer: Abbr.
Junior soldier to talk boastfully, having captured four
Jury's findings
Just a bit of fun
Just a memory now
Just a shock, getting cut off at the front
Just a thought
Just beat
Just beat (out)
Just beat time in the end for small flute
Just clever to abandon Britain
Just clever, having no need of book
Just detectable amount
Just heading off for exam
Just know
Just leave!
Just once
Just outside the medals
Just think of it
Just union's deputy, perhaps, is very busy
Just-for-fun activity
Justice replaced by Ginsb
Justice Souter's appointe
Justification in blocking prize money
Justified and fine to abandon something ugly
Juvenile wildebeest boys discovered when climbing
Kaiser, once
Kangaroo ___
Karaoke selection
Karate blow
Karate skill category
Keen attitude, say, of French in retreat
Keen perception
Keep a leaky boat afloat
Keep a tugboat, for example
Keep after
Keep an appointment
Keep for later
Keep from escaping
Keep going in Felixtowe Road
Keep in order
Keep learner in class
Keep on file
Keep players on leg-side boundaries
Keep some journals to reminisce
Keep the French behind shed
Keep those who play with the French
Keep time or we go wrong
Keeps turning over lists
Kegger, e.g.
Kennedy Center focus
Kennedy Center focus, wit
Kennedy item
Kennedy matriarch
Kenny G has two
Kent area, with unity of purpose, mostly in time
Kentish beauties order fifth slice and put on weight
Kernel carrier
Ketch or yawl
Key article, first to be cut
Key component of puttanesca, perhaps
Key flight
Key of Chopin's "Polonais
Key religion has money taken away by North Dakota
Keystone place
Keystone site
Keystone's place
Khartoum's river
Kick back (with)
Kid around
Kids' card game
Kill time in boxing ring with jab
Kind - behaviour
Kind of account
Kind of aerobics
Kind of agent
Kind of agreement
Kind of animal that's associated with elephant or donkey, for example?
Kind of argument
Kind of arguments
Kind of bag
Kind of bay
Kind of beef or chicken
Kind of bikini
Kind of blitz
Kind of bond
Kind of brief
Kind of butter
Kind of cabinet
Kind of cavity
Kind of center
Kind of chart
Kind of chest or paint
Kind of cloud
Kind of cod
Kind of collar
Kind of conference
Kind of cooking
Kind of cow
Kind of dance or bride
Kind of dealer
Kind of defense
Kind of delay
Kind of desk
Kind of diagram
Kind of door
Kind of dream
Kind of drum or fiddle
Kind of drum or trumpet
Kind of edible oil
Kind of element
Kind of espresso coffee
Kind of exam
Kind of exam or history
Kind of filling
Kind of flash
Kind of form
Kind of game
Kind of grapes
Kind of guard
Kind of hall
Kind of history
Kind of hound
Kind of hygiene
Kind of indigestion
Kind of jet
Kind of life insurance
Kind of line
Kind of loan
Kind of market
Kind of market or circus
Kind of message
Kind of monitor
Kind of oil
Kind of organ
Kind of organ or dream
Kind of package
Kind of paper
Kind of paper or route
Kind of penguin
Kind of phone
Kind of pillow
Kind of plant
Kind of powder
Kind of price
Kind of prize
Kind of putter
Kind of race
Kind of rain
Kind of ring
Kind of rinse
Kind of rock
Kind of scan, for short
Kind of seal
Kind of seed on a roll
Kind of service
Kind of shift
Kind of shirt named for a
Kind of skate
Kind of skates
Kind of snake or crab
Kind of soup
Kind of squirrel
Kind of steward
Kind of stock car feature with pine at the front
Kind of surgeon
Kind of surgery
Kind of sweetener
Kind of talk
Kind of team
Kind of test or rain
Kind of testimony
Kind of thermometer
Kind of ticket
Kind of tin
Kind of toad
Kind of tradition
Kind of trip
Kind of vaccine
Kind of voyage
Kind of warden
Kind of wire
Kind of wit or test
Kind of witness
Kind request
Kindergarten "grade"
Kindle, say
King Edward
King Edward the humorist
King George alas is dull in America
King Henry is missing from composer's characters
King of the stage
King of tragedy
King on a stage
King or queen
King protector
King who was the father o
King with the immortal li
King's neighbor
King's position, in a gam
Kitchen or bath
Kitchen or den
Kitchen pests
Kitchen sideboard
Kitchen staple
Kite-flying need
Kiting need
Klee or C
Kmart or Target
Knave takes king for joker
Knight accepting nothing, wanting nothing for something precious
Knight's fair lady
Knob site
Knock off
Knock out of the sky
Knock splitting standard tropical fruit
Knocked over giant, thus
Knotted, scorewise
Knowing capitals of all regions and countries here
Knowing some nuclear chemistry
Kodak, Pentax and Nikon
Kodaks, e.g.
Kodiak, e.g.
Korean explorer
L., B. or J.
Lab animal
Lab maze runner
Lab runner
Label G or PG, e.g.
Label info
Labor's partner
Labor's partner, in a gar
Laboratory task
Labour PM, b. 1951
Labour to secure source of meat - such as this?
Labourer wants beer with lemonade essentially
Labyrinth locale
Labyrinth parts
Lacerations and things they can create?
Lack of shelter as river pours turbulently inside
Lacking bumps
Lacking Ecstasy, take glue
Lacking support, like the Yard after a third cut
Lacking warmth
Ladder danger
Ladder rung
Ladies back adopting new jargon
Lady in waiting?
Lady's escort
Lady's man
Lady's partner
Lake circled by element of shipping line
Lambert occupies swell place to sleep in USA
Lament for one in city
Land beside the sea
Land bird
Land bordering northern cove
Land failure
Land fowl
Land in Asia, mainly, as occasional flier
Land of Robert Burns
Land of which Burns fondl
Land's end
Landed gentleman bears right, then left, finding arboreal animal
Lantern's opening by ten gets wet
Large amount
Large bed ordered? Capital!
Large bird
Large bodies of water
Large bowl
Large building greatly revered, though not outstanding
Large built up area
Large cat
Large conurbation
Large country house
Large elaborate meal
Large group boasted, English put off
Large group equipped with members, might you say?
Large hawk-like bird of prey
Large insertion in tool shaft
Large male elephant
Large number
Large percussion instrument
Large pipes
Large plant obscuring both sides of road
Large quadruped
Large quantity
Large seabird
Large settlement requires wisdom to discount substantial account
Large shop
Large town
Large urban area
Large vehicle carrying, eg, cars
Large woody perennial
Large woody plant
Large-scale conflict
Largemouth or smallmouth
Largest land carnivore
Larry or Louise on "Bewit
Laser light
Laser output
Last character in repechage, mostly upset
Last choice on a question
Last choice on some lists
Last document by Shakespeare
Last Greek letter
Last in a series
Last letter
Last letter from Athens?
Last letter from girl in borders of Oklahoma
Last letter of the Greek alphabet
Last of a series
Last of articles in illuminated catalogue
Last of home gatherings
Last of the Athenian characters
Last overseas contributor to home game
Last part of a series is nothing brilliant
Last Supper attendee
Last word in the Lord's P
Last word of "America the
Last word of "America, th
Late Kennedy matriarch
Latest information
Latest thing
Latest word
Laughing matter
Launch brief article on line
Lavish affection (on)
Lavish attention (on)
Lavish meal
Law assignment
Law partner?
Law's partner
Lawlessness; chaos
Lawn mower site
Lawn mower's spot
Lawn pest
Lawn tunneler
Lawn wrecker
Lawyer's argument to remove barriers?
Lawyer's assignment
Lawyer's undertaking
Lawyers make it
Lay an egg
Lay up
Lead balloon
Lead deserters head north
Lead extract from bituminous tarmac
Lead fireball
Lead is found in Costa Rica
Lead key or bolt, ultimately
Lead player
Lead, helium and nitrogen escapes
Lead-free transport gets attention
Lead-in for -aholic
Leader; front
Leader’s girl’s accommodating Italian learner
Leaderless troops oppose battle
Leaders in The Oval Office, also
Leaders of paralympics organise long opening sporting event
Leaders of Premier League hosting a United 11?
Leaders of Senate have ordered witness to appear
Leading actor
Leading actor Heather's role in film about Hannibal
Leading couples in love, undying, getting somewhere to relax
Leading currency upset economist
Leading journo travelled back across it
Leading lady first to depart flight
Leading parade, miles away
Leading performer
Leading performer nude? Not half
Leading Roman Catholic staying in a hotel
Leading suspect got involved in a row?
Lean lamb in Spain's traditional starters
Lean over border
Lean over series of items
Leap season?
Leap year, partly
Leap; season
Leaping insect
Learn completely
Leather strap
Leave car electrician has failed to start
Leave completely, in slan
Leave message online for job
Leave off
Leave old Welsh wood
Leaves home?
Leaves' home
Leaving (a car) somewhere
Leaving jacket, nipped out for a smoke?
Lecture room
Lee side?
Lee Van ___ (spaghetti we
Lee's uniform color
Leek's kin
Left a chair
Left the couch
Left-handed Beatle
Left-handers can't play i
Leg up
Leg, section
Legal action
Legal action; container
Legal assignment
Legal decision
Legal entitlement
Legal setting
Legend of Tees? It's rubbish
Legendary captain's stroke at Lord's?
Lego unit
Lemon country
Lemon juice, e.g.
Lemon shade
Lemur's hangout
Length of many a TV drama
Length of metal, tungsten, about to carry current
Lent part?
Leo Durocher monicker, wi
Leon Redbone regularly remixed "Move On Up"?
Leopard one breathless catching horse?
Leopard, e.g.
Les Trois Mousquetaires,
Less important part of farm in Oregon
Less than a one-star movi
Lesson duration, often
Let a judge hear the case
Let go
Let the air out?
Lethal force keeps order locally
Letter abroad recalled very different times
Letter after phi, chi, ps
Letter of approval?: Abbr
Letter read out — gosh!
Letter school returned
Letter sign-off
Letter-to-Santa enclosure
Letterhead?: Abbr.
Letters from mountain hospital: help!
Letters' partner
Letting go, suppressing a sudden pounce
Lettuce unit
Level - regular
Level 42's doubly so after split
Level of quality
Level; calm
Level; regular
Leviathan's home
Levy collector, for short
Lexicographer wearing underpants?
Liberal doctor raised young lass
Liberal follower
Liberal pursuits
Library patron
License holder
Lid - which is missing lid?
Lie to, in nautical lingo
Lied, perhaps, about cracking case of shoplifting
Life's partner
Light article probing origin of little-known seabird
Light bulb's significatio
Light bulb, figuratively
Light bulb, in cartoons
Light case
Light case that used to be magic?
Light cloth covering for furniture
Light cover for furniture
Light discharge
Light from a headlight
Light left on before service
Light line
Light lunches
Light note introduced to night-time service
Light rock songs
Light service after track blocked by Ford-model car
Light two-wheeled carriage
Light yellowish-pink
Light, flavourless, plucked bird
Light, new, lit up rental houses
Lights in HMP Slade out around one
Like "hot-diggity"
Like 11's visionary feature of colonnade?
Like 2018 but not 2017
Like 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., s
Like 60
Like a bloodhound
Like a ewer
Like a folk tale
Like a foreboding sky
Like a good dog in spring, I daren't go barking
Like a lemon
Like a lime
Like a member of the military?
Like a surrender flag
Like a very rare day in h
Like about half of a team
Like an item obtained returning three rocks
Like angels we have heard
Like celestial bodies exh
Like certain seals
Like Clydesdales
Like cornstalks
Like Cro-Magnon man, to u
Like dental surgery
Like each answer in this
Like Ellen, now
Like Esau vis-
Like gastric juice
Like gazpacho
Like horse's feet
Like horses' hooves
Like jugs
Like King Wenceslas
Like left-hand page numbe
Like lowest-mileage drivi
Like many a cellar
Like many a detective's t
Like many a winter sky
Like many games
Like many horses
Like McCartney's guitar i
Like money to be repaid
Like most folklore
Like most mammals
Like most owls
Like most racehorses
Like much hip-hop lingo
Like much testimony
Like one who fans
Like plow horses
Like plowhorses
Like racehorses
Like rain?
Like rock 'n' roll's Rich
Like school, sometimes
Like show horses
Like show horses' feet
Like slander
Like slander, as opposed
Like snow
Like soda bottles, in pre
Like some airline travel
Like some antibiotics
Like some Arabians
Like some cellars
Like some confessions
Like some contraception
Like some details
Like some exams
Like some histories
Like some history
Like some hygiene
Like some jokes
Like some keys
Like some league games
Like some medicines
Like some money
Like some monuments
Like some parks
Like some payouts
Like some retirements
Like some risers
Like some seals
Like some soda bottles
Like some statesmen
Like some surgery
Like some tennis games
Like some testimony
Like some thermometers
Like some traditions
Like some transactions
Like some vaccines
Like some votes
Like some wines
Like the "Saw" movies
Like the answer to this c
Like the bird that catche
Like the morning sun?
Like the Sabin vaccine
Like the sea lion
Like to stay in bed and take it easy
Like to strip - backed out
Like to strip off when retiring or having a snooze
Like traditional epic poe
Like un millionnaire
Like unripe apples
Like Wes Craven movies
Like workhorses
Likewise at solo, ignoring the odds
Limbs; weapons
Limelight milieu
Limerick maker
Limerick or sonnet
Limit of returned books
Limited period of time
Limitless quantities
Limits to timber expanse? Here's one of them
Limo once cleared of external insects to give a rear view
Limo, e.g.
Lincoln Center subject
Lincoln in-law
Lincoln pub given the go-ahead in key letters
Lincoln, e.g.
Line at a picnic?
Line on a map
Lines man?
Lines some observer sees
Liniment target
Link in a chain?
Links hazard
Links target
Links unit
Lion's antithesis
Lions and tigers

Liqueur at twenty to eleven? First of all, here's a coffee
Liquid food
Liquor, a bit of rum I poured into gob
List at a meeting
List for a meeting
List for meeting
List of business
List of business information a lawyer withholds
List of meeting items
List of names
Listen here
Listeners hear sounds? Only some
Listening device
Listening devices
Literal element of eight
Literally, "great O"
Litter box visitor
Little Boy Blue's instrum
Little high-jumping bloodsucker
Little Jack Horner's dess
Little marchers
Little scurriers
Little skill needed for loading rifle
Little the outlaw does for his royal enemy?
Little time lost amongst all that apprehension
Little vegetables that ro
Lively group?
Lively Highland dance
Liverpool Lime Street, for example
Liverpool team must lose weight at all times
Livia, to Tiberius
Living daylights
Living room
Living space
Liz Taylor's husband befo
Lizard's locale?
Loaf's a short time in progress
Loan lure, maybe
Loathing one on benefit in North America
Lobe locale
Lobe location
Lobe site
Lobster pot
Locale for pins
Locale in the game Clue
Locality surrounding a royal residence
Locate neckwear taken from University Challenge?
Location housing a royal building
Locations for buds or studs?
Lock up penguin killer
Lock-up room
Locker room item
Logic diagram
Logician's drawing
Logician's word
Lois of "Superman"
Lois of the Daily Planet
London art gallery
London coppers
London Fog, e.g.
London gallery
London institution, with
London museum
London subway, with "the"
London tourist attraction, one exerting a pull
London tourist stop
London Underground entrance about to close early
London Underground, with
London's ___ Gallery
Lonely outlook
Long (for)
Long article about explosive
Long bands of colour
Long envelope's unsealed
Long for the longer sleepers perhaps half of LNER and one third of LMS used
Long green
Long narrow depression in the ocean bed
Long narrow ditch
Long narrow mark
Long pass
Long piece of wood
Long slice of feta cheese
Long to teach English without restrictions
Long tube
Long tubes
Long way?
Long, high pass
Long-distance runner in Spain with nothing on
Long-running Broadway sho
Long-tailed pest
Long-tailed rodent
Long-toed bird with a har
Long-vowel mark
Longer and shorter periods reversed in final letter
Longest river in the worl
Longines rival
Loo cover lifted, sit awhile: which 9 preceded 23 1?
Look closely around opening of the safe
Look endlessly for celebrity
Look for damages
Look over before holding
Look-___ (twin)
Looking hard, having lost a cord
Looking like rain
Lookout point
Loon's lack
Loop; rock group
Loose coins
Loose talk?
Loose woman, relatively topless?
Lord installs square safe
Lord Nelson, the Hero of
Lord with yen to be in good time
Lord's mate
Lord's wife
Loretta who sang "Don't C
Lose acuity
Lose fur
Lose hair
Lose on purpose
Lose steam, with "out"
Lose voter upset by former president
Lose voter? Terrible for president
Lose, as skin
Loser messing around with vote is former president
Lost boot not seen during football season
Lottery mix-up?
Louche airmen abandoned swimmer
Loudly auction off part of prison
Loudspeaker, informally
Louise has broken my crayon
Love affair with office work? Not I
Love alcoholic drink that's kept diluted
Love and marriage, don't start that as it can make you cry!
Love beyond reason
Love excellent final letter
Love excessively
Love foolishly
Love great ending to series
Love husband taking down trousers
Love playing game to the end
Love recording absorbing Beethoven's Fifth
Love to excess
Love to form a bond that's outstanding
Love uniform when in senior rank
Love wicked character written by Aristophanes
Love? Turned on by slender girls primarily
Lovely being by island
Lovely young woman
Lover of fur?
Loving leader?
Loving wife to prepare for conflict
Low born idiot
Low in spirits
Low man in the choir
Low northern celestial body
Low note made by one who jumped over it?
Low part
Low pitch
Low pitch?
Low voice
Lowdown rat, ultimately, or courteous fellow?
Lower-left phone button
Lowest adult male singing voice
Lowest pitch
Lowest singing voice
Lowest voice
Lowlife snitch
Lowly soldiers embarrassed about rank
Lt. j.g.'s inferior
Lt.'s inferior
Lt.'s inferior, in the Na
Lt.'s subordinate
Ltr. with a period
Lucille Ball, notably
Luck, to some
Lucky Jim author
Lucky rollover for 20?
Lucky streak
Lug stuff that's no good
Lumbago, e.g.
Lumber source
Lunar body
Lunar plain
Lungs of sheep, bullocks and pigs used in pet food
Lungs of sheep, pigs etc used as food
Lure for Simple Simon
Lycanthrope's catalyst
Lyon of "Lolita," 1962
M-1's and AK-47's
Mac maker
Mac, e.g.
Macbeth or The Caretaker, say?
Machinist's workplace
Macintosh accessory
Macintosh maker
Mackintosh, e.g.
Macy's logo
Mad king of the stage
MAD magazine no longer in print
Mad person?
Mad; fruits
Madeleine might be seen at this retailer
Madison Square ___
Madness of king's advancing years
Mafioso informer
Magazine feature
Magazine item
Magazine manager
Magazine VIP
Magazines have them
Magi guide
Magi's interest
Magic act
Magic wand tip
Magician's prop
Mahogany or maple
Maid Marian's man
Maiden inexperienced becomes upset, tender
Mail delivery, to Brits
Mail job
Mail-order specification
Mail; wooden stake
Mailing to Santa
Main character in audition?
Main coal deposit metres short
Main directions given by African leader
Main issue in spring, for example
Main letter read out
Main Oscar choices whittled down
Main reason corrupt Reagan's deposed?
Main reason to get excited - Reagan's quit
Main safety equipment activated, initially
Main Web page
Maintenance that gets the set going?
Major banking center
Major C.P.A. employer
Major employer
Major nation
Major newspaper
Major newspaper owned by the state
Make a case against?
Make a chess move
Make a deal with the feds
Make a video
Make airtight
Make better - smoke
Make curves
Make fast turnaround, which might be advised for over-amorous couples
Make fun of American for rejecting sweetener
Make jerky
Make jerky?
Make little effort when in bed
Make mention of
Make more powerful, with
Make neat edges after trimming each side
Make perfect again
Make the rounds?
Make waterproof
Make well
Make, as a CD
Makeshift ballot holder,
Makeshift cradle
Makeshift pencil holder
Making of cartoon films
Making the mouth pucker,
Malarial region
Male against small insect
Male animal
Male bird
Male bird is half Australian parrot
Male bovine
Male bovine animal
Male companion with unknown inamorata
Male entering hairdresser’s? That’s fishy!
Male garment worn with tie
Male in shop getting fish
Male lobster seen in lift
Male representative takes me in to see the bosses
Male singer
Male singer with a deep voice
Male singing voice
Male voice
Male voice - fish
Male whale
Male whale? Nonsense
Malevolent spirit
Malevolent spirit turning up in fireplace
Mall component
Mall tenant
Mall unit
Mallets are used in it
Mallorca, say, I malign without hesitation
Mammal; close securely
Man 8 tailed, for example
Man about second turning in
Man at home putting on weight
Man bit arm
Man from Lima in class
Man having rest after tea
Man in fleece I pass for a retriever?
