How to remove blood stains from mattress with hydrogen peroxide

Your mattresses go through a lot during their lifespans. There are stains, spillovers, dust mites, allergens, and then sometimes, there is blood on them! You see, no one wants to wake up to bloodstains on their sheets and mattresses. Despite that, sometimes, things don't go as you want them to, and accidents occur without prior notice. 

No matter what the reason might be, the thing is that you are now left with a gross stain, and you cannot even throw your mattress in the washing machine. So, how to get blood out of a mattress? Well, the trick is to take action right away. Once the blood dries, things are only going to get messier. Anyway, there are still methods by which you can remove blood from a mattress, be it fresh or dried. And in this blog, we go over exactly how to do that! Plus, we also recommend a few household stain removers and talk about some tips and tricks to protect your mattresses from all sorts of stains. 

So, let's begin!

Cleaning Supplies to Remove Blood From Mattress

To get blood out of a mattress, you will have to first gather your weapons and then spot-treat your mattress. That is to say; you must use the proper cleaning supplies to tackle the bloodstain effectively. 

Below are some of the most effective cleaning agents for removing blood from a mattress. (We will be discussing them all in detail later in the blog.)

  • Coldwater 
  • Baking Soda 
  • Corn Starch 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 
  • Meat Tenderizer 
  • Enzyme Cleaner 
  • Ammonia 
  • Cola
  • White Vinegar 
  • Shampoo 
  • Hair Spray 
  • Chlorine Bleach 
  • Hand Sanitizer 
  • White paper towels or white cloth
  • Cleaning gloves 

Things to Remember While Getting Rid of Blood Stains 

Now, before you start preparing your supplies and cleaning your mattress, let us look at some important considerations and things to remember while getting blood stains out of your mattress

  • When removing blood stains from your mattress, remember that cold water is your best friend and not hot water! While cold water dissolves blood, hot or warm water can worsen the situation and cause the stain to smear into the fibers of your mattress, setting it further into them. 
  • Make sure you do not rub the stain while you clean it. Rubbing the stain can spread the pigments further into the fabric of your mattress and eventually deteriorate its condition. 
  • Whenever possible, avoid using heavy-duty chemicals and go for household solutions. 
  • Do not use colored pieces of cloth or rags since their dyes might seep into your mattress.

How to Get Fresh Blood Out of Mattress

It is always better to treat a bloodstain while it is still fresh. So, if you can deal with it immediately, just go ahead! 

Getting fresh blood out of a mattress is primarily easy. 

Follow these simple steps to go about it:

  • Blood dissolves in cold water, so you can consider trying it first. Pick up a white rag dipped in cold water and simply dab the bloodstain. This helps remove excess blood and absorb maximum moisture out of the stain. 
  • Next, take a tablespoon of baking soda and let it rest on the stain for about 30 minutes. Baking Soda is a natural ingredient that shall aid the process of bloodstain removal
  • Finally, use another dampened cloth to clean off the baking soda by gently dabbing the stained region. 
  • Repeat the process several times until the stain disappears. 

How to Get Dried Blood Out of Mattress

When it comes to dried blood, things become a bit challenging. As the blood dries out, it bonds with the fibers of your mattress and creates a hard-to-tackle mess. However, the good news is that you can still get blood out of a mattress by using some strong cleaning equipment. 

For getting dried blood out of a mattress, simply do as directed:

  • Create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, table salt, and cornstarch. Instead of pouring hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain, we recommend mixing up a recipe to formulate a stain-busting paste. Take half cup cornstarch, half cup hydrogen peroxide, and a tablespoon of salt and mix the three ingredients. Try to bring about a toothpaste-like consistency as you do that. 
  • Dampen the stain using cold water and apply the paste to the affected area with a spoon, spatula, or a soft-bristled toothbrush. 
  • Wait for thirty minutes until hydrogen peroxide starts to bubble. After it stops, use a damp cloth to pat the stain and remove both blood and the mixture. 

How to Get Period Blood Out of Mattress

Not only is period blood a common mattress stain, but also one of the hardest stains to remove. So if you are wondering how to get period stains out of a mattress, we're here to help. Although you can try using natural household solutions, the chances are that you will have to resort to powerful cleaners to get the job done. 

