Can foil trays go in the oven

I want to know if an aluminium lasagna pan can be used in an oven for baking a cake?

Can foil trays go in the oven
Can foil trays go in the oven
Can foil trays go in the oven

asked Nov 26, 2015 at 18:55

Can foil trays go in the oven


If you're asking if you can bake a cake in that aluminum tin because you're wondering if it's safe, then the answer is yes. It says Lasagna Pan on the label, as in you're meant to bake a lasagna in it. No reason why a cake would be dangerous. I imagine you'd be baking the cake at a lower temp than a lasagna.

You'd want to worry about the cake sticking to the sides maybe. You'd also want to account for the fact that the pan is thinner and heat transfer would be different (cooking times and temperatures might need to be adjusted).

answered Nov 26, 2015 at 19:17

Can foil trays go in the oven


11.1k3 gold badges36 silver badges62 bronze badges


Given that they sell pans that are identical in all respects except for being smaller for the specific purpose of baking cakes in them, I'm not sure what possible trouble you're anticipating.

  • Because of the large size of the lasagna pan, you might end up with a thinner layer of batter than you'd get in a cake pan; if so, reduce the baking time accordingly.

  • As mentioned by others, the thin aluminum will transfer heat faster than a thicker and/or non-aluminum pan would, so you may need to reduce the oven temperature a bit.

  • The non-smooth sides seem like they ought to cause sticking, but in actual practice, as long as you prepare the pans appropriately for your cake recipe (butter & flour vs. butter only), you shouldn't have any problem.

answered Dec 18, 2015 at 17:32


4,9165 gold badges37 silver badges48 bronze badges

Yes, you can use an aluminum pan for lasagna, but you should add one or two Wilton cake "heating cores" or a Wilton cake "nails" in the middle. Google these items at Wilton. Prepare them by applying shortening and flour. Adjust oven temperature down 15-25° and add 15-30 min to your cook time. Begin monitoring it after the regular cook time approaches.


2,4642 gold badges17 silver badges25 bronze badges

answered May 1, 2019 at 13:04


Can foil trays go in the oven

Aluminum foil is a kitchen essential with versatile uses. However, aluminum foil is not suitable for every application, especially in the oven. Can you put aluminum foil in the oven? The answer is both yes and no, depending on your purpose. 

If you plan to use it as an oven liner or cover the bottom of the rack, think twice. On the other hand, if you plan to use aluminum foil for food wrapping, as a lining for the baking sheet, or for covering a dish that serves as a lid, then you're good to go. However, with these three methods, you may want to avoid cooking acidic foods.

In a manner of speaking, putting aluminum foil in the oven is safe. However, when not used correctly, aluminum foil may damage the porcelain surface of your oven, cause uneven cooking, or possibly damage the heating elements of your oven. You wouldn't want that, right?

You're surprised to know these facts, aren't you? It's a good thing you opened this page to get some clarity on aluminum foil's use in the oven. We'll also talk about the alternatives you can use instead of aluminum foil.

Table of Contents
  • The Most Common Ways to Use Foil in the Oven
  • What You Need to Know About Aluminum Foil
  • Alternatives to Aluminum Foil When You're Baking
  • FAQs
  • The Takeaway

The Most Common Ways to Use Foil in the Oven

Can foil trays go in the oven

You may have seen your grandma using aluminum foil to cover the bottom of the oven or YouTube cooking channels placing it on the bottom rack. Just because they do it means it's the correct method, right? Why does everybody knowing something make it right? It's always best to stick to the facts. 

Here are the most common ways to use foil in the oven. Some uses are okay, while some are not recommended. Let's take a quick look at each method and clarify why or why you cannot use aluminum foil in the oven. 

Don't: Place the Aluminum Foil on the Bottom of the Oven

It's a popular method to place the aluminum foil in the bottom of the oven. Many people do this to keep the bottom of the oven clean because the aluminum foil catches any food or liquid spillage while baking. In theory, this method makes sense. However, this is discouraged as this can cause a couple of issues.

Firstly, if you place the aluminum foil on the bottom of the oven, it can stick to the surface. As a consequence, the aluminum foil may permanently stick to the surface. It can end up causing further damage to your oven. 

