How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

When things aren’t straightforwardly communicated, we’re left with a lot of questions in our heads… Gosh, especially by texting!


We’ve been seeing signs, we’ve been amateurly trying to analyze them, and come to a few barely standing conclusions that are not satisfying our wild curiosity: How to tell if a guy likes you over text?! Universe?!

Now, let’s figure this out together!

Some say that he texts a lot when he is interested in you, some say he holds back a little (i.e waits for your response)… What’s the deal with these love experts? Seriously! We can find ways to and spot the right and obvious signs he likes you via text, can we?

Of course, we can! Here are 23 way too obvious signs he likes you over text:

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

1. He gives you the vibe, you know the one

When a guy is into you, he won’t be able to hide it even through text. You’ll get the vibe, you’ll smell something interesting in the air. That’s one of the reasons you’re looking this up.

He leaves hints and ‘traces’ even if he doesn’t want to. And what are going to do about it? Pick them, of course!

2. Oop- you‘ve been texting for quite a while now

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

It doesn’t have to be necessary every single day, though if he texts every day it is quite of an indicator that he does indeed like you.

Consistent contact helps in building an emotional connection – you hear from one another quite often, eventually, you start caring more and more about one another.

If it’s been a while since you’ve been texting, it means he’s willing to put time and effort – who has those for someone you’re not interested in?

3. He initiates texts very often

If he doesn’t wait for you to text him first. This one isn’t surprising, since it is some sort of a standard for men to text first. However, they chose who to text first, and he chose you!

4. “Good night” & “Good morning” texts

Well, well, well… You better get ready once the “Good night” & “Good morning” texts start to kick in.

I like to translate them into: “First thing that popped in my head” & “Last thing I’ll think of before bed” When a guy likes you, good night & good morning become part of his texting habits, part of your texting routine.

5. He makes texting fun, fun, fun!

If he includes jokes in his texting game, sends you gifs, memes, hell, songs even tries to make you laugh, it means he’s putting in effort because he cares because well, he likes you!

If a guy likes you he’ll put the effort into his texting skills, he can’t afford to mess up, he’ll make texting with you fun, or at least he’ll try.

There are busy people, busy women, busy men. But despite the busy days, he’s excited that you’re texting, and he can’t wait to text back. Props to you too for being so irresistible, you!!

BUT, we’re looking for a balance here: he doesn’t want to take too long (because you might lose interest) nor does he want to send a text too quick to mess it up with a silly text message.

7. He takes his time to craft a clever text back

His texts aren’t long, though they’re well thought and well-written texts. He tries to be careful with punctuation and grammar, with the way he responds to you, hence he needs a little bit of time to craft that clever little message that’ll blow your mind!

A “k” or “cool” doesn’t count unless he ran out of ideas and is ready to give it all up because “I’ll never get a chance with her” started to kick in.

8. He asks you thoughtful questions & notices when something’s off by the way you text him back

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

He asks questions related to your personal life, emotions, feelings, and so on. To begin with, this is a sign he cares, and of course, we have healthy brains to understand that caring is a good sign.

He’s pretty serious about you when he wants to know how your day went, how you’re doing emotionally (“How are you?”, “Is Everything Ok?”), how you’re feeling. How could you not notice?!

Note: He notices when something’s wrong, he pays attention to details, even though texting. He’s not asking you about the weather, he’s asking you a question that has to do with you and your emotional state.

9. He engages in your text conversation: He shares personal things with you

Not things like “I’m going out with this girl tomorrow”, don’t be silly! If that’s the case, you’re so friend-zoned!

One of the ways to know if a guy likes you through the way he texts you is by seeing how much he engages in the text conversation.

When he likes you he shares things like details from his days or even big problems: Things that are personal to him, that are connected to his emotional state.

10. He’ll text you when he’s drunk

He’s feeling bold, he’s feeling fine, he’ll shoot a text to blow your mind! Well, that at least according to his at-the-moment tipsy/drunk brain.

Especially if he’s a shy guy, he’s been holding himself back enough, he’s drunk and his breaks are kind of loose, he’ll just go for it! Yes, he’ll use it as a way to hint he likes you through text– erm, through drunk-texting you.

11. He wants to move the conversation over the phone, if he’s feeling bold he might even ask you out

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

At times he’ll tell you he wishes he was near, and then there will be times he’ll just go for it.

When he likes you he won’t get enough just from texting with you. He’ll want to hear your voice, see you, hang out with you.

He will not want to be a pen-pal for long. He likes you, of course, he’ll want to be in your presence.

12. You have long text conversations

That means two things: time and effort. Two things we won’t be willing to give unless we feel like it’s worth it, right?

When he likes you, it’ll reflect on the way he texts you too. He’ll put time and effort into your conversations rather than short & dull texts that don’t take much. You’re not the only one trying to keep the text conversation going, he engages and reciprocates.

