Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

No matter how experienced you may be in the world of skincare, all the new and unfamiliar ingredients can be quite overwhelming. Powerful ingredients such as retinol, niacinamide, vitamin C, and certain acids demand to be the star of the show. Mixing them with other ingredients could lead to irritation and redness. To keep things simple, we’ve put together a beginner’s guide on how to effectively use niacinamide and AHA/BHA together, so that you can get the maximum results.

What is Niacinamide?

Otherwise known as vitamin B3, this antioxidant is an anti-inflammatory that can brighten skin and even out discoloration. This ingredient is suitable for pretty much every skin type, every skin concern, and benefits are easily obtained.

What are AHAs and BHA?

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid etc) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (salicylic acid) are chemical exfoliants that are used to peel the top layer of your skin to allow new, evenly pigmented skin cells to form. Here’s a complete beginner’s guide on how to use AHAs and BHA.

Can Niacinamide and AHAs/BHA Be Used Together?

Short answer is: Yes! You certainly can. To make niacinamide and AHAs/BHA work together, layer them on your cleansed face—just 30 minutes apart. You can also use them at different times of day, use niacinamide in the morning and AHAs/BHA at night.

If you are a beginner or your skin is sensitive, the best way to use them is by applying them on alternate nights, for example, one night you could apply your AHAs/BHA after cleansing, and the next night, you could use your niacinamide. Gradually increase usage. And it hopefully goes without saying, but wearing sunscreen 365 days per year, rain or shine, is arguably the most important thing you can do to maintain healthy, beautiful skin.

Product Recommendations

1. The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution. Buy It: $7.20;

2. COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner. Buy It: $20;

3. First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Niacinamide Dark Spot Serum. Buy It: $42;

4. The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%. Buy It: $5.90;

5. Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel. Buy It: $88;

6. Go-To Skincare Exfoliating Swipeys. Buy It: $35;

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Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

The Ordinary Peeling Solution is an affordable, well-formulated at home chemical peel that delivers incredible results. It’s no wonder it’s one of The Ordinary’s best products. Since it’s such a strong peel, it’s important to care for your skin properly both before and after the peel. We’ll discuss what to use after The Ordinary Peeling Solution and how to care for your skin after the aha bha peel.

The Ordinary Peeling Solution is an at home chemical peel that’s formulated with 30% AHA and 2% BHA, for a total acid content of 32%. The peel is one of the strongest available for at home use and it delivers some amazing results.

The peel is designed to exfoliate the top layer of the skin to reveal brighter, more even toned and smoother skin. Since the peel also has BHA, it can travel deeper into the skin and unclog pores which can help with acne and blackheads.

One of the benefits of the Peeling Solution is that it’s very customizable. If you’re new to chemical peels, you can start by leaving the peel on for 1-2 minutes before washing off. More experiences peelers can leave it on for up to 10 minutes for maximum results.

No matter how long you leave it on, proper aftercare is very important. Later we’ll talk about what to put on face after The Ordinary Peeling Solution.

Here’s a look at some key ingredients in The Ordinary Peeling Solution

  • AHA’s – The Peeling Solution contains a mix of Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Tartaric acid and Citric acid which help to exfoliate the top layer of the skin to reveal new, healthy skin cells. This can help with hyperpigmentation, skin texture, radiance, acne, fine lines and wrinkles and collagen production
  • BHA’s – The peel features Salicylic Acid which travels deep into the pores and can cut through oil to unclog, kill acne causing bacteria and fight acne.
  • Aloe – While most people think of Aloe Vera as a sunburn remedy, it has many more incredible benefits. It can help with collagen production, would healing and protect against UV damage. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties in addition to soothing the skin, reducing redness and irritation, which can all be beneficial after a strong chemical peel
  • Hyaluronic Acid – An incredibly powerful ingredient that instantly helps to hydrate and plump the skin. Hyaluronic Acid works to draw moisture into the skin which keeps skin hydrated and healthy. It also helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production, so it’s a great anti-aging ingredient as well
  • Glycerin – Glycerin is another type of humectant that works similar to Hyaluronic Acid. It helps to draw moisture into the skin to keep skin hydrated
  • Panthenol – Panthenol is another hydrating ingredient that can help to strengthen the skin barrier and prevent any kind of damage or over exfoliation when using strong chemical peels
  • Black Carrot Extract – Black Carrot Extract is known to have lots of antioxidant properties which means it can help prevent and repair skin damage caused by UV rays or other environmental factors like pollution. Using antioxidants after a chemical peel is essential to prevent the new skin cells from being damaged
  • Tasmanian Pepperberry Extract – This plant extract is something The Ordinary uses in pretty much all of their exfoliants. They claim it helps to reduce irritation associated with the use of chemical exfoliants and other acids in skincare. The manufacturer states that Tasmanian Pepperberry Extract is anti-inflammatory, reduces redness and irritation

