How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas

How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas

Model, not actual patient.

Rhinoplasty is a major cosmetic surgery procedure involving the nose, which is a prominent part of the face. Cost should ideally be a secondary consideration in such a procedure, but for many patients it becomes a starting point in their decision to go ahead with rhinoplasty. The monetary amount will usually be an out-of-pocket expense in this elective surgery.

The patient should feel free to ask all questions related to costs at the time of initial consultation. A dedicated surgeon will provide clear and accurate information to help the patient make a well-informed choice.

Fee of the Surgeon

The fee charged by the rhinoplasty surgeon will constitute an important component of the overall costs of procedure. This fee will usually depend on the surgeon’s credentials and expertise in the area of rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery. For instance, a nose job performed by a surgeon-in-training under the supervision of a senior surgeon will have a lesser fee cost than another surgeon with years of training and experience in rhinoplasty.

Surgical Facility Costs

The surgeon may perform rhinoplasty at a hospital, an accredited surgical center, or a private surgical suite. This decision will be made in consultation with the patient. The monetary amount and benefits will vary under each option. Most patients would go by the recommendation of their surgeon about the choice of surgical venue, or may determine their decision according to their budget for this surgery.

Anesthesia Expenses

If the rhinoplasty procedure is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, it will involve the services of an anesthesiologist or a certified anesthetist nurse. They may charge for their services by the hour, and the fee will vary according to their qualifications and experience. The surgeon will make the appropriate recommendation to the patient with regard to anesthesia.

Extent of Surgery

A relatively minor nose surgery procedure involving limited refinements such as enhancing the nasal tip or removing the nasal bump will cost less than a more complex surgery. Major or lengthy procedures such as nose augmentation or reduction or nasal reconstruction, nasal implants or functional corrections may entail an overall higher dollar figure of the procedure.

Post-Surgical Financial Factors

The patient should consider potential post-operative costs, which could include the costs of prescription drugs, medical tests, follow-up appointments, antibiotics and anti-nausea medications. A few patients may have to spend on advanced skin care products if they experience an acne breakout or hyperpigmentation in the months following rhinoplasty.

Insurance Aspect

If the rhinoplasty procedure involves functional corrections to improve breathing through the nose, the costs of the procedure may be covered by the health insurer. Large inferior turbinate and nasal vestibular stenosis are conditions that could create obstruction in the nostrils. Deviated nasal septum or nasal fractures may also cause breathing difficulties. If the procedure is medically necessary, the patient may receive full or partial insurance coverage.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas

Rhinoplasty in Dallas

How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas

(Actual Patient)

The central feature of your face is your nose. It’s one of the features that people notice first and one of the most prominent when you look at yourself in the mirror.

That’s why having a great-looking nose is so important to many people and why rhinoplasty remains one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. If you’re not happy with the way your nose looks, North Texas Plastic Surgery is here to help. Please call to schedule a free consultation about rhinoplasty in our Dallas, Southlake, Plano, or Fort Worth office to learn more about this facial plastic surgery procedure.

Why Have Rhinoplasty?

If you’re dissatisfied with how your nose looks, a rhinoplasty is a great option. It’s the only way to truly change the appearance of your nose. Because the nose is such a central feature, this single operation can alter and improve the look of your whole face.

Being unhappy with your appearance can affect many aspects of your life, especially your confidence and self-esteem. Unfortunately, friends and family often dismiss these concerns, unable to understand the effect that the look of your nose might have on you. But your concerns are valid. Having a rhinoplasty to improve the shape or size of your nose can change your life by giving you a boost in self-esteem and confidence.

The benefits of rhinoplasty come in two different categories:

  • Aesthetic benefits — These relate to the way you look.
  • Medical benefits — These typically relate to your breathing.

What Are the Aesthetic Benefits of Nose Surgery?

The aesthetic benefits of rhinoplasty are usually what attract people to the procedure. A rhinoplasty, also referred to as Nose Surgery or a Nose Job, can make dramatic changes to the size and shape of your nose. Bumps and contours can be smoothed out, the nose can be reduced in size, and a drooping tip can be shortened.

Because the nose is such a prominent facial feature and because it sits in the center of the face, changing its appearance can improve your whole facial aesthetic by increasing the overall harmony and proportions of the face.

What Are the Medical Benefits of a Nose Job?

Many people undergo nose surgery to improve the appearances of their noses, but this surgery has medical benefits too. If you have problems breathing through your nose as a result of anatomical defects, a rhinoplasty may be able to correct them. These kinds of anatomical issues include a deviated septum, a nasal valve collapse, and turbinate hypertrophy.

Improved breathing resulting from anatomical improvement from rhinoplasty can improve sleep quality from increased airflow. Additionally, allergies, congestion and infection resulting from nasal deformities may also be improved by rhinoplasty.

During the initial rhinoplasty consultation, you will be asked about any breathing difficulties and your nose will be examined for any anatomical issues that can be corrected during the surgery.

Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas
Most nose shapes and sizes can potentially benefit from rhinoplasty, but noses with a drooping tip or a bridge bump respond particularly well to the procedure. The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people who are physically healthy and who have realistic goals for what they want the procedure to achieve.

It’s generally not recommended for teenagers to have rhinoplasties until they reach 16 to 17 years of age. This is because the nose continues to grow until this point, which will affect the results of a rhinoplasty.

What If My Nose Has Been Broken Before?

Many people who come to us for rhinoplasty have had their noses broken in falls, car accidents, or by other means. A traumatic injury can result in significant changes to your appearance. In some cases, these injuries can cause breathing difficulties.