Man is hot, occupying branch office 20
Man maybe is joined by boy around November
Man of parts
Man of Principle
Man of Principle?
Man on board trying to avoid a mate
Man possessed by right idea
Man thrown, lake emptied
Man with a top hat and ca
Man&rsquo;s coming in to look at oil-producing plant
Man's encore: to go on one leg
Man's name
Man's name; fool
Man, for example, lives on solid earth
Man, perhaps, is 50+?
Man, say
Man, say, is new in embrace of woman, mostly
Man-to-man alternative
Manchester-based orchestra slightly too big for this concert venue
Maneuvering room
Mannerly guy
Mannerly man
Manual component
Manuscript receiver
Manx or Persian
Manx or Siamese
Many a Melville setting,
Many a person on the U.S.
Many a position in a rock
Many a roast
Many a white one’s seen from rocky shore
Many items at the auction
Many plans lacking initially
Many things that are sold at auction
Many which will appear in auctions
Map feature
Map info
Map line
Map lines
MapQuest info
Marathon data
Marathon terminus
Marathoner's complaint
Marathoner's stat
Marathoner's woe
Marc Antony request
Marcus's lead on issue in the end raised support in press etc
Marilyn Monroe facial fea
Marilyn Monroe facial mar
Marilyn Monroe feature
Marilyn Monroe mark
Marilyn's mark
Marine creature is the "voice of the deep"
Marine mammal
Marine mammal left abandoned
Marine mammal mostly seen here
Marionette - poodle
Mark enters relationship for a while
Mark seen in neckwear for periods
Marked down
Market order
Market pessimist
Market stand
Marks's partner uncovered small change
Marner's creator
Marquee name
Marquee topper
Marquee-name entertainer
Marriage bond
Marriage ceremony
Married princess with royal appearance
Mars and Milky Way
Mars is missing hydrogen supplies
Marsh denizen
Marsh resident
Marshall McLuhan's concer
Martha's Vineyard, e.g.
Martial art
Martial arts teacher's detailed wisdom
Martyr to Nero
Mary had a little one
Mary served as host
Mary Steenburgen sitcom
Mary's follower, in verse
Mary's pet
Mason's assignment
Masonry construction for spanning an opening
Masons' creations
Mass association of king and clergy member shortly in church area?
Mass communications
Mass complaints in radio broadcast
Mass is bishop&rsquo;s responsibility, I hear
Mass murder participant died
Mass of rock coming from left?
Mass of timber rejected in practical lesson
Massachusetts city with a
Massage target
Masseur's target
Masseuse's target
Master's ordeal
Masthead title
Match in Georgia, then Maine
Match part
Match played at the local
Match; at a distance
Material draped over a sofa
Mateus ___
Mathematical figure
Mathematical relationship
Mathematical statement butchered in a quote
Mathematical value
Maths relationship
Matter at home filling sink
Matter for a judge
Matter for the gray matte
Matter of grammar
Mattress filler during a
Mature medic returned for last in series
Mature senior pupil about to regress
Max talks endlessly
Maxwell Perkins, for a fa
Maxwell Smart, for one
May is part of this small circle that's power-grabbing
May, perhaps - bound
Maybe 14 6 starts to crow after successful hijacking
Maybe 9 section acting as flipping emergency room
Maybe ace vehicle with detachable top
Maybe Labour is not entirely ignoring Left
Maybe monks will organise rule book
Maybe one new waterfront feature in 'ull?
Maybe Queen’s printed greeting
Maybe stone wife shed to reveal figure?
Maybe those who take tiffin without bits of butter
Maybe Venus shall aim poorly on first serve
Maybe why conqueror chastises opponent taking things to heart
Mayo or cream cheese
Maze parts
Maze runner
MBA's field
McCartney played it in th
McCartney's instrument
Mean something
Meaning of God preceding schism
Meaning of two papers written by doctor
Meaning to join doctor, if time
Means of access
Means of com­munication
Means of communication
Means of defence gets hot with top off
Means of escape
Means of ingress or egress
Means of mass communication
Means of shipping
Measure of frequency
Measure of frequency; merit
Measure of pressure to be put stormily around it
Measure of speed
Measure of what certain sportsmen hope to win
Measure pay
Measure to take
Measuring unit concerned with setter dividing second 1 5
Meat flambé, with ends trimmed
Meat fried in breadcrumbs? Look out! Run away!
Meat from US picnic (no cake around)
Meat on a kabob, maybe
Meat quickly offered, not half!
Meat, first portion of which is swallowed by dog
Media attention
Media boss
Media story cropped separately – by him?
Medical breakthrough
Medical discovery
Medical emergency caused by a speaker's inactivity
Medical patient
Medical success
Medicinal side effect, ma
Mediterranean, for one
Meet with French chap upset about matter he ingested
Meeting handout
Meeting plan
Meeting reading
Meeting schedule
Megalomaniac's desire
Melodic Melba
Melodious songbird
Melody part
Melville setting
Member met by Yankee host
Member of a colony
Member of a crew
Member of a pod
Member of class Aves
Member of military force, within a year, is in a different branch?
Member of parliament?
Members of the family Hyd
Members of union run into worries
Members' list
Memory containing zero space
Memphis's locale
Men embracing the alternative
Men in cabarets strip off
Men seem to show such content, being philosophical
Men taking in last show
Men's business wear
Mender's target
Mending aid
Mending site
Mending stuff
Mental flash
Mental image
Mentally twisted
Mentioned basic support
Menu heading
Menu section
Mercury or Saturn
Mercury or Saturn, but no
Mercury, but not Mars
Mercutio and Rom
Merit; speed
Mermaid's home
Mermaid's realm
Message container, maybe
Message that was sent with passion
Metal content of cage?
Metal point
Metal rod for hand-to-hand combat?
Metal shard I moved forward
Metal shard I moved higher
Metal shard I placed higher up
Metal shaving twisted internally
Metal splinter I shifted
Metal, a thin piece with lithium twisted inside
Method, procedure
Methodological approach in support of small presentation
Meticulous attention
Metrical unit
Metro map feature
Middle C, e.g.
Middle of article is replaced by author's sentence
Middle of many a steering
Middleman regularly revealing plan
Midlife crisis symptom
Might be in debt after priest comes round
Might be indebted for interrupting press release
Might have an obligation to reside in Porbandar's outskirts
Might have an obligation to reside in Puerto Rico
Might it be worth an offence in football?
Might one be looking up a Spoonerism for Mrs Malaprop?
Might prisoner meet the Queen?
Might she wear tights having no runs?
Might start to pursue debtor
Might they freshen up insight? Yes, after a fashion
Might war prisoner and monarch meet?
Might war prisoner, perhaps, when meeting the queen?
Might wartime captive start to escape with support from Resistance?
Mike who produced "Around
Milch : German :: ___ : I
Mild exclamation
Mild expletive
Mild-mannered type
Miles per gallon, e.g.
Miles per hour, e.g.
Military award
Military branch
Military conflict
Military flag
Military force
Military force crazy to depose leader
Military helicopter leaves hospital very quickly
Military land force
Military leader with power invested in army of troops
Military leaders?
Military parade passagewa
Militia crazy to jettison leader
Milky coffee
Milky drink
Milky Way and 3 Musketeer
Milky Way and others
Milky Way unit
Mill output
Milliner's sale
Mincemeat dessert
Mincemeat desserts
Mind finishing early, coach?
Mind vehicle at end of avenue
Mine ore endlessly that’s inferior
Minestrone, e.g.
Ming the Merciless, e.g.
Miniature map
Minimal progress
Minister put instrument into new ranch
Minister, 50, is about to get tangible awards?
Minister, right sort at heart, one who accepts the whip?
Minnesota twins?
Minor ailment
Minor market fluctuation
Minor untruth about odd items in total
Minor-league club, in bas
Miraculous Medal figure
Miranda rights readers
Mischievous - curve
Miser's fixation
Miser's hoarding
Miserable kind of clue this ultimately is
Misplay, e.g.
Miss equipment returned by lecturer
Miss large equipment being erected
Miss large outfit heading west
Miss relief - in pieces
Miss touring Gibraltar, having rejected Rabat
Missed a payback opportun
Missile from a prankster
Missile guided back to English business
Missing header, circumstance for player
Missing money
Mistake from egghead over stopping children's education?
Mistake made by little brat losing head
Miter wearer
Mixed economy advocate
Mob must be mad, losing billions
Mob turncoat
Mobile hospital covers indep­endent sector institutions
Mockumentary star casts off river vessel
Mode of transport
Model here reveals a bit of leg - heavenly!
Model last seen pocketing a thousand - sound reasonable?
Moderately hot
Modern phone
Modern piercing site
Modernist's material coming from the east
Moment in time
Moment; prison sentence
Monarch embodies a musical gift
Monastic accommodation
Money a deaconess finally invested in church
Money changer?
Money in a wallet
Moneyed gentleman holding advantage
Mongolian for "hero"
Monitor's measure
Monk's abode
Monks regularly defrost soup in advance
Monogram ltr.
Monogram part: Abbr.
Monogram unit: Abbr.
Monopoly purchase
Monopoly token
Monopoly, e.g.
Montezuma, e.g.
Month not the first that may be triumphal
Month or day with an O in it?
Month to handle on-screen director
Month, bleak and damp, turning summery?
Montreal, for one
Moon follower
Morale booster
Morally defensible
More insensitive cardinal?
More mature tree
More of this can slow you up!
More or ___
More than
More than - six balls
More than a brawl
More than a few words
More than a miss
More than a vogue
More than fume
More than in the past
More than mere jitters
More than one listener oddly ignored legal risk
More than one luminary comes down to earth
More than sarcastic
More than six balls
More trouble, billions missing
More trouble? Don't start!
More's opposite
More, in a saying
Mormon leader
Morning eye-opener
Morning waker-upper
Mortgage consideration
Mosque entranceway
Most appropriate wager about son
Most common papal name
Most common U.S. surname
Most excellent
Most important vessel coming from the East
Most prestigious part of flight - after one disembarks
Most successful, getting shilling in wager
Most suitably
Most superior upper garment
Most vague
Mostly average means of mass communication
Mostly break back with police unit or the army?
Mother (Latin)
Mother cradling head of science teacher
Mother of Jesus
Motherly instinct
Motor competition not entirely uplifting
Motor vehicle
Motoring group raised - its main focus?
Motorist finally crossed waterway
Motorist's club
Mould in bread, cut end off crust
Mould; actors in a play
Mount Godwin ___
Mountain sight
Mountain top
Mountain ___
Mountaineer's worry
Mounting a revolt
Mourn (for)
Mouse catcher
Mouse chaser
Mouse hunter
Mouse's big cousin
Mouse's kin
Moussaka ingredient
Mouth - right, that shouldn't open!
Mouth of river feeding water supply
Mouth part
Mouth piece
Mouth, in slang
Mouth, slangily
Move aimlessly
Move aimlessly; general meaning
Move at chess? Players initially look edgy
Move carefully, say, touring Germany and Spain
Move domestic animals from the east?
Move downwards
Move gradually away &mdash; ultimately sad breach
Move gradually for advantage
Move in a ballroom
Move king to safer place in fortress
Move on wheels
Move slowly
Move to the right alternatives for energy, in hindsight
Moved slowly and cautiously forward
Moved slowly in Lourdes, only standing up a little
Moved up a shade
Moves at speed in waterworks
Movie genre
Movie personnel
Movie rating unit
Movie star
Mower stower
Mr. Potato Head part
Mr. Potato Head piece
Mr. Rosewater in Kurt Von
Mrs. Lincoln's maiden nam
Much Apr. mail is address
Much flatter white
Much ___
Much-dreaded exam
Much-maligned federal org
Much-repeated word in air
Much/much separator
Mud ___
Muddles, with "up"
Muggins heading off to join forces
Mulder of "The X-Files,"
Mule team?
Mule's father
Mulligatawny, for one
Multiple-choice answer
Multiplied by
Multitude, crazy, leaderless
Mum books vaccination
Mum is boss, not son
Mum's dumping Mike for somebody else
Mungojerrie or Skimblesha
Murder riled screws, first sign in 1983 18 across
Murderous guy: 'How does it end?'
Muscle injuries
Muscle malady
Muscle problem
Muses' field
Mushroom feast
Mushy ___ (British dish)
Music and dance, e.g.
Music appreciation
Music practice
Music's pitch indicator
Music, ballet, sculpture,
Musical - characters associated, primarily, with Eliot
Musical ability
Musical about discontented Tories
Musical appreciation of grime artiste?
Musical aptitude
Musical based on TS Eliot poems
Musical composition
Musical elements of play about reaching the top
Musical gift
Musical group
Musical group prohibited on radio
Musical instrument; tube
Musical jazz singing star initially held back
Musical mark
Musical measures
Musical note no good — alas for this?
Musical number with good numbers making a comeback ...
Musical perception
Musical pitch indicator
Musical pitch symbol
Musical seen by one lecturer during a month off
Musical selection
Musical sense
Musical sensitivity
Musical sign
Musical sound
Musical staff symbol
Musical symbol
Musical talent
Musical talent demands attention
Musical talent gets attention
Musical tone
Musical units
Musical with an exclamati
Musical with Mungojerrie
Musical with the song "Mr
Musical work
Musical work; bit
Musical; jazz fans
Musician ultimately in wrong group
Musician's asset
Musician's essential for group of Arabs?
Musician's gift
Musician's need
Musician's pride
Musicians keep shaking transport that's jumped on
Musicians not allowed to be heard
Musicians prohibited on radio
Musk, perhaps one worn by the Prince Regent
Mustang or Lynx
Muzzleloader's load
My boss has tried unsuccessfully to restrict obscenities, primarily
My friend ultimately finishes on good terms with English composer
My half of child&rsquo;s horse
My regular visits to Gateshead
Myrmecologist's study
Mythological sprite
N.B.A. M.V.P., 1984-86
Nag Republican wearing tights
Nagging pain
Nail to the wall
Nail, as a gymnastic land
Naive one
Name after "you"
Name of more than 20 pope
Name part: Abbr.
Name repeated in a nurser
Name Welsh artist and English pop star
Name word
Name: Hilary, for example
Naming word
Nancy in France, e.g.
Napkin edges?
Napoleon, for one
Narc's target
Narcos providing support for one proposal
Narrative about to chime with the conjecture of quantum physicists
Narrow band
Narrow margins
Narrow road
Narrow street
Narrow way
Narrowly defeat
Nathan of stage and scree
Natural fibres trim front of seats
Natural satellite
Natural satellite of a planet
Naturalist sketch almost having repelled artist
Naughty fish plot to steal things
Nausea, vomiting
Nautical unit
Nautical unit of speed
Nav. officer
Nav. rank
Naval off.
Naval officer (abbr.)
Naval officer below lieut
Naval rank (abbr.)
Naval rank: Abbr.
Naval workers
Navy commando
Navy diver
Navy members
Navy officer (abbr.)
Nearest the leader for a short time
Neatened, in a way
Nebuchadnezzar, for example, daring
Neck and neck
Necrophobiac's fear
Nectar collector
Need Advil, say
Need an ice bag
Need Bengay
Need liniment
Needling session?
Neigh sayer
Neighborhood shindig
Neptune's domain
Neptune's realm
Nervous feeling
Nervous one?
Nervous ___
Ness of "The Untouchables
Nest builder
Nest inhabitants
Neuron's tips?
Neutral color
New Criticism poet Allen
New World vulture
New York N.H.L.'ers
New York's state flower
Newly-wed receives £1,000 cross
News channels
News groups
News source
Newspaper boss altered diet, as an alternative
Newspaper chief
Newspaper chief travelled back to cover it
Newspaper circulation uni
Newspaper customer is university lecturer
Newspaper customers
Newspaper group in decline
Newspaper head
Newspaper piece
Newspaper section chief
Newspaper section, with "
Newspaper story
Newspaper supply
Newspaper, television, et
Newspaperman given some credit, organisationally
Newspaperman recalled repetition about one day
Newspapers and TV, e.g.
Newspapers, TV, etc.
Newspapers, TV, radio, et
Newsweek rival
Newswoman Sherr
Next-to-last fairy tale w
Nice setter entertains a new girl
Nick a translation of Sartre
Nick, Matthew or Herbert in Dickens
Nickel and dime
Nickels and dimes
Night drinking, primarily getting stuck into lager?
Night light
Night shiner
Night twinkler
Nightclub in Roxburghe Avenue
Nighttime twinkler
Ninja's motion
Nipped, with "out"
Nix Olympica’s western extremity
No end of bother in economic collapse - what's missing in it?
No hit
No light opinion formed by the critical
No longer an option
No longer chic
No longer chilling in working environment
No longer disturbed by
No longer fashionable
No longer fit public torment includes greeting
No longer hot
No longer imprisoned
No longer in prison
No longer interested in
No longer stuck on
No longer thinking about
No more
No more work for retail outlet
No one has two of them
No power in profundity – one instead makes conclusion
No pressure for clemency after PM gets winning margin
No repetition in expensive part of programme
No time for fat girl
No time for fear? That's a mistake!
No time to fear slip
No-one at Cannes that could be common
Nobelist who proposed a L
Nobleman briefly getting attention
Nobleman years ahead of his time?
Noblemen losing heart with working individual
Non-occupant of this 5 with place to go back? Not entirely
Non-science subjects
Nondrinker by law
None of it is good, it's said
None of the above
None of the above, on a s
Nonsense creature
Nonstandard language
Noodle concoction
Noodle concoction?
Noodle product?
Normal position on a road
Normal time to retire with gin?
Normal; flag
Norman of sitcom fame
Norman of TV fame
Norman who created "All i
North American vulture
North Pole family
North ___
North, south, east or wes
Northanger Abbey author
Northbound, my route cuts Sydney suburbs for comfort
Norwegian band covering record by live act finally leading to letters
Nose (out)
Nose out
Not a good confidant
Not active
Not alert
Not all bowling at Edgbaston will get a wicket?
Not all wet?
Not allowed in the shops
Not as much
Not at all petty
Not at home
Not at home in Tynemouth
Not awake
Not barefoot
Not baring one's sole?
Not be a nobody
Not be resolved
Not be serious
Not beginning to carry or lug
Not being awake as former prime minister stood up
Not bumpy
Not check or charge
Not counterfeit
Not discounted
Not disparate
Not do original drawings
Not dry
Not easily angered
Not go straight
Not half unearthing obsession?
Not home
Not impotent
Not in
Not in a dreadful state
Not including
Not just for now
Not just jitters
Not just might
Not just threaten
Not killing, allowing one to escape sudden attack
Not leave enough room
Not listed above
Not local or state
Not long enough
Not lopsided
Not much time for runner-up
Not notched
Not odd
Not often illuminated, section of roof conceals one
Not on paper
Not on, having diamonds in the workplace?
Not openly shared
Not out of the running
Not prepared for revolution, or major conflict
Not present
Not safe
Not serious
Not settle, say
Not so great
Not so much
Not stay fully upright
Not stay rigid
Not sticking out
Not sweet
Not the longest dashes
Not the one to upset Rosemary, perhaps, in short
Not the one to upset that woman
Not the same
Not the whole thing
Not this or that
Not to be shared
Not try very hard
Not up
Not well
Not work very hard
Not working - had to slow consumption in the end
Not working, finished being hurt
Not worth considering boxing fight shunned by beginner
Not written
Not written, as a test
Not yet getting on with my inter­locutor, nattering emptily
Notable opening of 10/7/8
Note duke getting in ale for drinking bout
Note switches in random mutation?
Note-writer to find out about craft reversing
Noted Broadway debut of 1
Noted debut of 10/7/82
Noted gallery
Noted Ronald
Noted work?
Notes and coins
Notes occasion
Noteworthy, significant
Nothing but
Nothing divides the lines – that's the idea
Nothing for the Williams sisters?
Nothing gets ahead of the greatest, latest thing
Nothing in original set from Strangeways, Here We Come
Nothing in tennis
Nothing on the court
Nothing overlooked in keeping yarn
Nothing special paywise
Nothing that’s revolutionary in revolution?
Nothing to be found between 13 down and 28
Nothing tops excellent end of series
Nothing ___
Notice about politician being "a bit wet"
Notice about South American oil source
Notice left in lift
Notion inspiring delegates, executives and leaders
Notion, one almost gone
Nouveau ___
Nova follower
Nova ___
Nova ___, Canada
Novel Methuselah's written about himself?
Novelist finding little energy in dotty aunts
Novelist, antipodean figure?
Now published
NPR staple
Nudged, dog-style
Numb - dead to the world
Numb, a member of flock left for hospital
Numb, as a foot
Number 1, e.g.
Number entering illegal gang have tattoos to start with
Number etched by a skater?
Number in a quintet
Number in an octet
Number of shoes?
Number on a tag
Number one across North Carolina and number two in Washington
Number one hit about America?
Number symbol
Number two crosses line - game up!
