How can i stop heavy periods naturally

Home Remedies Side Effects Post-remedy Guidelines Recovery Results Training

What are the best home remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding?

Heavy menstrual bleeding, as the name suggests is characterized by abnormally heavy or prolonged periods. In some the symptoms can be severe that can last even for seven days. Large blood clots, fatigue, breathlessness, and mood swings are common symptoms associated with heavy menstrual periods. Do seek medical attention immediately if you are having this problem for a long duration.

You can try to keep them in control by following these home remedies.

  1. Blackstrap Molasses:

    It is an effective and proven way to control heavy bleeding. They are rich in iron and they also aid in the production of red blood cells. Also, they regulate the amount of blood loss during menstruation. To make them, add 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses to a cup of warm water or milk. Stir it and drink it once daily. Do not use this more than once per day. You can drink this best before going to bed every night.

  2. Apple Cider Vinegar:

    Apple cider vinegar also is one of the good sources to curb the problem of heavy bleeding. It can also help to treat symptoms like cramping and headaches and also prevents fatigue. To use them, mix 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this mixture twice or thrice a day during the periods for the best results.

  3. Red Raspberry:

    Red raspberry leaves can be beneficial for people suffering from the theatrical flow. They contain a substance called tannins that boosts up the uterine muscles. They also help in reducing abdominal pain. To make them, add a teaspoon of dried red raspberry leaves to a cup of boiling water. Strain the leaves and drink the tea twice daily. You can even add a few drops of honey to the mixture if needed.

  4. Vitamin C:

    Vitamin C-rich food like orange, tomato, strawberries, broccoli, etc helps to absorb iron and compensate for the loss of iron during bleeding. Iron is an essential element in the production of hemoglobin which is a molecule that helps RBC to carry oxygen.

  5. Hydrate:

    Heavy bleeding leads to a decrease in blood volume which can be maintained by drinking 5 to 7 extra cups of water daily. Add electrolytes to the water to compensate for the extra fluid you are taking.

  6. Cold compresses:

    Applying cold compresses in the lower abdomen leads to vasoconstriction of the blood vessels that means tightening of blood vessels and reduces blood flow.

  7. Mustrad seed powder:

    It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acid. When it is consumed with milk or water it aids in the regulation of hormonal imbalance and estrogen level in the blood that plays a key role in menstrual flow.

  8. Cinnamon tea:

    It helps to reduce the inflammation and facilitate the blood flow away from the uterus which leads to a decrease in menstrual flow.

  9. Ginger water:

    Ginger water helps to prevent excess blood loss during periods. Ginger water is the utmost preferred home remedy for heavy menstrual bleeding. You can consume ginger in either raw form or the form of tea.

  10. Avoid alcohol and caffeine:

    Excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine leads to heavy menstrual flow. Try to avoid smoking and alcohol.

  11. Fennel seeds:

    Fennel contains a compound Emmenagogue which helps to give relief from cramps in the stomach. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces period pains. Eating fennel seeds includes as best home remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding

  12. Spinach, fish, pumpkin seeds:

    Add spinach, fish, and pumpkin seeds to your diet to heal iron requirements during menstrual flow.

Summary: Heavy menstrual bleeding can be controlled by eating Blackstrap molasses, spinach, fish, Apple cider vinegar. Drink adequate water, ginger tea, cinnamon tea. Apply a cold compress. Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Are there any side effects of these remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding?

Since these remedies affect the menstrual cycle, care should be taken while undergoing these treatments. Though there are no side effects, always ensure that when you are buying the products; they are high quality and not past their expiry date. Always try using unfiltered natural apple cider vinegar, as it would be more effective.

Do not use any other ingredient while using these natural remedies. Always check out if you are allergic to certain elements and avoid them in the future. When using the blackstrap molasses or red raspberry leaves, use them after you have washed them in treated water. If you feel that you are facing some difficulties or some side effects, seek medical attention immediately.

Summary: Despite being effective, certain home remedies have some side effects which vary from person to person, so choose your home remedy only if you are not allergic or sensitive to the particular substance. Do not use any home remedies in excess as it may be harmful to health.

What are the post-remedy guidelines?

Avoid heavy exercises or work after such home remedies. Take adequate rest during these times. Always drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Also, try avoiding the use of counter medications while you are undergoing these natural remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding. If the condition persists for a long duration, seek medical help immediately. Try avoiding fatty and spicy foods too for a brief period.

Summary: Follow proper guidelines. Take sufficient rest during this time and avoid doing heavy exercise or work. Drink plenty of water.

How long does it take to recover?

Heavy menstrual bleeding does not recover with immediate effect and can depend on the severity of the conditions to start with. Usually, the pain reduces after a few days of following these treatments, and gradually the bleeding can come back to normal in the coming periods. In case you feel that the bleeding is heavy despite seeking the remedies, then take medical attention immediately.

Summary: The time of recovery varies from person to person depending on the severity. It takes some time for the bleeding to come back normal. If the situation doesn't improve then it's recommended to take medical help.

Are the results of the home remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding are permanent?

Menstrual bleeding can be due to several reasons and they occur more frequently as one approaches menopause. It also varies from one lady to another. Hence make sure that from the first sign of such conditions, some of the home treatments are followed upon. Take adequate steps to ensure that you stay hydrated at all times. Try to avoid OTC medications, as in the long run, they cause more damage than good. Consult a gynaecologist if needed.

Summary: No, the results are not permanent as menstrual bleeding depends on other factors as well. Sometimes menstrual bleeding occurs more frequently when a lady approaches menopause.

Is there any training or experts required to perform these natural remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding?

Though there is no specific training required, care should be taken when you follow these remedies. Be precise in your measurements while preparing the drinks as mentioned here. If you don't feel well or the bleeding doesn't diminish, seek medical help.

Summary: No, training and assistance are not required for these home remedies. If there is no improvement then it's advised to seek medical help.

How do you stop a heavy period fast?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve), help reduce menstrual blood loss. ... .
Tranexamic acid. ... .
Oral contraceptives. ... .
Oral progesterone. ... .
Hormonal IUD (Liletta, Mirena)..

How can I regulate heavy periods naturally?

Hydrate. If you bleed heavily for a few days, your blood volume could get too low. Drinking 4 to 6 extra cups of water each day can help to maintain your blood volume. Drink an electrolyte solution like Gatorade or add more salt to your diet to balance out the extra fluid you're drinking.


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