Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

What is a leave-in conditioner?

As the name implies: a leave-in conditioner is formulated to be left in your hair, and isn’t meant to be rinsed out of the hair. Therefore, the formula is easily absorbed into strands, allowing the ingredients to penetrate deeper for a long-lasting, noticeable difference. Because you don’t rinse it out, it protects your curls against external influences, such as cold, heat from the hair dryer or the sun.

Curly hair is often frizzy and brittle, which is why this is a good product to add to your hair routine. You use a leave-in conditioner after washing and before styling your hair. It continues to care for your hair throughout the day. Just like the moisturizer you put on your face!

The benefits of a leave-in conditioner include:

  • Ensures that your hair is protected and nourished throughout the day
  • Makes your hair easier to detangle
  • Restores the natural shine of your hair
  • Can help combat frizziness
  • Protects against external influences, such as cold, heat from the hair dryer or the sun
  • Can help your curls appear healthier and more defined
  • It only takes you a minute to apply

How do you use leave-in conditioner for curly hair?

According to the Curly Girl Method, you use a leave-in conditioner while styling your hair. You do this after your washing routine, and before applying gel or other styling products. Smooth it thoroughly throughout your hair, while focusing on the shafts and ends. How much you should use varies from person to person. In general, a pea-sized amount is enough for medium-length hair of medium thickness. Do you notice that it’s too little? Then you can always add more! Then leave it be, no rinsing required. A leave-in conditioner nourishes and protects your hair from natural factors throughout the day.

Can you use a normal conditioner as a leave-in?

If there is no other option, you can use a normal conditioner as a leave-in. But a conditioner is generally made to be rinsed out, and a leave-in is made to stay in your hair all day. A leave-in is therefore much lighter than a normal conditioner, so that it doesn’t weigh down your hair. There are of course exceptions to the rule: some products are made to do both!

Also read: 5 tips for deep conditioning your hair

What is the best leave-in conditioner for curly hair?

First of all, it’s good to know that there are two types of leave-in conditioner, with different effects on your hair:

  • Cream: works best for thick, long or curly hair as it weighs down a bit.
  • Spray: better for fine or straight hair, because it’s a bit more lightweight. 

For curly hair, a leave-in conditioner with a creamy, nutrient-rich formula is better as it has hydrating properties. But you still have a lot of products to choose from.

There are leave-in conditioners with protein and leave-in conditioners without protein. To find out which leave-in conditioner matches your hair specifications, it’s useful to determine your hair characteristics. Find out your curl and hair type, the elasticity of your hair, and whether it has low or high porosity. With porosity you determine the extent to which hair can absorb and retain moisture, elasticity has to do with the balance between protein and hydration. Knowing your hair properties will tell you right away if you need a protein or protein-free leave-in conditioner.

Also read: How to dry curls the right way

Buy a leave-in conditioner

It’s also important that you choose a CG friendly leave-in conditioner, so that it doesn’t contain silicones, sulfates and parabens. All leave-ins in our shop comply with this. Some of our favorite leave-in conditioners include As I Am, Cantu, Curl Flo, Curls, Giovanni, Jessicurl, and Novex.

By now you should know everything about a leave-in conditioner for curly hair! Still have a question? Feel free to ask in the comments!

When I first discovered the concept of leave-in conditioner, I had a lot of questions. How long do I "leave" it in for? Do I apply it in the shower? Do I need to wash it out afterward? Or do I just... leave it in?

It really isn't a difficult concept to grasp, I know, but I wasn't well-versed in hair care products at the time—and was simply searching for a solution for my suddenly drier, more brittle hair. (Goodbye, effortlessly lustrous locks of my youth.) Either way, once I realized the benefits of an amazing leave-in formula (of which there are many), I never looked back.

All of the answers to your frequently asked questions about leave-in conditioner—because I know I can't be the only one—below.

What Is Leave-In Conditioner?

Leave-in conditioner is an optional, added step after washing and conditioning hair. Much like the conditioner you use in the shower, it offers a level of detangling, moisturizing, and heat-protecting properties. Unlike the conditioner you use in the shower, leave-in conditioner isn't mean to be rinsed out of the hair. A number of formulas exist to target specific needs, so almost any hair type can benefit from using a leave-in. (Although Dry, thick, and curly hair will benefit the most.)

Think about it: Between blow dryers, curling irons, towel updos, the wrong pillowcases, brushing, and potentially bad dye jobs, we put our hair through a lot. Leave-in conditioner is like calling in for backup.

It shouldn't replace the conditioner you use in the shower post-shampoo, nor should you use it everyday—rather, it's there to give a little extra TLC: When your hair feels dry and unruly or needs some love, leave-in conditioner is the best possible reinforcement.

Unlike regular conditioner, you don't rinse it out when you use it. Leave-in conditioner is formulated to be—as the name implies—left in your hair to lock in moisture and drench your strands in nutrients, leaving your tresses soft, healthy, silky, and nourished. No rinsing required—like the moisturizer you put on your face, you don't want that going down the drain.

Leave-in conditioner has detangling properties, too, and protects hair from heat damage—making it the perfect product to use before styling. (See why you should have one in your arsenal?)

Which Hair Types Can Benefit From Leave-In Conditioner?

