How to mount tv on wall and hide wires

By HIDEit MountsFebruary 24, 2022

When we show off our epic gamer wall setup at HIDEit HQ, we usually get asked “Where are all the cords?” If there’s one thing we’ve perfected over the last decade, it’s how to create a clean setup by hiding devices and taming unsightly cables. Whether you’re looking to vanish hanging cables in your living room, office or man cave, we’ve got three easy tips to help you mange cables and create a space you'll love!

Tip #1: HIDE Wires Behind the TV

We can all picture this: cords running from the bottom of the TV to an entertainment center or surge protector. This ruins the aesthetics of what we’re going for in our living room or gaming space. After all, that’s why we started HIDEit to begin with.

What’s the easiest way to get rid of cords? HIDE them!

Using any one of our wall mounts, you can easily bring those unsightly cables up. You’ll no longer need to worry about HDMI cables that are too long that dangle down. You can always wall mount your devices and most of our mounts are VESA pattern compatible. All you’ll need is our VESA Bars to add a few extra spots for the mounts.

PRO TIP: Pick up a few HIDEit Cord Wraps. Similar to a Velcro cord wrap, these hook and loop straps are strong enough to hold and are easily adjustable to fit cords of any size. Plus they won’t pinch cables the way a zip-tie can.

Tip 2: Use Cord Covers to HIDE Cables

Now, what about power cables? Those need to hang down, don’t they? Well, yes, but there are plenty of ways to get rid of those unwanted cables.

Cord covers are an affordable and fast way to hide cords without any additional demo work. Simply stick them to the wall, run the cables through them and watch them disappear!

Better yet, cord covers come in all different colors, so you can match your wall’s color to blend the covers. Or you can paint the covers to camouflage the covers and never notice them again. We’ve even had customers use cord covers for greater cable management to create a unique design to make their setup pop even more!

Tip 3: HIDE Cables Behind the Wall

The DIY route isn’t for everyone, and if you’re not comfortable with getting your hands dirty and making a few holes, this might not be the option for you. What options do you have for a DIY project, should you be willing to try? 

The first option is to route the cables behind the wall using an in-wall wire hider. This step doesn't require a licensed electrician, but you'll need to get your hands dirty with some additional work and tools, such as a saw or drill with a cutting attachment. It should only take a few minutes to create the perfect setup. Cut two holes, one near the TV and one near the outlet, screw in the behind wall cable routers and make those cables disappear!

Another option is to move the outlet closer to the TV. We definitely recommend hiring a licensed electrician here. We know many of you are crafty and more than capable of doing this yourself, but it's best to play on the safe side. A trained electrician should be able to move an outlet in just a couple of hours!

With these tips, we know you’ll soon be creating an incredible setup that’s photo-worthy! Be sure to post those photos on social media and tag HIDEit with #afterHIDEit to be entered into our AMAZING contest where your order could be free!

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Updated: September 22, 2022

Mounting a TV on the wall looks great, but the cables can make it messy. Learn how to hide wires for a wall-mounted TV - with and without cutting the wall.

Mounting your TV on the wall is appealing for many reasons and is an excellent alternative to putting it on a piece of furniture or resting it on a shelf.

Aesthetically, wall-mounted TVs look great, provide optimum viewing angles and reduce clutter.

However, your TV’s power cord and low-voltage cables can cause problems if you don’t have a cord cover, electrical outlet or conduits to pass the visible wires.

Here’s how to hide wires for a wall-mounted TV and solve the problem of unsightly cables dangling beneath.

How to Hide the Wires for a TV on Drywall

The type of wall can affect the best way to hide the wires – so, first, here’s how to best run your cables with drywall.

If you do not have a power socket close to your TV, it’s a good idea to get a qualified electrician to install one as close to the TV as possible.

If your wall socket is located low down on the wall, you can use a pass-through and an extension to run the cable inside the wall:

Popular Cable Wall Plate

Although, you must make sure this is permitted by the building code in your area.

A neater, more professional option is to use an in-wall cable management system with power connectors:

In-Wall Cable Management

These come in single and dual plug options, and the recessed outlet fits neatly inside the wall. 

You must account for the number of units you may need to plug into a power supply, such as the TV, soundbar, and possibly an AppleTV. 

And while you could use power extensions or plug adapters, fitting the correct number of outlets is neater.

There are a variety of low voltage mounting brackets that come in different styles, colors, and shapes to suit your décor. 