Since the peel is so strong, it contains a number of hydrating and soothing ingredients to help prevent over exfoliation, dryness and irritation.

Benefits Of The Ordinary Peeling Solution

Since it’s an AHA BHA combo peel, the Peeling Solution has many different benefits. Here’s a look at what it can do:

  • Fade acne scars
  • Fade hyperpigmentation
  • Reduce lines and wrinkles
  • Even skin tone
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Treats and prevents acne
  • Minimizes pores
  • Unclogs pores
  • Balances oil production

What to Use Before The Ordinary Peeling Solution

How you prep your skin is just as important as what you put on your skin after using The Ordinary Peeling Solution. Here’s how to prep your skin before using the peel

  1. Remove Makeup – before using the peel, you want to ensure your skin is clean. Remove any makeup before cleansing your skin to ensure you aren’t leaving anything behind that may affect the peel. If you leave makeup, dirt or oil on the skin, the peel may not be able to work as well. I recommend an oil or balm cleanser to remove makeup without pulling or tugging at the skin
  2. Gently Cleanse – Use a pH balanced, gentle cleanser (preferably sulfate free). A double cleanse is essential so you are removing any makeup, dirt, oil and bacteria so the peel can properly work and you can get the best results
  3. Pat Dry – make sure your skin is nice and dry before applying the peel. You can gently pat your skin dry or let air dry before applying the solution

How To Use The Ordinary Peeling Solution

Although a chemical peel sounds a bit scary, The Ordinary peel is super easy to use and perfectly safe. Here’s how to use the peel properly:

  1. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin
  2. Leave on for up to 10 minutes (no longer)
  3. Rinse off with lukewarm water
  4. Pat skin dry
  5. Continue with skincare

The peeling solution can also be used on the body to get rid of any acne scarring or hyperpigmentation.

What To Use After The Ordinary Peeling Solution

Proper aftercare is essential to getting good results from your peel, so if you’re wondering what products can I use after The Ordinary Peeling Solution, keep on reading.

Immediately after using the peeling solution, you’ll want to apply a hydrating serum and moisturizer (at the very least a good moisturizer). So your routine would look like this:

  1. Peel
  2. Hydrating Serum
  3. Moisturizer

Depending on if you are using the peel at night or during the day, you will need to apply a good sunscreen at some point. If you are using the peeling solution at night, you can wait until in the morning to apply it. If you are using it during the day, you need to apply sunscreen after your moisturizer, so your routine would look like this:

  1. Peel
  2. Hydrating Serum
  3. Moisturizer
  4. Sunscreen

You only need to apply sunscreen during the day when the sun is out. Sunscreen is essential after using an aha bha peel. The peel will reveal fresh, new skin cells which are more susceptible to damage.

The sun can cause premature aging, skin cell damage and hyperpigmentation which could negate the effects of the peel. You should try and avoid the sun as much as possible for at least a week after, but you should still use sunscreen at all times during the day. Here’s what to use after The Ordinary Peeling Solution.

A Gentle Cleanser

While your skin is healing, you want to use a very gentle, sulfate-free cleanser that won’t strip the skin or cause irritation/dryness. CeraVe, Neutrogena and La Roche Posay are my go-to brands for an affordable, gentle cleanser.

You do NOT need to cleanse your skin after using the peel, but a good cleanser is key while your skin is healing for about a week after the peel.

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser

This is a non-foaming, gentle cleanser that’s designed to cleanse the skin and restore moisture. It’s great for all skin types, but especially good for dry and dehydrated skin.

