Home remedies for hair growth and thickness for black hair

Home remedies for hair growth and thickness for black hair

Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Black Hair Naturally

I remember my Grandmother; to me she was and still is the most beautiful woman in the world. I remember her ever-crisp, neatly folded cotton saris that she kept in her trunk. Her woolen shawl that held the most soothing fragrances of my childhood, her special soaps which were ‘home-made’ and trust me, they smelled heavenly. I interviewed her for my journal and discovered she was around 90 years of age. Her hair was still ‘jet-black’ and she never had to cover gray hair . It never occurred to me to ask her secrets to her still-black hair, I guess it were those chunks of ‘mysterious soaps’ that she kept tucked-away in between her clothes.

With the age of advanced hair-treatments a ‘thing’ of today, almost no-one has ‘virginal’ black-hair anymore. However, if you jog-down the memory-lane, you would realize that some very old people had very black head of hair. The secret of getting natural black hair is held in nature and natural home-based products without any side effects. Here, I have jotted-down some of those workable natural solutions that would help you in retaining the blackness of your hair. Thick black hair is a sign of beauty and youth. We can get naturally thick hair with home ingredients present in our kitchen.

How to make hair black naturally?

1. Mulethi and Ghee

This is more like a natural ‘deep-conditioning’ treatment that would work wonders for dry and frizzy hair. Mulethi makes the hair black, thick, shiny and glowing. To make the hair-mask you will need:

  • 1kg Ghee (preferably home-made)
  • 1litre Amla juice/extract
  • 200gm of Mulethi

Mix all the ingredients together and allow to heat in low flame. After the water-content of the mixture has evaporated completely, pour the remaining concoction in a clean-glass container and allow to cool. Apply this ‘color-rejuvenating’ hair mask just before you shower and you will be surprised with the black color appearing back again in your hair. Its a wonderful solution to make your hair jet black instead of the hair dyes available in the market


2. Amla

We have heard about the wonders of Amla time and again and this little fruit manages to surprise us every single time with its benefits. A common commodity in an Indian house-hold, Amla has great benefits of retaining the ‘blackness’ of your hair. You will need:

  • ½ liter clean water
  • 2 tbs of pure Amla powder
  • 1-2 lemon juice/extract

All you need to do is, blend-well the above mentioned ingredients and store it in a clean container. This natural shampoo is a wonderful natural solution which can be used to wash your hair in order to maintain those long, black locks of hair.

3. Mango Stones

This sounds new (at least to me). Mainly, the oil of Mango stones is known to magically turn grey-white hair black again . Better still, if you start utilizing Mango stone oil before you climb into the age-ladder, you might never see yourself graying ever! Now that sounds good, if you wish to be known as a ‘yummy-mummy’ or ‘yummy-granny’!

4. Mango

Summertime in India is all about Mangoes. Mango drinks, Mango milkshakes, Mango pickles and Mango chutneys and everything just goes Mango! Now, for your hair, you can grab a few raw Mangos and work-out the age-defying magic to get black hair.. For this Hair-pack, you will need:

  • 1-2 raw Mangos
  • A bunch of fresh Mango leaves
  • Hair oil

Mix all the ingredients together and mash them into a fine pulp to form a paste by slowly adding your favorite hair oil. Now place this paste in a container under the sun for a couple of hours. Apply this as a hair pack just before you shower to create thick and black hair.

5. Coconut Oil with Lemons

This is one of the most ancient and trusted natural home remedies to treat the problem of gray hair and grow a nice head of thick, black hair. The process is a simple one:

  • ½ cup pure coconut oil
  • ½ Lemon juice/extract

Heat the coconut oil over low flame till it is brimming and hot. Now squeeze in the Lemon in to it and blend well. That is about it. You have your solution ready and you can apply it once it cools down. Massage your hair and scalp luxuriously with this solution all the way from roots to tip, when it is still lukewarm. This way the solution will seep-in to your pores and hair-follicles, giving you nourishment in the best possible manner treating your gray hair naturally. If followed on a regular basis, you will soon be growing back your black hair in no time.

6. Onion Hair Pack

This is one of the most simple and easy-breezy method you can whip-up in almost no time. While you are in the kitchen and preparing a gravy-base Indian style, be sure to stock-away a small jar of fresh Onion paste to stay away from gray hair.. When you are ready, apply the Onion paste luxuriously all over your hair and head and cover it with a shower-cap.

