How often should you do a testicular self exam

Most testicular cancers can be found at an early stage, when they're small and haven't spread. In some men, early testicular cancers cause symptoms that lead them to seek medical attention. Most of the time a lump on the testicle is the first symptom, or the testicle might be swollen or larger than normal. But some testicular cancers might not cause symptoms until they've reached an advanced stage.

Most doctors agree that examining a man’s testicles should be part of a general physical exam during a routine check-up.

Some doctors recommend that all men examine their testicles monthly after puberty. Each man has to decide for himself whether or not to do this, so instructions for testicular exams are included in this section. If you have certain risk factors that increase your chance of developing testicular cancer (such as an undescended testicle, previous germ cell tumor in one testicle, or a family history), you should seriously consider monthly self-exams and talk about it with your doctor.

The American Cancer Society advises men to be aware of testicular cancer and to see a doctor right away if they find a lump in a testicle. Because regular testicular self-exams have not been studied enough to know if they reduce the death rate from this cancer, the ACS does not have a recommendation on regular testicular self-exams for all men.

Testicular self-exam

The best time for you to examine your testicles is during or after a bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed.

  • Hold your penis out of the way and examine each testicle separately.
  • Hold your testicle between your thumbs and fingers with both hands and roll it gently between your fingers.
  • Look and feel for any hard lumps or nodules (smooth rounded masses) or any change in the size, shape, or consistency of your testicles.

It’s normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other, and for one to hang lower than the other. You should also be aware that each normal testicle has a small, coiled tube called the epididymis that can feel like a small bump on the upper or middle outer side of the testis. Normal testicles also contain blood vessels, supporting tissues, and tubes that carry sperm. Some men may confuse these with abnormal lumps at first. If you have any concerns, ask your doctor.

A testicle can get larger for many reasons other than cancer. For example, fluid can collect around the testicle to form a hydrocele. Or the veins in the testicle can dilate and cause enlargement and lumpiness around the testicle. This is called a varicocele. If your testicle seems larger, have a doctor examine you to be sure you have one of these conditions and not a tumor. The doctor may order an ultrasound exam (see Tests for Testicular Cancer). This is an easy and painless way of finding a tumor.

If you choose to examine your testicles regularly, you will get to know what's normal and what's different. Always report any changes to your doctor without delay.

Urology Health - How to Perform a Testicular Self-Examination?

What is Testicular Self-Examination?

Testicular self-examination is when you check your testicles for any abnormalities. It is important to know what feels normal and to be able to notice any changes. Changes are not always cancer. If it is cancer and you catch it early, you have the best chance for a cure.

When To Perform Self-Exam

  • Boys can start these self-exams during their teens
  • Do a self-exam each month – it only takes a few minutes
  • Start right after a hot bath or shower, when the scrotal skin is most relaxed and the testes can be felt easily

How to Perform Self-Exam

  • Do the exam while standing
  • Look for swelling in the scrotum
  • Gently feel the scrotal sac to find a testicle
  • Check each testicle one at a time by firmly and gently rolling it between the thumb and fingers of both hands to feel the whole surface


  • It is normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other
  • It is normal to feel a cord-like structure (called the epididymis) on the top and back of each testicle

Check with your health care provider:

  • If you find a small, hard lump (pea size)
  • If there is swelling, pain or soreness
  • If you see or feel any other changes

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When should you do testicular self

It's best to do it during or just after a hot shower or bath. The scrotum (skin that covers the testicles) is most relaxed then, which makes it easier to feel the testicles for lumps. Lumps may be as small as a piece of rice or a pea.

Can you do testicular self

To perform a testicular self-examination, grasp and roll the testicle between your thumbs and forefingers, feeling for lumps, swelling, hardness or other changes. A testicular self-exam is an inspection of the appearance and feel of your testicles.

How often should men perform a self

Screening information for testicular cancer Some doctors recommend that men ages 15 to 55 perform a monthly self-examination to find any changes. Monthly testicular self-examinations, performed after a warm shower, can help find the cancer at an early stage, when it is more likely to be successfully treated.

Who should do a testicular self

Upon reaching puberty, all men should conduct a monthly testicular self-exam and ask your doctor during your yearly physical to perform one as well.

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