The formula features ceramides, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide which leave skin feeling soft, supple and clean without being stripped.

They also have a foaming cleanser if you prefer foaming face washes.

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Creamy Foaming Cleanser

This gentle cleanser has only 10 ingredients, which makes it a great option for those with sensitive skin. It’s non-foaming and sulfate-free and it cleanses well without leaving a film.

It contains glycerin which helps to hydrate the skin and keep skin from feeling stripped after washing.

A Hydrating Serem

Immediately after the peel, whatever you put on your skin will be able to penetrate deeper and be more effective, so you should only use well-formulated products.

A good hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid + other hydrating ingredients can help speed up healing, promote collagen, replenish lost moisture and soothe the skin.

Look for these ingredients in your serum:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Aloe
  • Glycerin
  • Panthenol
  • Beta-Glucan
  • Allantoin
  • Trehalose
  • Propylene glycol
Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

Naturium Quadruple Hyaluronic Acid Serum

This is one of my all time favorite hyaluronic acid serums because it has four different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid. This means that each one can hydrate different parts of the skin. After a strong aha bha peel, you want lots of hydration and this serum instantly replenishes skin.

The serum also contains glycerin and honey which help to hydrate and soothe the skin.

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

Cerave Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Another great hyaluronic acid serum that has a few extra ingredients like ceramides and panthenol to help repair the skin barrier and increase hydration levels.

A Good Moisturizer

If you use a hydrating serum, you absolutely need to use a good moisturizer to lock in hydrating and prevent all that from escaping the skin and leaving the skin dehydrated. A moisturizer can prevent transepidermal water loss, plus strengthen the skin barrier and reduce irritation, flaking skin and dryness associated with aha bha peels.

Here’s some good ingredients to look for in moisturizers

  • Ceramides
  • Fatty Acids
  • Butters
  • Oils
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Panthenol
  • Glycerin

Humectants are great to use not only in serums but also in moisturizers. Usually, when found it serums, it’s at a higher concentration, and therefore more effective. It never hurts to have too many hydrating ingredients in your products!

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream

My tried and true HG moisturizer that’s packed with moisturizing and repairing ingredients – exactly what your skin needs after using The Ordinary Peeling Solution.

Hyaluronic acid and glycerin hydrate the skin while repairing ceramides lock in moisture and repair the skin barrier. It has a velvety texture that sinks in quickly and does not feel heavy at all.

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion

This face lotion is a bit lighter than the Moisturizing Cream, making it a better option for those with oilier skin types. It still has great ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides and niacinamide to help hydrate and repair the skin.


A good sunscreen that’s SPF 30+ is absolutely essential. Not using sunscreen after a chemical peels means you are putting your skin at risk of damage including skin cell/DNA damage, hyperpigmentation, irritation and skin barrier damage.

Although it’s important to avoid the sun while your skin is healing, you also need to wear sunscreen because the UV rays can travel through the windows indoors and also through your car windows. Just because you are not outside does not mean the UV rays cannot reach your skin.

Can i use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after aha bha peel

EltaMD UV Physical Tinted Mineral Sunscreen

A mineral sunscreen after a chemical peel is ideal to avoid any irritation when chemical sunscreens. If the sunscreen contains zinc (like this one), it can also help to soothe inflammation, reduce redness and promote healing.

This particular sunscreen is SPF 41, all mineral. It’s super lightweight and has a nice tint, so you really don’t even need to wear makeup overtop, unless you just want to. It’s truly non-greasy and dries down to a matte finish. No sunscreen smell or greasy feeling whatsoever! It’s the most comfortable sunscreen I’ve ever used!

The Australian Gold Tinted Sunscreen is a cheaper option and comes in different colored tints.

What Products Not To Use With The Ordinary Peeling Solution

There are a few different ingredients that you want to avoid after using the Ordinary Peeling Solution. In general, you want to avoid anything exfoliating or potentially irritating for about a week after the peel.