Numbered thing in the Bib
Numero uno
Nun is ace criminal in drag
Nursery offering
Nursery rhyme boy
Nursery rhyme boy whose n
Nus to us
Nus, to us
Nut - loaf
Nut hoarder
Nut was obliged to protect kernel in general
Nut's lack
Oarsmen include a soldier in the overturned boat
Oater transport
Obey a red light
Obeyed a court order?
Object bitterly
Object near a temple
Object of ailurophobia
Object of bizarre recital
Object of night shift
Object rising in a Van Go
Object to holiday in New Guinea initially
Object used in playing chess
Object when family avoids thinking
Object when nothing put in glass of beer?
Object, e.g.
Object? Fine and good
Objects to nights being disturbed
Oboist originally leaving instrument in part of prison
Observe public school is on the way up
Obsessive sibling admitting yen for dissection
Obsessive year is involving special research
Obstacle for a barber
Obstacles for barbers
Obstreperous Russian initially rejected communist's directive
Obstruct display of goods
Obtained oddly deficient belt
Obvious, not the first tragic old king
Occasionally thwart bowler?
Occasions requiring male to be in neckwear?
Ocean liner?
Octogenarian, for one
Octopus's defense
Odd partner
Oddsmaker's figure
Of all time
Of higher rank than
Of little importance
Of modern humans
Of small duration
Of small importance
Of small length
Of tender years
Of the mouth
Off, as a note
Offensive to the senses
Offensive; make dirty
Offer around right time
Offer to limit crook’s second time in prison
Office wear
Officer rank needed to win a seat?
Official stamp
Oft-toasted Melba
Often-minimized thing
Ogee, e.g.
Ohm's symbol
Oil producer abuses American guards
Oil source
OK splits for each card game
OK to avoid some witticisms — time for another?
Old antique needing restoration is something that could be done by summer?
Old bit of French bread right for tart
Old Bob's lofty hedge
Old books brought up in addition
Old car loses its initial value
Old hat
Old Impressionist and I may do work to order around Spain
Old King Cole accessory
Old lady isn't fazed, being of pious attitude?
Old lady worried, entering empty manor
Old MacDonald had one
Old MacDonald's establishment
Old MacDonald's place
Old marriage that you must leave? A tear-jerker!
Old measure of distance
Old money securing peculiar place for urban developers
Old organ used for stage musical
Old phone's lack
Old school punishment is a reflection of age
Old timer
Old transport
Old vicar coming back no more
Old well's contents
Old Wells Fargo transport
Old-fashioned books about university
Old-fashioned chap?
Old-fashioned leggings worn by upper-class family
Old-fashioned party
Old-fashioned pledge
Old-fashioned symbol of a
Old-fashioned, this place in town?
Old-time swinger?
Older regular internet user
Olive or apple
Olympic track gold medali
On a par
On a plane?
On holiday
On rise in steel band, competent
On sale
On strike, bowled perhaps?
On strike, say
On strike, what batsman doesn't want to be
On the back burner, perha
On the high side, as a gu
On the level
On the road
On the same side as
On the side of
On the upswing
On toast, at a diner
On toast, in diner slang
On vacation
On-the-hour radio offerin
Once money's disregarded, bell-ringing party's most important
One "E" on a scoreboard
One acknowledges waiting lorry
One acting for another
One assigned to a bomb?
One attacking home with sci-fi villain?
One between the legs a cause of tears?
One bowled over?
One can be shown it
One can be shown to you
One caught in a police st
One clapping at a circus?
One could be Yellow, Red or Black, but conventionally blue
One doing garden work?
One down in the dumps?
One employed to incite others to commit illegal acts
One eyeing a canary, mayb
One filling the bill?
One First Lady's maiden n
One following friend's football team, commonly
One following general dir
One for the road
One form of pasta if potato, say, is short
One furthest from the aisle?
One gets over it as one gets older
One getting a cut
One getting battered in ring?
One getting ready item of furniture
One given a staff positio
One going round hospital in pain
One hasn't been taught to play by it
One holds husband in pain
One in a cast
One in a maze
One in church tower who looks like someone else?
One in custody
One in flight has tantrums when climbing
One in pack is an eccentric
One in ___ (20%)
One jumping in a doghouse
One kept in the bag?
One lacking attacked this rich old member of family responsible for 1,4, allegedly
One leaving in the spring
One leaving sinking ship? Sailor’s returning
One living in a dump
One making the cut?
One may act for an actor
One may be double or free
One may be fair
One may be in waiting
One may be original
One may be proper
One may be significant
One may be turning
One may undergo surgery
One might get a cut
One might pick this rugby forward
One mostly loved thought
One nautical mile per hour
One occupying bars - shouldn't then drive here?
One of 12 for the Alcohol
One of 16 no longer held in reserve?
One of 18 on a golf cours
One of a Navy elite
One of a primer pair
One of a Roman septet
One of a standard group o
One of a storied threesom
One of a world septet
One of about 2,400,000 in
One of five
One of five, one may feel
One of four art galleries in England
One of four involved in a game offering security
One of Franklin's two cer
One of seven
One of seven in the Big D
One of Spot's masters
One of Taylor's eight
One of the "Brady Bunch"
One of the Fab Four
One of the Fondas
One of the Fords
One of the Palins
One of the Redgrave siste
One of the Tudors
One of the W's in W.W. I
One of those on the fiddle &mdash; and bit of a racket?
One of Tom's rivals
One of two English queens
One of two equal parts
One of two that make one
One of two US presidents
One of two writers getting material rejected?
One of two writers having material rejected
One of two, e.g.
One offering pork pies around bar
One often planted on a wi
One on a PT boat, maybe:
One or two, for example, less feeling
One putting clothes on chest of drawers
One putting clothes on sideboard
One replacing hero finally in powerful series
One seeking some anthers
One seen playing with a b
One sense, figuratively
One should avoid falling into one of these
One skins up to get unconscious
One sought for advice
One steering French bank takes on debtor
One striking out, maybe
One symbol of the 41-Acro
One taken for a ride
One taking over hat
One telephone button
One that heads up the sta
One that litters
One that squeaks by?
One that's tired?
One thing after another
One to grow on
One to respect
One trapped between legs? It could make your eyes water!
One two of two-and-two
One using a comb
One way of getting out as match proceeds
One way to be caught
One way to be out
One way to sit
One wearing protective gear in conduit
One who blabs
One who breaks the 16-Acr
One who does windows
One who hopes for strikes
One who litters
One who makes bloomers?
One who observes criminal a wretch
One who photographs Her Majesty for The Times perhaps
One who proffers an arm
One who puts clothes on chest of drawers in America
One who revises another's writing
One who shakes in a kitch
One who studied "at the f
One who takes capt.'s ord
One who takes sides
One who's always buzzing
One who's in your corner
One who's on your side
One who's supposed to be
One whose job is a piece
One with a flag
One with a part
One with a print outside
One with a staff position
One with an antenna
One with big hips, maybe
One with fifty occupying beach, say, in Ibiza?
One ___ at a time
One's bound to support black man going on board
One's charged a lot of money
One's days are numbered
One's enveloped by kind spirit
One's fleece, on fire leaving kitchen, has charred sleeves
One's left with kitchen unit
One's secure getting key
One's son acquires northern part of archipelago
One's usually found by the fireside
One, plus six noughts
One, say, feeling less?
One-liner, e.g.
One-point Scrabble tiles
One-striper: Abbr.
One-third of a three-piec
Ones close to le coeur
Ones going through a stag
Ones making pantry raids?
Ones running shoulder to
Only somewhat abandoning Liberal political group
Open space for recreational use
Open space for three chess pieces to take one
Opening jar, ignoring recipe
Opening tennis shot
Opening that can admit light or allow ventilation
Opening without latest lead actor
Opening word
Opening word?
Opera villain, typically
Opportunities to speak so
Opportunities, metaphoric
Opportunities, so to spea
Opportunity for newly-weds to get undressed?
Opportunity to take cash prize on the radio
Opportunity to turn up for finance minister
Opportunity to wind up German leader, perhaps
Opportunity, metaphorical
Opportunity, so to speak
Opposing bridge players resist meeting
Opposite of chaos
Opposite of safe
Opposite of sluggishness
Optimist, of sorts
Optimistic stock market investor?
Or Adams short work, And Another Thing ... Guides for hitchhikers?
Orchard fruit
Orchard unit
Orchestral composition
Orchestral performance
Ordeal for Rover, perhaps
Order after "Aim!"
Order after "aim"
Order after "Ready ... ai
Order from Domino's
Order of business
Order of business at a me
Order of corn
Order to a barista
Order to a chauffeur
Ordinary brook by A-road
Ordinary soldier
Ordinary song
Ordinary way and a different way
Org. headquartered on Con
Org. helping people in ne
Org. issuing many refunds
Org. supported by the 16t
Org. that awaits your ret
Org. that does investigat
Org. that proceeds accord
Org. that provides many i
Org. that requires schedu
Org. whose functions foll
Org. whose roots go back
Org. whose Web site has a
Org. with a 4/15 deadline
Org. with a code
Org. with a complex code
Org. with auditors
Org. with audits
Org. with many inspectors
Org. with many schedules
Org. with refunds
Organ a vital part of the arteries
Organ is present for Cockney speaking
Organ is present from Cockney, we&rsquo;re told
Organ knob
Organ of hearing
Organ part
Organ piece
Organ recital, almost exquisite, starts up
Organ starts to echo around room
Organ the archbishop has installed
Organ tube
Organ used in Baroque arias
Organ with a drum in it
Organisation heads
Organisation poured beer regularly
Organizational figure
Organizing aid
Origami design
Origami supply
Origin of literary title freely associated with Women, Chicken and Gidding?
Original idea to dismiss first reserve?
Original recording from which copies can be made
Original theme song for a fantasy drama
Original thought
Origins of hard outgrowth ruminant needs?
Orkin targets
Ornamental cord on clothi
Osborne lacking in organisation? Good grief!
Oscar contender
Oscar has to follow up housing benefit
Oscar superlative
Oscar winner for "Kramer
Oscar word
Oscar, for example, having a temperature, always lost
Ostentatious sign of affection – there's nothing 'live' about it!
Ostrich or owl
Othello, e.g.
Other people accepting central elements of informed speculation
Other Ulyssean traits initially seen in Bloom
Others, in Latin
Others, to Octavian
Others, to Ovid
Otologist's focus
Otologist's study
Our crossword is a type one gets into
Our man of letters?
Our team had row before golf match
Out for nothing
Out for the count
Out for the count?
Out for the night
Out of hospital, damages limbs
Out of it
Out of order
Out of sorts
Out of the oven, say
Out of town
Out of ___ (away)
Out to lunch, ignoring British host
Out's partner
Outdoor area, one surrounded by three men?
Outer covering
Outer garment
Outer limit
Outer sail support
Outhouse - cast
Outhouse door symbol
Outlaw finally joined gang
Outlet, e.g.
Outline of a sort
Outpouring from ducts
Outside limit
Outstanding poet's encouragement to unite
Outstanding poetic entreaty to marry
Outstanding ring joined with another
Outstanding work of Pindar possibly read aloud
Outwit; most excellent
Over 50 reasons they might be dependent
Over 501
Over road you'll see big tailless creature
Over the top
Over with no runs
Over's partner
Overcook pork pie and coke
Overdo the T.L.C.
Overexerciser's woe
Overexercising result
Overheard couple too much
Overlook point
Overreact to an accident,
Overseas friends
Oversight cause, maybe
Overthrow, e.g.
Overthrow, say
Overthrowing a base, e.g.
Overthrowing, e.g.
Overturns - luxury car
Overwhelmed by greed, I tormented journalist
Overwhelming number
Own goal breaks tie in league
Own way to replace velocity for speed
Owner of Microsoft Windows ultimately denied access
Oxygen required by huge Greek character
Oxygen's atomic number
p., as in Plymouth
P.R., so to speak
Pace; ladder rung
Pace; stage
Paces; measures
Pacific ___ College
Pack animal
Pack animal?
Pack it in jars to be sent back
Pack up trophies in retirement
Pack-hunting carnivore
Page turner
Paid attendees
Paid in full
Pail problem
Pain has one going round hospital
Pain in course of stomach exercises
Pain in the neck
Pain in the neck?
Pain of brill swallowing tip of hook
Paint layer
Painting and sculpting, e
Painting, music, etc
Pair of nines?
Pairs with drums
Pale Guardian covers bestseller with renewed energy
Pale second
Pale-looking player who’ll make the first move?
Palm, e.g.
Pals around in Paris?
Pamper, with "on"
Panama, for one
Pandowdy, e.g.
Panic, losing head, and slip
Panic, losing head? That&rsquo;s a mistake
Pantry pests
Pantry problem
Pants part
Pants problems
Papal edict
Paper covers nearly bankrupt seed repository
Paper money?
Paper towel unit
Paper worker
Papers etc covered by some diaries
Papers, etc.
Papers, TV etc
Paradigm of happiness
Parasite's brief panic about pound
Parasitic insect
Parcel lost at the centre unit
Parent - one breeding?
Parent losing head - something else!
Parietal cell secretion
Paris's first person on street to make a joke
Parisian who wanders about gathers large hoard
Park Avenue, for one
Park officials - Glasgow FC
Park or forest keepers
Park sightings
Part filler
Part of "the works"
Part of a balanced diet
Part of a bedroom suite
Part of a billiard table
Part of a boilermaker
Part of a box
Part of a Cartesian decla
Part of a combo
Part of a company
Part of a constellation
Part of a copse
Part of a count
Part of a dollar bill
Part of a film's credits
Part of a flight
Part of a flight or the end of one?
Part of a gas mileage rat
Part of a gateway
Part of a grandfather clo
Part of a gyro
Part of a Hemingway title
Part of a jazz combo
Part of a judge's docket
Part of a judge's workloa
Part of a mall
Part of a mileage rating
Part of a paper towel rol
Part of a presidential mo
Part of a procedure
Part of a process
Part of a program
Part of a racetrack
Part of a roller coaster
Part of a scenic overlook
Part of a ship's beam
Part of a ship's superstructure
Part of a shirt or jacket
Part of a slalom run
Part of a spy organizatio
Part of a suit
Part of a syzygy
Part of a Valentine bouqu
Part of a windbreak, mayb
Part of A.P.R.
Part of Africa
Part of an aerobics exerc
Part of an Asian capital'
Part of an auto safety in
Part of an egg
Part of an interstate
Part of an IV
Part of B.A.
Part of CNN
Part of collection put back in small room
Part of convention planni
Part of cricket match finished
Part of cricket match where fielder drops opener
Part of deck sees action
Part of DMZ
Part of driving direction
Part of F.D.R.: Abbr.
Part of footmark effaced in procession
Part of HBO
Part of many a chain
Part of McDonald's logo
Part of mouth or cheek
Part of musical series, apparently one short?
Part of N.F.L.
Part of N.Y.C.
Part of NBA
Part of Norfolk denied British safe havens
Part of orchestra detests work
Part of P.O. or P.S.
Part of pack to turn alternately into hearts and diamonds
Part of pig - one, some say, that keeps hot
Part of PRNDL
Part of process of bringing back favourites
Part of ship queen's to get control over
Part of speech
Part of speech advocating abolition of New York body
Part of T.S.E.
Part of the American Gree
Part of the foot
Part of the motorway network beginning to erode
Part of the Treasury Dept
Part of theatre encompassing box?
Part of theatre, chic, recalled regularly
Part of TLC
Part of truss delivered by Royal Mail
Partial denture; span
Particular kind of suit required for ice?
Particular object
Partner for this and that
Partner no longer certain about river outing
Partner of "done with"
Partner of anon
Partner of crafts
Partner of letters
Partner of ready and will
Partner of Warner
Parts of British pounds
Parts of contract present man with insoluble problems, ultimately
Parts reportedly for luxury car
Party bowlful
Party handout, perhaps
Party happening at the end of term
Party happening at the end of term?
Party men handled access
Party preparation
Party staple
Party to a defense pact
Party to a defense treaty
Party to a s
Party victory, but one unseated is unhappy
Party with odd bits of wine to drink
Party's broadcast censored
Party, alternatively, providing means of escape?
Pass degree leaves you indifferent
Pass our flag
Pass over the Guardian's prejudice
Passed on by taletellers
Passenger area
Passenger finally entering smart train
Passing wind? Eat Haribo bears
Passing ___
Passion seen in counter-revolution
Passion Tree, associated with ecstasy
Passionate emotion
Password for man entering bishopric
Pastry dish
Pastry dishes
Pastry spoiled, odd bits removed
Pastry-topped dish
Pat on the back far from rare?
Patent prerequisite
Patient - legal action
Patient — luggage
Paul McCartney played it
Paul Robeson, e.g.
Pay arrangement
Pay attention to
Pay close attention to me?
Pay for newspaper with nothing in it more than once
Pay for work
Pay, as the bill
Payment method
Payment option
Payment to employee
PBS matters
Peach or apple
Peach or beech
Peanuts stand stars
Pecan and pumpkin
Pecan or blueberry dish?
Pecan or walnut
Peddlers' stopping points
Pedestrian aid
Pedestrian safety feature
Pedigree shower
Peel off
Peeled mottled fruit
Peeling one may make a pe
Peephole's place
Peeress's title
Pen filler
Pen fluid
Pen liquid
Pen's partner
Pencil holder
Pencil holder, at times
Pencil holders, sometimes
Penny finished with favourite doll
Penny ___
Pentagon inventory
Pentagonal plate
Penthouse pinups
Penultimate fairy tale wo
Penultimate fairy-tale wo
People a Frenchman may ad
People aren't usually dra
People born around 1980 now trying The Smiths' old work
People of a country
People organised under a single government
People person?
People work for them
Peppers, perhaps
Perennial teenage feeling
Perfect cube
Perfect pitch
Perfectly round figure
Perform (a song)
Perform in a glee club
Perform music
Perform on "American Idol
Performance of Silence that's painful
Performer dubbed "The Gre
Performer given gold by a court
Performer making some impact originally
Performer rejected new routine
Performer with a balancin
Performer works naked
Performers twisting end of musical
Performing ___
Perhaps 3 in 1,000?
Perhaps a piece of heart I cleaned
Perhaps a recital to be broadcast
Perhaps bowler's left out of game
Perhaps Busby and Queen are important
Perhaps Eden Hazard's foot is within shot range
Perhaps go up for it
Perhaps Guinness works to eliminate boundaries?
Perhaps hawk's attempt to catch rook
Perhaps joker's one that cracks jokes
Perhaps Judy&rsquo;s young dog, much-liked
Perhaps like one's wireless even more!
Perhaps Murdoch and Heaney, primarily, were this?
Perhaps plot information about a road
Perhaps the lorry left paper off
Perhaps Victoria is not at fault
Perhaps, an extra consideration when leaving France
Period drama with parts in wrong order creates a gap in education
Period from opening day t
Period in office
Period of 60 minutes
Period of time
Period of time eating milk-soaked bread? On the contrary
Periods that may be indicated with a cross
Perm finally in hairdresser’s place for swimmer
Permit enormous current to turn into river
Permit head of geography to deliver a tirade
Perry White, e.g.
Persecute; dog
Persian fairy or genie
Persian spirit
Persian sprite
Persian, e.g.
Persistence beginning to rankle in annoying character
Persistent dull pain
Persistent pain
Persistently pursue
Person behind a pram
Person easily duped
Person employed to improve organisational efficiency
Person in an apron
Person not yet an adult
Person of exceptional ability
Person of great energy from March to November
Person of obstinate courage
Person under 21
Person who digs a gambling game?
Person who drags loom
Person who invents revolutionary form of transport
Person who kneads
Person who switches lines
Person who's investing gold in 17?
Person with a coach?
Person with a code name,
Person, place, or thing
Personal vehicle
Pesticide targets
Pet excuse used by student?
Pet fur has nothing removed
Pet peeve?
Pet pest
Pet's pest
Pet's tiny tormentor
Petal pusher?
Peter Pan villain
Petite, e.g.
Petition for canal not to be closed
Petty officers' inferiors
Pharaoh's river
Pharaohs' river
Pharmacist in Norfolk town receiving writer with hesitation
Pharmacist rides roughshod over compounds for animal use
PhD title's secured a success for scientist
Philosopher, one working a large amount
Phobos, to Mars
Phone button
Phone button below the 7
Phone company's partial withdrawal of help package
Phone, slangily
Photo; firing of a gun
Photocopier choice
Photograph of house in street
Photoshop option
Physical strength
Physicist has May meeting with top man
Pianist Nero
Piano exercise
Piano piece
Pick up
Pick up on
Picked up
Pickpocket to go down briefly
Pickpocket, in slang
Pickup shtick?
Pickup, e.g.
Picky people?
Picnic crashers
Picnic intruders
Picnic invaders
Picnic nuisances
Picnic pests
Picnic raiders
Picnic spoilers
Picnic spot
Picnic visitors
Pictionary, e.g.