You’ll need to cut a hole in the drywall to allow access to the wall’s interior and remember there could also be insulation material inside the drywall that you’ll have to deal with when pulling the cable down.

The best tool for this is fish tape or a pull rod.

Step 1: Cut a Hole in the Drywall

Make sure you locate the studs using a stud-finder before finalizing exactly where you’ll run your cables.

You don’t want to end up mounting your TV and being unable to run the cables down inside the wall.

After selecting the pass-through or mounting bracket, trace the outline of the hole you need on the wall, and ensure it is hidden behind where the TV will be.

Avoid cutting a hole inside the TV mounting bracket; otherwise, you’ll struggle to make it fit. If you have little room to spare, measure and mark where the mount will go, so you make the hole in the correct place.

Cutting a hole in drywall for a cable plate

Using a drywall saw, cut out the hole and remove the section of the drywall.

If you are new to this, here’s a useful video on the different ways you can cut drywall without making a mess:

Do the same for the hole at the bottom where the cable exits.

You can then use a flashlight to check that there is no fire block in the way, preventing the cables from reaching the lower opening.

Step 2: Pass the Wires Through the Wall

Screw the top pass-through or mounting plate to the top hole, ensuring it is securely fastened.

Tape the power, ethernet, coaxial, or HDMI cables together, so they are easier to handle.

Pass the cables through the hole and pull the wires down using the rod or fish tape.

Pulling wires through a hole in drywall

Make sure you tie off the cable at the top using a cable tie or string to prevent the wires from being pulled down through the hole.

This job is much easier if there is no insulation inside the wall.

Step 3: Secure the Wires

Thread the lower end of the cables through the pass-through or bracket and secure them using either a hot glue gun or clips to connect the wires to the bottom of the wall.

Step 4: Connect the Cables

Mount the TV on the mounting brackets and connect the cables.

Pull the cables through the wall from the bottom, so there is enough length to reach the power and other connections.

Ensure you leave enough cable length

If your TV is mounted on a swing bracket, remember to leave enough cable available for the mount to swing through its full range of motion.

If you cannot drill holes in the wall, learn about mounting a TV without drilling holes.

Step 5: Check the Connections

Check that the installation has power and that the internet or other inputs are working correctly.

Check that all the mounting plates and covers are screwed tight and that none of the cables are pinched or bent.

Hiding TV Cables in Solid Walls

If your walls are solid concrete or brick, the ideal solution is to have a contractor plaster conduit into the wall before the final finishes are applied.

If this hasn’t been done, you will have to use an angle grinder and a suitable cutting disk to chase a channel into the wall where you can place some electrical conduit to hide the electrical cables.

This requires the required tools, safety gear, and expertise to do the job.

Unless you are a skilled plasterer, it will be difficult to hide the channel made in the wall, and you should consult a local handyperson or electrician who can do this job for you.

If you do everything correctly, you can get an elegant finish like this, resulting in hidden wires and wall mount once the TV is in place:

To cut a channel in a brick or concrete wall for the wires, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the Correct Location

Carefully check that no electrical or water lines are running where you wish to place the conduit.

Use a cable detector to avoid drilling into wires

You can use a handheld wall cable detector to check for any possible problems.

Step 2: Cut the Wall

Mark a line on the wall using a level and straight edge. Then cut lines to a depth of no more than 1/3 of the width of the wall.

Use an angle grinder, or a hammer and chisel/bolster, to create a channel

You can use an angle grinder or a hammer and brick bolster to cut into the plaster, brickwork, or concrete.

Step 3: Tidy the Channel

Using a hammer and chisel, remove the plaster and brickwork or concrete until you have a clean, symmetrical channel in which the conduit will fit.

Don’t forget to make a hole at each end that is big enough to receive a junction box. You will attach a bracket and cover plate to the junction box for a neat, professional finish.

Step 4: Fit the Junction Boxes

Once the channel is deep enough, and the edges are cleaned up, place the junction boxes in the top and bottom openings and mark where the screw holes are located.

Junction box in a concrete wall

Using a power drill, drill out the holes and screw the boxes in places using the appropriate screws and plugs.

Step 5: Cut the Conduit to Size and Secure It

Measure the distances between the boxes and cut the conduit to length.

Running wires through the channel in the wall

Remember to cut the conduit slightly oversized so there is a little poking through the junction box on each end.

Hold the conduit in place using clips and galvanized nails.

Step 6: Finish With Plaster

Mix some ready-mix mortar to plaster the gaps around and over the conduit and around the boxes if necessary.

