How to remove stains on teeth from braces

Stained braces are a common problem for many orthodontic patients. It ruins the otherwise already devastated appearance of the individual, can be a harbour for bacteria that cause tooth decay, and can contribute to the malfunctioning of the actual braces themselves.

How to remove stains on teeth from braces
Stained braces - What to do?

Test what kind of braces do you need!

Common dental braces staining agents

Coffee and tea have to be the most common staining agents in the world. Not only do they discolour your tooth enamel, they also stain your braces and pretty much everything else they come in contact with; coffee can be used as brown paint because of the super high levels of tannin that are in it. Tea also has a lot of tannin, and will stain your braces if it comes into contact with the delicious substance frequently. Next on the list is smoking. Nicotine and tar deposits will show up on your braces as nasty brown stains, much like on finger nails or wallpaper. Red fruits and berries, as well as red wine and chocolate are also rich in tannins, and will stain brackets and wires as well.


How to remove stains on teeth from braces
Smoking makes stain on your braces

When getting orthodontic treatment, it is best if you quit smoking altogether. Your teeth are compromised when in braces, and smoking or chewing tobacco only compromises them further, and they also stain braces. Chewing nicorette may not be an option for most braces, so try and get a patch, or better yet start cutting down and then quitting altogether.


Turmeric, that delicious and indispensable spice that gives indian food its delicious flavor stains everything it comes into contact with a shade of curious yellow. It will stain ceramic braces and ligatures, and after brushing and trying to clean the stain off, you will just get a lighter and lighter shade of yellow and then teal. Blue ligatures will turn a most appalling green from turmeric.

Red foods

Red wine, berries, tomato paste, red candies, all of these things stain teeth and brackets. For some reason we notice the color red, and even if there is just a touch of it on something, we will notice. Perhaps this is why all red foods and drinks, particularly ones with artificial red food coloring (which stains everything like crazy), are on the off list until further notice.

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate

How to remove stains on teeth from braces
Coffee and tea have to be the most common staining agents in the world.

Although having a cuppa every now and then will have no effect (if you make sure to rinse right after it), regular consumption of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will eventually stain your braces. This is a most cruel fact, especially in the heart of winter, but a fact it is none the less. Curb your coffee and tea consumption, you do not have to forego these wonderful things altogether.  

How to remove stains off your orthodontic braces

The best way to remove stains is with mouthwash. Get alcohol free mouthwash and gargle with it 3 times a day, making sure to keep it in your mouth for at least 2 minutes at a time. This should be able to break up most stains, but not all of them. If you are serious about removing them, use a bit of sodium bicarbonate and apply it to a toothbrush. The granules should help in removing stains, but be careful not to scrub too hard, or you can end up hurting your enamel.

More informations about orthodontic treatments

What NOT to use on your dental braces

Although the internet swears by it, citric acid or lemon juice cannot be used to remove stains. They may remove them, but they will also eat up your tooth enamel. This goes for all kinds of acid, regardless of how weak. The best policy is to talk to your orthodontist first, as s/he may have a good solution to your problem, and may even clean the stain off him or herself.     

How to remove stains on teeth from braces

Are stains from braces common?

After you have achieved straight teeth, you may even discover some minor discoloration. 

Don’t be frightened if you recently had braces removed and have noticed discoloration or white spots on your teeth. This is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. Stained teeth after braces are fairly common. Most of the time, you can still make improvements to your appearance.

How do you remove stains from braces?

Plaque is more difficult to remove when you have braces on your teeth. The plaque deposit is caused by eating or drinking things that leave a sticky film on the teeth. In most cases, plaque deposits accumulate behind the braces’ wires and around the brackets attached to the teeth.

Eventually, this plaque can harden into calculus, or tartar, which is brownish or yellow. Tartar or calculus can aggravate dental dehydration, resulting in demineralization. The demineralization process damages tooth enamel, causing white spots to appear on the surface. Without treatment, this may result in cavities.

Various methods are available for whitening braces stained teeth. If you consider the “stains,” you can decide which option is most appropriate for you. In areas decaying and discolored, superficial stains may likely remain that can be removed with polish, or the cement residue left behind after braces were removed may still be visible on the teeth. If you want to whiten perfectly straight teeth to create a uniform white tone, you may need to consult a qualified cosmetic dentist.

Do marks from braces go away?

One of the most noticeable marks from braces is white spots on teeth, which are typically associated with braces and can be found after removal. If left untreated, these stains can become permanent. 

How to remove stains on teeth from braces

3 Reasons Why Stains Appear on Your Braces

Pigmented Foods and Beverages

Pigments are colored molecules that are absorbed by the tooth enamel. If enough pigment is absorbed through the enamel, the color may change over time. A small amount of enamel is covered by the brackets, which means there may be a change of color around them. Therefore, you should limit the consumption of foods and drinks containing highly pigmented ingredients during orthodontic treatment to avoid uneven coloring after the braces are removed.

