How much awake time for 2 month old

Get an idea for a feeding and sleeping schedule for your 2-month old. This sample schedule works well whether you’re following Babywise or not and is developmentally appropriate for a 2-month old.

How much awake time for 2 month old

I’ve shared before how I have a love/hate relationship with Babywise.

I enjoyed learning about some of the concepts including eat play sleep, the 45-minute intruder, and baby sleep cues.

But the schedules.

I needed more specific schedules.

My book didn’t give any indication as to age-appropriate wake windows, which I now know is a critical component to getting quality naps and longer stretches of night sleep at any age. The time baby should be awake is completely missing from the schedule!

How much awake time for 2 month old

What is A Typical Schedule for A 2-Month old?

Around 8 weeks old, your baby starts waking up a bit more and becoming more alert. If you’ve been following a babywise newborn schedule, you’ve likely been aiming for an eat play sleep routine (as much as possible with a newborn) and working toward independent sleep habits.

Around 8 weeks old, your baby may still be struggling with their day and night confusion, or if you’ve been using things like darkness and white noise, they may be sorting it out. leading to longer stretches of sleep at night!

At 2 months old, I usually have families extend their baby’s wake time from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. A 2-month old wake window can be up to 60 minutes long!

This is the time in between naps and about how long your baby can stay awake before they start getting overtired and overstimulated.

Some babies are ready to extend to 60 minutes wake windows right around 7 weeks and can start this 2-month schedule just a bit early.

Here’s an example of a 2-month old schedule. This schedule can work whether you’ve been following Babywise/Moms on Call, or something else (or nothing) and is age-appropriate for babies ages 8 to 12 weeks.

If you’d like a printable PDF of this schedule, scroll to the bottom to get one sent to your inbox!

How much awake time for 2 month old

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7:00 am – Wake and nurse or bottle

8:00 am to 10:00 am – Nap

10:00 am – Nurse or bottle

11:00 am to 1:00 pm – Nap

1:00 pm – Nurse or bottle

2:00 to 4:00 pm – Nap

4:00 pm – Nurse or bottle

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Nap

6:30 pm – Nurse or bottle and baby’s bedtime routine

7:00 Bedtime

Night feeds as needed.

How much awake time for 2 month old

Baby Sleep Schedules for All Ages

Grab my Baby Schedule Cheat Sheets to get baby wake windows for ages Newborn—4 years old. The Baby Schedule Cheat Sheets include nap lengths, wake windows, and sample schedules you can use up to 4 years old. They’re easy-to-follow and printable so you can use them at home, or leave them with a caregiver to keep your baby on track. Get them here!

How Long Can A 2-Month Old Go Between Feedings?

If your baby is taking full feeds and there are no feeding issues, most 2-month olds can go about 2.5 to 3 hours in between feeds.

With a 60-minute wake window, this leaves about 90 minutes to 2 hours for your 2-month old’s naps. Not all 2-month olds will sleep those long stretches though. Short naps are common at this age and will continue to be until closer to 4 to 6 months.

An ideal 2-month old sleep schedule will include 4 naps and 10 to 12 hours of night sleep, though most babies still need 2 to 3 night feeds at this point.

At 2 months old, many babies will still cluster feed in the evenings during the witching hour as well.

How much awake time for 2 month old

How Long Should A 2-Month Old be Awake?

Right around 2 months old, babies start waking up a bit and can be awake for about 60 minutes total before they’re ready to go back to sleep.

Pay attention to that clock when your baby is awake to avoid an overtired baby. Babies who sleep well during the day typically sleep better at night as sleep begets sleep.

Many babies still need help falling asleep at this point, and you can help soothe them by using your voice, pressure on their chest, and a pacifier.

If you want more schedules, check out my babywise sleep schedules for the first 12 months!

How much awake time for 2 month old

2-Month Sleep Schedule

Your newborn through 6 weeks schedule was all about adapting to life as a new mom, learning your baby’s cues, and working on getting your baby to sleep often. Around 2 months you can start tightening some of your routine up, while still being flexible.

Babies are still super portable at this age and usually nap well on the go, so you don’t have to be a prisoner in your home for naps. You can work toward practicing more naps at home as your baby nears a 3-month schedule or 4-month schedule.

By the time you’re on a 6-month schedule, you’ll have more regular nap times at home in the crib.

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start having a consistent bedtime routine each night. This can include a feeding, bath, snuggles, and swaddling your baby. Doing the same three to five activities each night before bed can help cue to your baby’s brain that sleep is coming and help prepare them for it.

You’ll also want to check the signs if it’s time to stop swaddling your baby and think about your plan to transition them to a sleep sack.

Naps can be extremely tricky at 2-months old and may not start to lengthen until your baby is closer to 4 to 5 months. If your baby continues to take short naps, you can try saving them using the soothing ladder, or just roll with it and adjust your day as needed.

If you haven’t started setting up the foundations of Babywise by 2-months old, it’s not too late! Now is a great time to start helping your baby learn independent sleep. I walk you through the process step-by-step in my Newborn Sleep Course.

I created this course, because I was frustrated with Babywise and other baby sleep books that told me what to do to get my baby to sleep, but not how to actually do it.

In the course, I walk you through the process step-by-step so you feel confident in setting up good sleep habits for your baby!

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How much awake time for 2 month old

I'm Amy and I'm so glad you've stopped by! As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, my goal is to walk you through the process of getting your baby to sleep, so your whole family gets the rest they need!

My blog is full of things to help you celebrate motherhood including baby nursery ideas, sleep schedules and sleep tips, fun printables, baby registry must-haves, and so much more.

How much awake time for 2 month old

How long should a 2 month old go between naps?

0-1 month: 45 minutes between naps. 1-2 months: 45 to 60 minutes between naps. 2-4 months: 1.5 to 3 hours between naps. 5-8 months: 2.5 to 3 hours between naps.

How long should a 2 month old sleep overnight?

Learn How Much Sleep Your Baby Needs From two weeks to two months of age, they'll sleep an average of 15.5 to 17 hours total, broken down by about 8.5 to 10 hours at night and six to seven hours during the day spread out over three to four naps.

Is a 3 hour nap too long for a 2 month old?

It might be tempting to let your baby sleep longer than three hours, because let's be honest, having that much time to yourself is wonderful. But naps that go longer than three hours (at any age) are typically an indication that your baby is crashing, either from a night of poor sleep or prior short naps.