House renovation sample request letter for renovation

We often need people’s authorization when we want to do something that directly or indirectly impacts them, and they have a legal right to stop us from executing such tasks. Taking authorization is also a legal action that shows that you not only respect the law but also the rights of the other person.

This letter is written by the tenant to a landlord to seek his permission to renovate the house. The tenant resides in the house that is in the ownership of the other person. According to law, only the owner of the house has the authority to renovate the house or repair it. However, if the tenant is residing in his house and he is facing difficulty, he can write a letter to his landlord and ask for the authority. 

Why it is important to write the permission letter?

Landlords don’t want their house to be repaired by anyone else. They don’t want the design or overall look of the house to be changed by any other person but themselves. Therefore, they don’t allow the tenant to do any such thing with the house. However, if they know that the house needs seeing to and they cannot do it on their own because of any reason, they can authorize the tenant to do this.

In general, a clause is specified in the agreement of tenancy that assigns a responsibility to the owner of the property to make arrangements for the house renovation by either getting himself involved or by giving authority to the residents of the house.

When to write the letter of authority to the tenant?

Different situations necessitate it for the house owner to come up with the permission letter. Some of these situations are:

  1. When the landlord is not physically available for executing and overseeing the renovation work himself
  2. When The landlord is not physically fit and cannot make arrangements for repairing the house
  3. When the property owner trusts the residents and he knows they can get the job done in an efficacious way
  4. When the owner does not have sufficient funds and cannot repair the house from his pocket

Things to remember before writing a letter of authorization:

Writing this kind of letter is not a difficult step. However, one needs to be extra cautious so that it can be ensured that there is no risk involved in this. 

  1. The landlord should do thorough research and see what kind of renovation is needed and why before he gives his authority to anyone. 
  2. The landlord should also ensure that the person who he is mentioning is a trustworthy person who is not likely to harm the property.
  3. The landlord should also seek the assistance of his lawyer on this matter before he takes an important step
  4. There should not be anyone unlawful said in the letter. For this, the property owner should refer to the agreement of tenancy and see what has already been agreed upon in the contract regarding renovation.
  5. If nothing has been said before, the landlord can organize a meeting with the tenant and have a discourse with him face to face so that all the important matters are covered.

Following is a sample letter that has been written by a property owner to the residents of his property to approve them of the repairing of the house.

Sample approval letter for house remodeling:



Mention the name of the tenant

Subject: authorization for remodeling of the house

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, (name of the landlord) allow Mr. ABC to renovate the house (mention the house number and complete address) under the B section of the contract of tenancy according to which, I can allow Mr. ABC to remodel the house in case I am not available.

I trust Mr. ABC and believe that he can take care of the house well. Moreover, I will be available for discussion of important matters regarding this. If there is anything unlawful done, Mr. ABC will be held responsible since he has been assigned this responsibility

Yours sincerely,

Name of the sender,

Designation of the sender with respect to the situation,



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How do I write a request letter for a renovation?

With due respect, I am __________ (Name) an undersigned owner of __________ (flat number) of block / building ___________ of __________ (Name of the society). I intend to do some renovation work at my home and am respectfully writing to request permission.

How do I write an application for house repairs?

Dear Sir/Madam, I am _________ (Name of the tenant), living in __________ (Address). I am writing this letter to inform you regarding the _______ (paint/others) of the house which is withering off the walls. I have been trying to hold it up for a long time, but now the walls need a repair as soon as possible.

How do you write a formal letter asking for permission?

How do you ask for permission in a formal letter? You have to make sure to use formal language in a permission letter. Specify the reason for which you are seeking permission clearly, and do not miss out any details. Be kind and polite in your writing.

How do I write a letter of request?

Here is how to write a request letter in 7 steps:.
Collect information relating to your request. ... .
Create an outline. ... .
Introduce yourself..
Make your request. ... .
Explain the reason for the request. ... .
Offer to provide additional information. ... .
Show your gratitude and conclude the letter. ... .
Use a professional format..


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