How much would a full mouth of dental implants cost

It is a lot easier to estimate the cost of an All-on-4 treatment plan than traditional full mouth implant treatment. This is because of a diametric philosophical change in approach to treatment planning. Traditionally, we design the final prosthesis first and then from there, decide where the implants need to be placed. And if there is insufficient bone to support an implant in that spot, bone grafting is done to augment the site so that the implant can be placed in the ideal position and in the ideal angulation. This makes a lot of sense as the ultimate objective is to have a beautiful and functional prosthesis and the implants are merely the supporting structures. In the All-on-4 protocol, the prosthesis is supported by four implants; two placed in front of the maxillary sinus pointing forward, one on the right and one on the left, and two placed behind the sinus pointing backwards in similar fashion. This positioning and angulation allows for a rigid cross-arch stabilization. This approach is akin to placing the implants where there is bone available, and designing a prosthesis around them.


Lower Jaw

In the lower jaw, where the constraints are usually due to the presence of a nerve in the back, two implants are placed near the centre in front and another one on each side of the jaw just in front of the mental nerve, pointing backwards. This way, the tops of the implants which connect to the prosthesis are well spread out for a stable support and relatively long implants placed in a tilted direction allowing for maximal bone-to-implant contact.


Regardless of upper or lower jaw, the average cost is about $25000-$35000, depending on the prosthesis design. For a hybrid denture design, i.e. using acrylic prosthesis, the cost is nearer the low end of the spectrum while full porcelain bonded to metal prosthesis or zirconia prosthesis will cost nearer the high end of the range. The difference in cost can also be attributed to the brand of implant used. Although, strictly speaking, All-on-4 is a trademark of a particular brand, it is a term that has come to be used quite ubiquitously by all other brands, just as Xerox has come to mean photocopy. Using the original brand will cost more while using generic brands will save some cost.


Zygomatic All-on-4

In some upper jaws, there is not enough bone to even anchor four implants in the upper jaw. All-on-4 can still be done using four zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants are long implants that averages about 5cm long (compared with the average dental implants which is 1cm in length). The zygoma is the cheek bone and the zygomatic implant enters the upper jaw in the region of the premolar or molar region at a 45 degree angle to engage the base of the zygomatic bone, which is also the outer roof of the maxillary sinus. Two implants can be placed into each side to support a prosthesis. Zygomatic implants are more technically challenging to place and may even require a general anesthetic in a day surgery operating room. As such, All-on-4 zygoma implant treatment cost about double that of conventional All-on-4, i.e. about $50000.


Overall, the cost is much less than if grafting and multiple conventional implants. The added advantage is immediate restoration with a temporary prosthesis. This eliminates the need for a period of wearing a removable prosthesis ie a denture. The main limiting factor is that not all patients are suitable for All-on-4. However, with proper case selection, All-on-4 does offer fully edentulous patients a more affordable fixed prosthesis delivered with minimal surgery and reduced time.

Trying to pin down the cost of any dental procedure is not easy, and dental implants are no exception. Dental offices charge different rates for each type of service that they provide, and those prices will vary from dentist to dentist. If you have dental coverage through your health insurance, that will also affect your overall cost. Since there are so many variables, it is difficult to quote a specific dental implant cost. So, how much are dental implants on average? What is the difference in price between single tooth, full mouth, or All-on-4 dental implants?

What Is the Average Dental Implant Cost?

In terms of dental procedures, dental implants are among the more expensive options. The cost of dental implants varies, but you can get a general idea of how much it may cost based on the type of dental implant. Here is what you can expect to pay for different dental implants procedures:

  •  If you only need a dental implant for one tooth, the cost of a single tooth implant can range between $1,000 and $5,000.
  • For an entire jaw of teeth, you can get All-on-4 implants for between $12,000 and $25,000.
  • The cost of full-mouth dental implants tends to range between $8,000 and $90,000. This puts the nationwide average cost for a full set of implants at around $34,000.