In short: All of them. Every single hair type can benefit from the right leave-in conditioner. (If you don't think you could benefit from an extra boost of hydration, think again.) Depending on the formula, leave-in conditioner protects hair from a multitude of factors, including the sun, environmental damage, heat damage, and pollution.

Of course, when it comes to more particular hair conundrums, not every leave-in conditioner is created equally. Some formulas will target specific issues associated with different hair types (like color damage or split ends) better than others.

Essentially, there's a leave-in conditioner for every hair type, whether you're dealing with damage, frizz, fine hair, or major coarseness.

What Should I Look For in a Formula?

It really depends on your individual hair type, and leave-in conditioners come in an array of formulas, like sprays, creams, oils, balms, and more. If you have naturally fine hair, choose a lightweight spray or foam that'll leave your hair silky rather than greasy. If you have dry, damaged, or over-processed hair, it's a good idea to find a creamy, nutrient-rich formula with hydrating properties. For color-treated hair, go for one that's sulfate-free and color-safe.

Generally speaking, though, there are some key, potentially hair-boosting ingredients you'll want to look out for, like vitamins, antioxidants, natural oils, botanical extracts, and heat-protectant properties just to name a few.

When to Apply Leave-In Conditioner?

It's easy: after the shower. (Not in it.) Since you don't need to wash leave-in conditioner out after, you can simply apply it to your wet hair before bed, for example. Let your strands absorb it while you sleep, or use it before blow drying or using heat styling to offer a layer of protection.

How to Apply Leave-In Conditioner

When your clean hair is damp or towel-tried, smooth it thoroughly throughout while focusing on the shafts and ends of your hair. Brush through with a detangling brush or comb to disperse it evenly throughout your hair, then leave it be—no rinsing required. If you have curly hair that you prefer not to brush through, try a leave-in conditioner cream that you can scrunch into your ends.

The Best Leave-In Conditioners

These are a few of team Byrdie's favorite leave-in conditioner formulas for every hair type, texture, and concern.

For Dry Hair

Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

adwoa beauty Baomint™ Deep Conditioning Treatment $36.00


Vegan and sulfate-free, Adwoa Beauty's bestselling treatment boasts a number of impressive ingredients, including those aforementioned natural oils, botanical extracts, and numerous vitamins and nutrients. Its deeply penetrating, ultra-moisturizing cream formula is suitable for all hair types, but if you're looking for a solution for frizz, breakage, damage, and split ends—this one's for you. Also, the cooling and soothing properties make it amazing for those dealing with dry, itchy scalps.

For Damaged, Color-Treated Hair

Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

Jane Carter Solution Revitalizing Leave-In Conditioner $9.00


Jane Carter Solution's leave-in conditioner is the perfect option for those of us who frequently put our hair through the ringer. The unique formula creates a heat barrier, and it protects from coloring and chemical abuse, making it a great "bodyguard" for your strands. It locks in moisture for extra shininess and luster while also being lightweight enough that it won't build up, so you can even use it twice in one day if you so choose.

For Fine Hair

Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

Davines Volu Hair Mist $37.00


Some people with fine, thin hair might worry about buildup or grease when considering a leave-in conditioner—and this Davines miracle mist is exactly what you need to put your mind (and locks) at ease. The ultra-lightweight formula primes your hair for styling by creating a base for bouncy, fuller-looking hair for ultimate shine and softness. It's the volume boost your hair needs—without having to worry about it getting weighed down.

For Textured Hair

Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream $17.00


When you need the heavy-duty stuff, Cantu Beauty's rich, ultra-thick formula is exactly what you're looking for. Infused with pure shea butter and other natural oils, it is designed to repair split ends, mend breakage, reduce frizz, and—most importantly—leave your hair next-level moisturized. Simply let your hair absorb the luxurious formula overnight, and you'll wake up with bouncier, softer tresses.

For Loose Curls and Waves

Can i use leave in conditioner everyday curly hair

Ouidad Moisture Lock Leave-in Conditioner $10.00


Another one on the lightweight side is Ouidad's leave-in conditioner, formulated by the curl experts themselves. If your waves are feeling dull, frizzy, and a little disappointing, this one will give 'em a major boost by creating a balanced moisture foundation for better style hold. With hydrating botanical extracts and antioxidants, it promises to get your hair to a more manageable, gorgeous place than ever—without any greasy residue.

How often should you use a leave in conditioner on curly hair?

If you have dry, coarse, curly, or color-treated hair, you may benefit from conditioning your hair more frequently — daily or every other day. These hair types tend to be on the dryer side, and may love a little extra moisture.

What happens if you condition curly hair everyday?

But in regards to your question, it's completely alright to wet and condition your hair everyday! As long as the conditioner does not contain harsh chemicals and that you detangle gently, it's alright. Wetting and conditioning is actually a way of refreshing 2nd day curls.

Can Leave In conditioner be used daily natural hair?

Yes, you can use a leave-in conditioner in your hair every day if your hair needs it. If you use heat in your hair or you've done a chemical treatment such as coloring your hair, then you can use a leave-in conditioner daily if you feel your hair needs it.

How many times a week should you use conditioner for curly hair?

Oily and Fine Hair: Light condition 2-3 times per week at most. Avoid leave-in conditioner, and only deep condition when necessary. Dry, Coarse, or Curly Hair: Condition every other day. Increase moisture with a deep conditioner or hair mask once per week or as necessary.