Sugary Foods

If a plaque has been allowed to accumulate on the teeth for a period of time, the teeth will begin to demineralize. This can occur after consuming sugary foods, which causes the bacteria on the plaque to release acids. These acids destroy the enamel of the teeth, causing them to become fragile and develop white patches. If left untreated, demineralization will result in the formation of cavities.

Poor oral hygiene

According to the American Dental Association, for plaque to be removed and tooth decay to be prevented, patients should brush at least twice a day. You will also need to brush after every meal if you have metal or ceramic braces as an added precaution. It seems tedious, but brushing after every meal removes food particles and prevents plaque accumulation in your braces. It’s best to wait about 30 minutes after you eat to brush your teeth to prevent enamel erosion. 

How Different Stains of Braces Are Removed

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can be done in many ways, ranging from toothpaste to strips, gels, and other methods. Consult with your dentist to determine the best treatment option for your teeth. 

Once you have removed your braces, you can use whitening products to their maximum potential. In contrast, whitening toothpaste and an electric toothbrush can help prevent stains if you wear braces.


While it is impossible to regrow enamel that has been lost, it is possible to prevent demineralization and the appearance of white spots frequently associated with it. The remineralization of your enamel can be improved by brushing your teeth regularly, eliminating sugar from your diet, reducing your dairy and fruit intake, and taking vitamin and probiotic supplements.

Composite restoration

A composite restoration may be recommended if the braces have caused damage to your teeth. Your orthodontist will be able to discuss this further with you. The process of bonding a tooth-colored resin to your teeth makes the color, shape, and form more natural and healthy-looking.


This procedure involves sanding away the top layer of your enamel with pumice or diamond to correct the color of your teeth. In general, it is very good at making teeth look better, and it can be used for white spots and stains, depending on the circumstance.


An orthodontist or dentist may recommend porcelain veneers if the discoloration is severe. These are very thin, tooth-colored shells adhered to the front surface of teeth to protect them against decay.

Tips to Remember in Preventing Stained Braces

How to remove stains on teeth from braces

Here are some helpful tips for maintaining good oral hygiene while wearing braces:


Keep your oral health a priority by brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. When wearing braces, cleaning your teeth is especially crucial since plaque can build up and cause discoloration if left untreated. 

The best way to clean teeth while wearing braces is with an electric toothbrush equipped with an orthodontic head.


Whenever you cannot wash your teeth after eating, you should rinse your mouth with fluoride rinse and always after brushing. Check your teeth, brackets, and wires to ensure that you have removed all food particles from them after rinsing.


Floss your teeth at least once a day. With the help of a floss threader, you can get around your brackets and wires. A small toothbrush may also be provided to allow you to clean the areas of the mouth and throat that are hard to reach. In the opinion of dental specialists, flossing in conjunction with brushing can eliminate plaque for one to three months longer than brushing alone.

Routine dentist visits

Dentists recommend regular cleanings and examinations to maintain dental health. Any potential problems can be detected if your dentist notices plaque accumulating under or around your braces.

It is essential to follow the instructions provided by your orthodontist. If you do not, you may be required to wear your braces for a more extended amount of time, increasing your chances of developing discoloration in the process.


You should avoid food and beverages that can harm your braces, build plaque, and lead to tooth decay. This includes sugary, starchy, sticky foods or drinks and crunchy or hard foods, such as raw carrots or nuts. 

How much does removing stains from braces usually cost?

There are different prices for dental cleanings. According to the type of dental cleaning required, the age of the patient, and insurance coverage, the cost of dental cleaning can differ. Contact Kumra Orthodontics for a quoted price of your desired treatment and whether your desired treatment is appropriate for your situation. 

How to remove stains on teeth from braces

Frequently Asked Questions About Stains from Braces

How Can I Ensure I Won’t Have Stains After Braces?

The question of whether or not staining will be visible on a patient’s teeth after their braces have been removed is frequently asked by patients. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene and a healthy diet, the answer is no. In the absence of proper dental hygiene, plaque and food on teeth can lead to permanent, noticeable stains.

Are The Stains Permanent?

There are several ways to remove stains or white spots after your orthodontic treatment is complete. We may not recommend whitening procedures because some stains become less intense over time due to exposure to saliva. When the discoloration is still visible after several months, a dentist can do a tooth-whitening procedure for a more uniform appearance. 

Visit Kumra Orthodontics and try to remove stains from braces now

The best treatment for removing stains is indeed prevention through meticulous brushing. However, this procedure does not always work, and stains become apparent after braces are removed from the mouth. 

The good news is that these ugly stains and discolorations can either be removed or concealed with various treatments. 

Kumra Orthodontics has the best orthodontists available in Stafford, Virginia, and Washington DC. We can restore your old smile to its former glory if your teeth have become discolored after wearing braces.