How many calories do you burn in a cold room

2 Answers

Anonymous answered

"Cold environment does not burn calories."

That is 100 percent false.

Anonymous answered

Cold environment does not burn calories. That is why you see most of the obese people in cold countries. Temperature should be warm in order to burn calories.
Here is online calories calculator which you can use >>>

Is it true that people actually burn more calories when walking in cold weather? Research shows that people actually do burn more calories in winter and there are cases that you burn more when cold, but there are some important caveats. You don’t need to be cold to lose weight by walking, and you should make sure that you’re accounting for the challenges of walking in the winter. Here are the facts about being cold and burning calories, plus why purposely trying to exercise in the cold may actually be counterproductive.

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Don’t people gain weight in winter?

Dusan Petkovic / Shutterstock

While people often do gain weight in winter, it’s likely not due to the weather alone. The holiday season is filled with huge meals, and cold temperatures can make it harder to walk or exercise. Studies have shown that Americans gain an average of 0.8 pounds (.4kg) just in the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is also a real disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which causes people to feel depressed, have less energy and also crave carbohydrate-heavy foods in winter. These effects can combine to cause people to put on weight.

Does science show you burn more calories in the cold?

Studies have actually found that exercising in winter burns more calories than exercising in spring when temperatures are warmer. A study on Wyoming hikers found that outdoor hikers burned 34% more calories in winter than spring (4,787 vs 3,822 for men, 3,880 vs 3,081 for women). The study author, Cara Ocobock, explained that when you’re cold, your body needs to expend extra energy to keep your body heat up.

There are a few caveats, however. Ocobock herself explained that winter hikers engaged in more vigorous activity than they did in spring. In winter, many participants did activities like cross country skiing or shoveled snow that were much tougher than simple hiking and walking. The results of the study could simply be down to winter outdoor exercise (especially in snow) being tougher than spring exercise.

Why you actually do burn more calories when cold

Alones / Shutterstock

Your body actually does burn more calories when it’s cold – that much is not up to debate. In order to survive, your body needs to maintain a relatively constant temperature. According to, when you get cold, your body engages in thermogenesis – raising your body heat. When you exercise in hot weather, your body also has to regulate its temperature. It can do this by sweating, but sweating doesn’t work to heat you up. Your body does this in 2 main ways – shivering and burning “brown fat.”


Shivering is actually your body using involuntary muscle movements to warm itself up. While shivering happens automatically and is difficult or impossible to stop, it’s unclear just how many calories shivering actually burns. claims that shivering can burn as much as 100 calories in 15 minutes. Aaron Cypess of the National Institutes of Health (as quoted in claims that in studies, participants only burned an extra 150-200 calories after spending an entire day in a cold room.

Burning “brown” fat

Brown fat is different than “white” fat, or the typical fat we think of as a store of energy. According to the Mayo Clinic, when your body becomes cold, it burns extra brown fat to create heat. Research is still ongoing on how your body produces brown fat and whether brown fat can use regular, white fat as fuel. notes that your body may produce more brown fat when exposed to cold, but that brown fat is in turn burned for heat by the body.

Burning calories by being cold is not as easy as it sounds

Iryna Inshyna / Shutterstock

Even though your body does burn more calories when cold, it’s not as simple as just going out and walking in the winter. First, your body actually has to be cold to achieve this calorie-burning effect. Exercise itself generates heat and raises your body temperature – that’s why you sweat to cool yourself down. Sweating itself doesn’t burn calories – it simply means you need to drink more water to ensure you stay hydrated.

While your body may need to work a bit harder to regulate your temperature in cool weather, the natural warming effect of exercise does much of this for you. If you’re completely bundled up and sweating during your winter walks then you’re not shivering, which means your calorie burn is close to normal.

Cypess (from the NIH) notes that most of the calories that your body burns come in the form of your basal, or resting metabolic rate. The additional calories you burn while walking (and thermogenesis) only comprise a fraction of the overall number. Any increase in the calories you burn while walking is an even smaller fraction still.

You might actually burn more calories by being cold when you’re at rest, since you’re at rest for more of the day and your body doesn’t have walking or other cardio exercisesto contribute to raising your body heat.

Be careful about exercising in the cold

baranq / Shutterstock

If you do decide to do some cold weather walking, you’re probably better off ensuring that you stay warm rather than shivering your way to a few extra calories burned. It’s actually a myth that cold weather makes you get colds – research shows that cold and flu virusesare actually more virulent in colder weather and dry winter air makes your nose and threat more susceptible to viruses. Winter walkers getting colds or flu is not so much a factor of their skin being cold, but winter and colder temps in general.

Still, it is important to prevent frostbite and frost injuries by keeping yourself warm during winter walks. Sweat cools your body, but when it’s very cold outside your sweat can quickly make your body temperature drop. Frostbite is a risk in your extremities if not properly covered as well. There’s nothing wrong with getting outdoors and walking in the winter, but we don’t recommend getting yourself cold on purpose. Any extra calories you’d burn would be easier saved by cutting out one soda per day, or snacking a bit healthier.

Final thoughts

Staying active in winter is key to keeping your weight under control and building active habits that you can maintain year-round. Yes, you may burn a few more calories when you’re cold, but you should be walking more if possible regardless of that small boost. Stay warm, stay active, and stay healthier this winter.

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Does being in a cold room burn calories?

Sleeping in a cold room, for instance, raises the basal metabolism rate, making you burn more calories doing “nothing” (other than breathing and keeping your organs functioning) than you would in a warmer room.

Does being in a cold room burn fat?

It turns out cold temperatures can increase your body's brown fat. A study dropped the temperatures of sleeping participants to 66 degrees for 10 hours each night for a month. This led to an increase in brown fat, which may help burn more calories.

Does living in a cold house burn more calories?

In 2011, the New York Times pointed out that while keeping temperatures cooler can burn slightly more calories, and making the house so cold that you're shivering can burn even more calories, “a person insulated with plenty of body fat is usually less likely to shiver”.

How many more calories do you burn in the cold?

Being shivering cold definitely burns more calories than being just a little cold. Shivering can burn around 100 calories in 15 minutes. The muscles secrete a hormone called irisin that stimulates heat production from white and brown fat cells stored in the body.


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