Can you get unbanned from walmart

  1. Ending a Ban By Walmart

    My question involves criminal law for the state of: oklahoma

    okay about 18 mo ago i was caught shoplifting at walmart. trust me this wont happen again. the case was petty larceny and when going to court, i paid my fee and got it expunged from my record and everything. since i was so traumatize from the event i dont really remember what the walmart people told me. i do remember having to get my picture taken and they said i was banned from their walmart and maybe walmarts in the state but not out of state. they didnt state a length of time but made it seem like forever but i never signed anything for that ). the guy also mentioned that maybe i could shop at walmart if its a more busy city walmart then a slow small one like theirs. now that my debt is over and paid and theres no probation or anything, can i go shop at walmart?? i dont worry about going to that walmart since i dont live in that area anymore so i dont go there but the other walmarts i worry about. i have been shopping there since the event and havent had a problem but what gets me is when i have to make returns for products and they ask to see my id. i freak out about it thinking that once they read my id it will pull up to that incident and they will call the police for me tresspassing and i dont want to get in trouble again. i tried calling corprate walmart about it but i dont want to bring up the case so they can be on active look for me? what can i do??

    any thing helps!!

  2. Re: Ending a Ban By Walmart

    We weren't there. We don't know what Walmart told you. Walmart may legally ban you for life and there is no law you can invoke that will force them to end the ban. Whether they have done so or not, no one here knows. Nor do we know whether they would be agreeable to pulling the ban if it is still in place. You'll have to ask Walmart.

    In the meantime, shop online.

  3. Re: Ending a Ban By Walmart

    My question involves criminal law for the state of: oklahoma

    okay about 18 mo ago i was caught shoplifting at walmart. trust me this wont happen again. the case was petty larceny and when going to court, i paid my fee and got it expunged from my record and everything. since i was so traumatize from the event i dont really remember what the walmart people told me. i do remember having to get my picture taken and they said i was banned from their walmart and maybe walmarts in the state but not out of state. they didnt state a length of time but made it seem like forever but i never signed anything for that ). the guy also mentioned that maybe i could shop at walmart if its a more busy city walmart then a slow small one like theirs. now that my debt is over and paid and theres no probation or anything, can i go shop at walmart?? i dont worry about going to that walmart since i dont live in that area anymore so i dont go there but the other walmarts i worry about. i have been shopping there since the event and havent had a problem but what gets me is when i have to make returns for products and they ask to see my id. i freak out about it thinking that once they read my id it will pull up to that incident and they will call the police for me tresspassing and i dont want to get in trouble again. i tried calling corprate walmart about it but i dont want to bring up the case so they can be on active look for me? what can i do??

    any thing helps!!

    A different Walmart, in a different location, is not going to have any idea that you have been banned from Walmart. There are approximately 4000 Walmart locations in the US. If each of those locations averages 1 shoplifter caught a day that is 1,460,000 shoplifters a year. In 10 years that is 14,600,000 shoplifters. There is no way that Walmart could compare the faces of shoppers in a store with that many pictures or even efficiently maintain a database of pictures. Nor would Walmart staff have the time to consult a database of names, when they are dealing with returns.

    Now...if you got caught shoplifting AGAIN at Walmart, then they might have the time and be willing to make the effort to determine whether or not you had been previously banned.

  4. Re: Ending a Ban By Walmart

    Look up Wal-Mart Corporate office. Explain you shoplifted on X Date. You paid the Civil Demand, the court stuff. Apologize, assure them you will never do it again (I even told the store I stole from that I would be willing to set up an appointment to shop).

    Got a letter granting me permission, no need to call in advance or anything.

    What I started doing after....let's say I take 3 items into the fitting room...I bring them all back out. Put my rejects back on the rack, not on the in-fitting room rack. That way, any video surveillance shows me going in with 3 items, coming out with the same 3 items.

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How long do you get banned from Walmart?

You can be banned from Walmart if you are caught stealing or concealing their merchandise. Sometimes, Walmart bans people for as short as 24 hours while other times, they could ban you for life. In the real sense, being banned from Walmart doesn't mean you cannot shop in a Walmart store again.

Can you get permanently banned from a store?

Offering merchandise for sale implies an invitation to enter, but the store owner is entitled to ban someone from coming in. The person could be a suspected shoplifter or a troublemaker, or he can be banned for any reason, as long as it is not based on bias against a federally protected class of people.

What happens if you go to a store you are banned from?

If the act that got you banned results in law enforcement getting involved, arrests, or charges pressed, that could go on your record. If you re-enter the store after you are banned and get caught, that is considered trespassing, which can go on your record.

Can a retail store ban a customer?

A business can legally ban a customer not only based on its discretion, but also for health, safety, or other similar reasons, such as the customer being unruly, disrupting the business or its operations, causing injury, stress, or upset to employees, contractors, or other customers.

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