  • Retinol
  • AHA
  • BHA
  • Vitamin C
  • Physical Exfoliants
  • Hair removal creams or bleach
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Sulfur
  • Azelaic Acid
  • Fragrance
  • Essential oils
  • Alcohols

What To Use After The Ordinary Peeling Solution FAQ’s

If you’re wondering “what should I apply after The Ordinary Peeling Solution, here are some common questions about how to care for your skin and ingredients you should or should not use after an aha bha peel.

Can I use toner after ordinary peeling solution?

Yes, you can use a toner after the peeling solution, as long as the toner does not contain any exfoliating or irritating ingredients like AHA, BHA, retinol, Vitamin C, fragrance or alcohols.

In general, you want to stick with hydrating and repairing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, fatty acids, ceramides, panthenol, aloe, glycerin, etc.

Can you use retinol after the ordinary peeling solution?

No, you should not use Retinol or Retinoids for at least a week after using the peel. These ingredients speed up cell turnover and can cause serious damage to your skin barrier if used too soon after the peel. Plus it can cause dryness, flaking skin, redness and irritation.

Can I use niacinamide after the ordinary peeling solution?

While Niacinamide is generally a safe ingredient, it’s best to not use it immediately after the peel. You can safely use Niacinamide the following day, however.

Can I Use Aloe Vera After The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

Yes, Aloe Vera is a great ingredient to use after the peel. Not only is Aloe in the peel itself, but it’s also incredibly healing, soothing and moisturizing, which is exactly what you want post-peel.

Can I use hyaluronic acid after the ordinary peeling solution?

Absolutely! Hyaluronic Acid is one of the best ingredients to use after a peel. It can replenish lost moisture, rehydrate the skin, stimulate collagen and prevent irritation and dryness.

Can I use moisturizer after the ordinary peeling solution?

Yes, moisturizer can be used after the peel. In fact, it’s recommended to use one to replenish the skin and prevent skin barrier damage, dryness and irritation. It can also minimize the risk of peeling and flaky skin.

Can I use toner after the ordinary peeling solution?

Toners can be used after the peeling solution, as long as they don’t have any irritating ingredients like aha, bha, vitamin c, retinol, fragrance, essential oils or alcohol. In general, it’s safe to use hydrating toners, but always check the ingredients just in case.

Can I use Vitamin C after the ordinary peeling solution?

No, you should not use Vitamin C after a peel. It can be very irritating, even if it’s a derivative.

Can I Wear Makeup After The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

Ideally, you want to avoid using makeup right after the peel, but it can be worn, only if necessary. I recommend using the peel at night and then following with a gentle skincare routine, then you should be good to continue with your normal makeup routine in the morning.

Depending on your skin, you may experience slight peeling or flaking while your skin heals, which can be hard to apply makeup on top of.

What To Use After The Ordinary Peeling Solution: Wrap Up

If you’re wondering what can I use after The Ordinary Peeling Solution, this comprehensive guide will walk you through aftercare and best skincare products to use after the peel for best results. In general, you want to be gentle with your skin, protect your skin and avoid any irritating ingredients after using the peel.

What To Use After The Ordinary Peeling Solution

  • AHA vs BHA vs PHA: What’s The Difference?
  • Salicylic Acid Vs Glycolic Acid
  • Squalane Vs Hyaluronic Acid
  • What’s The Difference Between Chemical Peels and Microdermabrasion?
  • CeraVe Moisturizing Cream Vs CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion

Can I use hyaluronic acid and niacinamide after AHA BHA?

Can I use hyaluronic acid with BHA and niacinamide? Absolutely! Hyaluronic acid and niacinamide are both effective hydrating ingredients that both provide humectant properties.

Can I use hyaluronic acid after AHA BHA peeling solution?

Yes! In fact, this is an ideal combination. Hyaluronic acid doesn't function like an AHA or BHA in that it does not strip your skin — it's actually highly nourishing and hydrating, so having “acid” in the name is a bit misleading. Hyaluronic acid is great for applying after any exfoliating acids.

Can I use niacinamide after AHA BHA peeling?

Can I use niacinamide after AHA BHA? The short answer is yes you certainly can!

Can I use niacinamide after using the ordinary peeling solution?

Can you use Niacinamide after using The Ordinary Peeling solution? Now you can use both of them together if you are already used to chemicals on your skin but I would suggest don't use them in the same routine.