Can you take bile salts and digestive enzymes together

Can you take bile salts and digestive enzymes together

October 26, 2021

Do you struggle with gas, bloating, stomach cramps, erratic bowel movements, and/or yellowing of the skin? Have you had your gallbladder removed? Have you been diagnosed with fatty liver? Any of these things could mean you have a bile salt deficiency. So what is bile, why does it matter, and what can we do if we are deficient?

Bile is a greenish-yellow secretion produced in the liver, containing bile salts. It is continuously secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder where it is kept until needed. After you eat, the bile duct opens, allowing bile to flow from the gallbladder into the intestine to help digest food.

Specifically, bile works as an emulsifier, breaking down fats into smaller compounds so they can be digested by lipase. This includes fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. If these fats are not properly broken down, our bodies cannot absorb them, leaving us nutrient deficient and suffering with gas and bloating. Bile salts also bind with and emulsify cholesterol, helping to eliminate it from the body.

A bile salt supplement can be especially helpful for anyone who has had gallstones or had their gallbladder removed because the secretion of bile is constant and not necessarily available when needed without a gallbladder for storage. However, there are a number of reasons to add bile salts to your diet. If you have switched to a high-fat (ketogenic) diet, you need high levels of bile salts and pancreatic enzymes to break down all the additional fats you are consuming. Also, with age our bile and pancreatic enzyme secretions slow down, so adding them as we get older can help our bodies continue to break down and absorb fats and nutrients. Finally, because bile salts help eliminate cholesterol, anyone with high cholesterol levels could benefit from additional bile salts.

Prairie Naturals Bile Force is a blend of bile salts, pancreatic enzymes, lipase, and slippery elm which all work together to digest fats and aid in overall digestive health. It is a powerful supplement to help get your fat digestion, liver health, and cholesterol levels on track.

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Can you take bile salts and digestive enzymes together

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Can you take bile salts and digestive enzymes together

5.0 out of 5 stars One pill a day to start!
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2021

I only received this a few days ago and I’m on day 4 of taking it. I plan to update my review at the end of the month but felt it was important to share this information that I didn’t know about before I started taking them.First, the bottle says take one capsule with meals 3 times per day. Evening of day one I had horrible abdominal pains and thought it was something I ate. I took some Tums but had no relief. Day 2 pain returned in the afternoon and stayed with me all evening. I went to bed early just to escape how uncomfortable it was.Before going to bed, I decided to message the company and see if they could provide advice. They responded promptly and said when first taking the supplement to start with one pill a day. I wish that was on the bottle as it’s a little too late for me now.I still have a little discomfort and bloating and not sure why. Perhaps my body is adjusting to this as I had my gallbladder out in 1994. I watched a Dr. Berg video and decided to take an apple cider vinegar gummie with each pill and can’t tell if that’s what’s helping or just my body adjusting. I also see that many people take it after they’ve eaten and not before so I’m trying that as well.I’m going to give this a go as the prescription my gastroenterologist prescribed has a $72/month copay with insurance. So no thank you to that.Staying positive and I hope I have helped someone else out with this information.

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 19, 2022

Since having my gallbladder out in 1999, I developed hashimoto's with constipation and three nodes. After taking a workout supplement that blocked carb metabolism, I realized my body stopped processing protein as well and my weight dropped to far. I had been taking digestive enzymes but they still weren't working properly. My histamines were to high, causing itching, swelling, adrenal problems, hot flashes and night sweats.

The gallbladder triggered Mast Cell Activation syndrome. My kidneys and pancreas suffered and couldn't get enough hormones to make DAO. It also triggered menopause at 35 yrs old.
I took this with a small dose of stomach acid HCL and my constipation since I was 11 yrs old disappeared! You have to understand the hormone production during bile release that creates balance for your thyroid. No amount of keto or proper diet, exercise or sleep will help unless you have concentrated bile! My thyroid started to SHRINK! The nodes also began shrinking with the help of Frankincense and myrrh!

Watch the movie "Heal" if you are uncertain that holistic will heal cancer.

I also bought his DIM formula for thyroid. Don't take iodine (potassium iodide is artificial) it will actually block iodine uptake and make your thyroid swell) also, don't take kelp or iodine when your thyroid swings fast. Especially if you have Graves(hyperthyroidism) The iodine will harm your thyroid.

The only side effect is from the stone root causing dehydration(hard on your thyroid). But the stone root is essential for gallstones! Apple cider vinegar will assist the break down of stones! Wish I had known this year's ago before I allowed then to take it. Drs said you don't need it. Boy, were they wrong! DON'T DO THE SURGERY

Make sure to get Dr Berg's electrolytes and drink LOTS of water! I would say that a separate formula with less stone root would help tremendously!

I refuse to allow an MD touch me! If you haven't figured it out, MD mistakes are the top cause of death, even more than heart disease! Pharmaceuticals turn off your signals: like an oil light on a dashboard of your car, you take it to a car doctor and ask him to fix it. He turns off the light on the dash(pharmaceuticals) and you think everything's is fine. Tells you the knocking is a natural side effect and you believe him until you throw a rod and the story ends!

