How to add a swipe up link to instagram story

Not sure how to add an Instagram Story link? Read our step-by-step tutorial now to find out.

Instagram story links are an incredibly valuable tool for converting Instagram followers into paying customers. Instead of directing the viewer to check out the ‘link in bio’ (because let’s be honest, not everyone can be bothered to do that) it allows you to direct them to your website with one simple swiping movement. This is extremely helpful in driving Instagram traffic to your brand’s website, your latest blog post, a sale item or even a freebie!

Who can use Instagram story links?

Now, the only downside to the Instagram swipe-up feature is that it’s limited to verified accounts or business accounts with more than 10,000 followers (if you’re not quite there yet, we recommend checking out this guide to cracking your first 10K without spending a cent)

So, if you’re lucky enough to have this feature, we highly recommend taking a few minutes learning how to use this magical feature. That said, even if you’re not in the 10K club, we’ve also got you covered with some handy workarounds so you can still use this feature — so keep reading!

How to add Instagram swipe-up links to your story

So, how do you add Instagram story links? Check out the quick steps below, or keep scrolling if you’d like more detail.

1. Tap the camera icon to start your Instagram story

2. Click on the chain lock icon

3. Add a call to action to your Instagram story

4. Go back to your story and post!

Instagram story swipe-up step #1: Tap the camera icon to start your Instagram story

On your main Instagram feed, tap the camera icon at the upper left part to start your Instagram story. This is located right above the word Stories.

Once you have opened the camera icon, you have the option to take a photo, video or Boomerang from there.

You can also swipe up and access your library and post any photo or video that was captured within the past 24 hours (or if it has already passed 24hrs, take a screenshot of the image to put it back in the top of your camera roll!)

Instagram story swipe-up step #2: Click on the chain lock icon

Remember, the chain icon where you can add links will only appear if you have a verified account or if you have a business profile that has more than 10,000 followers.

Upon tapping the chain icon, a new window will pop-up where you can input your URL.

Make sure to tap on done or the green checkmark once you have successfully input your link.

If you would like to track your link clicks, we recommend using (or any other form of trackable URLs!) to track your statistics. Once this process has been completed, you will be routed back to the story you created and the chain icon will now be highlighted.

Instagram story swipe-up step #3: Add a call to action for your Instagram story link

Before tapping on the “add your story” icon, make sure to edit your story first, and add a call-to-action.

If you added a clickable link to a photo, it will be visible on the screen for a second before the next story appears, so make sure to remind your audience to swipe up to click on the link.

How do you do this?

Even though a “see more” sign will appear at the bottom of your story, people will still need to be directed to click it. S

Here are some examples: “swipe up for more”, “swipe up to shop”, “see more here!” or you can always doodle arrows that point to where they need to swipe up!

Once that’s done, voila!

You can now add the content to your story.

How to add calls-to-action to your Instagram stories

Here’s how some of our faves are using Instagram story links in creative ways:

Instagram story link #1 @lushcosmetics

A fun and effective CTA that’s hard to ignore

Instagram story link #2 @passionplanner

A cheery and encouraging swipe-up call-to-action

Instagram story link #3 @huntingforgeorge

So simple, yet so effective

Instagram story link #4 @aww.sam

This swipe-up prompt is pretty and perfectly on-brand

Instagram story link #5 @mejuri

An elegant use of a simple arrow to encourage swipe-ups

Instagram story link #6 @garyvee

A call-to-action so eye-catching it’s almost impossible not to swipe up

Instagram story link #7 @crateandbarrel

A classic and classy CTA

Instagram story link #8 @madewell

A clever and punchy call to action

Instagram story link #9 @brunchboys

An example of how swipe-ups can be used across stories series

Instagram story link #10 @petsmart

How to add a link to your story without 10,000 followers

Don’t worry, this feature originally launched with those who had over 1M followers. And plus, we bet you’re already well on your way to 10K!

But in the meantime, there’s a couple of different ways you can use your Instagram stories to direct your followers elsewhere.

Firstly, you can share both your own and other people’s feed posts to your stories by pressing the little aeroplane icon on the right-hand side of your photo, and pressing ‘add post to stories.’ Once on your stories, followers can click on it and it will direct them to the original post — where you can give them more info than what would fit into stories. You can also do this with videos, including IGTV!

Another way you can take advantage of Instagram swipe-ups is by setting up an Instagram stories ad. Even if you only put a few dollars behind it, it will allow you to include a link and swipe up call to action. Hey, sometimes you have to pay to play!

Out-of-the-box strategies guide

9 growth strategies to skyrocket your Instagram

Ready to take your Instagram Stories somewhere special? 

Get your branding and visual storytelling down pat with Plann, our planning app designed to make your life on Instagram a breeze.

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Why can't I add a swipe up link to my Instagram story?

How can I get the Instagram Swipe Up feature? Technically, the Swipe Up feature is only available to users with an Instagram Business Profile that has at least 10,000 followers or a verified account.

How do you put a swipe link on Instagram?

How to use the Instagram link sticker.
In the Instagram app, tap the plus sign..
Select Story (rather than Post, Reel, or Live)..
Create your Story using all the gorgeous media you have at your disposal..
Tap the Sticker icon in the top row. Type in the URL. ... .
Then send to your Story, and you're done!.

Can anyone add a swipe up link on Instagram?

The swipe up web link feature only appears in verified accounts or accounts with at least 10,000 followers and an Instagram business profile.

How do you add a swipe up link on Instagram 2022?

Steps to Add a Link on Instagram Story Launch Instagram on your smartphone and swipe right to open the stories section on Instagram. Here, swipe up and look for the sticker that says link on it. Tap on the link sticker, enter the URL you want to add to the story and hit Done.


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