Free love tarot what is he thinking spread

The Tarot will answer these questions

The tarot is a sacred oracle that communicates information through symbols, images, numbers, letters and colors. The Tarot answers by virtue of how the question is formulated, therefore, a clear and concise question will obtain an answer of the same quality

  • What does he think of me?
  • Do you remember me?
  • Do you have me in mind?
  • Do you want to see me?
  • Do you miss me?
  • Now the Tarot will give you your answer

    Tarot Questions:

    Here are some examples of how to ask questions to the tarot oracle with the intention of making the most of your answers and messages.

    If you want to ask a more specific question enter here

    Ask the Tarot

    by Tarot on May 04, 2020

    Many a times it also happens that you want to resolve and end a particular issue with a person who is causing a lot of problems in your life; you want to go for a face-to-face conversation with him/her, but it is not being possible. The tarot cards in these cases can easily convey you the feelings and motives of that person and gives you a clear insight into the motive of that person.

    Start fortune telling: what he she thinks of you tarot

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    1. Bella77 says:

      It’s hard to believe. Your words are more like a fairy tale! I will believe and hope for a miracle! Thanks to your site for the hope!

    2. Sheila Dela Luna says:

      What is His true feelings about me

    3. izzyyyy05 says:

      Great fortune telling, you made my day better! I add your site to bookmarks!

      • Nirmala says:


    4. mariaboomsma says:

      It seems to me that this is not true! What do you think?

      • Shh says:

        I think they are likely to operate things randomly so mostly inaccurate bs

    5. Kelly says:

      Not sure about this anyone else’s input?

    6. Chelsea-Reiarna Karetai says:

      I resonate with all 3… I listened to Pile 2 first. That’s spot on. It was his brother who is against us and he listens to him. Pile 1 was next… definitely I walked away after I had clarity of him and I did come out regaining my power 💪🏾😊 Pile 3. He can hope as much as he wants but I have no desire to communicate with him, I have no desire to have that “one day” with him. He’s ruined our connection and I tend to keep it that way. He doesn’t deserve me. He deserves the relationship he’s in right now. Only common thing we have together, are our children. I love this no contact 😉😊 and it’s going to take me years before I forgive him. He feels that strongly coming from me and I don’t give a s#*t about his feelings. I used to, but not now or ever! My bitterness is here for a great deal of time with me. He never once cared about me, now he can feel it…. Im just reciprocating the same energy and this is his comeuppance for what he’s done to me.

    7. Bren says:

      Wow 🤩 you nailed it. This is so identical to my situation !!! Wish me luck

    8. Maria Gebrial says:

      Thank you. I chose pile 2. It was good reading.

    9. Earth to Katie says:

      Always love your readings, thank you so much for sharing your gifts

    10. Mm88 says:

      Pile 3 I’m a Gemini he’s capricorn this connection destroys me and I feel like maybe I should block him at this point. I’m very drained I was told by 3 psychics he’s a soulmate and one said karmic soulmate and twinflame. And another said soul contract. But to sum up it’s clear to me he’s some sort of soulmate, and there is nothing I can do about it. I put up boundaries, I can’t do things no strings attached he is non commital and is very focused on his career.Idk but I’m tired and my heart is broken cause the twinflame card appeared in the readinf I don’t know if this is related but ever time I think of him I see synchronicities especially 1111 and you are right I am naturally clairvoyant. It’s funny cause that’s the other number I see alor 1717

    11. WealthCatalyst says:

      Thank you an amazing accurate reading! You spoke of how i feel about the situation. Funnily enough there is a song on the radio at the moment with Lyrics of ‘don’t give up ‘ and have ‘high hopes’ my goodness I think that is a sign. Also when I went to press the ‘like symbol’ the number was 222. And now on my microwave clock the time is 1222. OMG! synchronisation everywhere!!. There are many surprises in life. Thankyou for sharing your gift. Xx

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