13. He apologizes when he takes too long to reply

He apologizes when he takes too long to reply, or even tells you the reasons why he couldn’t reply earlier.

That’s because he doesn’t want to give you the impression that he doesn’t care about you and push you away, hence he feels the need to explain. He even lets you know when he’s busy and can’t talk – he doesn’t want to seem uninterested in you.

14. “I saw this, and it reminded me of you.” & “I wish I was there with you”

Your gay best friend won’t tell you how bad he wants to be close to you.

A guy that likes you, will make an effort to give you hints and see your reaction so that he knows if the feeling is required. He even includes your name in those texts as a way to get your attention and start conversations or make them longer

You’re in his mind, and of course, things remind him of you – a song, a movie, a movie trailer, or anything really – he’ll text you to let you know, he knows you’ll feel good.

15. He tries initiating sexy conversations

I’m sure you have plenty of friends, and you’re disgusted by just the idea of sexting with them; of course, they’re your friends and you don’t do that with friends.

You do that with someone you’re interested in. It’s one of the things that distinguishes the difference between him being friendly and him showing signs he likes you through text.

He’ll find healthy ways to express his sexual attraction to you through text too, otherwise, this would be entirely platonic, don’t you think?

Note: If he’s only sexually attracted to you he will only try to initiate sexting; He won’t bother asking about your health or your day.

16. He drops his ego and Double Texts. Double Texts.

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

There you have another easy-to-spot sign he likes you over text! When a man likes a woman, he will often not mind his ego and will double text her. Keep in mind there are exceptions to this, as some might not want to come off as needy.

Double texting isn’t necessarily bad or wrong. If he wants to know if things are cool between you two, then it’s okay; He’s just eager to get your opinion, and your texts back, and isn’t hiding it.

17. He lets you know when he’s out (won’t be able to reply)

You can tell a guy really likes you when he reflects it through his texting habits too: he doesn’t want to seem uninterested, so he takes the effort to explain.

When he lets you know he has to go, it means he’s interested in continuing the conversation further, and he wants to let you know he’s not ignoring you. It’s just something he has to do – A friend wouldn’t do that; nobody does that unless they truly care about the person they’re texting with.

18. He texts you with nicknames: Cutie, Sweetie, ie?

At some point or another, he will call you something else, a cute nickname. Some men do that when they like someone or when they feel sympathy towards someone.

He can’t help it, he’ll find ways to tell you how sweet/cool/cute/awesome he finds you. He might also find a nickname to tease you, which is a great sign.

Being playful is absolutely a positive sign in a relationship – A way of flirting, a playful and lovely way of mingling.

19. He uses emoji – Not just any emoji though!

He uses flirty emoji. Like a winky face emoji, heart emoji, and kiss emoji. You feel that flirty vibe, those butterflies, as it is exactly his intention, and pretty much the point of flirting.

Sending emojis is also one of the signs he’s flirting with you. Pay attention to the emojis he chooses to send you, and how flirty they feel. It’s a good sign if he’s flirting.

20. He mirrors you (he doesn’t know he does it)

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

We unconsciously mirror people we like, whether it is through body language, verbal communication, or… text. It’s one of the psychological signs: Let’s say you use some type of slang, you will notice him using that exact word too, even though he didn’t before.

You can know he likes you when you notice him using words he didn’t use before, you might notice him using YOUR words.

21. He texts you compliments – He can’t help it

He’ll find ways to let you know how good you look in that picture, how funny you are, or how smart you are. Of course, he will, he likes you!

He wants to get your attention and tell you what he appreciates about you. At some point, he can’t help but let you know.

22. He texts in a flirty way sometimes

Flirting through text takes a couple of flirty texts, good chemistry, and a will to flirt from both sides.

You can tell your guy is flirting with you over text when he teases you a little, he sends you flirty phrases like “You’re too good to be true, what’s the catch?”, or when he uses flirty emoji.

Unless you’ve got no idea about flirting, you’ll know exactly when he’s doing it.

23. He smashes the sign on your face!

He tells you things like: “I miss you”, or “I like that you do [something]”, and so on. In a few words, he smashes the “I like you” sign on your face, and you still don’t get it.

I feel you, it is about those little insecurities we feel when we like someone, he’s probably having them too, hence you’re googling to connect the dots.

If you’re not sure and have a feeling he’s not interested, you can check for signs he’s not interested through text.

Wrapping up all the signs here!

You can tell a guy likes you through text when he’s thoughtful (e.g. makes sure if you arrived safely if you made it to work in time); when he’s consistent, initiating, when he contributes to meaningful text conversations, when he shares, off and puts effort into his texting game.

For the moment you can’t read his body language, but you can read his texts and ways of approaching you through them.

