Blue circle around profile picture on facebook messenger

You have probably come across the blue circle on profiles on different social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, or on iMessage.

Social media usage of icons and symbols can be somewhat confusing since you may not know how to navigate these new features. On Facebook, navigating through these new features and icons can be confusing.

Facebook Stories are brief collections of user-generated images and videos that can be seen a maximum of twice and vanish after 24 hours hence the blue circle on the Facebook profile.

Facebook allows you to share images, videos and posts only available for 24 hours when you create a story. For WhatsApp and iMessage, the blue circle conveys a different message altogether.

In your story archive, you can read through previously shared stories. The main point of misunderstanding is what happens when you post on one of these two stories.

Luckily, these blue rings are not hard to navigate once you understand their meanings. This article will clear all the confusion around the blue circle on Messenger, WhatsApp, and iMessage.

  • Blue Circle Around Profile Picture On Messenger Meaning
  • Blue Circle Around Profile Picture On WhatsApp Meaning
  • What Does The Blue Circle Mean On iMessage?
    • How Long Do These Blue Rings Last?
    • How Do I post a Story on Messenger?
    • How To Post a Status on Whatsapp
    • What Happens When You Click On The Blue Circle?
    • Can Someone See If I Click On The Blue Circle?
  • Conclusion

You have come across this blue circle around someone’s profile picture on Messenger, which is why you are here.

A blue ring around a profile picture on Messenger means They Have Posted A Story. Facebook Stories are brief collections of user-generated images or videos that can be posted on a user’s timeline.

The blue circle on Messenger means that this person has posted a Facebook story on their Facebook page. Facebook launched its Stories feature on March 2017. They are regarded as the social media website’s second news feed.

It is centered on Facebook’s in-app Camera, which enables users to add visual geolocation markers to their photographs and videos and apply amusing filters and Snapchat-like lenses to their material.

The Facebook story can be delivered as a direct message to a friend or broadcast publicly on the Facebook app for only 24 hours.

A fun, quick, and effective way to share and consume material is through Facebook stories. Facebook’s function for sharing content for various purposes is called Facebook Stories.

Users can exchange music, text entries, polls, animations, images, videos, and more. The News Feed and Stories are the two ways that Facebook users can share their opinions, photos, and videos.

However, many individuals are puzzled and unsure of how the two vary. The fundamental feature of Facebook, News Feed, has been present from the start.

Your timeline is updated whenever you write an update using the “What’s on your mind” box on this page. You need to scroll down to find fresh stuff.

However, Stories is a function that was just added. A slideshow appears when you submit content, like the photographs or movies above.

The following story automatically begins playing when you watch one story in the choice.

Blue Circle Around Profile Picture On WhatsApp Meaning

It Means They Have Posted a Status. Whatsapp Status lets your friends view end-to-end encrypted text, image, video, and GIF updates that vanish after 24 hours.

Your contacts’ phone numbers need to be stored in your phones’ address books for you to send and receive status updates to and from them.

Tap the STATUS tab to see a contact’s most recent status update. Tap the contact’s status update after that.

While checking a contact’s status update, press REPLY if you want to say something about the status posted. WhatsApp is called “status,” but there is no vast difference between Facebook and Instagram stories.

Like Snapchat or Instagram Stories, WhatsApp Status allows you to submit updates that include text, photographs, and videos.

What Does The Blue Circle Mean On iMessage?

It means that your friends shared location may not be 100% accurate in finding my friends. The blue circle shows your location on the map.

There’s a chance the messages app is having problems locating your friends. There will be a light blue circle around the blue dot when your iPhone is unsure of your location.

Anywhere inside the blue circle could be you—the software is more particular about your location the smaller the circle.

If you are experiencing such, wait till they’re in a better place with a signal,n the blue ring should not be there anymore.

You can recommend the following steps to your friends to help fix the problem;

1. Open the messages app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. The blue circle will indicate your friends’ location on the map. Go to the bottom right and tap Your location Location if there isn’t a blue circle.

3. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

4. Tap Location Services, then Privacy.

5. Make sure Location Services are activated.

6. Scroll down, then choose Google Maps.

7. Select Always or While using the app.

Tip: Location Services should be set to Always for Location History to function correctly.

How Long Do These Blue Rings Last?

Facebook stories last for 24 hours unless they delete the story. Stories are only meant to be viewed for a short time before it is saved in your Facebook archive.

The same applies to WhatsApp, too; status lasts for only 24 hours unless they are deleted. If you’re wondering how to use Facebook stories, know that they function similarly to Instagram stories.

They are displayed first in your News Feed. Tap on the circle next to someone’s profile photo to see their Facebook story.

You can reply to a story while viewing it with a direct message. A Facebook story opens in full screen when you click on it.

To move backward or forward, tap the left or right side of the screen. The watched stories are grey, while the unseen ones have a blue ring around them.

You can mute a user if you don’t want to see their stories, in which case they won’t appear in your Story feed.

Click on the user story, select the three dots in the upper right corner, and select Mute to hide the user’s stories.

For iMessage, we have seen that the blue circle disappears when google maps are sure of your location or a friend’s location.

How Do I post a Story on Messenger?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. You have to post a story through Facebook. Posting the story on Facebook gives your messenger profile a blue circle.

This is how you post a story on Facebook.

1. In your Feed, click Add to story at the top.

2. Include a picture or video. To shoot a new photo or video, tap the Camera button.

Boomerang, Selfie, Poll, and Mood, choose the kind of story you desire. You can select images or videos from your mobile device as well.

3. To change the audience for your tale, tap the area to the left of Your Story (example: Public, Friends).

4. You can add stickers, text, effects, music, and animation to your tale to enhance it.

5. Select Share Now.

You can also share the Facebook post on the platform as a narrative. Following the original post’s privacy settings, you can share the News Feed posts that relate to your story.

