How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

During our Re-Fabbed Christmas Spirit week, Hannah dressed up as a Gingerbread house… and incase there is ever a time in your life you’ll need to dress like a Gingerbread house, we’ve got you covered with a little tutorial! 😂

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • large box
  • corrugated cardboard
  • brown kraft paper
  • tape
  • hot glue
  • “glittered drape” from Dollar Tree
  • lots of embellishments!
How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

First things first, wrap your big box in your brown kraft paper.

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Next, wrap your corrugated cardboard with the brown kraft paper too! We used white duct tape to seal it around the edges… and it kind of looks like frosting!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Next, take your drape and hot glue it onto your roof. You want there to be overhang on each side so we can cut out icicles!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

She glued it down along the edges and down the middle.

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

To attach your roof, we decided to make “stakes” to give it extra support. Simply a small slit on opposite sides of the box, and then make the stakes using leftover cardboard.

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Hot glue on your steaks to the roof, and also hot glue along the crease where the roof meets the box.

Also, Hannah was WEARING this gingerbread house… so she cut a whole in the top for her head to stick out!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Next, trim up the drape on the front. She didn’t make icicles along the front since they would have covered her face!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Now for the chimney! This part is optional, but soooo cute! Take some leftover cardboard, and form it into a box. Line it up along the edge of the roof, so you can draw where you should cut your angle.

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Just cut along the line you drew, and it should line up perfectly for your roof! Simple hot glue it on.

Now that the hard part is done… this is where you go crazy with your imagination!!! Just decorate it however you think a gingerbread house should look… there are no rules!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

The door and windows were made from the cardboard! Also, the “gumdrops” were made from plastic condiment cups stuffed with colored tissue paper.

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

Seriously, just use your imagination and decorate it however you like!!

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

What do you think??? Would you sport this to your next Christmas party??? 😂


How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard

How to make a gingerbread man costume out of cardboard