Picture card
Picture effort
Pie maker
Piece &mdash; but not the leader?
Piece in paper —small piece, not leader
Piece left in social system
Piece moved in castling
Piece of cannelloni, esse
Piece of evidence in a tr
Piece of gym equipment making one smile
Piece of luggage, one for Sherlock?
Piece of mind?
Piece of one's mind?
Piece of open land
Piece of the cloth?
Piece still lacking odd bits, in the event
Pieces of ___
Piercing places
Piercing site
Pike, e.g.
Pikes, e.g.
Pile of Yorkshire salt sprinkled on what stuffs chicken
Pillbox or porkpie
Pillbox, e.g.
Pillow filler
Pine (for)
Pine church in outskirts of Adelaide
Pine nut's suppressed rash
Pine store's not opened
Pine, perhaps, when one leaves Scottish island
Pink bum finally squeezed into shop
Pink exhibition room incorporates museum's entrance
Pink Mr. Potato Head piec
Pink potable
Pink room used to store money
Pink shade
Pink was revolting
Pink wine
Pioneer carrier
Pipe came up with lumps or swellings
Pipe section
Pipped fruit
Pirate remix of Elvis (the King)
Pirate shot by cricketer
Pirate's domain
Pirate's home, with "the"
Pirate's realm
Pirate's unfettered rage
Pisa has a leaning one
Pistachio or almond
Pitch indicator
Pitch players used
Pitch setter
Pitch symbol
Pitch's partner
Pitcher handle
Pitcher part
Pitcher parts
Pitcher spout
Pitching asset?
Pith extracted from some afore­mentioned tropical plant
Pitt athlete
Pizza order
Pizza topping
Pizzeria order
Pizzeria output
Place for a crane
Place for a FISH (which i
Place for a halo
Place for a headphone
Place for a house
Place for a keystone
Place for a knot
Place for a lawn mower
Place for a lecture
Place for a mower
Place for a numbered flag
Place for a plug
Place for a ring
Place for a stirrup
Place for a stud
Place for an ace
Place for an unwanted rin
Place for boats
Place for ChapStick
Place for fish and ships
Place for gloss
Place for Humpty, ultimately silly fool
Place for jewelry
Place for many a piano
Place for pins
Place for portraits
Place for single animal in hedge
Place keeping masks etc in pawn
Place never accommodating Welsh on reflection
Place of business
Place of work no longer slipping?
Place on duty
Place the car
Place to find dates
Place to make a wish
Place to put a bud
Place to put a plug
Place to put gloss
Place to sign
Place to stroll
Place to wash up
Place to work
Place where there might b
Places for bases
Places for forks
Places for hinges
Places for plaques
Places for some coaches
Places where free spirits
Plain &mdash;; &mdash; Seymour
Plain ___
Plan a female, perhaps, read out
Plan almost perfect
Plan announced for man on board
Plan inside army barracks
Plan made by spy without time to meet lawyer
Plan of action
Plan that&rsquo;s not quite perfect
Plane figure
Plane perhaps hijacked by buccaneer, turning back
Plane perhaps in flight, re-examined
Plane-boarding point
Planet Earth's last wetland
Plant 3 in Dublin
Plant a kiss on Frank Lampard initially
Plant as portrayed by Antonioni?
Plant cultivated for seeds
Plant grown commercially
Plant grown for its seeds
Plant grown for seeds
Plant high fliers go after, wanting to prosecute
Plant transported in a car
Plant with edible seeds
Plant's grain-bearing par
Plantation product
Plastic alternative
Plate of fish
Plate one exchanged for a set of cutlery
Play (around)
Play a big part
Play a good joke on
Play a leading role
Play a round
Play bit
Play boy?
Play for time
Play group
Play group?
Play in which King Lear goes mad and loses throne ultimately
Play Pebble Beach, say
Play personnel
Play place
Play the lead
Play the Scottish game on ice
Play with acts for all the actors!
Play? Certainly not!
Playbill list
Playbill listing
Player about given up? Flipping nonsense!
Player about to lob over hill
Player on stage removing agent&rsquo;s head
Player works naked
Player's agent blowing top
Player's call
Player's rep
Players from station on the radio
Players in a play
Players in form?
Players leave evacuated fortress
Players squint
Playful piece of music lacking intro
Playfully roguish
Playfully teasing principal
Playing piece has all the actors leave gutted
Playwright having a drink with the Queen
Playwright, for audience, author of meaningful work?
Plea from French criminal
Pleasant distraction
Please spread out
Please to be cooked like kippers
Pleasing; virtuous
Pliny the ___
Plot flirts with danger
Plot involved danger
Pluck something from the wine cellar?
Plucky in match
Plucky in sport of any kind
Plucky people may have to pluck this
Plug place
Plug terminals of users straight into desktop
Plug's place
Plum or gum
Plum variety
Plum variety, for short
Plumbing or heating
Plumbing tube
Plumbing, e.g.
Pocket money
Pocket problem
Pod contents
Pod dwellers
Pod vegetables
Podunk, e.g.
Poem about dead woman
Poet and old priest to back
Poet briefly working as comedian
Poet denied sun and water
Poet dropping in for a bit of harmless fun
Poet dropping right in
Poet finishes regularly ahead of racing driver
Poet laureate of 1692
Poet laureate of 1700
Poet not at home to have fun
Poet T. S. ___
Poet who wrote "Immature
Poet who wrote "Old Possu
Poet who wrote "This is t
Poet whose work inspired
Poet worked hard, endlessly spinning around
Poet’s energy and hard work recalled
Poet's work ethic initially given a lift
Poetry volume: the Queen’s English
Point in old article showing hidden motivation?
Point of no return?
Point on a bus map
Point on a graph
Point on a line graph
Point out
Point raised about journalist for press etc
Point-and-click gadget
Pointed shape
Pointed symbol
Pointer mover
Pointer on a clock
Pointing device
Poker ploy
Poker variety
Poky part
Polaris or Sirius
Polaris, e.g.
Pole position
Police car with a flashin
Police datum
Police dog that's bound to see evening shower?
Police officer parking in hollow
Police operation
Police setup
Police sting
Police sting, e.g.
Policy of alliance regularly dismissed
Polite fellow
Political authority
Political control; might
Political family name
Political journal since 1
Political organisation to some extent loses the left
Political party
Political symbol
Politician 18 hit once
Politician allegedly partying in underwear?
Politician not close to Harry Hill
Politician, one investing in evasive business
Politician, smart, meets gammon?
Pollarded tree bearing soft fruit
Polo or tee
Polo, e.g.
Pondering bumping off family in obsession
Pontoon is a card game
Pony carriage
Pooh, for one
Pool demarcation
Pool division
Pool or carpool concern
Pool path
Pool table part
Poor girl's obsession?
Poor housing contributes to cholera
Popeye's tooter
Poplar or pine?
Popular 90's beverage
Popular humor weekly, wit
Popular songs
Popular vacation spot
Popular watch
Popular watch brand
Porch raiders
Porgy and bass
Portable lamp
Portable light
Portable light in a transparent case
Porter dropping stone is dismissed
Porthos and Athos, e.g.
Portion of asparagus revolts pet
Portion of baked food served around City
Portion of pastry dish, plus crepe without filling
Portion; component
Pose clutching proper diamonds perhaps
Poseidon banishing east and north winds to find 1
Poseidon's domain
Poseidon's realm
Poser: fools recalled nothing internally after quite ignoring it
Posh woman's complaint getting old woman dismissed
Position around area in Buckingham for one
Position in forest and in garden
Position of authority
Position of authority is postponed no longer?
Position of Pearse, initially, at top of O'Connell Street
Position of switch repeated, introducing current for bulb
Position on the Enterpris
Position pawn next to a queen and king
Position retired skater might be in
Possessive, e.g.
Possessor of many rings
Possible cause of careless mistakes?
Possible explanation from politician, full of gas
Possible opening for chief in combinations?
Possible pet guarding old outdoor garment
Possible result of a natu
Possible solution
Possibly 3 million neural folds
Possibly drawing Rotherham initially in tricky cup tie
Possibly rum type like Ariel?
Post in Washington, for e
Post master?
Post operative?
Post or Trib
Post shabby clothes in Israel
Post-it message
Post-It, e.g.
Postal delivery area
Postal device
Postpone what one should be doing
Postproduction worker
Pot top
Potato chip accompaniment
Potential C.I.A. problem
Potpie ingredients
Potter has a rest in game
Pouchlike compartment
Poultry and not a sausage for batsman?
Pound home point of fishing tackle
Pound parts
Pour on the love
Powder holder
Powdered; land
Power of choice of action
Power to set amount of freedom
Power-crazed, facing setback in the rain?
Praying figure
Pre-bedtime ritual
Pre-dye hair shade, often
Preakness entrant
Precious metal
Precious stones
Precious stones found in suit
Predator catching egg layer
Predatory canine mammal
Predatory insect
Predicament - golfer's target
Predictable pattern
Prefix with scope
Prefix with scope or mete
Prelude to a solution
Premature, almost a non-starter
Prepare to fire one waking you early?
Prepare to shoot male
Prepares to fight
Prepares to fight artist about manuscript
Presbyter of greater seniority in the family
Present for a teacher
Present opener?
Present or past president
Present society leading the way
President Biden finally pursuing the big picture?
President Bush written off? Finally, with knowledge and study turned into delight
President's vice is money
Presidential run
Presidential time
Press (for)
Press chief possibly cycled up carrying it
Press coverage
Press dispute covered by digital medium
Press worker's stain
Press, slangily
Press, so to speak
Pressure after barrier is wet
Pressure on one copying exam questions
Pressure put on quiet soldiers in squad? What for?
Pressure to leave friendly colleague
Presumed facts
Pretzel shape
Prevent containers turning over
Prevent post getting broken
Prevent second murder
Price covering a cruise
Price cut for vermin
Price of evil shyster? It may be
Price to pay having made love last in Mafia fling
Pricey wheels
Pride : lion :: clowder :
Pried (into)
Pried regularly into US deeds
Priest's after the style of church residence
Priest's work: lecture on sin, Monday off sinning
Primate in spin daily?
Primates vis-
Prime Minister's willy
Prime Minister, 2007-2010
Prime number
Prime-time time
Primer girl
Prince Albert, e.g.
Prince Albert, for one
Prince Charles's avocatio
Prince Charles's sport
Prince Edward, e.g.
Princesses had mysterious source of funds
Principal gateway perhaps
Principal ingredient of regular charcoal
Principal piece of music that needs no introduction
Principal pipes
Principal traitors stand up
Print measures
Printer's need
Printer's supply
Printer's widths
Printers' measures
Printers' widths
Printing measures
Prison accommodation
Prison area
Prison room
Prison sentence
Prison sentence swift, perhaps?
Prison sentence; tempo
Prison slang for "girlfriend"
Prison term for the enemy
Prison wings are found on this
Prisoner's room
Prisoner's spot
Prisoners do it
Private eye's project
Private group
Private room vice-chancellor's reserved
Prize top chicken, cow
Prizefighting prize
Problem faced boarding middle, getting on back of bus
Problem in the defense li
Problematic construction
Procedure part
Proceed against
Proceed effortlessly
Proceed without pause, wanting, for example, to take legal action
Process of childbirth
Procession heading off for monument
Proctor's announcement
Proctor's call
Produce game, one wrapped in pink paper
Produce strains
Produce whip
Product of Berlin
Productive work
Professional representative
Professional with an apro
Proficient; skilful
Program problem
Programme employed in Copenhagen daily
Programme information in commercial article
Progresso product
Prohibits; pubs
Projection, which could produce a headache with part exchange
Prom date
Prominent Chihuahua featu
Prominent dachshund featu
Prominent donkey feature
Prominent donkey features
Prominent feature from the Left?
Prominent features of Alf
Prominent part of a dachs
Prominent parts of a Geor
Prominent player
Prominent rabbit features
Promising time
Prompt delivery
Prompter's whisper
Prompters' utterances
Proof checker; lecturer
Proof of a base immorality around hideout
Proof of English navy hacking innovative device
Proof part
Proof word
Proof; testimony
Prop for Santa
Prop in slapstick
Proper artist tries out position of 5 here
Proper ceremony announced
Proper outfit to go with odd hats?
Proper shock female being fired
Proper ___
Proposer of scientific theories, initially in job
Pros or cons, e.g.
Prosecute at law
Prosecute union leader in Home Counties
Prosecutes comedians snorting drug
Prosecutor's presentation
Protected, in a way
Protective custody
Protest about method of travel
Protest over nationalist bogeyman
Protest strongly (against)
Protest strongly (at)
Proteus's domain, with "t
Prove; exhibit
Proverbial heptad
Provide military men an opening
Provide with a rear view?
Prowler, male part on parade, initially
Proxima Centauri, for one
Psi follower
Psychiatrists treat it
PT boat crewman: Abbr.
PT boat officer: Abbr.
Public figure like William I, say, not outwardly evil
Public garden
Public open pace
Public open space
Public relations person
Public space
Publicity person
Publicity, say
Publicity, slangily
Publicity, so to speak
Publicly gay
Published item
Publishing employees
Puckish entrance leading to bow
Pudding bowl, as found in rubbish receptacle
Puffy hat wearer
Pull one's leg
Pull over
Pull the plug on
Pull up
Pull up grass here?
Pullman, e.g.
Pullover shirt
Pulls apart
Pulver's rank in "Mister
Pulver's rank, in film: A
Pulver's rank: Abbr.
Pulver, e.g., in "Mister
Pulverised earth
Pulverised; earth
Puma or lion
Puma, e.g.
Pumpkin eater of the nurs
Punch black and blue
Punch head of boxer, then well down the chest?
Pundit initially put down performance
Pungent bulb
Pungent vegetable
Punt, for one
Puppeteer Bil
Purchase for a beer blast
Pure line of drugs? Her Maj's one to snort it!
Purpose at home? Cutting grass
Purposely lose
Purposes of commas
Purring pet
Purse filler
Pursue, in a way
Put a traveling mike on
Put an end to game
Put away
Put down
Put down drink
Put in a part
Put in box after end of race
Put in sequence
Put off deciding about place in market
Put off for ever
Put on
Put on (a play)
Put on a scale
Put on coach
Put on different clothes
Put on period drama here?
Put on reel-to-reel
Put one ___
Put one's foot down
Put one's foot down?
Put pen to paper, did you say? That&rsquo;s correct
Put round a large and splendid house
Put the end first?
Put up
Put up hotel on river
Put up job
Put up on the wall
Put up with
Put up with huge beast
Put up with no bull!
Put up with Paddington, for example
Put up with trimmed facial hair
Put up with uniform, initially, when made to wear stockings
Put up with verbal abuse
Put up, as a picture
Puts a match to offal
Putting in a bit of money secures paper
Putting melted lead in starch is off for the present time
Puzzle from personnel wearing drag
PX, e.g.
Q-Tip target
Quad building
Quadruped; cavalry
Quaint get-together
Qualification voided company's ability to negotiate
Quantity used
Quarrel follows cutting of the cast
Quarter's worth at a carn
Quarterly payment recipie
Quaver or semiquaver
Quaver, e.g.
Queen abandoning life's work is a worry
Queen and her servants, m
Queen dressed appropriately for crowd?
Queen entering worries members of the family
Queen or drone
Queen perhaps delaying introduction of legislation
Queen to withdraw for this reason?
Queen who might create qu
Queen's Guard workplace
Queen's mate
Queen's servants
Queen, say, regularly represented in charts
Questionnaire category
Questionnaire choice
Questionnaire datum: Abbr
Queued for starter of devils on horseback next to range
Quiche, e.g.
Quiches, e.g.
Quick approval: Abbr.
Quick letter
Quick note
Quick O.K.: Abbr.
Quick swim
Quiet about most of period backing metalworker
Quiet-sounding musical composition
Quietly correcting His holy work involved discipline
Quietly put down toy
Quilt patch
Quilters' do
Quilters' klatch
Quilting event
Quilting party
Quilting session
Quinine, for malaria
Quip, part 3
Quite - attractive
Quite a spread
Quite alluring
Quite attractive
Quite beautiful
Quite insignificant about first of results
Quite lovely
Quite mean to eclipse Republican
Quite nice
Quite wrong about singular working dispute
Quits flat
Quitting time, often
Quote, part 2
Quote, part 3
Rabbit - Pan - Piper
Rabbit found in hospital kitchens
Rabbit fur
Rabbit seen around river or smaller waterway
Race assignment
Race car leaving front of plant
Race finish
Race finishing line
Race generating more than local interest?
Race that generates more than local interest?
Race's end
Race's finish line
Racer's need
Racetrack animal
Racetrack fence
Racing driver family's rise
Rack item
Racket game
Racket sport
Racy threesome cavorting "not for me any more" - Theresa May
Radiant look
Radiate, as light
Radio and newspapers, e.g.
Radio etc aimed to broadcast
Radio personality ___ Qui
Radio station facility
Radio station need
Radioer's word
Ragged part
Rail stop
Railway stop
Railway track; policy
Rainy or silly follower
Raise crops
Raise male
Raise; elevator
Raised in temperature
Raised issue, period
Ralph Lauren brand
Ralph Lauren label
Ran a tab
Rancher's concern
Rancher's land
Range of frequencies
Rank below a Lt. j.g.
Rank on "Star Trek": Abbr
Rank on the U.S.S. Enterp
Rant one's blocked out in traffic
Rash speed
Rat on boat one dislodged by duck
Rat on the Mob
Rat race
Rating a blue ribbon
Ratings unit
Ray’s broad smile
Ray; structural timber
Re-do it, emended for this boss?
Reach a high
Read aloud
Readies cricketers as summer holiday starts
Ready and willing
Ready and willing's partn
Ready money
Ready to be removed from
Ready to come off the sto
Ready to come out of the
Ready to serve
Ready, in the kitchen
Ready, willing and able
Reagan's predecessor
Really dislike admitting son’s inconsiderate speed
Really smart
Really tough task
Really warped
Realm for St. Peter
Realm of Ares
Realm of Proteus, in Gree
Reared animals for stage
Reason for a backrub
Reason for a reduced grad
Reason for an ice pack
Reason for darning
Reason for lights going o
Reason for restrictions
Reason for tears?
Reason to see a dentist
Reason to shout "Eureka!"
Reasons for some delays
Rebel (against)
Recalled primitive weapon being used with drug business
Receive; obtain
Receiver accessory, slang
Receiver of donations
Receiver of many Apr. che
Recent U.S.N.A. grad
Recently passed - throe
Recharging one's batterie
Recipe instruction
Recipe part
Recipe parts
Recipient of much Apr. 15
Recital's tricky piece
Recline in a very relaxed manner
Record - piece of music
Record company's assets, personnel, profits, losses and expenses to begin with
Record company's software extremely laughable
Record Irishman coming up on Ecstasy
Record listing
Record of Hungarian composer broadcast
Record of scores in a round of golf
Record of the Northern orang-utan?
Record on video
Record overseas resident returning when vote is lost
Record returns by coincidence for the one at this number?
Record that winning runner might break?
Record that's broken at end of race
Record where Boris was rejected
Record; cassette
Record; finishing line
Record; tone
Recording about husband's love
Records omitting Brunel's section of bridge, perhaps
Recovered from
Rectify title
Recurring Woody Allen the
Red army?
Red dye
Red ink
Red light directive
Red state
Red, to a motorist
Red-bordered magazine
Redeem, with
Reds are disturbing folk at university
Reduce church work
Reduced by
Reduced to powder
Reedy place
Reel-to-reel ___
Ref's call
Referee initially upsets Scottish team
Refined grade 'A' ore almost becomes a driving passion
Refrain from nude act with husband or American
Refrain from tasks requiring English to be universal
Refrain in Switzerland or America
Refuse to move accommodation for horse
Regan's father
Register a car of superior quality but not special
Register indicator
Registers car
Regular figure
Regular social occasion finished early
Regularly and widely used
Regularly chastise gossips
Regulars inside keen to plug pub job
Rehearsals in part for organs
Reindeer group
Relating to the mouth
Relative diagram
Relative of "Hmm ..."
Relative of "hmmm"
Relative speed
Relatives of termites
Relax after Charlie leaves English comedian?
Relaxing interval, but not for the cast?
Relay broadcast ahead of time
Release money
Religious celebration fixed around 2nd February
Religious ceremony
Religious commemoration
Religious observance
Religious types? There are 7 of them in London
Relish decline
Relish swim
Remark on distinctive vocal sound
Remit to embrace latitude and freedom of movement
Remote button
Remove water using a scoop
Removed cooler position
Rendezvous in French bar
Renowned London gallery
Repairs, on and off, getting attention
Repeated Chris O'Donnell
Repeated part
Repertoire component
Report of armistice in newspaper article
Reported information, all points!
Reportedly heard by many at Wimbledon?
Reportedly run away from bloodsucker
Reporter's boss
Reports on current affairs
Repository of fame?
