How to delete audio calls on instagram

Did you accidentally start a voice call with someone on Instagram?

If you did, the person will be able to see that you’ve started a voice call with them.

Instagram allows you to delete messages that you send from both sides.

You can do this by tapping and holding a message and then tapping on “Unsend”.

However, if you try to tap and hold the voice call bubble, nothing will happen.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to delete your Instagram call history and what happens if you accidentally video call someone.

The only prerequisite for this guide to work is to have the messaging feature updated.

  • How to delete your Instagram call history
  • Can you delete call history on Instagram?
  • What happens if you accidentally video call someone on Instagram?

To delete your Instagram call history, you need to open the chat and tap on the info icon.

After you’ve tapped on the info icon, you need to enable “Vanish mode”.

By enabling vanish mode, your call history will be deleted from both sides.

Your chat history will also be deleted from both sides until you disable vanish mode.

When the other person opens the chat, they’ll see the “x turned on vanish mode” message.

1. Open the chat and tap on the info icon

The first step is to navigate to the chat where you want to delete your call history.

Firstly, open the Instagram mobile app and log in to your account.

Once you’re on Instagram, tap on the arrow icon in the top-right corner to open your direct messages.

Now, you need to open the chat where you want to delete your call history.

On there, tap on the info icon in the top-right corner.

2. Enable vanish mode

After you’ve tapped on the info icon, the “Details” page will open.

Now, you’ll see a couple of chat settings.

This includes “Theme” and “Vanish mode”.

The “Theme” option allows you to change the background of your chat while “Vanish mode” allows you to hide all messages (including voice chats).

If you don’t see these options, it means that you haven’t updated the messaging feature yet.

To do so, you need to your Instagram profile > Menu > Settings > Update Messaging.

After you’ve updated the messaging feature, tap on “Vanish mode” to enable it.

3. Your call history is now deleted from both sides

After you’ve enabled vanish mode, the call history will be deleted from both sides.

When vanish mode is enabled, messages will also be hidden.

When the other person opens the chat, they’ll see the “x turned on vanish mode” message.

They won’t be able to see any messages or voice chat(s).

If you disable vanish mode, the messages and voice chat(s) will appear again.

Hence, you need to make sure to keep vanish mode enabled.

Can you delete call history on Instagram?

Yes, you can delete the call history on Instagram.

You can do so by enabling vanish mode via the “Details” page.

You can access the page by navigating to the chat and tapping on the info icon.

Once you’re on the “Details” page, tap on “Vanish mode” to enable it.

By enabling vanish mode, the entire chat history will disappear.

This includes messages and voice calls.

Vanish mode is useful if you’ve accidentally started a voice call with someone and you want to undo it.

What happens if you accidentally video call someone on Instagram?

If you accidentally video call someone on Instagram, they will be notified of it.

In addition, the voice call bubbles will appear in the chat.

There will be a couple of voice call bubbles.

This includes “Video call started” and “Video call ended”.

You can delete these bubbles by enabling vanish mode via the “Details” page.

However, you need to update the messaging feature first.


Accidentally starting a voice call with someone on Instagram can happen to the best of us.

When you start a voice call with someone, the voice call bubbles will appear in the chat.

If you tap and hold them, nothing will happen.

This is because Instagram does not have a feature to delete voice calls yet.

If you want to delete voice calls, the best way is to enable vanish mode.

Vanish mode will hide your past and future messages (including voice calls).

Further reading

How to See Your Liked Posts on Instagram

How to Know Who Viewed Your Instagram Profile

Posts You’ve Liked Not Showing on Instagram (How to Fix)

How do I delete my call history?

Open your device's Phone app ..
Tap Recents ..
Tap More. Call History..
Tap More. Clear call history..
When asked if you want to delete your call history, tap Ok..

Can you see call history on Instagram?

You have to choose the calls section. Step 4 - Long Press on the Call: When you open the calls section it will display your call history. Call history represents all the calls that you have made using your Instagram.

What happens if you accidentally call someone on Instagram?

Be careful out there, because it's not a feature you can simply turn off. And if you do accidentally butt dial someone, they will receive it exactly like a normal phone call.


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