Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from an air conditioner

I recently purchased a home and I want to make sure it’s as safe as possible. I know carbon monoxide is a concern for homeowners. I know it can come from gas stoves and other appliances, but does an air conditioner produce it? Can carbon monoxide come from an air conditioner?

Answer provided by

Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the best things you can do as a homeowner! That said, carbon monoxide does not come from air conditioners.

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas produced by appliances or devices that use fuel. Common sources of carbon monoxide in your home are:

  • Dryers
  • Gas stoves
  • Heating systems
  • Water heaters
  • Fireplaces
  • Wood burning stoves

Additionally, your vehicle, grills, and generators also produce carbon monoxide. Since air conditioners don’t use fuel for power, they can’t produce carbon monoxide.

To protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning, you must have carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home. If levels in your home become unsafe, a detector will alert you. You should immediately evacuate your home and call your local fire department.

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Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from an air conditioner

  • Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from an air conditioner

Can an AC Unit Cause Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Although we know it is wrong for both – our mental and our physical health, most people don’t go out as much as they should and tend to spend the bulk of their day and their free time indoors. And the worst part is – this goes on throughout the whole year, regardless of the season and the weather outside. And even though we can understand that it is much easier to stay at home and watch our favorite series than to go out and exercise, we at Chills Air Conditioning felt the need to talk about the effect that air conditioners can have on your air quality.

Now, before you go and turn off your air conditioning system (or worse, take it out for good), our Chills Air Conditioning team is here to help you deal with these issues in a professional and the most budget-friendly way.

Decreased Air Quality

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the indoor air quality is almost always poorer when compared to the air outside, regardless of the city you live in. The quality of air in your home may be lower and this can jeopardize your health, even if your house or building has a brand new air conditioner.

The main cause of AC carbon monoxide poisoning or other illnesses related to poor air quality is a malfunctioning/inefficient central AC system.

The research conducted by the University of Rochester Medical Center suggests that heaters are the most responsible for the potential release of carbon monoxide into your home. Namely, it is all about the incomplete combustion of the fuels in a faulty central heating unit, which can lead to the release of the carbon monoxide in your home.  

AC Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

The tricky thing about carbon monoxide is that it cannot be smelled or tasted, and since it can result in various illnesses and can even be deadly in some cases, making certain your heaters are working properly is paramount. Here are some of the most common early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • shortness of breath
  • headaches

Although the aforementioned symptoms may seem not too serious, there is a possibility that they could progress and turn into much more hazardous illnesses over time.

Other Symptoms and Illnesses You May Experience

AC carbon monoxide poisoning isn’t the only health hazard coming from a faulty air conditioning system. Even if your AC is working fine and isn’t emitting carbon monoxide, you must make sure all the other parts of your AC unit are properly and regularly maintained.

By this we mean:

  • Replacing the filters on a regular basis
  • Making sure there are no leaks in ducts
  • Making sure there is no mold and mites

The symptoms of these non-carbon-monoxide health issues may include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry nose
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Increase of allergies
  • Skin rashes

Should you experience any of the symptoms we mentioned in this article, you must call a trusted AC company in your area and eliminate the air pollution in your home by: replacing all the old and outdated units, ensuring your central air conditioner is working properly and keeping the air as clean and as safe as possible.

NOTE: Even when replacing old AC units with new and improved models, it is crucial to make sure the system is installed correctly by trained professionals, as even brand new units can contribute to poor air quality in your home if they are not installed properly.

If you have more questions related to AC Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and poor air quality in your home, or if you seek professional air conditioning services in Miami, feel free to contact Chills Air Conditioning!

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Can an air conditioner give off carbon monoxide?

The short answer is no, air conditioners are unable to produce carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide can only be emitted from fuel-burning devices. AC units run on electricity, so there's no possible way for them to produce carbon monoxide. This doesn't mean your home is completely safe from carbon monoxide leaks.

How do you know if your AC is leaking carbon monoxide?

Signs of Carbon Monoxide Leaks The soot stain can have a black, brown or even yellow color. Smell: While carbon monoxide doesn't emit odor, it may get accompanied by other exhaust gases that produce an odor. A yellow burner flame: The pilot flame may produce an unusual yellow flame instead of the normal blue one.

Can an air conditioner poison you?

Refrigerant poisoning can occur if a person inhales or consumes the chemicals — also known by the brand name of Freon — from cooling appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. Accidental refrigerant poisoning is rare but can occur when a person works directly with cooling chemicals.

Do air conditioners emit harmful gases?

Air conditioning units are bad for the environment in part. The hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emit pollutants that put holes in the ozone. AC systems require enormous amounts of energy to operate, and fossil fuels burned for electricity contribute to ozone depletion.