Tidy up the channel with plaster

Once it has dried, you can plaster over the top for a neat finish.

Step 7: Run the Cables

Run wires through the junction box

You can then run the cables through the conduit by inserting them at the top and pushing them through to the bottom cable box.

How to Hide TV Wires Without Cutting the Wall

If you prefer not to cut a hole or channel into your wall, there are a few alternatives to hide your wall-mounted TV cables.

1. Cable Raceway Kit

A raceway is a cable management system with an aluminum or plastic channel attached to the wall to hide your electrical wiring from view.

Stageek Cable Raceway Kit

A simple solution for neatly hiding your TV and home entertainment system wires. This raceway cable management system has pre-cut slots for up to nine wires and self-adhesive tape for easy installation.


You can paint them the same color as the wall, which makes them even harder to see. Overall it is an elegant and easy solution to cable management.

You generally don’t require tools to attach the raceway as they come with a double-sided adhesive pad on the back.

2. Paint the Wires

Painting the wires the same color as the wall is a quick and easy way to obscure them from view.

If you have multi-colored wallpaper or paint, use a primary shade similar to the overall color when viewed from a distance. You may be surprised how the wires blend in once you are far away.

You can use a hot glue gun to attach the cables for a neat and professional finish.

3. Build a False Wall

You can build a false wall around the TV, allowing you to hide the cables effectively.

The false wall is positioned over the normal wall and can be decorated the same as the surroundings, or you can make it a feature by using a complementary design.

Unless you are a DIY expert, you might want to consider hiring a professional to do this for you.

4. Use Cord Clips

Cord clips are tiny plastic clips with adhesive backing pads. You can stick them to the wall to help keep the cables neat and out of the way.

Shintop Cable Clips

Large cable clips for organizing your cables and wires. Each clip has two slots for managing two wires at once, and they attach easily to most surfaces using adhesive.


They do not effectively hide the cables, but you won’t be left with your wires just dangling below the TV.

5. Use Cable Ties

You can also use cable ties to keep the cables neatly bunched together. However, they’ll not hide the wires and could still look messy.

6. Using Décor to Hide the Cables 

If the TV is mounted above a table or shelf, placing books or a decorative object in front of the cables can hide them from view.

Just make sure that you do not obstruct the remote control sensor.

7. Connect Smart TV to a Wireless Network

To minimize the number of cables you need to hide, you can connect to your smart TV via your wireless network rather than use an ethernet cable.

FAQ: Hiding Wall-Mounted TV Wires

How to Hide the Wires for a Brick Wall-Mounted TV?

You can hide your TV cables by painting them the same color as the brickwork or attach a raceway to the space between the bricks and hide the wires inside. A more costly option would be to chase a recess into the wall, placing a conduit inside and then plastering over it.

How to Creatively Hide the TV Wires for a Wall-Mounted TV?

The most creative way to hide your TV cables is to incorporate them into a piece of wall art, paint them to match the wall, or build a false wall and hide the TV and the wires behind a sliding panel.

How to Hide the Wires for a Wall-Mounted TV Above a Fireplace?

To hide the wires above a fireplace, you must first check how hot the wall becomes before deciding where the cables will go. You can then run the wires along the brickwork gap and paint the same color. Or you can use brick clips to hold the cables neatly in place, hidden by a cover strip.

About Home Cinema Guide

Paul started the Home Cinema Guide to help less-experienced users get the most out of today's audio-visual technology. He has worked as a sound, lighting and audio-visual engineer for around 20 years. At home, he has spent more time than is probably healthy installing, configuring, testing, de-rigging, fixing, tweaking, re-installing again (and sometimes using) various pieces of hi-fi and home cinema equipment. You can find out more here.

Image Credit: Tavrius/ | Aggapom Poomitud/ | Evtushkova Olga/ | Jo Panuwat D/ | wibulpass/ | Masarik/

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How do you mount a TV on the wall without the wires showing?

To hide your cords, all you have to do is cut two holes in your sheetrock and drop them through the wall. It's really easy as pie. Start by cutting your top hole. Cut it inside the bracket area to make sure it's well hidden once your TV is mounted.

How can I hide my TV wires without cutting the wall?

Paint the Raceway The easiest way to hide the wires is to use paint. Organise the wires inside a cable management raceway, and once they are all hidden, paint the entire raceway the same colour as your wall. Unless you look very closely, it will blend right in.


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