How often do you change humidifier filter

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Humidifiers add moisture to your home’s air and make the air more breathable. The devices contain coils similar to those in air conditioners and are independent units that require an electrical outlet for power. Humidifiers also require that you manually add water to the devices for operation.

Humidifiers contain one or more filters that block debris from exiting the devices.

Also like an air conditioner, a humidifier contains a filter that stops dust, mold and mineral deposit debris from being emitted by the machine.

Filter Replacement

Replace your humidifier’s filter(s) once every three months. If you use your humidifier every day, replace the filter every two months. The filters are treated with a coating that slows mold growth but doesn’t repel mold. Failure to replace your humidifier’s filter can lead to excessive dust and debris being expelled into the air as well as mold growing on the filter surfaces and on the inside of the device.

If your humidifier contains a mineral absorption pad, replace it every two to three weeks to keep mineral deposits from being emitted.

Hard Water Issue

If you live in an area that contains hard water, replace your humidifier’s filter every month, due to the high content of mineral salts present in the water. Mineral deposits clog filters faster and produce a large amount of white dust if you don’t change the filter more often.

Buying Replacement Filters

Locate your humidifier’s name and model number (usually on the back of the device) before attempting to purchase filters. Also, consider purchasing more than one replacement filter. Replacement filters are available at hardware, home improvement and retail superstores as well as directly from your humidifier’s manufacturer.

Shutting Down and Disconnecting

When shutting down your humidifier for a period of time or disconnecting it, remove its filter and replace it with a new one, and empty the device’s water tank. Then clean the humidifier according to the recommendations in your device's manual before storing it in a closet or other location. Do not leave an old filter or water in the humidifier -- mold can grow on the filter, and the water can become stale and smell.

The Drip Cap

  • Humidifiers add moisture to your home’s air and make the air more breathable.
  • The filters are treated with a coating that slows mold growth but doesn’t repel mold.
  • When shutting down your humidifier for a period of time or disconnecting it, remove its filter and replace it with a new one, and empty the device’s water tank.

Unlike portable humidifiers, whole house ones need less maintenance. However, the merit comes with a condition; humidifier pad must frequently be changed for the unit to function optimally. In this post, we’ll elaborate on humidifier pads, their role, and maintenance and how often to replace them in Belleville, IL.

What is a Humidifier Pad?

A water panel or a humidifier pad is a medium in which your home air collects moisture to increase the humidity inside during the hot season. When indoor humidity is low, water flows to the pad and air gathered blown over to distribute the water inform of moisture.

Why change a humidifier pad?

The water used on the pad comes from tap water used in your home. Scientifically, tap water contains certain minerals that accumulate on the humidifier over a specified period. The accumulation reduces the effectiveness of the humidifier.

More reasons to replace your humidifier pad:
  • Maximize its performance
  • Keep it from smelling due to mold growths
  • Removes cellulose coating that holds water meant for dispersion
  • Reduces the chances of humidifier leakage

How often should you change the humidifier pad?

Most manufacturers recommend changing the pads at least once a year. However, other factors may require frequent changing. They include:

  • During winter when they are used continuously, they get worn out faster than when they are not used frequently.
  • If you have a high degree of water hardness, salt accumulation is high, and efficiency is significantly reduced
  • When monthly check up necessitates a change of humidifier pads

What problems arise if not changed?

New humidifier pads significantly improve indoor air quality. Failure to change them may result in the following problems:

  • Clogging of humidifier drainage
  • No moisture in indoor air
  • Increased growth of bacteria and mold which contaminates indoor air
  • Reduced HVAC system efficiency
  • Dry skin due to increased static charges

How to Change Humidifier Pad

If you want to change your humidifier pad, contact BELOMAN in Belleville, IL. We offer cutting-edge air conditioning, plumbing, heating and indoor air quality solutions.

The Most Trusted Name in
Home Comfort For Illinois

How do I know if my humidifier filter needs changing?

If a filter or water panel has dried out over the warmer months, it can have a moldy or musty smell when it gets wet again. This means, once you turn it on for use in the winter, the smell can travel all through your home.

How often should you change filters in a humidifier?

You should change your humidifier filter once a year, which can be easy to lose track of. This is why new systems often have this reminder built-in. It may need changing more frequently.

What happens if you don't replace humidifier filter?

Failure to change them may result in the following problems: Clogging of humidifier drainage. No moisture in indoor air. Increased growth of bacteria and mold which contaminates indoor air.

Can I clean and reuse humidifier filter?

Filters that are mildly dusty can be rinsed clean. If there's mold or an excessive amount of mineral buildup present, you may need to use a vinegar or bleach-based cleaning solution instead. Disposable paper filters can simply be thrown away and replaced. These should be changed at least every 3 months.


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