Representation of a budge
Representation of a state
Representative backing city area captured by paper model
Representative location
Representative sample of collagen treatment
Republican in major city backing imposing ruler
Request harmony
Requesting to put away a second piece
Requirement for some degr
Requiring more time in th
Research into the work of Picasso, say, is to stop
Research money
Researcher's desire
Researcher's quest
Reserve heading off in pain
Reserves with which to back horses, perhaps
Residential building
Residential pupil
Residents of some campus
Resistance infuriates footballers
Resolve to belt criminal
Respected one
Respected tribe member
Respond to seeing red?
Responsible pupil's second to drop Polish?
Restaurant freebie
Restaurant review symbol
Restore to good health
Restore to health
Restrained but losing head in hurry
Restraint limiting attempt to turn at the same time
Result of a big break?
Result of a gas shortage
Result of a sacrifice
Result of downsizing
Result of getting 19 in German city around midnight?
Result of honing
Result of overexercise
Result of overstrain
Result of ruling
Result of some heavy lift
Retail establishment
Retail outlet
Retail outlet quiet before work
Return address abbr.?
Return address letters?
Return addressee
Return addressee?
Return addressee?: Abbr.
Return destination?: Abbr
Return letters?
Return of Colonel K's hairpiece?
Returning foreign visitor working for me?
Returning to pinch, dull routine for highwayman
Returns home?
Returns letters
Returns letters?
Rev. Roberts
Reveal pretence
Revelation; shelterless state
Revere signaler
Reviewer's award
Reviewer's unit
Revolted by announcement of banks
Revolting individual's parting call
Revolution daring to depose king
Revolutionary English, say? I&rsquo;m surprised that&rsquo;s heard in Ohio
Revolutionary War general
Revolutionary War hero Jo
Revolver, perhaps
Rewrite other conclusion to unsatisfactory hypothesis
Rheumatism symptom
Rhino feature
Rice with three rings
Rice, perhaps - the last portion of rice for a while
Rich tea, for example
Rich with humor
Richard —, was Guy Gibson in The Dam Busters
Richard Henry Dana subjec
Richter ___
Ridicule first person in French street
Ridiculous figure not initially correct
Riding whip
Rifles and such
Right call
Right or fright preceder
Right time to speak wildly
Right to arrest a deserter
Right to cut benefit for individual
Right to remove mouse&rsquo;s head from trap
Right-angled shape blocking curved shape? That’s a setback
Right-angled; plaza
Right-wing faction helping … for payment!
Ring a bell, or play the piano?
Ring bearer
Ring contents, maybe
Ring found in sharp suit pressed here
Ring holder
Ring holder ... or receiv
Ring huge Greek character
Ring locale
Ring setting
Ring site
Ring source
Ring spot
Rioters' quieters
Rips odd bits out of thesaurus
Rips; droplets
Rise of drag performer?
Rise, greeting a couple of Liberals
Rising worry about piano recording
Risk assessors welcome soldiers 15D?
Risk illness caused by cold
Risk incurring (misfortune)
Risk is fair, I agree
Risk public appearance
Ritz, e.g., to Brits
River at Luxor
River entering larger body of water, mostly for some entertainment
River essential for Egyptian, I learn
River feature
River fish
River having nothing to East
River in an Agatha Christ
River in Egypt
River near the Great Pyra
River near the Sphinx
River of eastern Africa
River or stream source
River past Luxor
River source; leader
River source; promontory
River the Aswan Dam dams
River with Blue and White
River’s wiggly line
River's inlet almost diverted
Road condition?
Road goo
Road vehicle
Road ___ (driver control
Roadside stand units
Roald &mdash;, author
Roald who created Willy W
Roald who wrote "Charlie
Roald who wrote "James an
Rob Key from Kent bagging duck in tie
Robin or swallow
Robot shape, maybe
Rock group
Rock's partner
Rock's Rundgren
Rocker Rundgren
Rocket section
Rocky crag
Rocky height in Pretoria
Rocky hill
Rocky hilltop
Rocky outcrop beside river
Rocky peak
Rocky pinnacle
Rocky point
Rocky top
Rod Laver's back following nudge
Rodent marks domestic &rsquo;abitat?
Rodent pest
Rodent ultimately done for speed
Rodent; deserter
Rodgers and Hammerstein's last Illinois performance. The end
Rogan josh balm?
Role for 13 in restricting Roman depravity
Role in "The Robe"
Role player
Role, key ultimately, for Labour?
Roll of the dice, maybe
Roll top?
Roller coaster part
Roller coaster unit
Roller coating
Rolling ___ (rich)
Roman aqueduct support
Romance fiction or horror
Rome turned over by invading monarch
Roof support
Rook - mouldy thing with loathsome wings
Room at San Quentin
Room connector
Room for hire? Initially, everyone
Room to go forward rapidly without second in command
Root vegetables
Rope fastening
Rorschach test stuff
Rosetta's locale
Rosetta's river
Rotate; go
Rotation while receding from planet
Rotavate earth, except underground
Rotten goal leads to Everton's dramatic upset
Rough end absorbed by outstanding city
Rough finish?
Roulette bet
Roulette player's opponen
Round figure
Round figure is Crosophile’s first of three
Round of applause
Round Three over, finally getting the bell
Round up
Round up the lady's daughters
Route 1, e.g.
Row - occupation
Row in a garden
Row in a shell?
Rowing boat
Rowing crew
Rowing crew consumed food soundly
Rowing team’s bulk initially reduced
Roy's header really annoys 3
Royal attendant John having suntan?
Royal castle
Royal family
Royal home
Royal house
Royal jelly maker
Royal residence
Rubbish - underwear
Rubbish bags
Rubbish Conservative a flipping professional liar?
Rubbish dances by Strictly star
Rubbish English gallery
Rubbish in Jerusalem rail terminus?
Rubbish setter, perhaps, but one with tenacious spirit
Rubbish vegetation left out
Rubbish; garment
Ruin big-time
Ruler exercises right during more rioting
Ruler good, following relations
Ruler pre-Rome? That must be wrong
Ruler&rsquo;s team appear dour regularly
Ruler's length
Ruler's metric measure spanning an imperial one
Ruler, to some extent, back in geometry
Ruler; butterfly
Rum in spirits taken by cautious gambler?
Rum Tum Tugger, for one
Rumour of good set of exercises in the gully
Run away from drill bit
Run away from mischievous prank, avoiding publicity
Run from a pianist
Run in
Run in footwear? I need special shoes
Run into a female host
Run into fish in Channel
Run of the mill
Run out of caustic chemical
Run over and discard bird
Run over wild animal
Run up to Casanova?
Run-less over
Runless over in cricket
Runner has zero energy
Runner in Europe punched by Queen? Do behave!
Runner of an experiment?
Runner's assignment
Runner's goal
Runner-up's award
Runner-up; short time
Running fast though middle section's lacking bounce
Runs away from fool's bare bottom
Rural business
Rural establishment a long way off motorway
Rural road
Rural route
Rush hour measure, no parking round area
Rush hour on a street, middle of queue
Rush with a stem concealed
Rush, dash
Rushed, we hear, to see hill
Russia's ___ the Great
Russian Blue, e.g.
Rustler's target
Saatchi's opening with good artist occasionally making animation
Sabbath singer making comeback as headliner
Sack - cause for alarm?
Sack female over anger
Sack; classical element
Sack; conflagration
Sack; stimulate
Sacred hearts not breaking any laws
Safe for fellow touring Thailand
Safe place in the ring
Safe, principled chap
Safety installation
Sahara irrigator
Said aloud
Said of country life, past not present
Said what diner did, a curvy figure
Sailor crossing lake saw tortoises avoiding the odd bird
Sailor has name for mountain lake
Saint for whom the Russia
Saintly gatekeeper's famous rabbit
Sales pitch?
Salesman in capital picked up a ruler
Sally goes about on a cycle
Salsa ingredients?
Salsa or guacamole
Salt holder
SALT II signer
Salt or smoke
Salt shaker?
Salt water
Salt water spring perhaps half gone
Salt, perhaps
Salt, say, in short shanty?
Salty drops
Salty septet
Sam Adams alternative
Samosa ingredients
San Francisco's Nob ___
Sand bar
Sand inside a shoe, e.g.
Sander part
Sandpaper coating
Sandwich go-with
Santa checks his twice, i
Santa checks it twice
Santa has a red and white
Santa's reference
Sarah Palin's husband
Satellite's second leg
Satirical paper, with "Th
Satisfactory to participate in a game
Saturday night special
Saturn, for one
Saucy curve
Save one's own neck, mayb
Save the foremost of Serengeti watering-holes
Savoury liquid dish
Saw red?
Saxon or Celt, once
Say jokingly
Say love stifles resistance for this reason
Say when northbound train's beginning to enter platform
Scaler's goal
Scam banking run for one on the fiddle
Scandal suffix
Scavenger at Yellowstone
Scene of classic flooding
Scenic vantage point
Schedule American advance in vehicle
Schedule maker: Abbr.
Schedule non-disclosure agree­ment after a long time
Schedule of events, clear and organised
Schedule to conclude between California and Arkansas
Schedule-keeping org.
Scholar's wish, maybe
School competition
School group?
School locale
School period
School principal
School punishment
School reward
School session
School subject
Science fiction writer Fr
Sciences' partner
Scientific explanation
Scientist argues really well at first in row
Scientist: rising radical gains success
Scold harshly, with "at"
Scoop out water
Scoop water
Scope out, pre-heist
Scope; living space
Score before 15
Score component
Score of three strokes under par for a golf hole
Score of zero
Score unit
Scoring advantage
Scotch beef initially put on hold - on the contrary
Scotch or soft drink?
Scotch ___
Scotland sorts out constant burden
Scottish city
Scottish city with cakes
Scottish explorer to stop and leave
Scottish hero - an expert climber?
Scottish hero in defence, brilliant
Scottish island -- island lacking large plant
Scottish port on the Firt
Scottish squad of soldiers?
Scottish stream
Scottish term of address for a male stranger
Scoundrel keeping Oscar, behold in the shade
Scoundrel pinching rear of our Queen?
Scrape top off aggregate
Screen flop
Screenwriter/novelist Roa
Sea perch
Seabird whose sound is viewed negatively?
Seaman's description
Search is going between France and Hungary
Searched (around)
Seashore; freewheel
Seasick sailor's support
Season meat for youngster
Season porridge
Season tally
Season well
Season well?
Seat cover?
Seat in church where one keeps an animal?
Seat site
SeaWorld frolicker
Second Amendment subject
Second best stall
Second dance in store
Second favourite reversed dance movement
Second helpings taken from brewer for worker
Second of reviews penned by great art critic
Second piece moving left to right
Second prize for pirate
Second unbelievable delay
Second working satellite around the earth
Second, not the last, drink
Secret device used with indignation?
Secret Service after prince over Virginia
Secret soldier
Secretary regularly takes breaks
Section of a poem
Section of Heinz to can edible roots
Secure measure of speed for flyer
Secure place with gates at both ends
Secure though not all together
Securing tie
Security concern
Security device
Security feature - hair piece?
Sedan or coupe
Seder, e.g.
Seducer - gobble down
See 1
See 1 Across
See 1 Down
See 10
See 13
See 15
See 18
See 19
See 19 Across
See 23
See 23 Across
See 27
See 27 Across
See 3
See 31 Across
See 33
See 37A
See 5
See 5 Down
See 62D
See 9
See about new chap
See Gaelic language poetry
See odd parts of Ghent
See red
See red?
See something with face and hands
See, say
Seeds producing an edible oil
Seeds used to make tahini
Seek at random, with "for
Seek damages
Seek damages from
Seek damages, say
Seek favour from judicial body
Seek legal redress
Seek restitution, perhaps
Seek to marry - finding love, in summary
Seen in spring, a memorable match
Select actors for play or film
Select CAPS, when making edits - they make things easier to read
Self-identifying word
Selling point
Semester, e.g.
Semiquaver, e.g.
Sen. McCain
Send packing
Send Pole to announce appointment
Send to the gallows
Send via Western Union
Send, in a way
Senior - church official
Senior clergyman
Senior Cockney grabbed that girl
Senior cuddled that woman left by two husbands
Senior hospital doctor
Senior lecturer
Senior metalworker loses weight
Sensation about sick bat
Sensational duck, wicket given after loud cry
Sensible measure of duvet's inducement to sleep
Sentence exemplified by preceding answer
Sentence served by male in band?
Sentence starter
Sentence structure?
Sentence subject, often
Sentence subject, usually
Sentimental songs
Sentimentality and a dash of dreaminess can be excellent
Sequence from Antonioni tear-jerker
Sequence provided by street band
Sequence that tennis player may break
Sequence; tone row
Serenader's sentiment
Serenader's subject
Series finale
Series of battles with a Republican
Series: The Saint, complete with halo
Serious attention
Seriously break the trust
Serpent takes shelter in the land of Nod
Serpent's home
Serving of corn
Serving with ham and grav
Servings of corn
Session spanning winter months
Set equipment
Set group
Set of clothes
Set of cricket deliveries
Set of dishes for religious ceremony
Set of exam questions
Set of letters
Set of linked things
Set of things in line
Set to include daughter as female
Set up
Set up European missile business
Setter and solvers drinking punch and Chablis?
Setter of a sort
Setter settler
Setter's embracing a royal queen
Setter's holding single note perhaps
Setter's upward stroke blocks shot - pity!
Setting for an Agatha Chr
Setting for candlelit rom
Setting for many a fairy
Seven things for a sailor
Seven ___
Severe pressure sees loss of University Hospital department worker in theatre
Severe setback
Severely hit British meat
Sewer parts
Sewers have them
Shabby articles by English gallery
Shade giver
Shade of blue
Shade of green
Shade provider
Shade that defines 17-, 2
Shady route
Shady way
Shake off
Shakespeare's king coherent, but losing head
Shakespearean character w
Shakespearean king
Shakespearean monarch
Shakin' Stevens ignoring TV impression
Shanty sung by sailor not having good time?
Shape on a potter's wheel
Shaping metal's important to him primarily
Sharp Conservative stopping benefit
Sharp quality
Shaw's "___ and the Man"
She has a serviceman on both sides
She is the third soprano principally engaged in Evita
She means to seek legal redress
She puts on other people's clothes
She was revolting
She&rsquo;s back in the USSR
She’s kneading bread (if it finally doubles in size!)
Sheep knocked over Yankee woman held in reverence
Sheepshank, for example
Shell, e.g.
Shelling scary monsters is a mistake
Shepherd established bridges - that's amazing!
Shepherd's pie at last - I'm surprised in a way
Shepherd's pie ingredient
Sherlock Holmes item
Sherlock Holmes prop
Shilling in purse constitutes stake
Ship deserter
Ship locale
Ship's first trip
Ship's speed unit
Shipboard title: Abbr.
Shipping company policy
Shipping method
Shirt or blouse
Shirt or jacket part
Shirt or sweater
Shirt style
Shock over bananas
Shock that head is leaving? I'll say!
Shoe insert
Shoe part
Shoe shaper
Shoe stiffener
Shoe __ or family __
Shoelace problem
Shoelace woe
Shoot beginning to emerge beneath tree
Shooter's ammo
Shooters may need them
Shooters' needs
Shop beginning to suffer with rent
Shopper's aid
Shopping aid
Shopping reminder
Short alert from pager or buzzer
Short ball hit over point? Clever!
Short distance
Short distances
Short division? Sign on staff
Short drink; attempt
Short letter
Short letter, never English
Short message
Short message; tone
Short month in which temperature rises a degree
Short musical number follows for each individual
Short story about dry lake
Short swim
Short swinging punch
Short time
Short time in drag for cast
Short title reset on line
Short whip
Short written message
Shortest light
Shot up
Shoulder - stomach
Shout before "Open up!"
Shout in pain, being cowardly
Show around back street
Show behind heartless idiot
Show bust and get all naked for audience
Show concern
Show declining mental cap
Show excessive affection
Show of pride
Show one's teeth?
Show place
Show pleasure
Show pride, in a way
Show senility
Show signs of age, maybe
Show some beer, getting a round in
Show your backside - though I never do
Showed respect, in a way
Shower affection (on)
Shower alternative
Shower with love
Showing Europe's upset about vote
Shows small muscles around genitals, having dropped kilo
Shrub came back to life - army mobilised!
Shrub or small tree with scented white flowers and black berries
Shrub; US president
Shrub; wild vegetation
Shuckers' units
Shut (up)
Shut up
Shy - actors
Shy affair
Shy people picked to perform
Shy personnel pull boxes
Siamese and Persian
Siamese, e.g.
Sic a lawyer on
Side (with)
Side flap
Side flaps
Side of faceted gemstone
Side with everybody unknown
Sideboard with open shelves
Sideboard with shelves on top
Sight in Memphis
Sight or smell
Sign at an A.T.M.
Sign at the front of some
Sign covering letter for foreign president
Sign made by team leader at sporting event
Sign of old age
Sign of the zodiac
Sign on the corner
Sign seen in front of som
Sign, as a deal
Sign, slangily
Significant person?
Significant ___
Signs, indications
Silas Marner's creator
Silent army
Silicon fan dismissing introduction of other metal
Silly fellow to singe pork pie
Silly person’s code word for third letter
Silly to cover up when protecting a right stirrer
Silver category
Silver Ghost, informally
Silver quarters?
Silver tick
Similar names for a Vice President and earlier President
Simple basketball game
Simple card game
Simple introduction to solutions to be found in a grid
Simple payment method
Simplest form of payment
Singer requires brasses from time to time
Singer who sounds low...
Singer with strapping frame, according to Spooner?
Singer's backup
Singer's money runs out
Singer, of a sort
Singers from Switzerland (or America)
Singers in church or university society
Singers that tweet about Prince as former actor
Singing voice
Singing voice - fish
Single malt, for instance
Single pace
Single tone; short letter
Single-storey storage building
Singles bar delivery
Singles bar icebreaker
Sink pipe part
Sinner who became a follower of Jesus
Sir Henry for whom a gall
Sirius, e.g.
Sister of Lazarus, in the
Site around area in Kensington, for one
Site for a swing
Site incorporating a luxurious dwelling
Site of a helix and antih
Site of abutment
Site of an 1814 treaty
Site of annual floods
Site of Jack and Jill's s
Site of many a Sargent
Site of some Millais work
Site of some Sargents
Sitting room
Situation where there are more sellers than willing buyers
Six balls
Six balls remaining
Six o'clock broadcast
Six years, for a 23-Acros
Six years, for a senator
Six years, in the 46-Acro
Six-legged intruders
Six-legged scurriers
Size up
Skateboard trickster's tr
Skater's figure
Skating figure
Skeet device
Ski resort legwear?
Skilled occupation
Skimmer, e.g.
Skin wrinkle
Skip town
Skittles variety
Sky light
Skyscraper support
Slacker's bane
Slalom obstacle
Slapstick ammo
Slapstick comedy items
Slapstick items
Slapstick missile
Slapstick missiles
Slapstick projectiles
Slapstick prop
Slate of affairs?
Slate.com employee
Sledder's spot
Sledding spot
Sleep preventer
Sleeper or smoker
Sleeper ___
Sleeved garment
Slender drawing ultimately the hand of Addams?
Slice of tangerine in dead hot drink
Slight advantage
Slight downturn
Slight problem with some fixtures and fittings
Slight shift of character in gardening work union
Slightest amount
Slightest evidence
Slightest residue
Slightly hot
Slightly wet
Slip away
Slip up in bar or restaurant
Slipcover trim
Slot machine symbols, oft
Sloth's home
Slough hospital is after damages
Slough hut
Slough is in Berks, he declared
Slough off
Slovenly maid to struggle with disapproval
Slow-growing trees
Slowly move hands off book
Slum sight
Slumber party guest
Sly individual leaving stand
Sly to reach out pointlessly
Small - modest
Small amount
Small animals we love reversed dance moves
Small ape
Small aristo dislodges line of police in 10's General HQ
Small bar at Old Trafford's temporarily free
Small boy exited finally, giving bow
Small buzzer
Small change
Small circus performer
Small city
Small coins
Small colonists
Small globules of air
Small group not heard
Small insect
Small island about to disappear
Small jet maker
Small man had erection in the garden
Small mollusc
Small northern stream
Small or large, e.g.
Small part of a pound?
Small progress
Small rodent
Small rounded bread
Small skirt's pinned on back
Small soldiers
Small stone particles
Small stream in Scotland
Small stream not enough for poet
Small tree with purple berries
Small untruth about teetotal Liberal
Small vessel
Small, medium or large
Smaller amount
Smallest room with pictures showing film star
Smart leaders of American college hiding expenses
Smart or Smiley
Smell, e.g.
Smile brings some light
Smile broadly
Smile broadly, seeing supporting member
Smile from ear to ear
Smile proudly
Smile radiantly
Smile widely
Smile widely; ray
Smile; piece of timber
Smoke, e.g.