An enzyme-based cleaning agent will probably be your best bet for getting period blood out of a mattress. One that contains protease enzymes, in particular, shall break down blood proteins and help you get rid of the stain right away. Just pour some of it onto a towel and dab the soiled region. Once the blood gets removed, move on to vacuuming the area to remove the residue. 

Household Blood Stain Removers

As you might have understood, you will need an effective blood stain remover to assist you in the cleaning process. Below are some DIY solutions and commercial-grade cleaners for you to choose from.


A half-cup of cornstarch, combined with one-fourth cup of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of salt, works magic on stubborn stains. Create a paste, apply it directly to the stain, and let it sit for thirty minutes. After that, use a toothbrush to loosen up the stain and a wet cloth to blot the paste. 

Hydrogen Peroxide 

Take one-fourth cup of hydrogen peroxide and mix it well with one tablespoon of liquid detergent and one tablespoon of salt to form a paste-like consistency. Dab the mixture onto the stain and allow it to dry for thirty minutes. Use a spatula to remove the paste. To lift the remnants of blood, apply hydrogen peroxide to a white towel and pat the stain. 

Meat Tenderizer 

Meat tenderizer powder contains enzymes like papain and bromelain that essentially break down blood proteins. To use it, combine one tablespoon of unseasoned meat tenderizer powder with two tablespoons of water and create a paste. Then, apply the mixture to the stain and let it dry. Brush away the mixture and the residue after that. 

Enzyme Cleaner 

As we already mentioned, using enzymatic cleaners is the most surefire technique to get blood out of a mattress. Look for the one that is specially formulated for mattresses. Make sure you do not apply it directly. Instead, spray it on a towel, blot the affected area, let it air dry, and vacuum away the remnants.

Baking Soda 

Baking soda is an excellent stain remover. Simply apply it to the stain, spray the area with white vinegar, let it fizz and foam for thirty minutes, and dab away the solution with a damp cloth. 


This one is the most powerful of all the ways to get blood stains out of a mattress. Ammonia is an extremely harsh chemical and a great stain remover. To use it, mix one tablespoon of ammonia with one cup of cold water. Then, take a white towel dipped into the ammonia solution and dab the stain until the blood lifts off. 


Cola contains carbonic and phosphoric acids that work together to lift the stain from the fibers of your mattress. 

White Vinegar 

Mix equal amounts of white vinegar with water and gently stroke the stain. Wait for several minutes, then rinse it off. 


A household shampoo can also tackle less-complicated stains at times. All you need to do is – add a bit of it to the stain and rub it into the fabric. Later on, rinse with cold water. 


If you have hairspray, you may also consider using it to remove blood. Spray the stain, allow it to rest for a few seconds, blot the area with a wet towel, and rinse when you are done. 

Chlorine Bleach 

Chlorine bleach is a great oxidizing agent and works wonders for getting rid of bloodstains. It acts at a molecular level, oxidizes blood bonds, and breaks them down.

Hand Sanitizer 

Hand sanitizers are alcohol-rich substances that act as an alternative stain remover. To try it, just apply it to the stain and leave it for ten minutes. Next, use a toothbrush to scrub the area and blot away the residue with a damp cloth. 

How to Protect Mattress From Blood and Other Stains

Now that you know how to remove blood stains from a mattress, we are sure you'll be able to tackle 'that' stain, because of which you are here. But, at the same time, we do not want you to deal with such messes again. So, if you are wondering how to keep a mattress clean and protect it from all sorts of germs and stains, we have a solution. All you need to do is invest in a mattress protector or a high-quality mattress topper to ward off unwanted stains or bacterial growth on your mattresses. Remember that going for a fully waterproof option will be a plus!


Blood stains are undoubtedly one of the toughest stains to remove. And as if that was not enough, they can even lead to mold growth on your mattresses. This, in turn, can negatively impact your health and sleep quality, which is indeed worrisome. Our step-by-step guide tells you how to get rid of bloodstains on a mattress and provides you with a list of cleaning items to choose from. We hope this helps!

This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

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Does hydrogen peroxide get blood out of mattress?

Salt, cornstarch, and hydrogen peroxide. Salt and hydrogen peroxide are great cleaning agents when it comes to protein stains, which includes blood stains.

How long do I leave hydrogen peroxide on mattress?

Blot the mattress dry as much as you can. Method 1: Grab a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide – mix three tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of washing liquid into it until the powder dissolves. Pour into a spray bottle, attack the stain and let it sit for at least an hour.


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