These are averages for out-of-pocket dental implant costs, but if you have dental coverage, your health insurance plan may help offset your expenses. However, some dental plans consider implants to be a cosmetic procedure and will not provide coverage. 

What Affects the Cost of Dental Implants?

You may wonder how full-mouth dental implants can have a price range as wide as $7,000 to $90,000. After all, it is a pretty large gap for a complete set of dental implants. The truth is several factors go into determining the cost of dental implants procedures:

  • The location of your dental office can affect the pricing of services like dental implants. The cost of living is higher in some areas of the United States. Getting dental implants on the West Coast tends to be more expensive than getting the same procedure done on the East Coast. And, speaking of location, getting dental implants in a major city typically costs more than getting them in a small town.
  • The materials used for the dental implants will impact the cost of the procedure. Dentists can use different types of materials, such as titanium or zirconium. Considering that the price of these materials can be drastically different, it is easy to see why dental implants vary so much in price.
  • The dentist’s level of expertise plays an important role in the cost of dental implants. Those who have many years of practice typically charge more than those who have recently opened a practice. While this is not always the case, you could end up paying more for a dentist with extensive experience.

Why Choose Dental Implants Over Traditional Dentures?

Since the cost of dental implants can run fairly steep, you may want also want to consider dentures. The cost of regular dentures is far less than most dental implants. Dentures typically cost between $1,000 and $4,000, considerably lower than implants. Even for high-quality dentures, the price is almost half that of low-end dental implants. Considering the price difference, why do people pay so much more for dental implants instead of just getting traditional dentures? The main reasons people choose pricier dental implants are:

  • Dental implants are of higher quality.
  • Dental implants are far more stable.
  • Dental implants do not require any adhesives to keep them in place.

Overall, many people prefer the look and quality of dental implants and are willing to pay more for this procedure. A natural smile is waiting for you at Sacramento Surgical Arts!

Reach Out to Sacramento Surgical Arts for High-Quality Dental Implants

At Sacramento Surgical Arts, we pride ourselves on offering an array of dental services to boost your confidence in your smile. We provide several dental and facial surgery services, such as impacted canine teeth treatment, oral pathology, face trauma surgery, dental bone grafting, apicoectomy, and wisdom teeth. We offer the following dentist services:

  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Chin augmentation
  • Neck lifts

Undergoing cosmetic dental surgery is an exciting process for most patients. It results in improved self-esteem and appearance. Most patients want to accelerate their recovery process so they can return to their normal daily activities sooner. 

Oral surgery recovery times vary depending on existing health issues and the type of procedure being performed. The best way to decrease recovery time is by carefully following all of your surgical team’s post-operative instructions. If you are looking for dental implants, we offer a choice of a single tooth, full mouth, and All-on-4 dental implants for your convenience. Call us today at 866.930.5837 to determine if you may be a good candidate for this one-of-a-kind dental implant system.

How much is a full top set of dental implants?

Full mouth dental implant procedure costs can range anywhere from roughly $7,000 to $68,000 overall. These types of implants have an average cost of around $25,000. Keep in mind that it can cost anywhere from $3,500 to $30,000 to get a top or bottom set of full mouth dental implants.

Can you get implants in your whole mouth?

The short answer is yes, you indeed can get a full mouth of dental implants. Instead of traditional dentures, which are designed to be removed every evening, dental implants are permanent. They have become the gold standard for teeth replacement.

How long does full mouth implant last?

The Life Expectancy of Full Mouth Implants The range for normal wear will be around 15 years. This depends on your diet, your oral hygiene and other habits. The regular checkups will monitor the condition of the crowns in the bridges.

How many teeth are in a full mouth of implants?

For instance, a full mouth dental implant procedure — frequently referred to as full mouth crown and bridge implants — may require as many as 12 to 16 dental implants, or six to eight implants for the upper jaw and six to eight implants for the lower jaw.


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