How to see if someone blocked you on fb

When tensions run high on Facebook, you may get blocked. Here's how to tell if someone has blocked or unfriended you.

Facebook has its benefits. You run into people you haven’t seen in a long time, share favorite throwback photos, and “like” one another’s most uplifting memes. But Facebook has a dark side that’s been under more scrutiny than ever lately, with whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, accusing Facebook of prioritizing profits over user safety and privacy at every turn. In fact, some of the contentious tension that Facebook is notorious for is at least in part by design—Facebook’s algorithm favors content that incites intense emotion, in an effort to keep people on the site longer, per Haugen’s statements. Conflicts of interest can send tensions high, with arguments about to erupt at every turn. You’ve probably blocked (or at least “snoozed for 30 days”) someone you disagree with, so it’s equally likely that at least one “friend” has you blocked. Here’s how to tell if someone has blocked you on Facebook. Plus, check out how to block someone on Facebook Messenger.

Method 1: Scroll through your friend list

You can tell if someone blocked you on Facebook by scrolling your friend list. Social media professional Chad R. MacDonald manages Facebook pages with tens of thousands of followers and is highly experienced with handling Facebook privacy. MacDonald tells us that deactivated accounts’ profiles and profile photos “will still be visible on your friend’s list, although you can’t click on them anymore. Someone who has blocked you won’t show up at all.”

Method 2: Search for their Facebook profile

If you’ve recently gotten into a Facebook kerfuffle with your great-aunt Nora, you might want to check if things are still okay between the two of you. Do a general search for her name in the Facebook search results bar at the top of the page. If Auntie Nora shows up as a friend, you’re still on good terms, and there’s no need to worry. However, if the widget on her search result reads “Add friend,” this means that she has unfriended or blocked you. A simple unfriend is less worrisome than a block, and you can take it as a sign that there’s room for the two of you to rebuild your relationship. If you’re still able to see her public posts, you have not been blocked. Find out if you can see who viewed your Facebook profile.

If they don’t show up in search results…

If the person doesn’t show up in search results at all, the user has either deleted their profile or has blocked you. And let’s be frank, if the two of you were arguing it’s more likely to be the latter. To double-check, ask a mutual friend to search the person’s name in their Facebook search bar. If the person shows up in their results but not yours, you could have some relationship mending to do. “If the search yields a result with an active page, it’s clear that you’ve gotten the chop,” says Krystin Dunbar, Senior Campaign Strategist at digital agency Union. But Dunbar cautions this could also mean the person has just changed their privacy settings. “Privacy settings can be changed so that accounts don’t show up in a [Facebook] member search—so this isn’t a foolproof method.”

Method 3: Try to tag them in a photo

Usually, when you try to tag someone in a photo, Facebook will suggest their name once you start typing it. But if you type the person’s name and nothing autofills, this could be because the person has blocked you. Same goes for trying to invite that person to an event or to join a group. Or a faster way would be to simply use this app to see who unfollowed you on Facebook.

Method 4: Try to access their profile

Of course, their omission from your regular friend list and search results will prevent you from just going to the profile page of someone who’s blocked you. But if somehow you have a link that goes directly to their profile, it should show up as “unavailable” if they’ve blocked you.

How to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger

It is possible for someone to block you from messaging them on Facebook Messenger even if they haven’t blocked your profile on Facebook, and this would indicate they are unwilling to be more than just a social media acquaintance. To check if someone has blocked you on Facebook Messenger, try sending a message to their profile. If you get an error message that reads “Message Not Sent,” “This person isn’t receiving messages at this time,” or “This person isn’t available at the moment,” then the person has either blocked you or deactivated their account. If your friend has blocked you, find out how exactly to delete your Facebook photos together.

Next, find out how to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram.


  • Chad R. MacDonald, social media professional
  • The Washington Post: “The case against Mark Zuckerberg: Insiders say Facebook’s CEO chose growth over safety”
  • Krystin Dunbar, Senior Campaign Strategist at digital agency Union

How do I know if a friend has blocked me on Facebook?

On the Facebook website or app, select the search bar at the top of the screen and type in your friend's name. If you haven't logged in yet, make sure you do that first. You should now be shown a page with their profile photo and all of their recent posts. If your friend's name doesn't appear in your search, they might have blocked you.

Is it possible for someone to block you on messenger but not Facebook?

It is still possible that they've blocked on you on Messenger but not on Facebook. If you see "This Content Isn't Available Right Now" (or similar) instead of their profile, and their profile photo in Messenger was a gray placeholder icon, they haven't blocked you—they've deactivated their account (or it was deleted by Facebook).

How do I unblock someone on Facebook?

Click Unblocknext to the name of the person you’d like to unblock. If someone blocks you on Facebook you cannot view their profile on the page that you have been blocked on. You have to either create another profile or use a friends profile to see that persons page or wait and see if the person decides to unblock you.

Why can't I see someone's profile on Facebook?

If you can't find the profile, they may have deleted their account or blocked you from seeing it; however, they may also have set their privacy settings high enough that you can't search for them on Facebook. If you do see the account, try tapping or clicking it. You'll be able to see a limited view of the profile if you aren't blocked.