Are wisdom teeth easier to remove when they are out

Are wisdom teeth easier to remove when they are out
A tooth extraction is the procedure to remove a tooth. Ideally, a tooth is only removed if there are no other options to prolong the usefulness of the tooth. Some of the most common teeth that are removed in patients are the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth (also known as “3rd molars”) are the last teeth to form and erupt through the gums for patients. One common question that many patients have about these teeth is: “do wisdom teeth always need to be extracted?” Dr. Street believes that the answer to this question is “no”—if the teeth can erupt in the mouth properly and can be maintained and cleaned, they can be useful as extra teeth for chewing. Some indications for recommending wisdom teeth extractions are:

  • There is not enough room for wisdom teeth to erupt properly.
  • The wisdom teeth only partially erupt, which can increase chances of infection.
  • Malalignment of wisdom teeth can cause crowding or even damage to the teeth in front of them.
  • A cyst (fluid-filled sac) is present on a wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to cause cysts, which typically require removal of the teeth to remove the cyst.
  • The lower wisdom teeth can sometimes cause overgrowth of gums over the teeth, which can lead to pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is an infection that frequently causes intense pain, offensive smells, and even limited mouth opening.

Wisdom teeth extractions can occasionally be simple procedures, especially if the wisdom teeth are fully erupted and don’t have long or curved roots. If the teeth are fully or partially covered by bone, the teeth may take a little longer to remove. In most of these impacted wisdom teeth cases, Dr. Street may recommend you to an Oral Surgeon to have the teeth removed. An Oral Surgeon can even use general anesthesia so that the patient will be “asleep” for the procedure.

For non-impacted wisdom teeth removal, Dr. Street will use local anesthetic injections (“shots”), which numb up sensations so that the patient does not feel sharp pain. Nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) can also be used to relax patients having extractions performed at Dr. Street’s office.

A thorough understanding of the patient’s health, past surgeries, and current medications is necessary before performing an extraction. Once the tooth is extracted, the socket where the tooth root used to be needs time to heal. This healing involves forming a blood clot in the extraction site, which promotes bone and gum tissue to form over time. A “dry socket” is an unpleasant complication that can occur if the blot clot fails to form or dislodges before the extraction site has healed.

To prevent dry sockets, a patient should:

  • Avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after the extraction
  • Avoid drinking through a straw or rinsing their mouth vigorously for 48 hours
  • Keep the toothbrush away from the extraction site during brushing
  • Follow the temporary diet suggested by Dr. Street (such as soft and non-spicy food)

With modern tooth extraction procedures and recommended follow-up care, a tooth extraction can be a simple and painless process.

Give your Tulsa dentist at T-Town smiles a call at (918) 488-9770 to schedule an appointment.

Are There Different Types of Wisdom Teeth Extractions?

Are wisdom teeth easier to remove when they are out
While wisdom teeth may have been useful for the hunters and gatherers who walked the planet thousands of years ago, they don’t pose much use to people any longer. As a result, many patients need to have them removed, especially when they’re already causing significant issues like crowding, misalignment, and even infections.

That’s why your dentist wanted to summarize a few types of wisdom teeth extractions he performs on a regular basis. Every patient’s case is unique, but extractions only fall into a handful of categories.

The Most Common Types of Extractions

Tooth extractions, for wisdom teeth or otherwise, can be grouped into two categories: simple and surgical.

Simple extractions are performed when the tooth is visible in the mouth. This is the most common type of extraction your dentist performs. In this instance, your dentist loosens the tooth with a dental tool known as an elevator. Then, he removes the tooth by grabbing onto it with a pair of dental forceps. Don’t worry about feeling discomfort though; you’ll be given local anesthetic prior to removal.

Surgical extractions are more complex because they involve teeth that have broken off at the gum line or failed to have fully erupted. While these are usually done by oral surgeons, they can also be performed by general dentists. Along with using an elevator and forceps to remove the tooth, your dentist will also make a small incision through gum tissue and even remove some bone around the tooth for easier removal. They may also break the tooth into pieces and remove it that way.

How Can Wisdom Teeth Erupt?

The extraction your dentist uses will vary based on how the tooth is erupting. Consider the following situations below to get a better idea of how your dentist will perform the extraction.

  • No Impaction – If the tooth has erupted above the jawbone and gum line, a simple extraction will be performed.
  • Soft Tissue Impaction – if the tooth is covered with tissue, the dentist may need to cut what is called a “flap” to expose it more. This requires a surgical extraction.
  • Partial Bony Impaction – If the tooth is partially exposed and part is still trapped below the gum line, your dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue and remove a minimal amount of bone to expose the tooth. Additionally, the tooth is cut in half along the crown.
  • Complete Bony Impaction – Wisdom teeth that grow in sideways or backwards may be completely encased in the jawbone. Similar to a soft tissue impaction, a flap is created to expose the tooth, part of the jawbone is shaved down, and the tooth is cut into pieces for easier elevating. Both bony impactions will require surgical extractions to perform.

Are you experiencing in pain in the back of the mouth and not sure if it’s caused by wisdom teeth? Schedule an appointment with your dentist today to find out for sure!

About the Author

Dr. Hube Parker earned his dental degree from the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry and has over 25 years of experience. He’s taken extensive continuing education courses on oral surgery, allowing him to remove wisdom teeth erupting in numerous circumstances. To learn more about his practice, contact him through his website.

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Is it easier to remove wisdom teeth that are grown in?

Rules of thumb. You can expect that erupted wisdom teeth (those that have penetrated through the gums in normal fashion) will generally be easier to extract than impacted ones Classifications / Pictures (those whose eruption has stalled and are still significantly buried in gum and bone tissue).

Is it better to remove wisdom teeth when they are out?

Some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth if they don't fully emerge. Many dentists believe it's better to remove wisdom teeth at a younger age, before the roots and bone are fully formed, and when recovery is generally faster after surgery.