If he likes you he’ll give off signs over text, consider these before you come up with a conclusion:

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

Everyone expresses things differently. Especially when it comes to expressing affection, even if it is indirectly. So, your man can be a certain type – It doesn’t necessarily mean that he fits into every frame or standard of “he does this, he likes you”, or “he does this, he’s not interested”.

How well do you know him? As in, do you know how he expresses himself? Let’s say how he acts when he’s happy when he’s sad, angry, confused, etc. You must know at least a little bit about him since it’ll be easier for you to comprehend and connect the signs to find an answer.

Have you met him before? It would’ve been easier for you to know more about his way of expressing, his type, and his personality if you’d met him in person. However, that doesn’t mean that knowing more about his way of expressing and his personality can be done only through the meeting.

How do you feel after texting him? If you’re left with joy and positive energy, then most probably this is what he’s wanting to reflect on you – Take this as a super good sign. However, if you’re left feeling doubts or not feeling good, then you might have to consider if you want that type of energy in your days or not.

Know the difference between a caring “where are you?” and a possessive “where are you?”. It’s anything but romantic when he cares to know about where you are so that “Other men can’t take you away from him.”, make the distinction and decide.

17 obvious signs he loves you secretly

3 ways to test him to find out if he likes you through text

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

There are three ways through which you can text him out to find out if he likes you over text: you can send him a nice message, get busy with something so that you forget where your phone is, and let him know of a problem you’re dealing with.

Here they are explained in detail:

1. Send him a nice/lovely message and see his response. You can start with texts similar to these:

“Good morning handsome! Did you sleep well?”

“I’m wishing you a beautiful, and interesting day today!”

“I wish you a day just as beautiful as your energy!”

Pay attention to his response. These are lovely texts to receive, and they make your day especially if you receive them from someone you like. If he’s all happy and thankful about it, and also reciprocates it, then he likes you.

Or just let him know of something you like/admire about him. Something like:

“I feel very lucky to have had the chance to know you.”

Send him a nice, cheerful song and tell him: “I was thinking about you when this came on, and I had to send it to you.”

*Remember, if he likes you he’ll respond positively, and even reciprocate it.

You can also try good night texts, or simply letting him know that you’re thinking of him. Give him signs you like him, and see how he responds.

2. Get busy doing something until you forget your phone exists. Don’t purposely ignore him, simply find something you know you’ll be engaged with for hours, and see his response. See if he notices that you’re gone for so long, or if he plays it cool.

3. Let him know of a problem you’re trying to solve. Don’t make up a problem, simply, let him know of a problem you’re dealing with. If he offers to help you, if he seems to be supportive beyond his ways, then there’s something more than friendship there.

How to get a guy to admit he likes you over text?

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

The easiest way to get a guy to admit he likes you over text is through telling him you like him. Of course, there are other ways, but the most direct and subtle one is this.

If you like him, tell him. If he likes you back, he will tell you too. And you can start something beautiful and healthy because you’re starting it well: with clear and honest communication.

Other ‘love experts’ would tell you to distance yourself from him for a while, and he’ll miss you, and he’ll feel like losing you, so he’ll feel the urge to let you know how he feels.

Though that is not a healthy way of ‘making’ him admit his feelings for you. I’ll tell you why!

You distancing yourself from him would make him think he’s done something wrong/ that you’re not interested in him, or make him feel insecure about the connection with you – it’s not healthy, to begin with.

Conclusion – So, good news? Does he like you?

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

If you like him back, you can simply tell him. There’s no reason not to tell him. A simple “I like you” won’t hurt anybody. You like him, and sympathy is such a beautiful thing to feel towards someone. Share it, it’s beautiful!

Seriously, what more do you need? Batman, to slap your cheek?



How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

How to Tell if a Guy Likes You Over Text? – 22 Signs He Likes You Through Text

How to know if someone loves you secretly through text

Does He Like Me? Quiz – How to tell If a guy likes you?

How do you tell if someone likes you but is hiding it through text?

How to know if a guy likes you through texting.
He texts back fairly quickly. ... .
He texts you good morning. ... .
He wants to know about you. ... .
You joke around and share funny things together. ... .
He tells you he would rather be with you than texting. ... .
He flirts when texting. ... .
He will initiate texting you. ... .
He texts you good night..

How do you know if someone likes you but is hiding?

Look out for these signs to understand if he likes you but is hiding it: He stares at you and can't help smiling: He gazes at you longer than necessary and returns a smile when you look back – that kind of smile he can't control because he gets nervous around you.

Can you fall in love over text?

A lot of studies have shown that texting is a great way to start a romance, especially because of how convenient it is and doesn't make the people involved feel the ‌awkwardness that comes with meeting in person. An interesting research even found that it takes 163 text messages to fall in love with someone!