I've followed Dr Mercola and Dr Josh Axe for a LONG time. Neither have given me the keys to my problem. Dr Berg is my hero.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on September 13, 2022

After reading reviews, I felt SO heard!! So many reviews of peoples pain after eating from having no gallbladder was exactly what Iv been dealing with. Peoples experiences that I read were the words literally right out of my mouth!! Bloating, gas, heartburn, miserably full, empty pain/punch in the gut feeling after eating, inflamed rib on right side etc.
I’m 9 months post gallbladder removal surgery. ( I had really bad sludge, and severe debilitating pain all year long 2021)
And since then have been uncomfortable eating without having a gallbladder.
After reading all the positives about this helping,
I was excited and hopeful!
After the first pill I noticed it did in fact help after eating!!! I Wasn’t miserably full feeling! Soo, I believe it does its job.. the only thing is.. Iv noticed it has made ME constipated.. haven’t had regular bowel movement since taking these and it’s resulted in bloating and very uncomfortable in that way now, rather than bloated after eating…😭 so if you’re prone to having constipation you may be in the same boat.
I think these CAN work, and not bashing on it whatsoever, just sharing my personal experience so far. I am bummed because it does help with not feeling miserable directly after eating/heavy meals but I am still dealing with bloating pain from it backing me up😣maybe I need more time to adjust to this supplement and my body will learn to digest better? But idk..if you’ve experienced constipation pain you’ll understand it’s NOT FUN which makes me want to stop taking this completely.. personally I’m feeling torn on this product. But with it helping in some ways I think it’s worth a shot trying to see if it helps YOU. Best of luck!

-UPDATE: because of the uncomfortable constipation this gave me, I stopped taking it. And I have returned to having bowel movement’s again. BUT I have also been having less- to no pain after eating now. I truly believe the bile salts etc, that this supplement gives the body has helped me, and I believe that my body doesn’t require me to take it everyday. I believe it can help even if taken just a couple times! 👏🏼 I’m planning to keep these and take sparingly if, and when I get uncomfortable after eating..but not over do it to cause constipation complications.
**Remember!!! every BODY is different. Some may benefit and need to take for every meal, while others (ME) just needed a few in my system to take the pain away! Definitely recommend trying and don’t give up the first sign you see it not helping exactly as you expected.. You may find that it helps in some way or another just as I have! I am thankful. 🫶🏼

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 13, 2022

Every time I do keto my gall bladder gets inflammed and causes me excruciating pain on a daily basis. It was so inflamed that my ribs were cracking and when I ate I'd have to use a shiatsu massager on my right back just to function.

My own doctor didn't take me seriously and prescribed me gabapentin for the pain to cover it up when what I really needed was to treat the cause. I refuse to take something like that. I'm not lying when I say I was at my wit's end. I was terrified to eat anything. It ruined my diet, it ruined my life. I couldn't go out, I could hardly function at work. And nobody believed me about the cause, I was losing my mind.

Day one of taking bile salts and my pain is almost completely gone. The road to a total recovery is going to be a while because of how long I've dealt with this pain but please. Take it from me. If you are in this same situation, buy this product.

I would have cried from the sheer relief from the daily agony I feel but that good feeling was immediately overshadowed by all of the rage I feel towards my doctor for doing absolutely nothing and forcing to take the matter into my own hands. She'd rather treat the symptom and run her dead end tests even though I can tell her clearly what is wrong. It's unforgivable.

Thank you Dr Berg. You've given me a new lease on life and allowed me to continue my weight loss. I only wish I knew about your product years ago. The agony I once felt has been replaced by a new hope and a drive to press forward.

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Too expensive but works, there are cheaper alternatives.

Reviewed in India 🇮🇳 on July 18, 2019

Works but you can find cheaper alternatives.

4.0 out of 5 stars Life saver

Reviewed in India 🇮🇳 on September 23, 2018

very useful but 3 times the cost as in US hope amazon tracks the sellers selling strategies

1.0 out of 5 stars Didn’t work for me

Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on December 2, 2021

I was pretty excited to read all the really good reviews on this product, maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s because I’ve had bloating nearly all my life. But it didn’t work for me, not saying it won’t work for others. But at the price I was a little bit disappointed, at the same time I developed other side symptoms. Not sure if it’s related but I had to stop using it after about five days. Plus I was very disappointed that the outer coating of the tablet is made of pork, in these times why are we using pork, it should be vegan or beef.

5.0 out of 5 stars Honesty!!

Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on September 12, 2020

I’ve only taken a few tablets - I can’t wait for my heart function to be back to normal which is why I can’t take it fully yet (due to chemo toxicity). My cardiologist suggested to wait a little before taking it due to the natural ingredients that reflects with my current medication otherwise the first 2 days taking it was fantastic. I’ve adjusted my diet and now fasting which helps a lot.

1.0 out of 5 stars Waste of money

Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on June 5, 2022

All it did is give me the runs everyday. Showed it to my pharmacist and he said the ingredients have no positive attributes for gallbladder or digestion and it can be harmful to your gut. Hence the daily runs. Waste of money. Just eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead

Do I need bile salts or digestive enzymes?

Bile salts are a primary component of bile and are needed by the body to help break down fats, aid digestion, absorb important vitamins, and eliminate toxins. Bile salts are stored in your gallbladder when they're not being used. If your gallbladder is removed, it can lead to a bile salt deficiency.

Are bile salts the same as enzymes?

Bile salt-dependent lipase (or BSDL), also known as carboxyl ester lipase (or CEL) is an enzyme produced by the adult pancreas and aids in the digestion of fats. Bile salt-stimulated lipase (or BSSL) is an equivalent enzyme found within breast milk.

Should I take bile salts before or after meal?

Bile salts supplements are usually taken with a meal so they can aid in the absorption and digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. When shopping for bile salts supplements, start with lower doses and monitor how you feel after meals.

Do digestive enzymes help with bile acid malabsorption?

You may need specific digestive enzymes replaced, either to treat a food intolerance or general pancreatic insufficiency. If you have bile acid malabsorption, you may need bile acid sequestrants (food additive) to help prevent diarrhea.