Smoke, perhaps
Smoker or diner
Smoker or sleeper
Smoker's item
Smoking device
Smooth clue Mev wrote - satisfaction finally
Snack bishops leave for African banker
Snack item
Snake in the grass
Snake oil, purportedly
Snake on top of tea packet?
Snake outside shelter not wanting to be disturbed maybe
Snake outside shelter resting
Snakes lack them
Snakes, a golden colour, in Berks town
Snare: section springing back
Snare; light carriage
Sneaking suspicion
Snitch irate to be missing tips
Snooker player breaks with end of cue
Snooped (about)
Snooped (around)
Snooped, with "about"
Snooped, with "around"
Snow on the ground, say
Snowman prop
Snowman's prop
Snub in game
So hesitantly give dismissal
So I must repress resistance
So in Rome I can embrace Romeo
So it follows that
So last year
So monster&rsquo;s seen as revenant?
So much as
So Vera's content to work
Soap operas or movie thri
Soap units
Soaring sprite upon a biting insect
Soccer segment
Social 20 across accepting large, grand residence
Social division announced for group of players
Social gathering
Social insect
Social insects
Social reputation
Social workers
Social workers?
Socialists, e.g.
Society of Engineers corresponding with oil producer
Sockeye, for example
Sockeye, the swimmer
Socks, e.g.
Soft drink
Soft feathers
Soft feathers; direction
Soft fine feathers
Soggy ground
Sol, say
Soldier enthralled by the French Navy's old-fashioned signalling device
Soldier, having inhaled phosphorus, is carried by retiring fighting unit
Soldiers and carpenters,
Soldiers crazy, writing off leader
Soldiers going round at speed
Soldiers put up notice in thoroughfare
Soldiers' defensive ditch
Soldiers' ditch
Soldiers, perhaps: GI avoids huge types
Solemn pledges
Solo daughter's ovation
Solo flight from German city is completed
Sombrero, e.g.
Some are fine
Some are liberal
Some are odd
Some are out of it in Jan
Some are performing
Some are queens
Some are sliding
Some are split
Some bills
Some brain activity, but ultimately not conscious
Some cadre's Serbian chap who sorts out wounds?
Some cake for king or queen?
Some caste members
Some celeb at home somewhere in Somerset
Some characters moving a table outside pub
Some charts
Some choose a reed organ
Some Christmas decoration
Some coins are different
Some colonists
Some county fair contest
Some crime scene evidence
Some cubes
Some dashes
Some disrespect
Some foreign pen pals
Some fruit off one's trolley
Some fun in the sun
Some gamin: orphaned child
Some have black eyes
Some have forks
Some kits will carry these at the side
Some like it hot
Some lumps
Some lunches
Some marching bands
Some marching groups
Some mat
Some memorization
Some of penalties missed, turning over channel
Some other draft animals in a large group
Some people can wiggle th
Some piano players
Some produce
Some queens
Some schoolteacher's suffering
Some soldiers
Some swingers
Some teen talk
Some workers
Some, originally offensive, don't change
Somehow cope with freak betraying no emotions
Somehow know
Someone needing an Equity card? Stripping works
Someone with a child
Something 12 which is played
Something a cat doesn't l
Something an undercover a
Something corrosive in a police department
Something for baby, banked when finished with?
Something growing in orderly lines, it's said
Something hurting at end of facial hair
Something in writing?
Something left behind
Something New York and Lo
Something of concern
Something of no concern
Something often fallen ou
Something often smelled
Something painted red
Something passed in music
Something played out in a
Something read in many a
Something seen on canal or strand
Something that can't be p
Something that may be pri
Something that's drawn
Something to be tested
Something to break into
Something to cry over?
Something to explain your
Something to follow
Something to get caught o
Something to gloss over?
Something to go to a bake
Something to lend or bend
Something to serve
Something to shuck
Something to stage
Something to think about
Something to wish upon
Something which annoys
Something with many arms
Something worn with diamonds, say
Somewhat papal, a ceremonial building, impressive
Somewhat posh? A topper, perhaps
Somewhat retired MP, or chief whip
Somewhere to sit? Not quite: it’s wet
Sommelier's selection
Son engaged in reverse of best job
Son given very warm drink
Son has sexy photograph
Son is into black example of humour
Son Mark absorbed by recollection of belly dance
Son quietly studied feast
Son tossed in fountain for a joke
Son with three-wheeled vehicle gets hit
Sondheim protagonist
Sondheim's "Sweeney ___"
Sondheim's Mrs. Lovett, e
Sondheim's Sweeney
Song - figure
Song and dance
Song and dance, e.g.
Song in simple boatman's tune
Song on the Beatles' "Rub
Song played at the school
Songbird, black, in wind
Songbird; escapade
Songs and dances about a bit of debauchedness
Songs offered by a daughter in dances
Songs terribly sad after dance
Sonnet subject
Sonnets and such
Sooner rival
Soprano worse off eating hot peppers
Sorority chapter
Sorry failure
Sort of kick gutless officer investigating deaths
Sort of market for jumper
Sort of seed that might follow Open for a spell
Sou'wester, e.g.
Soul - ethos
Sound coming from empty stomach
Sound made by files was revolting
Sound of painful attack - wrestling manoeuvre?
Sound receiver
Sound system component?
Sound system parts?
Sound unit on stage in European capital
Sound virtuous
Sound, as the hour
Sounds husky, what has croup in the end?
Soupy Sales missile
Sour - vitriolic
Source of a leak
Source of a thundering so
Source of expansion when diet is over?
Source of information possibly about road
Source of information that bears fruit
Source of late election r
Source of light twist that hurt!
Source of misery
Source of news heard in 1045 and 1115, for instance
Source of power is ambiguous, following Nationalist uprising
Source of rays
Source of some clicks
Source of some power?
Source of some tears
Source of stout courage?
Sources for ethnic music in TV series
Sources of information chap in goal rejected
South American stopping to look for source of oil
South side?
Southern mariner's guiding light
Southern sailor is a celebrity
Souvlaki meat
Sovereign in charge is unrestricted
Sovereign ruler
Sovereign setting up theatre in Italian capital
Sow spared being butchered
Spa city
Spa town hit hard
Space between the dotted
Space for bear's friend to get married
Space used by South American president restricted by Republican ruler
Space; chamber
Spacek biopic role
Spades or clubs
Spades, for example
Spanish gentleman with important animal
Spanner's good held by new union member
Spanning structure
Spare bishop from inconvenience
Sparrow, e.g.
Speak frankly
Speak in unison
Special study in two facing pages
Special study meal
Spectre - alcohol
Speculate (about)
Speech of film director getting fashionable over time
Speed - value
Speed in heats, uncommon
Speed is 1,000 and 100 in reverse
Speed last of dinner gets consumed
Speed measure
Speed of a bird
Speed reduced in desert
Speed unit
Speed ___
Speeders make it
Spell of maidens during match
Spelling competition
Spelling contest
Spelling event
Spend money to secure Lessing's first dramatic work
Spend some time relaxing in Shanghai
Spend time (with)
Spicy chocolate sauce
Spicy sauce
Spider web, e.g.
Spike's a penniless western gunfighter
Spike's back without leader
Spill the beans
Spin round
Spinning toy
Spirit of folklore
Spirit originally from Persia, mostly
Spirit shown in March and November
Spirited English publication is kept up
Spiritual, e.g.
Spit of land perhaps man's right to sacrifice for hotel
Spiteful gossip
Split bit
Split pea, e.g.
Split variable in function
Split's not Croatia's capital for nothing
Spoil, with "on"
Spoken exam
Spoken for, Val needing no introductions
Spoken; of the mouth
Sport in Post Office, behold!
Sport losing wife's attention
Sport on horseback
Sport shirt
Sport that’s not given weight and attention
Sport with a 4 1/2-ounce
Sport with a service line
Sport with bunkers
Sport with horses
Sport with mallets
Sport you might get in butchers?
Sporting caps - select for great performances
Sporting fixtures
Sports column
Sports column?
Sports deal
Sportscaster Madden
Sportsman left in enclosure
Spot for a headphone
Spot for a parade
Spot unwanted visitor in the garden
Spots for hammers and anv
Spots for shots
Spread unchecked
Spreadsheet unit
Spring addressee, for sho
Spring collector: Abbr.
Spring or summer
Spring place
Spring site
Spring water emerges - life's little beginnings
Spring's great when son goes
Spring, e.g.
Spring, effectively
Spring, say
Springfield family name
Sprinter's assignment
Spy and his boss, say, getting Spanish approval
Spy bumping off a fellow
Spy from within
Spy gets kind of crimson once cover's blown
Spy given information during army’s retreat
Spy group
Spy is a decent chap
Spy is a polite fellow
Spy taking time, not losing heart
Spy that is right to avoid French writer
Spy's licence to eliminate civilians and corrupted leaders - 0-0, say
Spy, not a fellow lacking manners?
Spy; burrower
Spy; representative
Spy; service provider
Spymaster's worry
Square dance partner
Square root of 900
Square setting
Squeal (on)
Squeeze; vegetable
Squid secretion
Squid's defense
Squid's squirt
Squirrel away
Squirrel's home
Squirrel's introduction to nut curtailed by fish
Squirrels' haunts
St Patrick initially harbouring English one in flight
St. Basil's dome shape
St. John, e.g.
St. Louis attraction
St. Louis landmark
St. Louis sight
St. Louis's Gateway ___
St. Nick accessory
St. Peter's station
Stab, an injection
Stable enclosure
Stable place
Stable section
Stable spot
Stadium receipts
Stadium take
Staff adopting American way
Staff comment on website?
Staff leader
Staff leader?
Staff member?
Staff on both sides of a street
Staff opening
Staff seen around a street
Staff symbol
Stage act
Stage actress is disheartened
Stage and screen actor __
Stage coach user, possibl
Stage drama
Stage favourites returned
Stage is plain to the audience
Stage movement
Stage performer
Stage player originally cast to appear in upcoming schedule
Stage presence
Stage presence?
Stagger back, deprived of one's wits
Stair animals loved climbing
Stair part
Stair parts
Stair section
Stair unit
Staircase aid
Stairway part
Stairwell item
Stalk outgrowth
Stamp showing marine animal
Stamp stuck to envelope portrayed heads
Stamped wax; mammal
Stampeding group
Stand lazily round during fencing thrust
Stand on branches? Americans do so, rightly
Standing O, say
Standings column
Stands in the way of
Star employee
Starbucks offering
Starbucks order
Starbucks serving
Starfleet Academy grad.
Stars gathered around American 1D
Starship officer: Abbr.
Start angling
Start fishing
Start for bees or breeze
Start for cow, horse, lio
Start making bread?
Start of a conclusion
Start of a count
Start of a plan
Start of an invention
Start of many Hope/Crosby
Start of prime time, gene
Start of something big?
Start off continent expedition
Start old-fashioned joke
Start to chop wood for money
Start to get keen after trimming lawn etc.
Start to produce amateur drama
Start to take blame for ambush?
Start with step or stop
Starter of pastry that is — for this?
Starter, perhaps
Starting fare, often
Starting point in Queens Road not entirely unfamiliar
Starting point in tennis
Starts to acquire cheap tops off rugby player
Starts to employ dogs guarding European border
Starts to sneak your way into my compassion
State of armed struggle
State of Denver to look threatening - black?
State of disorder in society
Stately florae
Stateside season
Station wagon
Status - on one's feet
Status symbol car, famili
Status, reputation
Stave (off)
Stay to get temperature taken &mdash; when one's this?
Stay too long on the beac
Staying power
Steak medium-rare, e.g.
Steeped in blood
Steer clear of Donald!
Steering committee's crea
Stefan, every so often, waves
Step on it
Step on it!
Step round city's grand building
Stereo control
Stereo knob
Stethoscope holders
Stetson or sombrero
Stetson, e.g.
Stetson, for one
Steve ___, founder of 6-D
Stew ingredient
Stew ingredients
Stew veggies
Steward's domain
Stewed pears at duke's banquet
Stewed pears, last bit of food in feast
Stick round a thoroughfare
Stick up letters in position
Sticky stuff
Stiff brim
Stiff drink
Stiff paper
Stiff paper; odd person
Stiles dancing?
Still a number going topless
Still alive
Still contending
Still drying
Still having a shot to wi
Still no place for tart
Still quits
Still with chance of winning trophy, shown red card for foul
Stimulating order
Sting operation
Sting's instrument
Sting, basically
Sting, of sorts
Stirrup site
Stirrup sites
Stock Exchange speculator
Stock holder
Stock trader ultimately assuming publicity will prop up market position
Stockings plugged by posh fashion company
Stomach botherer
Stomach tightness
Stomach woe
Stomach-turning Kiss tune
Stone at a stream crossin
Stone excluded from formal attitude in part of bridge
Stood up
Stool pigeon
Stoop parts
Stop a bishop with half-cut priest
Stop at the door, perhaps
Stop bringing up endless row about things that are of little value
Stop circulating mail
Stop drug, nothing injected
Stop listening, with "out
Stop or check (motion)
Stop running
Stop running and stand in the market
Stop running studhorse without one leg
Stop thief!
Stop urban division
Stop weirdo letters
Stops boozers
Stops but still in front
Stops the tape temporaril
Storage building
Storage unit
Store - betray
Storied engineer Casey
Storing spades and hose
Storyteller returning to complain bitterly
Straight flush? Smooth!
Strange and astonishing thing
Strange plea associated with introduction of passion fruit
Stratford's uncovered grass
Stray doctor provided the end of treatment
Stray dog's lead split
Stream or save to disc?
Stream; feel hot
Street band in sequence
Street band, Troy, casually accepting His Eminence's explanation of everything?
Street sign
Street talk
Strength of character essential to integrity
Strength of character exhibited by Magritte
Stress fractures overwhelming writer's family members
Stretch beside the water
Stretch in a seat
Stretch out; big meal
Strike notice
Strike zone?
Striking likeness
Striking player
String player?
Stringed instrument
Strip between stripes
Strip off
Striped fish
Striped swimmer
Stripped and sent, as ordered, to find water
Striptease into underwear for workers?
Strong chess player
Strong distilled alcohol
Strong feeling about introduction of statutory speed
Strong metallic element
Strong of body and mind
Structures near cell wall
Stuart guy prone to make flamboyant bid?
Stud site
Stud's place
Study aid?
Study follows paperback's plot
Study the odds before broadcast
Study, e.g.
Study, say
Stuff bathing suit, not all of it
Stuffed item?
Stumbles, as it were, after imbibing single alcoholic drink
Stumps crosspiece
Sturdy 'British' dog
Sturdy broad-chested British icon
Sturdy ones
Style of coffee
Style of plain title girl received
Subject Antonia disseminated to student
Subject of a B. Kliban dr
Subject of a Magritte pai
Subject of illicit trade
Subject of investigation for instance within the church
Subject of many lab tests
Subject of the book "Many
Subject to mildew, perhap
Subject word
Subject, usually
Subjects of Mendelian exp
Substance; be important
Substantial magazine piece: 'Put on weight'
Substitute with good reputation
Subtle tricks to import lines: very good sweets
Subtracted by
Suburban pest
Suburban tunneler
Subway wish
Subway, to Brits
Succeed effortlessly
Successful solver's cry
Successor to Edward VI
Such a plot may bring danger
Such as 1 or 2
Suckling sheep
Sudden attack has one leaving Italian city
Sudden disappointment
Sudden rush on the lines for period of consultation
Sudden sharp decrease in quantity
Suddenly cut out, as an e
Suddenly stop a s-siesta?
Suddenly stop, as an engi
Suffer from a charley hor
Suffer no fool: Canute misquoted about heresy, initially
Suffer to be productive
Suffer when exposed in speech
Suffix with black or silv
Suffix with land or city
Suffix with land or sea
Suffix with margin
Suffix with moon
Suffix with Saturn
Suffix with sea or moon
Suffix with strip or seed
Sugar bowl marchers
Sugar bowl team?
Sugar lovers
Sugar merchant and art gallery philanthropist, founder, d. 1899
Sugar pie
Suggestion assistant should postpone article
Suggestion less than perfect
Suit - sparklers
Suit for a girl's best friend
Suitable travel make-up
Suitor's surprise
Sulphur and oxygen no good for the air
Sum lead-in
Sum of first four perfect squares
Sum preceder?
Summary of key points?
Summer wine selection
Summer, e.g.
Sumptuous meal
Sun Tzu's "The Art of ___
Sunday best, e.g.
Sunday ___
Sunken shaft in good condition
Sunken shaft; very much
Sunny smile?
Sunset shade
Superior to
Superior to a chief warra
Supernatural being
Superstore possibly to ban German cloth rep?
Supplied with footwear
Supplier of company car
Supplies with weapons
Supply for a cappuccino m
Supply in a nurse's kit
Support (a weight)
Support - mode of transport
Support - time
Support alternative
Support beggar who’s lost heart
Support dispatch commander put in
Support end of pipe in watering-hole
Support for bridge expert
Support needed to hold C sharp
Support provided when apprehended by officer
Support provider
Supporter finding witty remark after Sunak's first to resign
Supporter runs away from mass meeting
Supporting member making us smile broadly
Supports for specs
Supposed cause of global revolution, some rising
Supposed healer in Gujarati medicine
Sure winner
Surface not popular for marine creature
Surfaced ways
Surfing site, with "the"
Surgeon’s first seen with MO in second of three
Surname of TV family having small devil child
Surpassing in rank
Surprise about Democrat currently moving to the left
Surprise to arrive at a literary festival?
Surrogate listener
Surrounding band
Surveillance evidence
Survey category
Survey choice
Survey choice, sometimes
Sushi bar offering
Sushi offering
Sushi selection
Suspicion to follow
Sustainable kind of approach to farming?
Swab target
Swallow displaying soft feathers
Swallowing pride at last, takes clothes off in bars
Swarm member
Sweeney, Fleet Street barber
Sweet things like to embrace detectives and dribble
Sweet's partner
Swell place?
Swift's time?
Swim meet assignment
Swim meet division
Swim right out of bit of water
Swimmer's assignment
Swimming aid
Swindle involving river train
Swindle, slangily
Swing site
Swinger cavorting nude bedded by half 11
Swinger has choice about complete uniform
Swinger's nude antics, getting covered in fruit
Swingers in a saloon
Swiss city
Switch-hitter known as Ch
Sycamore or oak
Symbol of a position
Symbol of excellence
Symbol of gentleness
Symbol of happiness
Symbol of justice
Symbol of resistance
Symbol of rule man redesigned
Symbol of simplicity
Symbol of thinness
Symbol of winter: bird with barer notes when shivering
Symbol on a Cowboy's helm
Symbol on a flag
Symbol on a phone button
Symbol on California's fl
Symbol on the Hollywood W
Symbol representing one or two, perhaps?
Symbol written on sheet music to indicate pitch
Symbols of industry
Symmetrically arranged
Sympathetic attention
T or C follower
T, for one
T. S. or George
T. S., the poet
Tabby, e.g.
Table of contents, e.g.
Table of dates
Tabloid worker
Tactic when love becomes a farce?
Tag cry
Tag info
Tahini base
Tailor claims T-shirts to be what kids send Santa
Tailor's concern
Take (someone) to court
Take a bow?
Take a dogleg, e.g.
Take a lead role in performing arts
Take a spill
Take a tumble
Take action against
Take action against head of abbey as prior goes missing
Take action as point in dispute is dropped
Take an ax to
Take away
Take in
Take in, as guests
Take into custody
Take it easy
Take legal action against
Take many courses
Take off
Take off Somerset's first spinner
Take out royal household
Take the lead
Take time out to obtain closure
Take to court
Take turns?
Take unlawfully
Take up bloody fight
Take ___ (rest)
Take, at a concert
Takes the cake
Taking off
Taking the blue ribbon
Talented Liberal received by President Lincoln
Talk on the street
Talk up?
Tall building
Tall clock part
Tall narrow wineglass
Tall structure
Tamperer hamperer
Tan bairn's bottom after bit of bother and argument
Tango maneuver
Tank top, e.g.
Tapping target
Taps outside when ready
Target centre
Target of climb unfriendly - top missed
Target of milk of magnesi
Target of some collars
Tarsus : foot :: incus :
Tart detailed swinging first of ill-advised punches
Tart, acidic
Tarzan's home
Tarzan's love
Tarzan's woman
Tasman ___
Taste or smell
Taste or touch
Taste, e.g.
Tattoo, in slang
Tattoo, slangily
Tattooing fluid
Tattooist's supply
Tax agcy.
Tax agency (abbr.)
Tax court defendant, for
Tax inits.
Tax org.
Taxi door info
Taxi feature
Taxing agcy.
Taxing letters
Tea drinker's request
Teacher from Michaelmas term
Teacher support about to turn up
Teacher's anguish
Teachers screening Aliens upset relatives
Teacup handle
Team data
Team from West Point
Team game
Team game - VW
Team having a row scoffed audibly
Team member's need
Team nicknamed the Black
Team of tummy ticklers heading north
Team runs to Plantagenet stronghold
Team up
Team up (with)
Teams grouped together covered three miles, once
Teamster's transport
Tear bringer
Tear page off a tiny bit to see item in paper
Tear-jerker in the kitche
Tear-jerking bulb
Tears back to get vermouth and gin perhaps?
