Cant get the hang of driving

  • #1

:sigh: im starting to think I'm never going to get the hang of it

I've had a whopping 8 (!) instructors now (don't ask lol) & in total about 30 odd lessons & I'm still useless.

Ive been with my current (8th!) instructor for 6 lessons, I AM staying with this one, no more swapping. this one is really nice & I feel like he's the one to get me through my test so he's stuck with me now.

Everything I'm taught I forget more or less straight away or when my instructors explaining something to me.. my mind goes blank & it's like I'm not taking any of it in, its a weird feeling to try explain. I'm constantly getting him to repeat what he's said, by now I'm sure he's sat thinking get out my car you thicko lol

I've got a bit better this past couple of lessons with the gears (i had a bad habit of taking my eyes off the road to look at the gear stick when changing, slowly learning not to do this now though) but still struggling with everything else! I won't let it beat me, I'm determined to get passed this year as I need to drive ASAP for work purposes.

Anyone else struggle?? & please tell me you got the grasp of it in the end x

  • #2

I struggled!! I also looked down when changing gears and took the steering wheel with me!
I had over 80 lessons, failed two tests but I started taking a few drops of Bach rescue remedy before a lesson and started to get better.
I passed last year and I was still very nervous when I was driving, but now I drive everywhere, with my shades on and favourite music on, it's great!
Don't give up one day it will just click and practise makes perfect x

  • #3

Hi i no where your coming from I struggled to but something will click and it will all come easy and make sense, keep with the instructor your with as its no good changing and keep having lessons and you will do it.
I kept persevering and I am now passed so anyone can do it it's just keep at it good luck

  • #4

I had to change my driving instructor last year as I did 15 lessons and never went on the road! I changed instructor she took me on the road on my first lesson, I had bad habits of looking at my gear stick and not using my mirrors. I then grasped it did 25 lessons and past first time.

I passed in february and have had my car since last week and I thought I'd be a bad driver for not driving for 3 months, but I'm absolutely fine love driving now

You'll get there soon don't worry, just try not to panic x

  • #5

I'm so terrified of driving here, I'm not even gonna bother learning :lol: I know how to drive manual and automatic, but im used to being in the left side of the car on the right side of the road.

  • #6

I struggled!! I also looked down when changing gears and took the steering wheel with me!
I had over 80 lessons, failed two tests but I started taking a few drops of Bach rescue remedy before a lesson and started to get better.
I passed last year and I was still very nervous when I was driving, but now I drive everywhere, with my shades on and favourite music on, it's great!
Don't give up one day it will just click and practise makes perfect x

I was the same & also failed two tests! My instructor recommended taking Kalms, which helped tremendously. After that it all fell into place & finally passed 3rd time. Hang in there, keep practicing & you'll do it eventually. xx

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  • #7

My instructor actually disowned me the week before my test (which she had put me in for). She said she was very concerned that I might damage her car, and that she had her reputation to consider at the Test Centre. Needless to say, I was totally distraught. But I decided to take the test anyway (in my dad's car) for the experience, as so many people fail 1st time due to nerves.

And guess what?? I passed!!!

So don't lose heart OP - it will definitely all click into place sooner or later. Good luck xx

  • #8

stick with it, we all learn at different paces, it took me a year to pass my test, i was so determined to drive but the nerves got the better of me i spent so much on lessons that i had to wait another year before i could buy a car and was worried that i would forget everything i had learned but it all came back to me as soon as i jumped in my car, it took long to get their but no regrets, you will get their eventually. good luck.

  • #9

Stick with it honey one day it will just click. I tried lessons when i was 18, then 21 and then nothing until i was 27. I never thought i would ever learn to drive it felt so unnatural. But as said when i turned 27 hubby bought a new car so we had one for me to drive so i got insured as a learner and along with lessons and regularly going out with my hubby i passed my driving test first time in my own car. My driving test man thought it was hilarious id had my provisional 10 years and was only putting in for my first test!

If you can try and drive as much as you can. My instructor recommended it. Also its important you have an instructor you feel comfortable with. Mine was a star he understood me totally along with quirks. He understood when i had, as he called them, a laura moment and he knew how to relax me out of it.

