How much does coffee increase blood pressure

Can’t get through the morning without a mug or two of coffee? While a caffeine fix can help to wake you up and prepare you for the day ahead, it could also be putting you at risk of developing high blood pressure.

Research has linked caffeine intake and high blood pressure, increasing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So, how does coffee cause high blood pressure and what do you need to know?

The link between coffee and hypertension

New research published within the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has revealed a worrying link between coffee and hypertension. For a short period of time after drinking caffeine, blood pressure experiences a dramatic increase.

Those who consume from 200mg to 300mg of caffeine could see their blood pressure rise by 8.1mm Hg according to the study. It can also raise your diastolic blood pressure by as much as 5.7 mm HG – all within one hour of consuming caffeine.

The increased blood pressure lasts for around three hours, and it is thought to be down to adrenal secretion. When your adrenaline surges, the heart beats faster at the same time as the blood vessels narrow. This increases the pressure in the veins, leading to high blood pressure.

Regular consumption of coffee may decrease the risk

One interesting finding of the latest research is that those who regularly drink coffee may develop a caffeine tolerance. This means it will reduce the hypertensive effects of the substance. Rather than experiencing a dramatic rise in blood pressure, the increase will be small to moderate.

While the study did show a clear link between coffee and high blood pressure, it didn’t show an increase in the risk of heart disease.

Everybody is different, and the effects of caffeine will vary from person to person. In some studies, it has actually shown to have a positive effect on our health. It contains a high level of bioactive compounds, which are renowned for their antioxidant properties.

Vitamin B, Magnesium, and Potassium are all beneficial compounds found in caffeine. Many experts argue that the benefits of drinking coffee outweigh the potential risks.

Seeking treatment for high blood pressure

While coffee is unlikely to lead to heart problems, it can cause high blood pressure. Undergoing an assessment with a specialist will help to determine whether caffeine could be contributing towards hypertension.

Whether or not it is the cause, seeking treatment for high blood pressure is crucial. Over time if it isn’t controlled, hypertension can lead to significant heart troubles.

If you are worried you may have high blood pressure, book an appointment with Dr Konrad Grosser. He will carry out a full heart screening check, including a blood pressure test and will determine what risk it poses to your health. He will advise the best course of action to treat it.

Coffee is the go-to beverage for most people looking to get an energy boost. A few sips are enough for the caffeine to kick in and power you through the day. Singaporeans are no exception, with the country consuming over 15,000 tonnes of coffee beans each year.

Unfortunately, there are many rumors about how coffee can negatively impact your heart and blood pressure.

Is there any truth to this? Should you scale back your daily caffeine intake? Keep on reading as we will dive deeper into this matter.

A Temporary Increase In Blood Pressure

A Temporary Increase In Blood Pressure via Kaboompics .com / Pexels

Studies have shown that coffee does increase your blood pressure – at least temporarily.

Based on the averages of 34 independent research, a 200 – 300 mg intake of caffeine will result in a 6 mm Hg increase in diastolic and 8 mm Hg increase in systolic blood pressure. That is equivalent to drinking around 2 cups of coffee, with effects lingering for up to 3 hours.

This rise in blood pressure was only seen in test subjects who do not drink coffee regularly. Those who do drink it frequently saw very limited changes to their blood pressures, likely due to the tolerance they have built up.

What Long-Term Effects Does Caffeine Cause?

What Long-Term Effects Does Caffeine Cause? via Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

The short answer: none.

All research so far has shown no evidence that caffeine will have a great impact on your heart health or blood pressure, even for those who are already diagnosed with high blood pressure.

On the contrary, coffee’s possible health benefits seem to outweigh its drawbacks. Indulging in 3 to 5 cups of joe per day may lower your risk of premature death and heart diseases by up to 15%. This is caused by the high number of antioxidant compounds present in the beverage which reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

Further studies are required to comprehensively understand the long-term implications of drinking coffee daily, but as of right now it is completely safe to do so.

Should I Steer Clear Of Coffee If I Have High Blood Pressure?

Should I Steer Clear Of Coffee If I Have High Blood Pressure? via pixabay / Pexels

Since moderate caffeine intake is unlikely to cause heart and blood pressure issues in the long term, including for those already suffering from hypertension, stopping drinking coffee is unnecessary. As long as you avoid drinking an excessive amount, coffee is pretty much harmless.

Instead, focus on methods that are proven to improve heart and blood pressure health. One such way is to maintain a healthy diet. Make sure your daily meals include a good amount of vegetables, healthy proteins, whole grains, and fruits while avoiding excessive sugar, fats, and carbs.

You could also reduce blood pressure by choosing a healthy lifestyle. This involves regular and sufficient sleep, avoiding nicotine and tobacco, as well as ample exercise.

Also, if you are not already routinely drinking coffee, avoid starting doing so until your blood pressure drops to a controllable level.

Final Word

Caffeine having a significant impact on blood pressure is a complete myth. Yes it can temporarily increase it, but long-term effects are unlikely. Focusing on living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a balanced diet is a much better way to manage blood pressure levels.

How long does a cup of coffee affect your blood pressure?

How long does caffeine raise blood pressure for? As soon as 30 minutes after drinking coffee, the caffeine in it may raise your systolic blood pressure (the top number) and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by up to 15 points. This effect usually lasts for up to 4 hours.

Does drinking coffee raise blood pressure?

Caffeine may cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don't have high blood pressure. It's unclear what causes this spike in blood pressure. The blood pressure response to caffeine differs from person to person.

Does one cup of coffee raise blood pressure?

Based on this data, a small to moderate increase in your blood pressure may occur after drinking a cup of coffee — especially if you drink it infrequently. Research indicates that coffee may increase blood pressure for up to three hours after consumption. However, if you drink it regularly, this effect is diminished.

How long does it take for coffee to raise your blood pressure?

Reviews of caffeine's acute effect on blood pressure indicate changes of 3-15 mm Hg systolic and 4-13 mm Hg diastolic. Typically, blood pressure changes occur within 30 minutes, peak in 1-2 hours, and may persist for more than 4 hours.


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