How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

I have a lovely little chihuahua who has peed on more than one occasion on my microfiber furniture. I have cleaned it up and there are no stains, but I still have an odor problem. Any ideas to get the urine odor out?

Becki from Dallas, TX


Nature's Miracle, it's an active enzyme cleaner. I would test it in an inconspicuous place first. But I've been using it for yrs. on my carpet. It's designed for anything, including clothing. I get it locally but I know you can get it online too. (09/15/2007)

By Me

Hi Becki, go to your local feed store to get a syringe and needle (yes, you can buy one). Use it to inject pet odor neutralizer (same as for carpet shampooing) into the cushions. Hope this helps, I'm sure it will! (09/16/2007)

By Kim Churchman

How do you get rid of the dog urine smell from the cushions inside of the cushion covers? My cocker spaniel dog peed on my microfiber love seat cushions. What is the best way to get the dog urine smell out of my cushions on the inside of my love seat, which is microfiber? (06/13/2008)

By Felicia

Use Zorbx. They sell it at Lowe's and Home Depot. It works great and the smell disappears. (08/26/2008)

By jenn

I have a red microfiber couch and my maltese-poodle (whom I am very angry with as I write this) has decided he wants to pee in only one spot on the couch. I'm afraid that the odor neutralizer will fade the couch color. Does anyone recommend a product in particular for red microfiber couches? (09/04/2008)

We show you how to tackle the stench and let you know when it might be time to call in the professionals.


Why is it important to clean your carpet?

Just when you thought you’d gotten rid of the stain, the smell returns, often days or weeks after.

The reason urine stains emit such a formidable stench is because there’s nothing ‘wee’ about them.

Urine is a waste-product, containing a number of ingredients, including bacteria. The problem child in this ingredient list though, is uric salts, which cannot be broken down by anything other than an enzymatic cleaner.


How To Treat Urine Stains

Step 1

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

Take the stained cushion off the lounge, if you are able to.

Step 2

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

For fresh stains, blot with a paper towel as much as possible. Some of the research we found indicated that putting dirty towels where your pet should be doing their business may reinforce better behaviour.

Step 3

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

We recommend testing the below solution on an inconspicuous section of your lounge fabric before proceeding.

Step 4

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

Mix a 1:3 parts vinegar and water solution in a spray bottle, and spray generously on the stain. Scrub lightly before letting dry. It’s important to note that a dried stain will require more spraying to re-wet the stain. Vinegar’s disinfecting properties will target the bacteria as well.

Step 5

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

Make sure you wait until the cushion is dry, and then sprinkle a generous amount of Bi-Carb Soda to help remove odours. Leave the Bi-Carb on for a few hours before vacuuming up.

This combination can remove much of the stain and target the smell. It won’t remove 100% of the stain though, which is why you need an enzymatic cleaner.

Enzymatic cleaners treat urine because they break down the chemicals in the urine which cause the smell. Follow the instructions closely and use a cleaner suitable for your upholstery type. We recommend investing in a high-quality product to avoid having to re-do the job.

A couple of cleaners we recommend are Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer and Integrity Health.

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch


Why Won’t the Urine Stain and Smell Go Away?

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

Urine is a surfactant which means it breaks down surface tension. Because urine breaks down the surface tension in the fabric (and padding) the urine is likely to penetrate deep into the padding of your sofa, especially if the pet has had multiple accidents in the same area.

Once the urine penetrates the padding, topical treatments like that we’ve suggested above are unlikely to treat all of the uric salts, which means the odour is likely to return. To treat it, a professional needs to inject a solution into the padding of the lounge to dissolve the uric salts.

Tough stains like these need professional expertise, solutions and equipment to effectively treat the urine stain and the smell it leaves behind.


What Is the Electrodry Difference?

We know you want to avoid damaging your furniture, and want the assurance of a job done right, which is why a professional may be what you need.

A professional clean is also a great option if you have particularly delicate fabric or a tough stain and stench. Depending on your fabric type, a qualified technician will tailor the cleaning and stain removal method.

Here’s what Electrodry can do for you.

  • We’ll do a colour test if needed on your fabric to ensure the treatment doesn’t make the fabric colour run.
  • Our technicians can detect moisture in your couch using special equipment; this is how we exactly where to use the spot treatment

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

  • The Electrodry pre-vacuum includes our industrial-strength equipment to ensure debris is removed from your couch.

How to get pee smell out of microfiber couch

  • The technician will inject a solution into the affected area of the couch to treat the uric salts.
  • The pre-spray solution contains antibacterial and sanitising properties.
  • We apply a specialised upholstery cleaning spray, which includes Electro-Shield, a strong sanitiser that removes odour-causing bacteria, germs and fungi.

We are confident we can treat most stains and odours and offer a 14-day guarantee on our upholstery service.

It always helps if you know what the stain is and roughly when it occurred – that’s how we know what chemicals are best to treat it with.

Please keep in mind that the greater the level of contamination, the harder it is to treat the uric salts and odour. If the lounge has been contaminated regularly, then you may need to replace the lounge. Old urine stains on cotton fabrics can be very difficult, if not impossible, to remove.

How do you get the smell out of a microfiber couch?

To eliminate odors from your microfiber furniture, just reach for a box of baking soda. This pantry staple absorbs odors and restores freshness. Sprinkle dry baking soda on the smelly microfiber. After an hour, all you need to do is vacuum up both the baking soda and the offending odors.

How do you get the pee smell out of a couch that has been dried?

Mix a 1:3 parts vinegar and water solution in a spray bottle, and spray generously on the stain. Scrub lightly before letting dry. It's important to note that a dried stain will require more spraying to re-wet the stain. Vinegar's disinfecting properties will target the bacteria as well.

Does microfiber absorb urine?

Lightly blot the urine stain with a microfiber cloth to remove excess urine. If you press too hard, you may spread the stain. (Tip: If the stain is fresh, a wet/dry vac will do a great job.)

Does the smell of urine in a couch go away?

Rinse the urine spot with a damp cloth that only has water. Your couch will air dry, and the urine smell should be gone. Vinegar breaks down uric acid, the main component in urine that produces odor. The detergent and water clean the stain and leave your fabric sparkling clean.