Can i see who viewed my story on facebook

Be it Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram, nowadays, stories are pretty popular on social media platforms. People can share their day-to-day moments through 'stories' with friends and family. This interesting feature lets you share your happiness with your loved ones without typing long texts. Similar to the original creator of stories, 'Snapchat,' Facebook stories remain viewable for only 24 hours that your friends and followers can see.

If you are an avid Facebook user, you already know that the option of stories appears on top of your Facebook feed, and it is only one click away for people to see your latest stories updates. However, you might be aware that it is impossible to see who viewed your Facebook profile. Still, if you upload your story publicly, you can easily find your Facebook story viewers.

If you ever uploaded your story, did you see the 'view 1 other or 1 other person's views this story message below your story?

Besides this story's entertainment, privacy is always the top priority of everyone. From stalkers to employers, you may always want to know who views your activity on social media.

This article will cover what Facebook Story is and how to see who viewed your story on Facebook. Besides this, we have also covered privacy updates that you can use to remain more private and conscious on Facebook.

Sound informative? Let's get started!

  • Part 1 : What Is a Facebook Story and How Does It Work?
  • Part 2 : How Can You See Who Viewed Your Facebook Story
  • Part 3 : How to Change Privacy for Who Can View Your Facebook Story?
  • Part 4 : Can You View and Hide Stories that You Have Viewed?
  • Part 5 : What Is Meant by 'Other Viewers' on Facebook Story?
  • Part 6 : How to See Other Viewers on Facebook Story

What Is a Facebook Story and How Does It Work?

Does Facebook tell you who viewed your story?The answer is 'Yes.'

When you post a story on your Facebook, it becomes visible at the top of your Facebook News Feed. Stories differ from posts as they do not allow your friends or followers to like, comment, or share publicly. You can post your story with the Facebook application, website, or Messenger.

When your friends post their stories, they appear at the top of your 'News Feed' in the 'Stories' section. It can be seen as a series of rectangular panels with a small picture of a Facebook user at the top-left corner. Unviewed stories have a blue ring circling the user's profile picture, while viewed stories have not.

To watch Facebook Stories, click the profile picture of the user whose stories you want to see.

How Can You See Who Viewed Your Facebook Story

It is possible to see people who have viewed your Facebook Story. This feature was introduced for businesses to track customers' engagement.

Follow the below step to see who has viewed your Facebook Story:

Step 1. Open your Facebook Story.


Step 2. You will see a rectangular series of circular profile pictures of users at the bottom left of your phone or laptop screen. Here you will see a list of people who have viewed your Facebook story. If no one has viewed it, it will say,'no viewers yet.' Click 'Viewers' to see the names of those who have viewed.

Step 3. On the same page, you will also have a list of viewers who have seen your story.

Note : The process is the same in mobile applications, iOS, or Facebook Web browsers.

How to Change Privacy for Who Can View Your Facebook Story?

Facebook lets you control who can see your online activities, including your stories.

Here is how you can change your privacy setting for your Facebook Stories.

Step 1. Open the Facebook app and sign in to your account.

Step 2. To open the menu, tap the hamburger icon.

Step 3. Tap the cog icon for setting and privacy.

Step 4. Scroll down to the Audience option and visibility and click Stories.

Step 5. Tap the option of the 'Story Privacy.'

Step 6. Change the privacy to 'Friends' to ensure that only those with a select list of friends can see it. On the other hand, you can also select the option 'Hide story from' to ensure that some specific people cannot see your story.

Step 7. Click 'Sharing Options. Here you can control the sharing options of your story.

Step 8. Tap each option to control who can and cannot share your stories.

Note :

You can also change how long Facebook can contain your stories by selecting the option' Story Archive' and switching the option on or off. This Facebook feature is very helpful for individuals and businesses who want to save their stories for the future.

Can You View and Hide Stories that You Have Viewed?

There are a few tricks to view someone's stories without leaving a hint. Remember that these ways are not 100% foolproof, and Facebook might update new updates to its stories features to prevent this method from happening.

Use Airplane Mode to View Facebook Story

If you do not want a Facebook user to know that you have viewed their story, then use airplane mode. It prevents the Facebook application from sending information to its users.

  1. Step 1.Launch the Facebook app on iPhone or Android and log in if you do not have an account. After that, let the home page load.
  2. Step 2.Turn on flight or airplane mode to turn off your phone's network connection.
  3. Step 3.Select any story on Facebook you want to watch. But remember to preload them, which means you can watch them without an internet connection.
  4. Step 4.Close the Facebook app completely once you have done.
  5. Step 5.Turn flight mode back off and get back to regular browsing.

Note : If you turn on the flight mode before closing your Facebook application, remember it will report to that user whose story you have viewed. Furthermore, some stories might not be loaded; in that case, you should turn off airplane mode and let them load before trying to get stories to access without the internet.

View Facebook Stories by Using the Half Swipe Technique

Another method to see someone's story without letting the user know is to use a half-swipe technique from the previous story. It will allow you to view the story without registering that you have watched it. While this trick works well for image or text-based stories, a drawback is that you won't be able to see the video stories.

To Half Swipe:

  1. Step 1. Open the Facebook app, and select the story before that certain story you want to see without the user knowing.
  2. Step 2.Swipe the story slowly until you see the next one, but do not let go. You can see most of the story. Once you are done, swipe back to the original story and let go.

Use an Alternative Account

The last way to see a Facebook Story without letting the other person know is by using an alternative account. This trick works for those who share their stories publicly, but it will not work for those people who share it with friends only until or unless you add them and they accept your request.

What Is Meant by 'Other Viewers' on Facebook Story?

The 'other viewers' are those who have viewed your Facebook story but are not friends with your Facebook.

For instance, if the message shows '13 people viewed this story, it means that those 13 people that are not your friends on Facebook have viewed your story. Those 'other viewers' can be your followers or random people on Facebook.

It will only show when you have the privacy setting of your story to the public. If anyone other than your Facebook friend views your story, they will be counted as 'other viewers.'

It is essential to note that by default, the privacy setting of your story will be set to 'Friends' only, which means that only your friend can see your story.

But changing it to 'Public' from 'Friends' will make your story visible to the Facebook community and Messenger.

If you do not want random people to see your story, you should change your privacy setting before uploading a story. You can find the Privacy option right at the bottom of the story page, and you can change the privacy setting from there to 'friends' or 'friends and connections.'

On the same page, you will also find the 'custom' privacy option that lets you choose who can view your story among your friends. You can choose this option if you want to display your story to a friend or group.

How to See Other Viewers on Facebook Story?

Unfortunately, you can't see other viewers on the Facebook story. If your story privacy setting is set to 'public', you can only see the number of people who have viewed your story, and Facebook's policy includes keeping this information confidential.

If you are concerned about random people viewing your story, change your privacy setting to avoid this issue.

Wrapping Up

Be it adults, children, or older people, the story feature of Facebook has become a popular and easy way to post about day-to-day life events. It is also convenient for businesses to advertise and interact with their target audience. Luckily, this app also allows you to check who has viewed the story and to increase your privacy. But remember, these methods are not foolproof; still, people can watch your story without you knowing.

While this feature is a fun activity, it also comes with privacy issues. Random people can easily trap young children using Facebook by watching their stories. In this situation, parents must monitor their child's online activities.

You need to download the AirDroid Parental Control app, which helps parents remotely manage their children's devices and app notifications. With this app, you will not have to worry about your child's online activities, and you can save them before they face any problems.


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