Tease American over sweetheart
Tease us for bringing up term of endearment
Tease Yankee over sweetheart
Teddy bear's associate nicely slim with tail tucked in?
Tee, e.g.
Teen affliction
Teen problem
Teen talk, often
Teen's wish
Telegram punctuation
Telemarketing aid
Telephone book, essential
Telephone button
Telephone user
Telephone, slangily
Tell all
Tell British to abandon frontier
Tell the police about entrance to secret vault
Telling tales? Not unknown for Heather
Temporarily not working
Temporary falloff
Temporary release of one awaiting trial
Temptress of Ulysses ensnares his second group of friends
Ten C-notes
Tendancy of medic providing end to treatment
Tendency of apparently unipedal medic?
Tender sheep meat
Tennis center?
Tennis stroke
Tense discussion revealing pitfall
Tense worried comedian
Tentative insight as to why crack is filled with two gases
Terminate Sierra, Romeo, Quebec, Papa?
Termites' kin
Terrible danger in plot
Terrible danger, with polit­ical activists at Buckingham House event
Terse directive to a chau
Terse order to a chauffeu
Test confidence without restraining me
Test for a learner is more than is needed here
Test for a lover to embrace
Test gold with aluminium
Test gold, aluminium
Test of popular opinion after upset
Test of right and left, all characters on the far left
Test proctor's call
Test proctor's declaratio
Test spirit of optimism when case dismissed
Test that's hard to cheat
Test type
Testimony - verification
Texas Hold'em, e.g.
Text book - red ear
Thames gallery
Thanksgiving celebration
Thanksgiving serving
Thanksgiving staple
That man is enthralled by right-wing notion
The "16" in "3:16"
The "35" in John 11:35
The "A" in B.A.
The "A" in DNA
The "A" in N.E.A.
The "A" of A&E
The "A" of N.E.A.
The "B" in G.B.S.
The "C" in N.Y.C.
The "C" in T.L.C.
The "I" of Canada's P.E.I
The "L" in N.L. or A.L.
The "p" of 6p
The "P" of PRNDL
The "P" of PX
The "t" in Nafta
The "W" in Geo. W. Bush,
The "Z" in DMZ
The "Z" of DMZ
The - thing
The 14, for example
The 2x2 black square near
The African Queen, e.g.
The antithesis of large cold drink
The Baltic, e.g.
The Beatles or the Stones
The Beatles' "Abbey ___"
The Beatles' "Penny ___"
The Beatles' "___ Madonna
The Beatles' Madonna, e.g
The Beav's big brother
The Bee Gees
The Bering, e.g.
The Blue Jays, on a score
The Blue Jays, on scorebo
The briny
The business connecting one with low-down US lawyer
The Cadets, in college sp
The Caribbean, for one
The chap appears after analgesic gutted pain
The colour of milk
The country's reasonable, wanting a new leader
The deep
The Duke of Albany's fath
The Earl of Kent is his c
The end
The end is nothing great
The end of French at the origin of Huguenots
The end of Plato?
The end, in Athens
The end, in Revelation
The end, to Euripides
The fellow given notice &mdash; and the boss giving it?
The fellow sitting on road in a crowd
The first "N" of CNN
The first female monarch in history
The first girlfriend, right as always
The fourth dimension
The fox in Disney's "The
The French doctor seen as mild-mannered type
The French going after instant sea food
The French kings frolic
The fuzz?
The G, W or B in G.W.B.
The Great Dane of enterta
The Great Stone Face, star of silent films, d. 1966
The greater number
The greatest opener's finally dismissed in the same way
The Greens, say
The high point of a Devon holiday
The invading yellow alien
The key to a jailbreak?
The Lady with the Lamp, d. 1910
The last sign of resistance
The last thing to appear in parade at Hartlepool
The last time doctor's coming round
The latest
The letters column
The light bulb, to Edison
The Louisville ___ (40-Ac
The main section’s working for run of performances
The measure of a Labour leader
The Merry Men, e.g.
The Muses' domain
The old woman to have sex with Romeo
The P of PRNDL
The Parisian Complaint Unit
The planes flying could be jumbos
The Pleiades, e.g.
The Ponderosa, e.g.
The press only partially blame Diana
The pulp in pulp fiction
The ready?
The Red and the Black
The second "A" of A.M.P.A
The so-called fourth dime
The Spanish invested in second-rate capital
The sun, e.g.
The third one is a shocke
The U.S. has a Great one
The very notion
The way is wide, avoided by bishop
The way travelled reportedly
The Wife of ___ (Chaucer
The woman had building in garden
The woman had to get rid of small building
The Woman in White garners Grand Cross
The world has seven of th
Theater audience
Theater focal point
Theater platform
Theater turn-off?
Theater, opera, etc.
Theatre assistant's right to invest in short course
Theatre audience - dwelling
Theatre employee that may be Welsh?
Theatre employing entertaining elder?
Theatre group
Theatre in his city backed Nero for one
Theatre mounts English pieces
Theatre production
Theatrical end arguably has hidden agenda
Theft, stealing
Their arms are wet
Thelma of "The Maltese Fa
Them, in "Them!"
Theme of this puzzle
Theory's start
There are five in a shill
There are four hidden in
There can be a ring in it
Theroux's "endless night"
These may be fine
Thesis basis
Thesis defense, often
Thespian production
Thespian's platform
They all lead to Rome, in
They can be found in 20-
They can be sweet
They can get rough
They come in flights
They cover the bottom
They have shells
They have shoulders
They have their ups and d
They illuminate imaginative leaps not initially displayed
They make trunk calls as new telephone is vandalised after one's cut off
They may be boxed
They may be dark or creative!
They may be drawn
They may be gathered
They may be in minutes - minutes kept in binders
They may be lent
They may be odd
They may be patronized
They may be pregnant
They may be pricked
They may be ringing
They may be small devices on shields
They may be split
They may be strained in y
They may have forks
They may leave a stain
They may ring or have rin
They may stream down the
They might be fine
They might be shed by tense organs
They might give each Fren
They perform a balancing
They pop on planes
They take the bait
They're black for witches
They're cut into wedges
They're drawn
They're forever blown at West Ham playing Blues to win two billion
They're found in the brus
They're near temples
They're not good to be be
They're often lent
They're often taken in re
They're seen at going-awa
They're sometimes fine
They're sometimes split
They're sometimes twisted
They're split for soup
Thick fog, in slang
Thick-necked type of stereotypical Englishman: John Terry, only more so?
Thin cord
Thin metal thread
Thin-skinned one
Thing depicted by this pu
Thing hidden in each of t
Thing, e.g.
Things assumed to be true by singer, actor and model
Things sometimes exchange
Things to cover
Things to do
Things to draw
Things to take
Things two-timers break
Things with antennas
Things you can bear
Think about it
Think about love as a timid person
Think about old piece of computer equipment
Think about returning wine present
Think of it!
Think piece?
Think tank nugget
Think tank output
Think tank product
Third place
Third-place finish
This doesn't need to be f
This has nothing on marine fish producer?
This in one is a golfer's dream!
This language not entirely acceptable?
This may be over your hea
This number's dry without singer's introduction
This succeeds first time
This worker fellow makes complaint
This writer held up by academic as one very skilful
Thomas Tryon best seller,
Thomas ___, last royal go
Thorny bloom
Thoroughly cooked
Those people pinch gold? That’s the hypothesis
Those standing hope it will be comfortable for them
Those who question public memorial to some extent
Those who squeal about mark on horse
Those with power and influence?
Thought almost perfect
Thought Gide gag no good at all
Thought India deal almost complete
Thought Picaroon gives people a hand, briefly
Thought setter would worry endlessly
Thought to be perfect but coming up short?
Thousand dollars, in slan
Thousand ___
Thousand ___, Calif.
Thousands may be in it
Thousands spent by top clubs?
Thrash black sheep
Thread stitching wounds without us?
Thread; sequence
Threads, for clothing
Threat to forest study abstracted from arboreal item
Three fifths of Spice Girls' focus on sex's inner meaning
Three Little Pigs' foe
Three men regularly seen in plane perhaps
Three Stooges prop
Three stripped - feature of Glastonbury?
Three, in a saying
Three, it's said
Three, they say
Three-piece apparel
Three-speed gears give one the advantage
Throne issue for PM and POTUS?
Through the uprights
Through with
Throw - short affair
Throw a fit
Throw a tantrum
Throw away
Throw die, perhaps, to select who takes part
Throw from university fellow taking wicket
Throw off
Throw off; building
Throw out water
Throw, as dice
Throw; group of actors
Throws (dice)
Thundering group
Thus a little progress on the climb
Tick off
Ticket info
Ticket seller
Ticket ___
Ticklee's cry
Tidbits for aardvarks
Tiddlywinks or tag
Tidy garden accommodates American family
Tie the knot after most excellent love is given
Tie up
Tied fastening
Tied in score
Tied rope
Tied string or rope
Tied up
Tied, as a score
Tiger Woods' sport
Tigers, e.g.
Tight tie
Tijuana attractions
Tilde carriers
Tilde wearers
Till fill
Till first sign of five in the morning about right?
Tilt - tap
Tilt table
Tilt to one side
Tilt, as the head
Time and a half, e.g.
Time and running order of business
Time attempt to capture rook
Time flies? It might!
Time for a break
Time for chat, say
Time in a seat
Time in office
Time Liberal tucked in famously early riser?
Time of life devoted to bonding?
Time of the year
Time of year
Time off
Time period
Time piece
Time to copy recording
Time to look outside cell
Time to make a move
Time to run fast or dash
Time to take heart from award
Time unit
Time worker
Timer doesn’t open security device
Times or Post
Timetable information ringed by a District Attorney
Timetable: notice article containing information
Timid chap getting married by river
Timid person I click with?
Timid type
Timothy Leary dropped it
Tin contents
Tin Pan Alley product
Tin ___
Tiny amount
Tiny annoyance
Tiny bit
Tiny bit edgy initially, like half the men on board?
Tiny colonists
Tiny critters found twice
Tiny hill dwellers
Tiny scurriers
Tiny soldiers
Tiny tunnelers
Tip of foliage creeping up jumper
Tip: fill the gaps between 7
Tips for sentence with unchanged opening word?
Tips for watering houseplants if they're etiolated and pale
Tit for tat
Tit for tat?
Title "Mr." of a 1939 fil
Title chance
Title character of a Prok
Title cocker spaniel in a
Titled woman
Titular university head
To a smaller degree
To be desired; pleasing
To begin with, ducks have feathers
To boot
To greengrocer, say, Brazil's bananas
To scream "That hurt!" is cowardly
To search France is hard
To the audience, type of TV view material
To try to catch female is hard
To try to get some relief is hard
To-be-covered list
To-do list
Toad ___
Toast US abolitionist
Tobacco holder
Today it's managed
Tolerate a beast
Tolerate bill involving Republican flag
Tolerate European in pub
Tolerate; animal
Tollbooth access
Tom, perhaps, starts off cold, afterwards tender
Tommy Lee or James Earl
Tommy's revealing little
Tommy's secret
Tomorrow's woman
Tonight, for example, scoreless prior to Spurs forward getting header for goal
Too big a hurry
Too much port gets daughter going!
Too quickly
Too soon
Took off
Tool building
Tool holder
Tool house
Tool next to a shovel, ma
Tool repository
Tool site
Tooth discomfort
Tooth problem
Tooth trouble
Toothpaste container
Toothpaste holder
Toothpaste unit
Top 10, e.g.
Top banana
Top celebrity
Top dog heard
Top dog, did you say?
Top dog, reportedly
Top government job
Top guy, Ali departs African capital having shut up Foreman, finally
Top journalist has right old time climbing
Top man on the 24 across
Top name - or should that be Smith?
Top of the heap
Top of the line
Top of the stairs
Top or bottom, in basebal
Top out
Top place to go on a ship
Top politician's back as PM
Top right by mouth
Top spot
Top-of-the-hour radio off
Topic list for meeting
Toque, for one
Toreador's reward
Torero's foe
Tories’ lying has extraordinary scale: that’s what they do
Toronto daily
Tory not initially intelligent
Tory side helping, thinking of others
Total admission revenue from a sporting event
Total failure
Total flop
Totally botch
Totally gone
Touch of acrimony
Touch, say
Touchstone finds a way after resistance by Audrey at first
Tough test
Tough test, informally
Tough test, slangily
Toward the floor
Toy with a string
Toy with an axis
Track assignment
Track delivery given in singles bar?
Track down
Track down a tiny quantity
Track down husband leaving ancient country
Track down scrap of evidence
Track on the ground
Track take
Tractor make, briefly
Traffic arteries
Traffic in East Devon river heading west
Traffic in March moving easily at first
Tragic figure, Romeo, getting over end of Juliet in sad tale
Tragic king
Train from Bath East
Train spotter's back is in pain
Train station
Train track
Train track part
Train transport
Train transportation
Train travel
Traitor defended by Arthur Atkinson
Tramp stuck in waste-pipe
Tramp's love
Tramp's partner
Transaction option
Transfer back
Transfer some cash
Transfer unit back
Transition in logic
Transmission closer
Transmission ender
Transmitted by speech
Transparent panel inserted in an otherwise opaque material
Transport in a western
Transport network for island under discussion
Transportation mode
Transportation network
Transportation option
Trap 22
Trap kick on football pitch
Trap large bird in flight; inert, remove skin
Trap, in a way
Travel on railway? It’s bloody!
Travel ways
Traveler to Cathay
Traveller in a VW
Traveller in capital backing sovereign
Travolta or Malkovich?
Trawler's catch
Treasure about to be returned to safe
Treasury Department div.
Treasury div.
Treat in a way that could damage staff name
Treat successfully
Treat with grandmotherly
Treaty co-signer
Treaty signatory
Treaty signer
Treaty subject
Treble or bass symbol?
Treble's counterpart
Tree in the Garden of the
Tree providing wood for cricket bats
Tree spotted with extremities eaten away
Tree, longer lived
Tree, more mature one
Tree-dwelling rodent
Tree; church official
Tree; senior
Trees loved by squirrels
Trial and ___
Trial balloon, e.g.
Trial's partner
Triathlete's need
Tribal leader
Tribune or Post
Trifling child
Trim facial hair to get attention
Trim, in a way
Trio ignoring hot part of forest
Trips in central Kurdistan initially become unhealthy
Triton's realm
Trivial £1 book writer dismissed
Trivial Pursuit piece
Troll's reformed inside when offering sweets
Trooper occupying the back makes up crew
Troubadour's subject
Trouble when overlooking the fourth estate?
Trouble with vehicle blocking road? It encourages travel by train
Troubled king coherent, losing head
Troublesome kid loses head, making mistake
Trough's opposite
True blues?
True Conservative shape
True determination?
True ___ , film starring John Wayne
Trump's vice, money
Trumpet, e.g.
Try - ammunition
Try a measure of spirits
Try getting front off organ
Try second helping of this? Just starters
Try to get fired
Try to get money from, ma
Try to locate
Try to single someone out, as prolific anglers do
Try to win damages
Try way to bypass house ...
Tryon novel, with "The"
TS &mdash;, poet and critic
TS —, poet
Tub toy
Tube for conveying gas or liquid
Tube for water, gas, etc
Tubing that is partly interfering with pianos?
Tudor queen
Tug, say
Tummy trouble
Tunnel builders
Tunnel creator
Tunnel of love vehicle
Turkey, businesswise
Turkey, e.g.
Turkey, for example, that’s served in can
Turkish inn
Turn back on man while sleeping?
Turn down
Turn over bread
Turn over bread list
Turn over paper and study plot
Turn right
Turn state's evidence
Turn up in tie at the same time
Turned up to sell game
Turner Wing gallery
Turns over - luxury car
Turns over and over
Turns round outside of our royal castle
TV drama length, usually
TV pioneer John
TV producer Norman
TV programme broadcast about hospital
TV show to begin with loss of ship in radio message
TV, one of many used by painter
TV, radio, etc.
TV, radio, magazines, etc
TV, radio, newspapers, et
TV, slangily, with "the"
Tweety ___ of Warner Bros
Twelve to one
Twelve ___
Twelve ___ (Tara neighbor
Twice jump a little way for a man on board
Twist in plot around November
Twist lid of tea container
Twist of fiction
Twist-filled Broadway mus
Twist; go
Twisting, perhaps
Two cubed
Two different lives next to quality city
Two different men on the board have coffee say
Two members of brigade - not the ones here - are comrades
Two notes forming a perfect fourth interval
Two or three, but not one
Two out of nine?
Two players about to strike ball on table
Two quarters
Two ways to hang around with a model
Two ways to inspire with a flag
Two XVs in need of a drink with seconds to go
Two years in the House
Two-page ad
Tylenol target
Type endowed with intelligence primarily?
Type of 9 to avoid
Type of coffee
Type of court defense
Type of hat
Type of immunity said to be picked up
Type of knot used to join two ropes
Type of music for the audience
Type of sideboard
Type of spy
Type of war speech I rejected
Type widths
Typesetting units
Typhus carrier
Typist's position
Typo, e.g.
Typography units
Tyre problem
U.S. notable
U.S.C.G. rank
U.S.N. grad
U.S.N. junior officer: Ab
U.S.N. officer
U.S.N. rank
U.S.N.A. grad
U.S.N.A. grad.
U.S.N.A. grad: Abbr.
U.S.S. Enterprise off.
U.S.S. Enterprise title:
Ueberroth or Ustinov
UK elevator
UK's ready support for Trump?
Ulan ___
Ulan ___, Mongolia
Ulster or Norfolk
Ulster, e.g.
Ulster, for one
Ultimately search each large building
Ultimately, due process a bit problematic - much huffing and puffing on the bench?
Ump's call
Umpire's call
Umpire's cry
Umpire's decision?
Unable to pay the bill
Unadorned ring
Uncomfortable feeling inside teacher
Uncommunicative soldier
Unconscious bias Lee Probert keeps under wraps?
Unconscious energy in lapse, unfortunately
Unconscious in fight, getting head struck
Uncontrollable anger
Under control
Under the weather
Underage person
Undercover device
Undercover operative
Undergo combustion
Underground conduits
Underground root, not right for cylindrical container
Underground type
Underground workers' organisation able to confound the odds
Underlying meaning
Understand notice Poles brought in
Understand start of gruesome film
Understanding directions for pen strokes to draw F on its side?
Understanding note carried by witch
Understanding of the feelings of others
Understudy with good reputation
Undesirable neckwear having a bad result around club, right?
Undue speed
Uneasy feeling
Unemotional person clings, with space needed
Unemployment office sight
Unfaithful one
Unfashionable openers in our university team
Unfinished second drink
Unfocused dread
Unfortunately, cheapest housing no good: significant progress required
Unglazed porcelain
Unhappy condition of fox after goose narrowly escaped?
Unhappy; feathers
Unhealthy allure about British disease
Uniform part
Unimportant item
Uninitiated lesson in speech?
Uninvited rooter
Union faction suppressing most of circulation
Union issue
Union rate
Unit charge
Unit housing western urban centre
Unit in a terrorist organ
Unit in measuring populat
Unit of length
Unit of nautical speed
Unit of Time
Unite formally
United; in agreement
United; in concert
University head taking risk with rollover
University lecturer
University lecturer, ranking below a professor
University staff referring to publicity at Queen&rsquo;s?
Unknown individual in band
Unknown individual where war is being fought?
Unladen long-range spaceships taking off
Unlike one
Unlike wild horses
Unlimited selection of food and coffee
Unlit state
Unlucky investor's loss
Unmarried parent is not the same
Unpaid workers?
Unpleasant bird on the air
Unpleasant feeling
Unpopular mobster
Unpopular singer
Unprofessional, slangily
Unqualified and not working properly
Unsettled feeling
Unsettled, in a way
Unsporting behaviour
Untouchable Ness
Untrustworthy sort
Unusual case taken by loyal advisor
Unusually sanguine; not an extraordinary intellect
Unwanted computer message
Unwanted feeling
Unwelcome C.I.A. discover
Unwelcome rooter
Unwelcome visitors to one
Unwell, and so weak in the end
Unwritten examination
Up for it
Up for something
Up to it
Up to snuff
Up to speed
Up to the job
Up to the task
Upcoming strike creates difficulty
Upper garment
Upper hand
Upper limbs
Uppermost part
Upright character smooth enrolling student for Easter?
Upright position
UPS shade
Upset, fooled by Latin storyteller
Upstream swimmer
Urban area
Urban area larger than a village
Urban area to west &mdash; and London&rsquo;s east end
Ursine animal
Ursine creature
US civil rights leader, assassinated 1968
US fruit drink
US representative drills through ecclesiastical site (it's a source of oil)
US singer-songwriter's notes, perhaps?
