How to get more space on android without deleting apps

When our smartphones don’t work correctly, our mobile and digital dependent brains get quite the shock – when we need to use our smartphones, which is rather often, we want it to work perfectly. And that makes speed and response the ultimate defining factors when it comes to our smartphone’s capabilities. Clearing out the memory from our phones is a quick solution; and we often turn to our photography collection or ‘unused’ apps.

While deleting useless apps and blurry photos is always a good idea; removing valuable apps and content from our devices is a shame. Luckily, there are a number of ways to free up space on your phone without deleting apps.

If you’re sporting an Android smartphone; here are 3 tips to clear space without deleting apps:

System apps disabled

You know all those in-built apps on your Android device, the ones you found installed on your new phone but could never delete? Well, the bottom line is that you can not delete them (unless you get your phone Rooted); but you can easily disable all the apps in your settings section.

This will reduce some data that might be taking up space. Here’s how:

  1. long press the icon you want to disable,
  2. drag it to the top of your screen, to ‘info’ at the top right corner of your screen,
  3. your Settings page will appear for the particular app,
  4. here you can disable the app by choosing the option.

WhatsApp media removed

Recent updates on WhatsApp now allow users to manage storage space. This allows you to sift through your individual messaging or group chats and see which ones are taking up the most space. Controlling or limiting the amount of storage your conversations take up is all in your control.

You can even choose what kind of data you want to store; for example videos, photos or GIFs.

Google Photos activated

Google Photos is a great solution to store all your photos safely and securely. This Google creation, like other Google developments allows you to organise your content to your liking – it also allows you to free up space on your Android device.

Enabling ‘backup & sync’ is a great idea to activate on your phone; this means that every photo is backed up online. You will also be able to choose the source from which your photos are taken; such as Instagram or WhatsApp. Best part… unlimited storage.

Once you’re done; click ‘free up space’ and Google will automatically free up space on your phone by removing all backed up photos and videos.

If you’re an iPhone user; here are 3 tricks to and free up storage:

Photos managed

iPhone’s iOS gives you many options to reduce storage internally; you can start off by disabling your Photo Stream. This is done to sync photos across Mac, iPhone and iPad; if you don’t need this feature; simply disable following this path: Go to Settings > iCloud > Photos > Uncheck “Upload to My Photo Stream”.

You can even turn off Sharing Photos in iCloud; by following the same path and disabling “iCloud Photo Sharing”. The last way to reduce storage issues with photo management, is to disable the Saving Duplicate Photos feature when shooting in HDR.

Every time you take a shot in HDR, your iPhone saves two shots; an original photo and the processed one. Follow this path to disable duplicate photos in HDR: Go to Settings > Photos & Camera > Enable “Keep Normal Photo”.

iMessage files deleted

Every file you send across iMessage is saved as a duplicate in iMessage ‘Documents and Data”. This takes up precious memory on your phone. Whether it’s a small image or a large video; every MB counts when you’re trying to keep your iPhone in top condition.

In order to increase data storage capacity:

  1. open iMessage and find the conversation with the files you wish to remove,
  2. tap and hold on the file you want to delete and click ‘More’ on the pop-up
  3. select all the media files you wish to remove and press the Trash icon.

Safari cleared

Our browsing habits save Temporary Files which clog up your storage through the Safari history storage; clearing cache and history will tidy up your iPhone and result in more storage space.

Clear your history by heading to Settings, entering Safari and clicking “Clear History and Website Data”. Easy and effective.

A smartphone with more storage is a much more effective tool for our everyday life. Find the best solution for your smartphone needs and increase storage without ever having to delete an app again!


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How can I increase storage space on my Android phone?

Close apps that don't respond. Android manages the memory that apps use. You don't usually need to close apps. ... .
Uninstall apps you don't use. If you uninstall an app and need it later, you can download it again. ... .
Clear the app's cache & data. You can usually clear an app's cache and data through your phone's Settings app..

How can I get more storage on my phone without deleting everything?

How to Get More Space on your Phone without Deleting.
Clear All Apps' Cache..
Delete Unnecessary Downloads..
Transfer Apps to SD Card..
Transfer Photos via USB Cable..
Vicky Carter..

How do I make storage without deleting apps?

Clear the cache To clear cached data from a single or specific program, just go to Settings> Applications>Application Manager and tap on the app, of which the cached data you want to remove. In the information menu, tap on Storage and then “Clear Cache” to remove the relative cached files.

How do I increase phone storage for apps?

On an Android phone, go to Settings > Storage If you drill down into the category, you can delete individual files or data. For example, under “Audio,” long-press on one or more files and tap Delete. Or under “Apps,” tap the app's name and then Uninstall to remove it from your phone.


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