Leave the pack on for about 30 minutes (if you can stand the odor of Onions) and wash normally. Follow this regime at least thrice a week for best results. You will be surprised with the results, as your hair will soon restore the dark-coloration it once had. Visible difference in your hair can be seen in a month.

7. Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves

This is simple two-ingredient concoction you can prepare in just a few minutes. I remember a South-Indian (they have the most gorgeous hair) friend of mine who would follow this beauty regime religiously. And boy! Did she have beautiful hair or what! Just before your daily bath-ritual, heat some pure coconut oil in a clean vessel over low flame, careful not to burn it altogether. Add about 5-8 curry leaves while the oil is heating-up.

After a while, remove the solution from the flame once the leaves let-out their aroma. Strain-out the oil, separating it from the leaves and let cool. Massage it all over your hair and shampoo as usual. Quite effective in bringing back color of your hair back.

8. Carrots

This is more of an internal natural home remedy than a topical one. All you need to do is, grind some carrots and strain the juice. Drink this juice first thing in the morning every day for best results. People who follow this particular nature-fix own a great head of thick, black hair.

9. Hibiscus Flower

Have you seen one of those catalogues of luxurious Spa’s that offer the best of beauty treatments? Ever noticed Hibiscus flowers tucked into the hair of either the masseur or the (lucky) client, who is laying on her stomach in a blissful sleep. Well, the flowers are not to make the catalogue look beautiful, but have more significant purpose. Hibiscus is a trusted natural remedy for dark hair. For this you need:

  • 1-2 Hibiscus Flowers
  • Hair oil

Boil-in clean Hibiscus flowers with your favorite hair-oil. After you have allowed the oil with flowers to boil sufficiently for about 10-15 minutes in low flame, strain the concoction. Allow it to cool and massage your head luxuriously with it. Do this as often as you can just before you shower and you will never grow a single grey-hair in your life.

10. Watch What You Eat

Like always, what you eat directly affects how you appear. Your inner good health shows through your skin and hair (and everything else apparent). You need to make a regular diet of Vitamin B rich foods like Blueberries that help in Melanin production. Nuts like Almonds should be taken on a daily basis to retain both health and natural color of your hair. Include good portions of sea-food like Salmon and Tuna in to your diet, as these are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and Proteins.

Well girls, now you see beauty can be wee-bit of a preparation as well. As we are in the age of everything either coming out of a tube or a bottle, getting our way into our kitchen to prepare our beauty-fixes can be new to us. However, while sitting at a Salon and having our hair artificially colored by a specialist might be the call of the day; it by no means is a permanent solution (unless you have millions to spend). The key to the effectiveness of natural remedies lies in its consistent utilization. Now, I guess it’s time to play ‘wizard’ and ‘stir-out’ your magic potion in the kitchen.

Read More:

  • Hair Pack Recipe with Eggs
  • Hair Colour Brands in India
  • Oils for Hair Growth in India
  • Uses of Lemon Juice

What are your favourite natural tips and remedies for black hair at home? Share your reviews with us.

How can I make my black hair grow faster and thicker?

How to make black hair grow fast?.
Use hair growth products. ... .
Use a sulfate-free shampoo. ... .
Use a deep conditioner. ... .
Use post-shampoo or pre-shampoo hair treatment. ... .
Cut off split ends. ... .
Avoid using a blow dryer (or any heat tools) ... .
Shampoo and rinse your hair infrequently. ... .
Massage your scalp regularly with hair oil..

How can I make my hair grow faster black home remedies?

Below is the detailed list..
Rice Water. Before you think of tossing that Rice Water away, think again because you will be shocked to learn that Rice Water is a very effective home remedy for growing natural hair. ... .
Onion Juice. ... .
Fenugreek/Methi. ... .
Bentonite Clay. ... .
Apple Cider Vinegar. ... .
Aloe Vera. ... .
Honey Masks. ... .
Egg Masks..

What makes black people hair grow faster?

Castor oil (or Jamaican black castor oil) has been used for hundreds of years to increase the softness of hair and aid in faster growth. It may also help encourage thicker growth if you have thinning hair. Lavender oil is great for promoting hair growth, and can also combat hair loss.

How can I make my hair grow faster and thicker home remedies?

Home remedies for hair growth include:.
Scalp massage. This encourages blood flow to the scalp and may also improve hair's thickness..
Aloe vera. Aloe vera can condition the scalp and hair. ... .
Rosemary oil. This oil can stimulate new hair growth, especially when in the case of alopecia..
Geranium oil. ... .
Biotin. ... .
Saw palmetto..