How to see others status on whatsapp without them knowing

Sometimes, we want to check out a contacts status message or image without letting them know. We want to quietly watch and see, but do not feel the need to let them know. Yes, many of us want to do that at times, so in case you are in the same boat, we have got some good to great ways to just do that. Follow the processes below to view someone’s WhatsApp status without letting them know: 

  • Status folder
  • Turn off read receipts
  • Go Offline

Status folder

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Even before you touch on a particular status to view it, WhatsApp may pre-download the photographs uploaded in it. Using a file manager on Android, you may view these photos under WhatsApp’s>Statuses directory.

Go to the Status area of WhatsApp. WhatsApp will be able to download some of the Status photographs as a result of this.

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Install a file manager app on your Android phone, such as ES File Explorer.

Activate the option to display hidden files. This may be done in ES File Explorer by touching on Menu in the upper left corner and selecting “Show Hidden Files.”

Go to Internal Storage >> WhatsApp >> Media >> and then to.

Copy the photographs to a separate location and check out the statuses.

Read Also: How to download an image or video from WhatsApp status using an Android device?

Turn off read receipts

Disabling read receipts hides the double blue ticks for your messages. WhatsApp statuses work in a similar way.

To turn off read receipts, follow these steps:

Step 1: On your iPhone or Android phone, open WhatsApp.

Step 2: Select Settings from the three-dot menu in the top right corner.

Step 3: Select Privacy from the Accounts menu.

Step 4: Disable the Read Receipts toggle here.

Go Offline

Another option to view someone’s WhatsApp status without letting them know is to unplug from Wifi or switch off your mobile data. You can then check on the status of any contact without letting them know you’ve done so.

You are, however, just concealed while you are offline. When you go online, the other person will notice that you have looked at their status.

This technique should be used minutes before the status is set to expire. You won’t have to be offline for long this way. Android users can also force stop WhatsApp, which means you won’t show up in the viewer’s list even if you go online.

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