Even though the aluminum foil is heat-resistant, it has its limits. It can melt when it comes in contact with hot surfaces, potentially causing permanent surface damage. Secondly, when you place aluminum foil in the bottom of the oven, it will reflect heat and cause uneven cooking. 

Thirdly, suppose you cover the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil. In that case, it covers the vent openings, leading to insufficient airflow, blocking of heat, uneven heat distribution, and affecting optimal cooking results. Lastly, doing this over the long term can cause damage to the heating elements of your oven. So, is it worth the risk? Not really. 


So what is your alternative? You can place a silicone baking sheet below your cookware to catch any food spillage. Just make sure not to cover the whole rack; it should only be big enough to catch any food spills. 

Or you can place your cookware inside another bigger container or above the baking tray. The bottom line is, it's never good practice to cover the bottom of your oven. Whether it's aluminum foil, parchment paper, or silicone baking sheets, never cover the bottom of your oven. 

Don't: Place the Aluminum Foil at the Oven Rack

Can foil trays go in the oven

Many people also place aluminum foil to cover the whole oven rack to catch any food or liquid spillage. Although this method makes sense when catching oven spills, it causes one problem: uneven heating. 

If you cover the rack with aluminum foil, it may impede the airflow in the oven, causing uneven heating and leading to unevenly cooked foods. You wouldn't want your food burnt on the side but uncooked in the middle, would you? 


Instead of following this method, follow the alternative technique suggested above. You can either place a bigger container or baking dish below your cookware or use a silicone baking sheet that will not cover the whole rack. 

Do: Aluminum Foil For Food Wrapping

Can you use aluminum foil to wrap foods like baked salmon or baked potatoes? This is a resounding yes. Wrapping meats or vegetables in aluminum foil helps retain moisture and keep the marinade intact. However, it's important to remember not to place the food wrapped in aluminum foil directly on the oven rack. At least place it on the baking sheet to avoid disastrous food spillage.

For the most part, wrapping your food with aluminum foil is safe - except for highly acidic foods. For instance, foods with tomato sauce, tomatoes, or tart fruits like lemons, oranges, and cherries are highly acidic. 

If you want to bake acidic foods in the oven, you're better off using glass containers or plastic wrap. Apart from this, you can also place a layer of parchment paper between the food and the aluminum foil. Either way, you can avoid chemical reactions and won't have to worry about altering the taste of your food. 

Do: Place the Aluminum Foil on Top of a Baking Sheet

Can foil trays go in the oven

If you want to cook something in the oven but hate cleaning the baking sheet, you can simply place aluminum foil on top of the baking sheet. After cooking in the oven, all you have to do is crumple and throw away the aluminum foil. 

As mentioned above, placing a baking sheet underneath your bakeware is a great idea to avoid food spillage at the bottom of your oven. Never place food wrapped in aluminum foil directly on the rack; always place it on a baking sheet. 

Do: Directly Cook in the Oven in a Makeshift Aluminum Foil Pan or Ready-Made Aluminum Foil Tray

As for makeshift aluminum containers or ready-made aluminum foil trays, yes, you may directly use them in the oven. It pretty much has the same concept as wrapping foods in aluminum foil. Just make sure there are no holes or accidental tears in it as the food or sauce may leak out. 

Do: Use Aluminum Foil as a Lid to Cover a Dish

There are no drawbacks when you use aluminum foil as a lid to cover a dish. Rest assured the food will bake evenly and retain its moisture. Covering it with aluminum foil won't be a problem if you use a ceramic glass or ready-made aluminum tray. 

However, always remember that aluminum foil and acidic foods don't go well together. This is what you have to always remember: acidic foods and aluminum foil should never go together. Other than that, all is well. 

What You Need to Know About Aluminum Foil

Can foil trays go in the oven

Aluminum foil has many uses in the kitchen—to cover baking surfaces, wrap foods, protect delicate foods, store food, and many more. Culinary enthusiasts would agree that aluminum foil is a kitchen must-have. Here's what you need to know about aluminum foil.

Heat Resistance

Aluminum foil is highly resistant to heat and can withstand temperatures up to 1,220 degrees Fahrenheit. Will aluminum foil burn inside the oven? No, aluminum foil will not burn inside the oven. 