Good luck honey x x x dont sweat it youll do it! X x x

  • #10

Dont worry it took me 12 yrs!!! And 5 tests for me to pass! Admitedly I started at 17, had 3 tests all failed and gave up for uni and life and never needed to drive until I wanted baby #3. The condition was I had to pass my test, it took me 5 months with 1hr each week and I passed 2nd time at the grand age of 32. That was 4yrs ago. I absolutely hate driving and will do anything to not drive. Ive never driven on motorways and probably never will lol.

Stick at it you'll get there eventually, if I can do it, anyone can xx

  • #11

You should get there now you got an instructor that you like. However, if you still struggling with looking at gear stick after many lessons, why not try just learning in an automatic?

  • #12

I had nearly 200 lessons over five years. I'd stop and start and gave up so many times!!! I felt so sick all week knowing I'd have a lesson coming up. I only passed when my poor desperate mum agreed to take me out and about - it turned out that not stressing about how much the hour's driving lesson was costing, and just driving round learning from my mistakes was all I needed to get confidence. But I don't know anyone who took as many lessons as I did. Two of my instructors ditched me too !!!

  • #13

I took hundreds of lessons too and after giving up and starting again, using different instructors over a 5 year period, spending thousands of £, I went back to my original instructor who had confidence in me. After 8 (yes 8!!!!) tests, I finally passed.

It's all down to nerves. Do some breathing exercises, listen to some relaxation apps or CD's and take some Kalms. You will get there in the end. believe in yourself.

Im now not a nervous driver at all. Have been driving for 8 yrs, never had a collision and hubby says I'm a really good driver. :lol:

Good luck!! I know exactly how you feel.

  • #14

You probably haven't given yourself chance to settle with an instructor to be calm enough to allow you to take it all in! I used to look at the gear stick too lol it's all part of being nervous about what you're doing, try and get some practice in with someone else between lessons for extra support.

It all just clicks into place and you'll be fine just stay calm, prepare for your lessons and try your best to listen and take it all in

Good luck with passing xx

  • #15

i struggled with driving lessons/tests took me 6 goes to pass my driving test

  • #16

I'm having 3 (1) hour lessons per week which is costing me a bomb! But I'm sticking it out. I told him I ideally want to be in for my test by September time, instructor said he can't see that being a problem!

today's lesson was ok! we spent an hour bay parking which was funny because on the car park we went to, there was 3 other learner drivers doing it also, I must have been the worst at it but all good fun.

Then I drove myself part of the way home (until it got busy & i pulled over & asked him to take over ) all went well with me driving part of the way home until I changed from 1st gear to go into second but put it into 4th by mistake!! So after that little mishap I then reverted to looking down at the gear stick again lol!

I nearly wet myself too, he said I had good clutch control but i thought he said i had good crutch control!! took me a minute to realise what he'd said haha! next lesson Thursday & we are tackling round abouts & doing turns in the road. So slowly I am making progress (I think?) xx

  • #17

It's nice to know I'm not alone reading all the above! Thanks for the confidence boost ladies. Xx

  • #18

I had like 1 lesson on bay parking which was only about 15 mins practicing because she knew I wouldn't get asked to do it at the test centre I was booked at and now I have a fear of parking lol! Im fine pulling in and reversing in to make it closer to kerb but parking at like asda is a no no for me haha I park far back where theres loads of spaces around me haha

I'm pretty sure I had that gear problem too when I put it into the wrong one on accident, a little tip if it helps is you don't really need to move it much to get it into the next gear, so from second to third you really don't have to push it to the right and up, just push it straight up and it will slip into third, I had to get used to that at first because I kept trying to force it over to get in gear lol that helped me with not looking down every time because you sense for the feeling of it going in gear not looking to see if it has..

If that makes sense!! xx

  • #19

I passed on my 6th test too. Keep going, good luck xx

  • #20

It's sooo worth it when its all done, the freedom is brilliant

How long does it take to get the hang of driving?

The amount of time it takes to learn to drive a car varies from person to person, but on average it takes about 45 hours of driving lessons and another 22 hours of practice. If this seems stressful, fear not! Here's how to get your driver's license: Enroll in a state-approved driving school.

Why do some people struggle with driving?

You might experience driving anxiety if you've recently been in an accident or if you worry about getting into a fatal accident. Some people have anxiety while driving due to generally being a nervous person. When this is the case, they can eliminate triggers, things in their life that are making their anxiety worse.

Is learning to drive hard?

Learning to drive is hard since operating a vehicle combined with having to be aware of everything that is happening on the road can be overwhelming. Since you are still learning how everything works, it is normal to have a million thoughts in your head while driving.


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