How to get a toyhouse invite code 2023

Amazon wants Alexa owners to buy more things. That’s the clear impetus behind the new Alexa feature announced today at Amazon’s Accelerate conference, called Customers Ask Alexa, which lets brands submit answers to common questions like “How can I remove pet hair from my carpet?” and “How to eliminate odor from soil stains?” Previously, Alexa supplied generic tips from the web and other sources in response to such queries. But Customers Ask Alexa turns answers into product spots.

“Brands registered with Amazon Brand Registry will see the new Customers Ask Alexa feature in Seller Central, where they can easily discover and answer frequently asked customer questions using self-service tools,” Amazon explains in a blog post — clarifying that brands don’t sponsor or pay for the feature. “Customers Ask Alexa will be available to shoppers via the Amazon search bar in late 2022 and via Echo devices in mid-2023.”

Is that desirable? For sellers, maybe. For Alexa users … probably not. I, for one, don’t want to be bombarded with ads every time a random question about a household chore comes up. Amazon says that all brand-submitted answers will be subject to content moderation and quality checks and that the program will be invite-only to start (in October 2022) ahead of a broader rollout in 2023 in the U.S. But I can’t say I have much faith companies won’t try to hijack answers to the most popular questions, angling for prime placement in Alexa users’ households.

Customers Ask Alexa dovetails with another feature unveiled today at Accelerate, Tailored Audiences, which will allow sellers and brands on Amazon to send marketing emails directly to customers. Bloomberg rightly notes that could backfire — particularly if those same brands aggressively push their products on Customers Ask Alexa.

Image Credits: Amazon

In any case, it seems unlikely that unwanted product placement will do much to bolster Alexa-driven sales on Amazon’s marketplace. The estimated tens of millions of Alexa users around the world have historically been loathe to make purchases with their voices, with stats from one eMarketer survey showing that just 10.8% of customers used Alexa for online shopping in 2020.

The low uptake — and fading interest in Alexa generally — hasn’t stopped Amazon from increasingly leveraging Alexa-powered products as an advertising medium. In 2021, the company launched interactive audio ads on Amazon Music’s ad-supported tier, which is enabled by default on supported Echo devices, allowing listeners to add items featured in an ad to their Amazon carts by saying “Alexa, add to cart.” Amazon also recently began partnering with brands to run promotions as static images on Echo devices, displaying them during “ambient use” and in rotation with content such as weather, recipes, sports and news.

To attract higher ad bids from advertisers, Amazon uses personal voice data — a fact with which not all users might be comfortable. According to a report published in April — key details of which were confirmed by an Amazon spokesperson to The Verge — Amazon and third parties including advertising and tracking services collect data from owners’ interactions with Alexa through speakers, TVs and other devices.

Basically, TH has been in closed beta for many years now and you need an invite code to make an account. Invite codes are given to users who donate money to the website. Those users get 2 codes every week and can give them out so that new people can join the site.

As for getting a code, try the discord // they give out codes for free there if you follow the instructions and are patient. The server changes links periodically so let me know if this one is invalid by the time you see this! I will send you another

There are also several recent posts on this subreddit from people giving out free codes :)

There are thousands of toyhouse codes available, however, unless you're part of the website itself, it takes a bit of time to find areas where codes are being given away,

There is an official thread sponsored by the toyhouse admins where users give away free codes, at least two users are still giving away free codes currently on the thread without payment, and is updated every few hours. //

The creators of toyhouse explicitly state that trading codes for art or money is discouraged, since these codes are worth .20 cents. Most artwork isn't worth .20 cents, and some users try to sell them for a few dollars on witter or other sites. While there are no rules AGAINST it, the developers of the website stated "Our primary concern is potential users getting scammed, exploited or ripped off - aside from it being a shitty thing to happen to someone, we'd also hate for that to be your first impression of TH, so please take care when trading." // If you know that these codes are worth .20 and willingly still want to trade art for a code, you have that right and feel free to offer away! The main focus I'm aiming at is warning people who normally sell their art for much more not realize how cheap it is to get a code.

Another way to get a code is some users promoting free codes in this subreddit here, which a user happens to offer every few days (try searching by hot for the posts). I've gotten a few codes from them I give to my friends or people I commission.

Have fun with toyhouse!

How do you get an invite code in Toyhouse?

The only way of getting Toyhouse codes "officially" are by having an account and paying for premium. Also, while trading and selling Toyhouse codes are allowed, Toyhouse does not endorse or support trades.

Does Toyhouse cost money?

A month subscription costs 5$ and you can get about 8 codes with it. These codes can be sold, traded, given away, anything you want. Some people disagree with trading/selling codes, but the admins of toyhouse do not care what you do with the codes.

When was Toyhouse created?

Cy and Lulu
Website (forums)
Alpha, invite-only
Launch date
6 October 2014
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