Click on Share below the post and select Share to your story to add a post from your timeline to the Facebook story.

After making any necessary edits and selecting the recipients of your tale, click Share. Your friends can tap the post you share to your story to view the original.

Also, be aware that the post will be eliminated from your story and archived if the original one is deleted.

If you want your previous stories stored on the Facebook app, turn on the archive feature. On the Facebook app, go to the Story Archive area of the Settings menu to access the older stories.

You can access your Profile by tapping on your profile photo, opening Profile Setting by clicking on the three horizontal dots, selecting Archive, and then selecting Story Archive.

The stories you’ve written in the past are all displayed there. Facebook has a wide range of users globally who use the app for different purposes.

Others are there to connect with friends; some use it for business-related purposes. Social media is a fantastic tool for branding and marketing.

You can promote your brand, goods, and services, increase interest in them, and increase sales.

As more brands strive to maintain and strengthen their competitive advantages, the significance of these three objectives and the ability to provide results increases.

The fact that Facebook Stories are so simple to find could be one of the factors for their popularity. They occupy great real estate at the top of a user’s Feed.

This is a significant and reliable sign of their ability to develop your brand. You may put your brand in front of eager fans and clients by making it the first thing your audience sees.

Facebook stories are also suitable for creating awareness about things.

How To Post a Status on Whatsapp

Since you now know that the blue circle on WhatsApp means someone has posted a story, you may be interested to know how to navigate this feature more.

Here is how to post on Whatsapp:

1. Go to STATUS in WhatsApp.

2. To create a written status update, tap: Text. To add emoji or GIFs, select Emoji, T to choose a font, or Color to select a backdrop color.

3. Use the Camera or My status to snap a picture, record a video, create a GIF, or use the selector to select one that already exists.

Additionally, you can change the photo, video, or GIF by adding a caption or making other adjustments, as you can see in this post.

4. Click Send.

Instead, you can tap Camera on the CHATS tab to create and send a photo, video, or GIF status update.

What Happens When You Click On The Blue Circle?

Once you click the blue circle, you will start viewing this person’s stories. The blue circle will disappear if you watch all of the stories.

If you don’t reach the end of the stories, the blue circle will still be there in both WhatsApp and Messenger.

The top of your Feed has a row of stories. You can view a story that has been posted by a friend or Page you follow by selecting one of the following actions:

1. At the very top of Feed, tap their story.

2. Tap the person’s profile image by going to their Profile or Page.

3. In the Feed, click on their profile photo next to their posted post.

Additionally, Stories might appear in other Facebook app areas, including your Feed. If you pause to see, comment on, or reply to a story in your Feed, the story’s author will be able to tell that you did so.

On desktop and mobile apps, Facebook stories can be viewed and created. The Facebook Lite app, a condensed version of the Facebook app that uses fewer data and is compatible with low-memory devices, also allows you to browse and create them.

Messenger stories might be confusing despite being at the top of Messenger. This is so that Messenger can display both online users and stories.

Profiles with a story have a blue circle around the profile image to distinguish them from online contacts, which have a little green dot.

Can Someone See If I Click On The Blue Circle?

Yes, someone can see who views their stories. As we discussed earlier, clicking the blue circle means you have viewed their story.

This applies to both Messenger and WhatsApp; once you click on the blue circle, the story’s owner and the status get to see your Profile or contact name in their list of viewers.

Everyone is concerned about their Privacy, and with concerns ranging from stalkers to potential employers, someone can find out if you have read their story.

You may now view the viewers of your story thanks to Facebook. With the introduction of this tool, businesses now have a way to monitor engagement.

If you have updated your Facebook story and want to know who viewed it, here are the following steps.

1. Open Your story.

2. A collection of circular profile photographs may be seen at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The individuals who have visited your story are listed below. It will say “No watchers yet” if no one has. Click Viewers to view those people’s names.

3. You can view a list of users who have viewed your story on this page.

The procedure is the same whether you access Facebook through a web browser, an Android device, or an iPhone.

Facebook stories are either public or private. Public means you can view anyone’s story whose account is public, and they can view yours if the settings are the same. If their account settings are private, you cannot view their story.

Here is how to change privacy settings on your Profile.

1. Launch Facebook and log into your account.

2. Open the menu by tapping the hamburger icon.

3. To access Settings & Privacy, tap the cog icon.

4. Tap Stories after swiping down to audience and visibility.

5. Select the Story privacy checkbox.

6. To ensure that only those on your friend list may see it, change the privacy setting to Friends. If you’d instead make sure that specific people will never view your story, you may choose Hide story as an alternative.

7. Select Sharing options. You may decide here when readers are permitted to share your story.

8. To allow people to share your Stories or not, tap each option.


This blue circle has to do with stories and statuses on Facebook and WhatsApp. For iMessage, we have shared guidelines in case you encounter this problem.

Anyone may utilize the fantastic Facebook story function to share amusing and exciting information with other people. Sharing statuses and stories on WhatsApp and Facebook all serve the same purposes.

The Facebook Story feature has gained popularity as a means for individuals and businesses to nurture and engages with their audiences while posting about their daily lives.

If Facebook Stories are new to you, you probably have many questions about the features and how it works. On Messenger, you may view the stories of the contacts you are linked with.

A blue circle will be visible around a person’s or page’s profile picture if they share a story you haven’t yet seen. Remember that if you watch someone else’s story or status, they will be able to tell that you did.

It is important to remember to follow the Facebook guidelines and to keep it respectful on both WhatsApp and Facebook.

Navigating the new Facebook feature may be confusing, especially if you are new to the app, but it is not that hard once you follow all the guidelines and steps in this article.

If you have found this article helpful, share it with someone who may be experiencing the same confusion.


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