How long after wisdom teeth removal can i get invisalign

When it comes to your smile, straight is a feature that most of our patients in Plano, TX want. At My Dentist in Plano, patients with crooked, misaligned, overlapping, and crowded teeth look for effective ways to align their teeth correctly. Dr. Darren K. Dickson offers Invisalign® treatment, a teeth straightening procedure that uses clear Invisalign aligners to realign their teeth. When you’re unhappy with your smile, an Invisalign dentist can help decide if you’re a candidate for this orthodontic treatment. He can also determine if you need your wisdom teeth removed before treatment.

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Invisalign aligners in Plano, TX fix different orthodontic concerns. Dr. Dickson uses advanced technology to digitally map out your treatment process. Clear aligners help straighten your teeth over time gradually and continuously. They are custom-made for each patient and their particular teeth patterns. Each set should be worn up to 22 hours a day and only removed when eating, drinking, brushing, or flossing. You will switch out your trays every week or two to continue onward with your treatment plan and keep your teeth moving steadily.

What can Invisalign aligners fix?

Invisalign treatment is used to address many oral health issues in Plano, TX, including:

  • Bite issues

  • Crooked or overlapping teeth

  • Gaps

  • Overcrowding

Invisalign clear aligners are great for those who don’t want to undergo a lengthy orthodontic process. This clear braces solution offers a faster path to a straight smile than braces. Straightening your teeth also allows you to take care of them better, which improves your overall oral health almost instantly.

Whether or not you will need your wisdom teeth removed varies from patient to patient. For some patients, we may recommend that wisdom tooth removal is done after Invisalign treatment is complete. However, for other patients, we may want them removed before we begin. Dr. Dickson will map out your treatment plan and determine if your wisdom teeth may affect the results of your Invisalign plan. He usually recommends patients have them removed by age 25 as they are much easier to remove then, and the procedure is less invasive.

Benefits of wisdom tooth removal

While it helps to keep your teeth in good alignment, it also provides oral health benefits. Wisdom teeth are hard to keep clean, which can lead to abscesses or infection. Removal is a preventive way to keep these harmful things at bay. During a dental exam, Dr. Dickson can make a professional suggestion on whether your wisdom teeth should be removed now or at a later time.

Learn more about Invisalign treatment near me

A straight smile helps improve our patients’ oral health in Plano, TX. If you are feeling self-conscious about your smile, finding an effective treatment, such as Invisalign aligners, is important. When you want to learn about Invisalign treatment and whether you need wisdom tooth removal, Darren K. Dickson, D.D.S., offers consultations to explain this treatment and to determine if you’re a candidate. To learn more about Invisalign treatment and how it can improve how your smile looks and functions, schedule a consultation at our Plano, TX dental office.

Wisdom teeth erupt or emerge from the gums much later than all the others. They typically appear between the ages of 18 and 25, which explains how they earned their name. However, there's nothing wise about leaving this potential problem untreated, especially as wisdom teeth can negate the fantastic results offered by Invisalign treatment.

Dr. Douglas D. Durbin would love to help find the best solution for you, so get in touch with us at Kentucky Orthodontics & Invisalign today! We also warmly welcome you to visit us at one of our practices in Lexington, Georgetown, Winchester, Mount Sterling/Owingsville, Richmond, and Nicholasville, KY or Boynton Beach/Coral Springs, FL

Why wisdom tooth extraction may be necessary

There's a chance these teeth will not emerge properly, or only partially emerge, becoming trapped in the gums, catalyzing a cascade of issues. First, their location makes them hard to clean, increasing the risk of infection. They may also block off adjacent teeth, putting them at risk of decay, which can then spread further through the mouth. And this may all happen imperceptibly, without your knowledge.

Additionally, as wisdom teeth wriggle free, they can push your other teeth out of position. This can cause widespread misalignment, resulting in an uneven bite and smile. Since this can undo the effect of your Invisalign treatment, it's generally recommended that you pursue wisdom teeth extraction and have fixed bonded wire retainers to absolutely protect against recurrent crowding.

However, there are always multiple factors to consider, including timing. So, we suggest scheduling an appointment with Dr. Durbin so we can devise a plan of action that's best for you.

We're excited to use our experience to help you

And if you're considering leading-edge technology Invisalign treatment, our experienced team is a perfect choice. We proudly hold the highest level of Invisalign certification, Elite 1% Diamond, and we'd love to provide you with the excellent care that so many past patients have enjoyed.

Plus, an Invisalign smile can change your life for the better, giving you numerous aesthetic and functional benefits without the extreme hassle and painfulness of antique metal braces.

Your Invisalign removable tray is customized just for you, with your comfort and optimal results in mind. We use various imaging techniques to make this a reality. We take photographs, utilize a state-of-the-art laser scanner to capture every tiny detail, and take a series of digital x-rays, which emit less radiation than traditional X-rays. Our advanced imaging techniques offer you another advantage: no need for goopy, gag-inducing teeth impressions.

Invisalign treatment offers a fast and virtually painless tooth-straightening option

And your Invisalign treatment doesn't cause horrible aches and pains as traditional braces do. We tune them specifically to your teeth and the degree of straightening required. But, generally, they shift your teeth by less than 1/20th of an inch at a time, so you're unlikely to feel it. Even though this may seem slow, rest assured: Invisalign cuts down your overall treatment time by 50%. So you'll be rocking a beautiful smile a lot sooner.

Better yet, there are no food restrictions since you can remove them while eating and drinking. And for brushing and Waterpik "flossing" as well, so you'll also be able to effortlessly clean your teeth. And, you won't suffer from the obstruction of metal braces, which can trap food and house bacteria, possibly causing bad breath, decay, and other nasty consequences. No emergencies either.

Contact us for a spectacular smile

A smile is the first thing most people notice, so why not make a great impression every time? Our caring, compassionate team, led by the vastly experienced Dr. Douglas D. Durbin, is dedicated to your dental health and happiness.

And, thanks to our advanced techniques and tech, it doesn't require work or discomfort on your part. All you have to do is contact us at Kentucky Orthodontics & Invisalign today! We also warmly welcome you to visit us at one of our practices in Lexington, Georgetown, Winchester, Mount Sterling/Owingsville, Richmond, and Nicholasville, KY or Boynton Beach/Coral Springs, FL

Should I remove my wisdom teeth before getting Invisalign?

Orthodontists suggest patients remove wisdom teeth before getting Invisalign treatment. This is because emerging wisdom teeth can disrupt the teeth aligning process.

How soon after wisdom teeth removal can I get braces?

If you or your child has a wisdom tooth extraction, the general rule is to wait at least two weeks before getting braces. We want your gums to heal fully before beginning treatment. However, even after two weeks, some people may still have some soreness and swelling. Dr.

Can I wear my Invisalign retainer after wisdom teeth removal?

You can start wearing your retainer again as soon as it is comfortable for you. You may need to leave it out for the first few days after surgery due to discomfort and swelling.


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