Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Published: November 22, 2021

Finding a lump in the groin can be frightening, but it is rare for a lump under the skin to indicate cancer. Regardless, any changes in your body should be reported to a medical professional, who can help you determine the best course of action.

Where exactly is the groin?

The groin makes up the area of your hip between your abdomen stomach and thighs, located where your legs begin.

What are the causes of a groin lump?

The most common causeof a groin lump is swollen lymph nodes. These may be caused by:

  • Infection in the legs
  • Body-wide infections, often caused by viruses
  • Infections spread through sexual contact, such as genital herpes, chlamydia, or gonorrhea
  • Hernia (a soft, large bulge in the groin on one or both sides)
  • More rarely, cancer, usually lymphoma (cancer of the lymph system)

Additional causesof a groin lump can include:

  • Injury to the groin area
  • Harmless (benign) cyst
  • Lipomas (harmless fatty growths)

What are the different types of lumps?

Lumps can be generally divided into two categories: benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous).

Benign lumps include:

  • Cysts, or sac-like pockets of tissue, filled with fluid, air, tissue, or other material that can form anywhere in the body. Cysts can be tiny or very large, and most cysts are benign (not cancerous). There are hundreds of different types of cysts that form for many different reasons, such as infections or blockages in ducts.
  • Lipomas, benign growths of fat tissue.
  • Swollen lymph nodes, which can accompany some types of infections.

In rare circumstances, a lump under the skin can indicate cancer, usually lymphoma. Cancerous lumps can be irregular in shape and may have a firm or solid feeling. However, since symptoms can vary among people and cancer cannot be diagnosed without a doctor, be sure to get it checked out if it does not go away in a week or two.

When should I go to see a doctor?

Certain attributes can lend to a lump being more concerning than others. Signs that suggest a lump might need to be paid more attention include:

  • If it suddenly becomes very hard or feels like a rock under the skin
  • If the lump starts bleeding or becomes a wound
  • If the lump begins growing rapidly
  • If other concerning symptoms, such as fevers, drenching night sweats or weight loss, emerge

Again, make sure to get a lump checked out by a medical professional if it does not go away in a week or two.

How do you treata lump?

If the lump is benign, it may not require any treatment at all. Your doctor may decide to simply monitor it overtime and keep track of any changes.

If the lump is a lipoma, which is usually harmless, treatment generally isn’t necessary. If the lipoma keeps growing and disrupts your normal life, you may want to have it removed.

If the lump is a cyst and has become inflamed or infected, the doctor may drain it or preform a procedure called an intralesional injection. In the case of an intralesional injection, a doctor will inject medicine directly into the lump in order to treat it. It can also be removed from under the skin if necessary.

If the lump is a hernia, ask your doctor first. If the bulge is very soft, your doctor may be able to massage the intestine back into the abdomen. A small, soft hernia that does not cause pain may not need treatment right away. If a hernia is painful or large, you may need surgery to repair the hernia.

If the lump is worrisome, you will be referred for a biopsy to make a diagnosis which cannot be made on physical exams. If it does indicate cancer, doctors will devise an appropriate treatment plan.

About the Medical Reviewer

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Ann LaCasce, MD, MMSc, Associate Professor of Medicine, is a lymphoma specialist and is the Director of the Dana-Farber/Mass General Brigham Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology.  She serves on the Alliance Lymphoma Committee, the National Cancer Comprehensive Lymphoma Guidelines Panel and the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee.  

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Ingrown Hairs and Razor Burn


You may have bumps or lumps in your genital area that are red or itchy. They could be something simple like ingrown hairs or razor burn from shaving. Use aloe vera or a steroid cream to soothe irritated skin. Don't pick ingrown hairs. To prevent ingrown hairs, first shave at the end of the shower after applying moisturizing shaving gel to soften the hair. Then shave in the direction of hair growth, or switch to a retinoid cream.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



You may see a round lump or bulge under your skin that feels like a small ball. You can usually easily move it around under your skin. That's a cyst. Some may grow a little bit, but most stay the same size. They can itch and hurt if they get infected. They form when a hair follicle is blocked. Soaking in warm water can sometimes help drain a cyst. See a doctor if it hurts. It can be removed surgically or with cortisone.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



A red, swollen, painful bump could be a boil. They often show up when a hair follicle gets infected. You can also get one in the crease of your bottom and in your groin. It can grow until a pocket of pus forms at the top. Don't pop the boil. Soak it in warm water or use warm compresses to help it drain. If it doesn’t drain or if it's big and painful, see your doctor.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Skin Tag


A skin tag is a tiny flap of tissue that seems to hang off your body. They don't hurt and they aren't dangerous. They can show up on your groin, especially if you gain weight or as you get older. A skin tag can get irritated if your clothes rub it. If it bothers you, your doctor can cut, burn, or freeze it off.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