US-born poet upset John? Not entirely
USA Today chart
Use a cleaver
Use a lot
Use a stop clock on
Use a stopwatch
Use abusive language in bar
Use as fuel
Use digit or what may be between digits
Use gin to develop brilliance
Use one's wits to get something
Use train signal
Use wax on
Used to connect supporter with worker
Useful for securing Rex in police operation
Useless - underwear
Useless dad not taken seriously at first
Useless trousers
Using bit of weed, lovemaking gets hard
Using speech of Sadiq Khan, say, to oust PM
Using speech rather than writing
Utility bill datum
Utter expression of pain, like coward
Utterance from Reagan mim
Uzis and AK-47's
V, to Valerian
Vacation locale, with "th
Vacation rental
Vagrant’s lost millions in trick
Valentine bouquet item
Valentine subject
Valued advice-giver
Values range of small cold beer
Valve in vessels raised angle
VAR's conclusion irritates team
Variable computer network returned, without modifications externally, in investigation
Variable rate of progress cutting music company's work
Vast amount
Vault artist raised over church
Vault seen in centre of Bavarian church
Vault tree, avoiding lake
Vault, source of water
VCR button
VCR insert
Vegas attraction
Vegetable - drink
Vegetable - in retrospect, it's an impossibility to eat one
Vegetable issue inspiring panic at first, beetle reportedly beginning to nibble on one
Vegetable, something not to be considered, on reflection? I will tuck in
Vegetables from pods
Vegetables that roll
Vehicle a motoring organisation brought from east
Vehicle a worry, mostly
Vehicle carrying vehicles
Vehicle going over hard territory down under?
Vehicle heading for Hertfordshire wilderness
Vehicle hit with its top shearing off
Vehicle in traffic
Vehicle maintenance left incomplete
Vehicle needing day to book
Vehicle offering endless concern
Vehicle on a trailer, per
Vehicle operator
Vending machine, perhaps, faulty — drips seen
Venerable Bede&rsquo;s lowest is above fair
Venerable one
Venue offering good game of golf?
Venus de Milo knock-offs?
Venus de Milo's lack
Verb accompanier
Verb go-with
Verb preceder
Verb, for example
Verbal leaders of outspoken rabble are lefties
Vertical bands
Very cheerful, but in trouble here?
Very elated? Surely not, in this
Very good chess player
Very intellectual person
Very little language in a short Bible extract?
Very little time to transfer support
Very modest debtor might
Very much needing evacuated air
Very much; plentiful source
Very old when set beside the old
Very pale
Very possibly my hole in the ground
Very short time
Very skilful person made money boxes
Very skilled person made money to some extent
Very small amounts of facial hair
Very tired? Try a small drink
Very unusual
Very; deep shaft
Vessel in snake pit at last
Vessel ran short with too much on board
Via the mouth, excite climax
Vicar taken aback by extremely strange poem
Victor of piano antics
Victorian statistician in the dark, during storm
Vietnam ___
View from a lighthouse
View from Abu Simbel
View model scratching bottom
View sound, or larger stretch of water
Vigour shown as Brendan's getting in a state
Villain needs second to enter study
Vindication of French barrier
Vinegar, for one
Violent robber
VIP enraged after sacking director on the fiddle according to rumour
Viral infection
Virgin crew help on board
Virgin removing top in hurry
Virginal blokes will get help inside
Virtuous; well-behaved
Visitor to Cathay
Vital knowledge extends beyond this presentation
Vitality seen in the most elevated of characters here
Viticulture&rsquo;s rumour mill?
Viva the foreign king, over from the east!
Vocal composition
Vocal item
Vocalise musically
Voice below baritone
Voice not pure on the radio
Voice of inferior quality? Sounds like it
Voice sounds camp on the radio
Volume with Irish poetry
Voter's finger stainer
Voting area
Voting district
Vulgar upset after disposing of second quantity of beer
W., e.g.: Abbr.
Waggle dance performer
Waggle dancer
Waist band; hit very hard
Waistband; hit hard
Waiting area
Waiting at the bank, say
Waldorf salad ingredient
Walk around interior of hall to identify location of throne
Walk at a leisurely pace, missing street turn
Walk dogs, perhaps in retirement
Walk of Fame embedment
Walk of Fame symbol
Walk without using front part of foot
Walkie-talkie word
Wall holding back water pressure is moist
Wall opening
Wall Street optimist
Wall Street pessimist
Wallpaper unit
Walnut or willow
Walt Disney's specialty
Waltz composer
Waltzing, say
Want badly, with "for"
Want to know
Want to remove resistance, inviting mortality
Wanting some monkfish or turbot
Warden's charge
Wardrobe assistant
Wares encountered by Simp
Warning device
Warrant officer's superio
Warranting an R, perhaps
Warranty feature
Wartime captive meeting monarch might
Wartime leader of the French Resistance on strike
Was a buttinsky
Was able to dismiss unionist as indifferent
Was behind
Was beholden to
Was concerned, missing English diamond maybe
Was in debt
Was in the hole
Was in the red
Was indebted to
Was outstanding
Was shy
Wash; city
Washing site
Washing spot
Washing-up place
Washington daily
Washington or Phoenix
Washington product
Washington's Capitol ___
Washington's sidekick nearly fools poet
Washroom tub
Wasn't in the black
Waste maker
Waste maker, in a proverb
Waste maker, proverbially
Waste time - glue on
Watch brand
Watch handle
Watch name since 1894
Watchmaker since 1848
Water bird; bar
Water bird; zero score
Water carrier
Water conduits
Water pipes
Water source
Water transport
Water vehicle
Waterfall jumper
Watergate evidence
Waterlogged area
Waterside tree
Watery expanse
Wave carrier
Wave catcher?
Wax collector
Wax producer
Way a man embraces a queen
Way big house is spoken of
Way down
Way from A to B
Way in
Way less traveled
Way of doing something
Way one's embraced by staff
Way out
Way out West?
Way to go
Way to record pace
Way to say what Boatman did?
Way up
Way up or way down
Wayne, Denver or Elton?
Ways in and out
Ways to go
Ways to place plug in the middle of prose
We are going to water-hole
We feel that news boss is outstanding!
We hear unique German article a marvel
We're told 'cock', perhaps, is offensive
Weapons - limbs
Weapons found in farmstead
Weapons; limbs
Wearer of a half-inch gol
Wearer of a half-inch str
Wearing shoes
Web browser button
Wedding entertainers
Wedding exchange
Wedding reception groups
Wedding reception staple
Wedding reception, say
Wedding ring
Wedding staple
Wedlock, so to speak
Wee workers
Wee, let off by Macron's bed?
Weekend warrior's woe
Weekly satirical paper, w
Weighing device
Weighing instrument
Weightlifter's action
Weightlifter's lift
Weightlifter's maneuver
Weightlifter's rep
Welcome sight for a marat
Well contents
Well, you shouldn't be on it
Well-bred chap
Well-bred gentleman has an advantage
Welsh girl shaving bottom following love letter
Went up; flower
Went up; plant
West end of soccer pitch is fans' favourite
Western horse lives awfully close to river
Westernizer of Russia
Wet septet
Wet weather
Wettish mark in person&rsquo;s home comes back
Wharf pest
What "-ence" forms
What "dis" is
What "matar" means on an
What "p" may stand for
What "yo mama" is
What "[sic]" may signify
What a barber has to trim
What a bypass may bypass
What a chair should cover
What a drover drives
What a jumpy person is on
What a junker may be good
What a massage may ease
What a mouse ran up, in a
What a quill may be dippe
What a sleuth tries to cl
What a sphere lacks
What an antsy person migh
What an aurilave cleans
What an ostiary guards
What barotrauma affects
What can hide one's feelings
What comes after a flight is a pause between flights
What comes to mind
What cons do
What doers take
What every inning has thr
What feuding families may
What has half of sermon applied to sin?
What literally comes from
What many a pop song has
What may contain beer &mdash; Courage, perhaps
What may draw to close in Barrow with little hesitation?
What might help us see better shows?
What might make your setter itch to escape, you tell me?
What not to yell in a cro
What occurs in tub at home
What occurs in tub at home?
What one intends to do, having target in range
What one isn't
What one may do to teeth when one's angry
What otoscopes examine
What papers eventually do for chicken
What people are on during
What players don't have t
What prisoners may wear
What red means
What ribs are delivered i
What riders might get up to in a team car?
What Santa's making (and
What shows the time clubs close securely?
What snooker player does the wrong way round in bar
What softens onion dhal, cooked with a tiny bit of turmeric
What solicitors do in place of trials?
What some cards express
What some people get caug
What spins? Item of cookware spins
What starts off anxious new guy sensing trouble?
What still produces a tear in time, one&rsquo;s recalled
What suspenders suspend
What tattooist includes excessively
What the 13 circled thing
What the cogent make
What the wind does brings lake into front of boat
What those on 3 wouldn't want? 9 might be one of them
What to do
What to do at a drive-thr
What to try to make of th
What traffic cones may sh
What turns blue litmus paper red
What you may call it
What&rsquo;s hard in writing down cipher
What's broken out of the
What's found in Monica's tool shed?
What's harvested
What's in author's envelope is fatal, if swallowed by an old lady
What's in your head, if not entirely wide awake
What's instrumental in 9? Half of this publication's about it
What's old in phony antique? Solve that!
What's repeated about sun god
What’s in front of hotel spoiled good walk?
Wheat or soybeans
Wheat, barley or beans
Wheel and deal
Wheels: posh ones!
When doubled, la-di-da
When doubled, quickly
When drawing, cheat a bit
When leaves turn
When new TV shows debut
When Open University let slip how old we are inspired frenzy
When repeated, a dance in
When repeated, a noted pa
When repeated, aerobic in
When repeated, extreme
When said three times, "L
Whence the phrase "pass t
Where a hurricane makes l
Where a lecture may be gi
Where a phone is held
Where a rabbit may be hid
Where Aida sings "O patri
Where angels come from
Where cars wait &mdash; a road is normal
Where Chaucer's Wife was coming from
Where doctors see their patients
Where ends meet
Where hangings still take place in London
Where one may serve royal assembly
Where shy women undress?
Where skates glide
Where some Picassos hang
Where spirits run freely?
Where swelling occurs
Where the antihelix is
Where the buoys are
Where the heart is
Where the heart is, they
Where the land and sea meet
Where the utricle is
Where to board a bus
Where to find a hammer or
Where to find anvils
Where to find favors
Where to hold a telephone
Where to see a Constable
Where to see Turners and
Where to store a lawn mow
Where you can find hammer
Where you may find the en
Where you'd hope to recover charge
Where young Moses was fou
While shelter quiet, silent in the dormitory?
Whips bloke harbouring convict
Whiskas eater
Whiskered animal
Whiskered circus animal
Whiskey drink
Whiskey ___
Whisky amount
Whisky cocktail perhaps disagreeable
Whisky drink
Whistle maker?
White dwarf, say
White ___ (termites)
White, in fiction, or Bro
White-collar workplace
Who broke Oddjob?
Who can come before it
Who deals with English nonsense the author had written up?
Who may change a few notes for a grand
Who wants leading parts in street theatre and rep?
Whole tone, e.g.
Whoop it up
Whopper topper
Wicket perhaps finally suggesting skulduggery
Wide smile gives support
Wife leaves joiner for church official
Wife leaving joiner for church officer
Wife quits golf club in bitterness
Wiggle room
Wild carnivore
Wild country
Wild drinking spree
Wild land in Africa
Wild throw, e.g.
Wild West vehicle
Wilder scientist was described thus in the second person: no good
Willie Wonka's creator
Willing to empty garbage outside before noon
Willing to go along
Willing to take part
Willing, but not completely able physically?
Willing; recreation
Willy Wonka creator
Willy Wonka's creator
Win race by one second in 2 9?
Wind instrument
Wind: constant feature of 19
Windsor or sheepshank
Windsor, for one
Windsor, notably
Windswept point
Windswept spot
Wine buyer's basic quantity
Wine choice
Wine unit
Wingless bird has strong feeling
Winners break it
Winnie's back, missing ring finger
Winnie-the-Pooh, for one
Winning margin
Winter garment
Winter ultimately provokes blues on the Clyde
Winter woe
Wire material
Wish for
Wisher's spot
Wishing spot
With 34D, a mariner's gui
With 40A, a firebrand
With 40A, a V.I.P.
With a discount of
With no ends sticking out
With partying, what was guzzled? Conceal disreputable affair
With shoes on
With the required capacities
With time to spare
Without current, Edison's redesign moved slowly
Without having left, face familiar bloke
Witness accepts partners holding hands in hearing?
Witnesses appear to give it
Witnesses not having their wits about them lost touch?
Wits maintaining heading for extinction is Labour's reward
Witty remark
Wizard, one in class
Woman certain to boot Republican out
Woman had an outhouse
Woman has new uniform
Woman into bed with Democrat
Woman put on new uniform
Woman to wed right away
Woman's meeting daughter in crowd
Women wearing the same navy blue
Women's garments
Woo; enclosed space
Woo; quadrangle
Wood panel feature
Wood source
Woods or Irons
Woodwind instrument
Woodworking or metalworki
Woody Allen film subtext
Woody Allen's feeling, of
Woody Allen's trademark e
Woody plant
Word accompanying "Much,"
Word after "roger"
Word after dog or jug
Word after going or flat
Word after high or top
Word after mail or money
Word after ready or petty
Word after skinny or sals
Word after string or rubb
Word before "I don't know
Word before "You're killi
Word before a colon
Word before a verb, maybe
Word before cow or crop
Word before cry or baby
Word before dog or legs
Word before field or shir
Word before house or hall
Word before or after tea
Word before pool or park
Word before snake or crab
Word before tie or lunch
Word ending in "o" in Esp
Word from card-playing quartet
Word in an octagon
Word in many cruise ships
Word in many Gardner titl
Word in many Perry Mason
Word in the names of four
Word of lawyerly advice
Word of wonder
Word on a business card
Word or expression for some particular thing
Word prefixed by who, wha
Word repeated in the lyri
Word said while scratchin
Word such as "word"
Word such as 'word'
Word that can be proper or common
Word that can combine wit
Word that can follow the
Word that can precede the
Word that keeps the same
Word that's an example of
Word to a C.B. operator
Word with Asia or Ursa
Word with aunt or voyage
Word with back or black
Word with blue or sea
Word with bus or memory
Word with chop or sweat
Word with crazy or guide
Word with cut or exchange
Word with cutie or sweeti
Word with dance or band
Word with double or free
Word with drum or trumpet
Word with early or whirly
Word with exit or express
Word with face or hand
Word with family or fruit
Word with fine or visual
Word with fire or water
Word with ghost or boom
Word with hard or hook
Word with head or heart
Word with high or hunting
Word with high or seven
Word with jet or stand
Word with legal or lower
Word with level or devil
Word with liberal or visu
Word with mail or rail
Word with make or mark
Word with mass or mixed
Word with monkey or minor
Word with park or plan
Word with part or port
Word with pool or port
Word with rabbit or all
Word with rabbit or roast
Word with Red or ant
Word with rock or rain
Word with run or rule
Word with rush or credit
Word with sand or speed
Word with sharp or shovel
Word with slicker or hall
Word with slip or slide
Word with snake or quake
Word with speed or fire
Word with state or great
Word with sugar or cream
Word with T or dry
Word with tender or chick
Word with ticket or secre
Word with turning or memo
Word with woman or worldl
Word: also sentence
Word; school time
Words for actors
Words per minute, e.g.
Words said in fun
Work (in)
Work - party
Work area
Work at taking in a drama
Work divided by time, in
Work in theatre bound to include good lines
Work interrupted by a sport
Work party
Work place
Work room
Work schedule of motoring group assuming good finish
Work the land
Work to bring in a drama
Work's been mounted, look … as sport
Worker cheated, acquiring note
Worker for 15%, say
Worker in a garden
Worker in metal
Worker in metals
Worker in real estate, e.
Worker is against wearing blue
Worker traps extremely gullible negotiator
Worker using kitchen roller about to leave
Worker's income
Worker; body part
Worker; set of cards
Workers from The Hill?
Workers in a column
Workers possibly like collecting books
Workers' tirades: "Right To Strike"
Working hard to erase six words of vulgar tendencies?
Workout aftereffect
Workout aftermath
Workout woe
Workplace for the person
Workplace no longer being kept ready?
Workplace no longer kept very cold?
Workplace starting to warm up?
Works of Pepys and others
World traveler Bly
World's longest river
Worm's place on a fishing
Worn out
Worry amongst gangs today
Worry gangster has got in
Worry violent rap style's out of bounds
Worry, being mixed race
Worse than jitters
Worst - as good as can be
Worst as one part of speech, but only one
Worthy attempt to use too much
Wouk topic
Wrapped up
Wreak vengeance on
Wren or hen
Wren, e.g.
Wrestling hold
Wrinkle; phone link
Wrinkles; rail tracks
Wristwatch info
Write story about missing century in part of Test match
Writer aboard the Beagle
Writer destined for the chop?
Writer George or T. S.
Writer in bloom having to drop empty idea
Writer Kingsley
Writer of letter US prosecutor dismissed
Writer of the 1950 Tony-w
Writer Roald
Writer T. S.
Writer T. S. or George
Writer's aid
Writer's Bloom dropping empty idea
Writer's online work reviewed
Writer's pulse
Writer, say, raised in suburb
Writing fluid
Writing fluid colour lacks power
Writing material
Writing material popular with king
Written musical symbol indicating pitch
Written record
Written reminder
Wrong move
Wrong short story writer
Wrongdoing of troublesome brat the head expelled
Wrote about in column
Wrote about tall building
X, e.g.
x, mathwise
XXL, e.g.
y = 3x + 5 representation
Y-axis, for one
Y.M.C.A. section?
Yacht club site
Yap, for one, in the west
Yard entrance
Yard pest
Yaw relative, on an aircr
Yawl or yacht
Year chart
Yearn (for)
Years on the diamond
Yet; level
Yew or willow
Yew or yucca, eg
Yield - trim
Yo-yo necessity
Yogi or Paddington?
Yogi or Smokey
Yogi, for one
Yogurt occasionally available
York symbol
You and I are going to be in good health
You and I eating buffet pasty
You and I objectively backing computer department proceedings
You can dig it
You can hang your hat on
You can lend it or bend i
You can make light of it
You don't want to be unde
You might play something
You name it
You wouldn't sit for a sp
You're getting closer!
You, having changed just one letter, should get a medal!
Young creature identified by US city doctor
Young eel abandoning lake at any time
Young farm animal
Young female
Young lady
Young lady's help accepted by chaps
Young man suppressing yen to be a woman
Young sheep
Young woman
Young women's magazine
Your can't relax with these in your pants
Zee : English :: ___ : Gr
Zero at Lord's or the Gabba
Zero energy? Source of hydroelectricity
Zero, in tennis
Zero, on a court
Zip (n): object next to middle of groin
Zip code's ending in river
Zodiac sign
Zodiac symbol
Zone - thrash
Zoo keepers?
[see other side]
[Turn the page]
___ Days a Week, 1964 Beatles song
___ aerobics
___ agent
___ and anon
___ and crafts
___ and labor
___ and sciences
___ and tell
___ as a dog
___ Books (paperback publ
___ brat
___ by chocolate (calorie
___ canal
___ candy (some pop tunes
___ chicken
___ child (pregnant)
___ circus
___ contraceptive
___ Day, March 25
___ details
___ easy
___ easy (eggs order)
___ Emblem (2002 Kentucky
___ for peace
___ for the money
___ Fox, 1959 American Le
___ Gaga
___ gallery
___ green
___ hall
___ in Show (Westminster
___ Island, Bahamas, boyh
___ legs
___ limit
___ limits (election issu
___ Luck
___ mind (in agreement)
___ Modern (London galler
___ noodles (Chinese dish
___ of 1812
___ of Commons
___ of Constantine (landm
___ of Japan
___ of Jericho
___ of London
___ of Souls, Na'vi templ
___ of the Roses
___ of the state
___ oil
___ package
___ pony
___ pooped to pop
___ powers
___ price
___ reflux
___ ring
___ Sea (part of the Sout
___ surgeon
___ trick
___ trick (three goals)
___ vaccine
___ Valley ("Back to the
___ winds
___-all (score)
___-B (Gillette division)
___-bodied seaman

Still struggling to solve the crossword clue '_empty_'?

If you're still haven't solved the crossword clue _empty_ then why not search our database by the letters you have already!

What is a dinghy mover?

The crossword clue Dinghy movers with 4 letters was last seen on the June 12, 2022. We think the likely answer to this clue is OARS.

What is an easy gait called?

The most likely answer for the clue is TROT.

What are scenery movers called?

MOVER OF SCENERY Crossword Clue.

What is a dolphin cousin?

The crossword clue Dolphin's cousin with 8 letters was last seen on the July 18, 2022. We think the likely answer to this clue is PORPOISE.

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