How fast can you go in 4x4 high

The vehicles equipped with a 4×4 system have power transferred to all four wheels, either on demand or at all times. In the case of SUVs, you’ll also find an additional gear shifter designed to reduce the gearing of the transmission and give you more control in off-road conditions.  

How fast you can go in a 4×4 high is not restricted by the drive system – your vehicle can go as far as the powertrain allows it to. However, some vehicles have a specific 4×4 high system that doesn’t allow for speeds above 55mph. In a 4×4 low, you should keep the speed under 25 miles per hour as going faster can damage the transmission.

What Does the 4×4 Mean?

The 4×4 system refers to the powertrain that sends power to all four wheels, which is why it’s also referred to as 4WD. 

Some 4×4 vehicles have the system running non-stop, while some may have an on-demand system where power is distributed to the wheels as needed. The latter is commonly referred to as AWD, although through decades of deceptive marketing, clear differences between the two terms have all but disappeared. 

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In addition to the 4×4 system, some vehicles (primarily trucks) have the ability to disengage the front-wheel drive and run in a two-wheel drive mode. Lastly, vehicles designed for off-roading such as SUVs and trucks will have a gear reduction system that significantly enhances off-road capabilities.

When to Use the 4×4 High

The 4×4 high mode should be used 99% of the time if your vehicle only has the 4×4 high and low modes. Some vehicles have 4×4 high modes that are specifically designed to be used under speeds of 50-55mph. You can use it on the highway, in the city, and even on dirt or gravel roads. 

Depending on the vehicle, you may have 4H and 2H markings on the gear reduction shifter. These simply signify how many wheels are going to receive power while you’re driving – all four, or just the rear wheels.

How Fast Can You Go In a 4×4 High?

When you’re in the 4×4 high mode, you can go as fast as the speed limit of your vehicle. Naturally, you should consider the speed limit and safety risks of going that fast, but if you were on an open strip of a private road, you could push your vehicle to its limit.

Think of 4×4 high as if you’re driving a normal passenger car. There are no restrictions as to how fast you can go, and no risk of damaging the engine or the transmission.

When to Use the 4×4 Low

The 4×4 low mode is designed for serious off-road conditions where normal vehicles may skid and get bogged down. The 4×4 low mode reduces the gearing so that the power of the engine is converted to only 1/3 of its expected travel speed.

Because the wheels are turning much slower, the power transfer can be more precise. It also reduces the chance of a wheel spinning out in mud, sand, or snow, and getting the vehicle stuck that way. 

How Fast Can You Go In a 4×4 Low?

The 4×4 low is not designed for high speeds. In fact, you should only use the 4×4 low when going at a crawling pace. The generally accepted speed limit is between 10 and 25 miles per hour, but it’s best to refer to the owner’s manual for your vehicle and check what the manufacturer specifies. 

The reason why you can’t go any faster is that the gears are significantly reduced. The movement of the pistons turns the crankshaft, which connects to the transmission. The transmission gears take the energy of the crankshaft and convert it into usable power that is sent to the wheels through differentials. 

When you engage the gear reduction, the transmission will take the thousands of RPM from the engine, and significantly reduce the output towards the wheels. Think of the 4×4 low mode as first gear and that should make it more clear.

Reasons to Watch Your Speed While Driving 4×4

Now that you know how fast you can go in a car without damaging it, let’s look at some of the reasons why it is advisable to keep your speed in check while driving a four-wheel drive.

1. Heavy Weight of the 4x4s

The first reason has to do with the fact that four-wheel drives are heavier than regular cars. This extra weight makes it harder for the car to accelerate and also takes longer for it to slow down or stop. Therefore, you need to give yourself more time to react to things when driving a four-wheel drive.

2. Stability

Another reason why you should be careful with your speed while driving a four-wheel drive is that they are not as stable as passenger cars.

This is because of their extra weight and the fact that they have a higher center of gravity. This makes them more likely to roll over if you take a turn too fast or hit a bump in the road.

When you’re driving on winding roads, take this into consideration and slow down to a safe speed to avoid rolling over.

3. Tire Tread

The tires on a four-wheel drive are also different from those on a regular car. They have a deeper tread which is designed for off-road driving. However, this tread can make the tires less effective on pavement, especially at high speeds. This can lead to a loss of control or even a blowout.

4. Fuel Efficiency

Finally, four-wheel drives are not as fuel-efficient as regular cars. This is because of their extra weight and the fact that they have to work harder to overcome the air resistance.

This means that you will need to stop more often for gas and your overall mileage will be lower if you drive at high speeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 4×4 High Only Good in Snow, Ice, and Other Blizzard Conditions?

The 4×4 is good for more than just the winter conditions – it’s also great on grass, gravel, sand, and mud. The system is also great on asphalt, as it provides better grip and power transfer when compared to an FWD or RWD vehicle.

The only downside of 4×4 on the open road is that it may be unnecessary – two-wheel drive vehicles are completely adequate for driving within the speed limit, and 4×4 only makes the vehicle heavier, and more expensive to maintain and it also reduces fuel economy.

What’s the Advantage of Using Low Range Instead of High Range?

The main advantage of the low range is that it will give you more control over your vehicle. This is because the wheels will turn slower and there will be more torque. This can be useful when driving on slippery surfaces or when you need to crawl over obstacles.

What Are the Best Modern Off-Road Vehicles?

If you are looking for a modern off-road vehicle, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you need to decide what type of terrain you will be driving on. This will help you narrow down your choices. Second, you need to consider your budget.

Here are some of the best off-road vehicles on the market:

  • Jeep Wrangler
  • Toyota Tacoma
  • Chevy Colorado
  • Ford F-150 Raptor
  • Ram 1500 Rebel

Is There a Maximum Amount of Time That My Vehicle Can Stay in a 4×4 High?

Your 4×4 vehicle is designed to stay in a high mode at all times – but if you can choose between 4×2 high or 4×4 high, it’s better to go with the two-wheel drive option. It will preserve fuel and reduce wear on the differential.  


The 4×4 high maximum speed depends on your vehicle. Some run in 4×4 high by default and can go as fast as the speed limit, while others cannot go above 50 miles per hour. The latter generally applies to trucks, while SUVs more commonly have an unrestricted 4×4 speed.

Four-wheel drives are less stable than regular cars and are more difficult to stop, so it is important to be aware of these factors when driving one. When driving on off-road terrain, it is best to use the low-range setting for more control over your vehicle.

Here are some other related topics for you to check out:

Can You Switch From 4WD To 2WD While Driving?

2WD vs 4WD Trucks: Pros and Cons For Each

Can You Lower A 4×4 Truck?


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