Are cheerios as good as oatmeal for lowering cholesterol

Presenting their findings at last week's Experimental Biology Meeting in New Orleans, scientists at Provident Clinical Research, who conducted the research, found that eating two 1.5 cup servings (one cup equals 28g) of Cheerios a day, as part of a low-fat, reduced calorie diet, lowered LDL - or 'bad' - cholesterol by "about 10 per cent in one month."

"The study also showed eating Cheerios as part of a reduced calorie diet low in fat lowers bad cholesterol twice as much in 12 weeks than a reduced calorie diet low in fat without Cheerios,"​ said the researchers.

Bolstered by growing evidence that more than hint at the potential health benefits of oats and, notably their potential role in lowering the risk of high cholesterol, oats are attracting growing interest from both formulators and consumers.

Earlier this month, the New York State Dietetic Association (NYSDA), that polled nutritionists in its organisation with health benefits and value featuring as top criteria, placed oats in its top five list of top functional foods.

Oats came second in the list because of its high-fibre content, a “powerhouse nutrient, known for aiding with digestion, [and which] also helps fight disease, and may lower risk for high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.”​

According to the association, most Americans ate 15g a day, about half of the 30g recommended to ward off disease.

Cheerio to cholesterol

"We monitored the diets of study participants for 12 weeks, and a clinical evaluation of their cholesterol levels showed coupling Cheerios with a reduced calorie diet significantly helps lower LDL cholesterol levels,"​ said Kevin C. Maki, at Provident Clinical Research.

"These are simple changes that are easy for most people to make,"​ he added.

In addition to the cholesterol-lowering benefits, the study found that eating Cheerios as part of a reduced calorie diet lowered weight "by five pounds and shrank waists by three centimetres (1.2 inches) in 12 weeks".​

According to General Mills', the whole grain oats contained in Cheerios contain soluble fibre (one 28g serving contains 1g) that "act as tiny sponges to soak up and remove some cholesterol from the body".

A recent report on breakfast cereals conducted by global consumer watchdog Consumers International, found that the most healthful breakfast brands are: Cheerios with three gram of fibre per serving and one gram of sugar and Life, made by Pepsico's Quaker Oats unit.

Cheerios and Cholesterol: Do They Really Help?

Posted on July 30, 2013

Previously published on

The Cheerios box touts it can lower cholesterol: sometimes boxes just say Cheerios lowers cholesterol, and sometimes they claim cholesterol can be lowered by as much as 10% in just one month. Regardless of the type of cholesterol-lowering claim, Cheerios boxes also prominently display the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check mark indicating it’s a heart-healthy food. Is all this just hype or can Cheerios really reduce cholesterol?

What is the AHA’s ‘Heart-Check Mark?”

Of the red and white icon prominently displayed on Cheerios boxes (and other foods), the AHA explains, “When you spot the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check mark, you’ll instantly know the food has been certified to meet the American Heart Association’s guidelines for a heart-healthy food. It’s a good first step in creating an overall sensible eating plan.”

How Can Cheerios Claim To Reduce Cholesterol?

In April 2009 the results of a research study conducted by the Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition (which is owned by General Mills, the maker of Cheerios) were published.  According to the General Mills website, “The study, which was conducted and presented by Provident Clinical Research, found that eating two 1 1/2 cup servings of Cheerios daily, as part of a reduced calorie diet low in fat, lowered LDL or “bad” cholesterol about 10 percent in one month. Cheerios is the only leading ready-to-eat cereal clinically proven to lower cholesterol.” So a research study has indeed proven that Cheerios can help lower cholesterol.

Do All Cheerios Products Reduce Cholesterol?

According to the Cheerios website, only Original Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios have the soluble fiber necessary to help reduce cholesterol.

How Does Cheerios Help Reduce Cholesterol?

Cheerios contain soluble fiber because they are made with whole grain oats. The Cheerios site explains, “this type of soluble fiber acts like a kind of “sponge,” soaking up some of the cholesterol in the body so that the body can get rid of it naturally. Lowering cholesterol can lower the risk of clogged arteries and heart disease. Additionally, original Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are naturally cholesterol free.”

How Many Servings of Cheerios Are Necessary?

Not one bowl.  Not two bowls.  But three bowls daily of regular Cheerios (or 4 bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios) are necessary to achieve these cholesterol-lowering results. (One cup is equal to one serving, according to the Cheerios website.) That is a LOT of Cheerios.

And even if you did manage to eat 3-4 bowls of Cheerios daily, in order to get those lower cholesterol benefits, you’d need to eat all those Cheerios as part of a reduced calorie, low-fat diet.  It is not enough to just eat the Cheerios if the rest of one’s diet is not heart-healthy.

Indeed, Daniel Edmundowicz, M.D., director of preventive cardiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Institute was quoted on as saying, “If you want to eat Cheerios to lower your cholesterol, you have to do so consistently, add exercise, and maintain an overall healthy diet-then, eating Cheerios might drop your cholesterol levels a little bit.”


Cheerios have indeed been proven to lower cholesterol – for those who can eat 3-4 bowls daily as part of a reduced calorie, low-fat diet.  The key is not necessarily Cheerios – it’s eating 3 grams of soluble fiber daily as part of a healthy diet and exercise regime. So, don’t expect to just eat a bowl of Cheerios daily and think that alone will lower your cholesterol.  But if you love Cheerios and can eat that much cereal daily, Cheerios (or other cereals high in soluble fiber) are a terrific heart-healthy choice that can indeed lower your cholesterol.


If you want to find a breakfast option with a lot of soluble fiber – the key to lowering cholesterol – there are better choices than Cheerios.  Just ½ cup of Quaker Oatmeal (old fashioned OR quick) contains 2 grams of soluble fiber – double the fiber in one-sixth the serving size.  And there are many high fiber cereals which deliver more soluble fiber than Cheerios in a far more reasonable serving size: see SelfNutritionData’s Foods Highest in Dietary Fiber.

What is better for cholesterol oatmeal or Cheerios?

A serving of Cheerios has just a single gram of soluble fiber — that means it could take 10-plus bowls of Cheerios — daily — to effectively lower LDL cholesterol. Oatmeal is a little better, with 2 grams of soluble fiber per serving – but still… five bowls??

Are Cheerios okay for high cholesterol?

Summary. Cheerios consist of whole grain oats, which contain a type of soluble dietary fiber called beta-glucan. This can help to control LDL cholesterol levels in the body. A person may need to consume 3 g of beta-glucan per day.

What's healthier oatmeal or Cheerios?

Oatmeal, particularly the slow-cooked kind, is generally healthier than Cheerios. Both are made from whole oats, but the difference comes down to processing. Unprocessed whole oats, like those in steel-cut oatmeal, take a while for the body to digest.

What is the best breakfast cereal to lower cholesterol?

Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your LDL cholesterol. One serving of a breakfast cereal with oatmeal or oat bran provides 3 to 4 grams of fiber.


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