You may notice a few red or purple growths clumped together. These are harmless blood vessels that can show up anywhere on the body. They don't usually get bigger and they rarely bleed. Some appear as you age. Others show up during pregnancy or childhood. They don't have to be treated unless they bleed or bother you. Your doctor can remove them with an electric needle or laser.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



These tiny bumps are caused by a virus that's easily spread from person to person. You can get them by sharing towels and clothes, or by skin to skin contact like having sex. The bumps are flesh- or pink-colored and could be smooth or waxy. They don't usually hurt, but they might itch. Mollusca often go away on their own. But your doctor may want to treat the bumps with lasers, freezing, scraping, or creams.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Genital Warts


These skin-colored bumps can be smooth and small or large and cauliflower-shaped. They grow on or around the anus or penis or in or around the vagina. They're often itchy but don't usually hurt. Genital warts are spread by sexual contact and caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Your doctor can treat them with lasers, freezing, surgery, and some topical creams and gels.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Keratosis Pilaris


If you see rough, acne-like patches of skin on your buttocks and thighs, it could be this common condition. Keratosis pilaris is caused when too much keratin, a protein in the skin, plugs hair follicles. There isn’t much you can do to treat it. Some people get relief with lots of moisturizing and creams that have glycolic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, or urea.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



This comes from bacteria getting into the hair follicle and causing an infection. It might be itchy and sore and look like pimples. Non-prescription antibiotic creams can help mild cases. See your doctor if it doesn't clear up or gets worse. To avoid problems, shave the way the hair grows and avoid tight-fitting clothes in that area.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area



In the first stage of syphilis, you can have a painless sore on your genitals or on your lips and mouth. It can spread easily from person to person. In the second stage, you might have a non-itchy rash and flat growths shaped like warts. Even if the sores and rash go away, the infection is still there. Your doctor can treat it with an antibiotic. To protect yourself, use latex condoms every time you have sex.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Genital Herpes


Often people with this STD don’t have any symptoms. But during an outbreak, herpes shows up as painful blisters around the genitals, rectum, or mouth. They can break and leave behind sores. If you touch the sores or the fluid, you can spread them to other parts of your body -- or to other people. Your doctor can give you antiviral pills to control outbreaks.

Hard lumps under skin near pubic area

Skin Cancer


You think of skin cancer in areas of the body that go uncovered, but it can also happen where the sun doesn’t shine. A black spot that grows could be a melanoma. This type of skin cancer can be dangerous if you don't get treatment. Non-melanoma spots can be red- or skin-colored bumps that bleed often and don't go away. Ask your doctor about any unusual spots you find.

Show Sources


1) ©DermNet NZ / www.dermnetnz.org 2022

2) Getty Images

3) Science Source

4) Getty Images

5) Getty Images

6) Science Source

7) Science Source

8) Phototake

9) Science Source

10) Science Source

11) Phototake

12) Getty Images


American Academy of Dermatology: "Melanoma: Tips for finding and preventing," "Molluscum contagiosum," "Molluscum contagiosum: Diagnosis, treatment, and outcome," "Molluscum contagiosum: Signs and Symptoms."

American Osteopathic College of Dermatology: "Angiomas," "Folliculitis," "Keratosis Pilaris."

Avert: "Genital Warts HPV," "STD pictures."

Canadian Dermatology Association: "Ingrown Hair."

CDC: "CDC: Syphilis Fact Sheet," "Genital Herpes: CDC Fact Sheet."

Cleveland Clinic: "Moles Freckles Skin Tags Lentigines & Seborrheic Keratoses."

Columbia University, Go Ask Alice: "How to tell mollusca from genital warts."

FamilyDoctor.org: "Bartholin's Gland Cyst: Treatment."

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center: "Boil."

NHS: "Keratosis pilaris ("chicken skin")."

Palo Alto Medical Foundation: "Genital Bumps & Lumps: When to Seek Medical Attention," "Pubic Hair Removal: Shaving."

Are lumps in pubic area normal?

These bumps may be nothing, or their appearance could signal a more serious condition. If you're concerned, talk to your doctor. Some types of bumps in the genital area are harmless and don't need treatment. However, two types of genital bumps and lumps that shouldn't be ignored are infections and skin cancer.

Can a lump in pubic area be cancer?

Causes. The most common cause of a groin lump is swollen lymph nodes. These may be caused by: Cancer, most often lymphoma (cancer of the lymph system)

What does a cancerous groin lump feel like?

Cancerous lumps can be irregular in shape and may have a firm or solid feeling. However, since symptoms can vary among people and cancer cannot be diagnosed without a doctor, be sure to get it checked out if it does not go away in a week or two.

Are pubic cysts hard?

Vulvar cysts Your vulva has a number of glands, including oil glands, Bartholin's glands, and Skene's glands. A cyst can form if these glands become clogged. The size of cysts varies, but most feel like small, hard lumps. Cysts aren't usually painful unless they become infected.