Different Types of Rhinoplasties

  • Open rhinoplasty: Incisions are made in the skin between your nostrils. The skin is lifted to allow your surgeon access to the areas where alterations are needed.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: No visible external incision is made. The incision is made inside your nose, and the skin is folded back to expose the cartilage and bone.
  • Revision rhinoplasty: This is performed if an initial rhinoplasty procedure doesn’t produce the desired results.
  • Structure rhinoplasty: This technique refers to shaping nasal cartilages and bones to improve nasal aesthetics while limiting the negative effects of excisional techniques.
  • Preservation rhinoplasty: A rhinoplasty technique cartilage is shaped and removed below the hump allowing the bridge to be let down from above. This can also refer to maintain or repairing ligaments in the tip of the nose during manipulation.
  • Ethnic rhinoplasty: The key to this operation is making sure that the shape of the nose is not only refined but is consistent with the ethnic heritage of a person. To get the best result, a surgeon needs to have experience working with noses of African-American, Persian, Indian, Mexican, Indian, or Latin descent.

A rhinoplasty can also be named for the specific problem it’s designed to correct. For example, turbinectomy and septoplasty are two procedures that correct structural problems that affect breathing. A septoplasty is performed to correct a deviated septum, while a turbinectomy reduces the size of the turbinate bones in the nasal passages.

Your Nose Surgery Consultation

How much does a nose job cost in dallas texas

Our surgeons take a unique approach when performing a rhinoplasty.  We understand no two noses are the same and we need to customize your procedure for you.

Rhinoplasty differs from other kinds of plastic surgery in that the operation can change depending on what the shape of your nose is like to begin with. When you first meet with your surgeon, you will have a nasal exam discuss what you want from the procedure. Note that there are sometimes limitations that might mean you’re unable to achieve the exact results you want. Our doctors are always honest about these situations and together you’ll decide on the new nose that’s best for you.

One of the most important parts of your consultation is the process of visualizing what you’ll look like after your rhinoplasty. This is achieved thanks to computer-generated images that help you pick the perfect nose for your face shape and the shapes and sizes of your other facial features. Your surgeon will take several photos of your face and use them to generate 3D computer images. You can then “try on” different noses to see how they look.

You might also find it helpful to look at before-and-after pictures of other people who have had rhinoplasties. The procedure can alter the appearance of your face dramatically, so these steps – 3D visualization and before-and-after pictures – are particularly important. Thanks to our surgeons’ extensive experience with the rhinoplasty procedure, you can feel confident that you’ll end up with a nose you love.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

On the day of your rhinoplasty, you’ll meet with your surgeon before the procedure to review the plan and talk about any last-minute questions or concerns.

Your rhinoplasty is performed under a general anesthetic. The procedure takes approximately two and a half hours. Once the procedure is completed, your surgeon will place a small splint on your nose to provide support and protection, and stents inside your nose to help drain fluid and reduce swelling.

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, and most people will be able to go home on the same day after a short recovery period.

What Can I Expect During Recovery and Follow-up?

Whether you are seen in our Dallas, Southlake, Plano, or Fort Worth offices for nose surgery, the surgery is performed as an outpatient in our Southlake office-based surgical facility. You will return home the same day.

Right after surgery you will be able to get around with some mild discomfort for which we will prescribe oral pain medications. The stents in your nose may also make your nose feel congested for a few days. After the first couple of days of rest, you can slowly start to get back to your normal routine.

We recommend  patients take 10 days off from work because of the bruising associated with nose surgery. If a you work from home or  are not face-to-face with others, you may feel comfortable returning to work after only two or three days.

You will return to the office one week after surgery for your first follow up visit. The splint and internal stents will be removed at this visit. You will still have swelling but already be able to see your new nose taking shape.

By the end of two weeks, much of the bruising and swelling has improved. During the first few weeks of recovery, it’s important to avoid high-impact exercise and other strenuous activities, as these can cause facial swelling. Walking and other kinds of gentle exercise are recommended to reduce the risk of blood clot formation. In general, 60% of the swelling will be gone at six weeks, 80% at six months, 90% at one year with the final result seen at two years.

Talk To Our Team in Dallas About the Rhinoplasty Procedure

If you’ve made the decision to explore how getting a rhinoplasty in Dallas can help you achieve the look you desire, then it’s time to schedule a complimentary consult with one of our surgeons. We have four convenient locations in Dallas, Southlake, Plano, and Forth Worth, Texas. Simply fill out the form on this page or call us today.

How much does a nose job cost in Texas?

On average, the cost of a primary rhinoplasty typically begins at $10,750, which includes the surgeon's fee, operating facility fee, and anesthesia fee. Since every rhinoplasty is customized to fit the specific needs of the patient, supplementary costs may be added based on the complexity of the operation.

How much does a nose job cost?

How much does rhinoplasty cost? The average cost of rhinoplasty is $5,483, according to the most recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

How do people afford nose jobs?

However, there are financial options that are available for cosmetic surgery so you can afford the plastic surgery you have been wanting..
Plastic Surgery Center. ... .
Medical Credit Cards. ... .
Credit Cards. ... .
Bank Loans. ... .
Home Equity Loan. ... .
Savings. ... .
Family and Friends..

Is Tip plasty cheaper than rhinoplasty?

Nasal tip plasty is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia, as well as skill and expertise. The cost may be slightly lower than it would be for a more extensive rhinoplasty, but a tip plasty nose job will still involve a decent expenditure around a few thousand dollars.