The temperature of an oven ranges between 500 and 600 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about half the highest temperature aluminum foil can withstand. So you don't ever have to worry about aluminum foil burning inside the oven. 

However, aluminum foil can melt and stick to the surface when placed at the bottom of the oven. In addition, placing aluminum foil at the bottom of the oven may permanently damage your oven's heating element. 

Dull & Shiny Side

Another thing you need to know about aluminum foil is that it comes in two different sides. You may have noticed that aluminum foil has two sides - the dull and shiny side. Why does aluminum foil have a shiny and dull side?

The answer is simple: the side in direct contact with the roller is the shiny side. So the dull and shiny outcome is due to the manufacturing process. Is there any difference between the dull and shiny sides? There is no difference when it comes to cooking and heat resistance. 

Regular aluminum foil is generally not non-stick. That's why you need to place cooking oil or use an oil spritzer for it to become a non-stick. However, there is special non-stick foil sold now. 

If you bought a non-stick aluminum foil, the dull side is the nonstick side that touches the food. You don't need to place cooking oil on non-stick aluminum foil for it to become non-stick.

Alternatives to Aluminum Foil When You're Baking

Can foil trays go in the oven

Now that you have more clarity on the dos and don'ts of using aluminum foil inside the oven, what's next? Know your alternatives. If you're not an avid fan of using aluminum foil when baking, know your alternatives. Here are some of the choices: 

As mentioned above, you can use a baking pan or cookie sheet as an alternative to aluminum foil. It serves the same purpose as aluminum foil without the risk of the foil falling apart. A baking pan has raised edges, sturdy material, non-stick, and handles with easy grip. A baking pan is better for keeping liquids from spilling in your oven. 

Silicone Baking Sheet

Another alternative to catching food drips and spills in the oven is a silicone baking sheet. You can use a silicone baking sheet to line the oven rack, but not at the bottom of the oven. Silicone baking sheets are non-toxic, safe, easy to clean, and can withstand heat up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Parchment Paper

If you don't like using aluminum foil on top of the baking sheet, you can use parchment paper instead. Parchment paper serves the purpose of aluminum foil inside the oven. But unlike aluminum foil, parchment paper has a non-stick surface. The parchment paper is perfect for baking foods like Keto Spinach and Cream Cheese Calzone.

However, when using parchment paper, you should review the manufacturer's recommendation for maximum baking temperature. Generally speaking, parchment paper can withstand temperatures up to 420 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, do not use parchment paper in gas ovens with an exposed flame. 

Dutch Oven

If you need to bake foods inside the oven and prefer not to wrap the foods with aluminum foil, you can use Dutch oven cookware instead. A Dutch oven is made of ceramic or iron with a tight lid and keeps the moisture in, making it a perfect alternative for wrapping foods with aluminum foil. 


Can you use aluminum foil in a microwave?

No, you cannot use aluminum foil in the oven. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the electric fields in the microwave may cause the aluminum foil to heat up and possibly ignite. Only use microwave-safe containers when heating up your food in the microwave.

Is it safe to use aluminum foil in the oven?

Yes, it is safe to use aluminum foil in the oven. Just make sure not to wrap acidic foods with aluminum foil because it can contaminate your food and alter the taste.

Can aluminum foil catch fire in the regular oven?

No, aluminum foil will not catch fire in the oven, even on the griller. The burning point of aluminum foil is above 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The average oven temperature is between 500-600 degrees Fahrenheit. So no, aluminum foil will not catch fire in the oven.

The Takeaway

Now there you have it! In conclusion, you can put aluminum foil in the oven only under certain conditions. You need to remember the two points: never put aluminum foil on the oven floor and never wrap acidic foods with aluminum foil. That's it!

There are other options mentioned above you can follow. We hope that you'll apply the knowledge you learned today and make sure to share this information with your friends and family. 

Can you put aluminum foil tray in the oven?

Yes, you can bake in aluminum foil pans. Cakes, cookies, and brownies are three common things people bake in aluminum foil pans.

Is it safe to cook in foil trays?

Aluminum foil isn't considered dangerous, but it can increase the aluminum content of your diet by a small amount. If you are concerned about the amount of aluminum in your diet, you may want to stop cooking with aluminum foil. However, the amount of aluminum that foil contributes to your diet is likely insignificant.