How to see who reposted your post on instagram

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Instagram is one of the top platforms where individuals, businesses, bloggers, and brands come together.

Everyone is trying to get ahead and receive the most likes, shares, and comments.

That might even make you curious as to who shared your Instagram story.

If you want to learn who shared your Instagram story, you are in the right place.

Here is a complete step-by-step guide.

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Not everyone will be able to check who shared their story.

You need to have a certain type of account to enable this feature.

Let’s get started with the steps you need to take to view the shares on your story.

1. Switch Your Account From Personal To Business

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

If you have a personal account, you will not be able to see who has shared your Instagram story.

That is because Instagram has not made this feature available to personal accounts.

Only creators, businesses, bloggers, and influencers can check who shared their stories.

The first step you must take is to switch your account from personal to business.

You can easily do this by going into your settings and changing your account type.

If your account type is already business, then you can skip this step.

2. Go On The View Insights Tab

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Now that you have switched your account, it is time to share a story on your Instagram account.

Once enough time has passed after sharing your story, you can go to the tab that says “View Insights.”

The tab will allow you to see how many times your story has been shared by other people.

You will see the username of the person who has shared your story and how many times it was shared.

Because of this, you will receive all the insights you need to understand how much engagement you are receiving on your story.

The higher your engagement levels are, the better it will be for your account.

3. Check Instagram Analytics

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Going on the “View Insights” tab is not the only way you can see who has shared your Instagram story.

You can also check Instagram analytics to gauge the number of people that have shared your story.

That is because when someone tags your story and shares it, you will receive an alert on your profile.

The alert will show you who has shared your story.

The analytics will also show you who has commented and liked your Instagram posts.

These analytics are there to help you understand more about where you stand with your Instagram account.

How To Check Who Shared Your Posts To Instagram Story

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Now that you know how to see who has shared your Instagram story, you might be wondering how you can see who has shared your post to their Instagram story.

After all, you need to know the number of people who are visiting your profile and getting the most out of it.

The only way to view this is also to have a creator account.

That is why you must switch your account from personal to professional if you want to view the shares of your posts.

Once you do this, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Go On The View Insights Tab

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

You will get most of the information about your Instagram account through the insights tab.

That is why you must click the option of “View Insights” on the Instagram post.

If your post was reshared by other people, you would find a number beneath the airplane icon.

The number indicates the number of people who have shared your content on their Instagram stories.

Don’t worry if the number is low because you can apply various strategies to increase this number in no time.

Once you do, you will find more shares on the posts.

2. Check From The Post

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Another method you can follow to check who shared your content to the Instagram story is:

  1. Going to your profile photo.
  2. Select the three dots that appear in the top right-hand corner of the picture.
  3. You will get an option that will allow you to “View Story Reshares.”

You can click on this option, and it will tell you the number of people that shared your Instagram post on their story.

Remember that such an option will be visible to people if your Instagram picture or post was reshared at least once by a user.

If no one has reshared your post, then this option will not appear to you.

3. Public Reshares

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Once you click on “View Story Reshares,” Instagram will let you know the number of people that reshared your post on their story.

It will let you know this by redirecting you to another page, known as, “Current Public Reshares.”

The page will tell you the exact number of people that shared your post on their story.

If you want to see who has shared the post, you can click on the reshared story on your grid.

Once you do, it will easily take you to the story of the user who has shared your post.

When you reach this post, you can see the username of the account.

If you want to know more about the person who has shared your post to their story, you can click on their username.

It will take you to their profile, and you can learn more about them in no time.

What Is The Importance Of Someone Resharing Instagram Story Or Post?

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

As a content creator or influencer, you might be wondering why it is important for someone to reshare your story and post.

Here are the top reasons that make it an important feature on Instagram:

1. Engagement

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Instagram and other social media platforms are all about engagement.

If you don’t have engagement, then you are not reaching your target audience.

For example, if you are trying to build a successful influencer account, then you also need to know the number of people and whom you are influencing.

After all, you need the demographics of the audience that is engaging with you.

In the long run, this will help you create better strategies so that you can enhance your engagement even further.

That is why such insights are only available for creator accounts, as personal accounts don’t need to know who is engaging with them and from where.

2. What Story Or Post Did Well And Why?

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

The second thing you will understand through such insights is what story or post of yours did well and why.

For example, you might suddenly get an influx of many likes, shares, and comments on your new story.

When this happens, you might wonder how you suddenly got such engagement.

That is why you can go on the post or story and see what was in it.

The type of content you have posted will help you understand what your audience likes.

In the future, you can make more of such content to receive higher engagement from your audience.

3. Finding The Story’s Completion Rate

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

If you didn’t know already, the analytics from your Instagram stories would also let you know how viewers have interacted with the story.

For example, you can find vital information about the number of people engaging with the complete story.

You can find this out through the various metrics you will receive, such as exits, next story, back, and forward.

If you want to find out the type of content that performs best on your story, then you need to know this.

It will help you understand the kind of content you need to create and post more on your story.

Here is what each of the metrics means.

A. Exits

These are the number of times that an individual has swiped out of the story.

If you have a lot of exits after a certain story, it means that people got bored or didn’t like the content.

The key is to have a minimal number of exits, as you want people to stay for as long as possible on your stories.

Besides that, the individual might have run out of time to watch your stories.

If you had shared a link on your story, then it might also mean that they have swiped up on the link.

B. Next Story

Next story will let you know the number of taps to the story of the next account.

This indicates that the viewer was looking at your Instagram story and wanted to go on to the next one.

Such data will help you understand how long your Instagram stories should be.

For example, you can decide through this insight whether your optimal story length is four slides or 14 slides.

Another thing you can use this insight for is to see where you can improve your content.

After all, you need to retain the attention of your audience, which is why you must know what is doing well.

C. Tap Forward

The forward metric is the number of times a viewer taps on the right side of the screen so that they can view the next slide.

Remember that many people speed tap while using Instagram and watching stories.

That is why a better indicator of your performance will be the other metrics.

Tracking these little details will help you find out how similar or different content performs on your profile.

Once you have these insights, you can quickly create better content to engage your audience.

D. Tap Backward

The tap backward metric indicates the number of people who have tapped the left side of their phone screen to look at your previous story.

This is one of the best indicators to understand what is working for your Instagram account.

That is because when someone goes back, it means that they are interested in watching your content.

If one of your stories has lots of backward taps, then you need to take note of the type of content that is inside this story.

You will need this insight to create some of the best stories in the future.

You can utilize this insight to unlock new trends and find out what will work best for the audience.

4. Understanding The Demographics Of Your Audience

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Another thing you can understand from the views and shares is the demographics of your audience.

You must know where your audience is from, how old they are, and other such factors.

These will help you narrow down your audience as you will know exactly who they are.

Remember that once you have the demographics of your audience, you can also understand their patterns and behavior.

In the long run, this will help you make informed decisions so that you can make adjustments to your strategies in the future.

It is all about giving new and fresh content to your audience that you know they will love.

5. Grow Your Instagram Account

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

Finally, the insights will aid you in understanding how you can grow your Instagram account.

Your long-term goals for your account will depend on what is doing well now and the trends you are following.

Growth should be your primary aim with your Instagram account, and such metrics will help you get there.

That is because the strategies you create will have to focus on retaining your current audience and turning them loyal.

Besides that, you will also need to execute new strategies to attract more people to your Instagram account.

Analytics and metrics can help you create such strategies so that your account can keep on growing.

Why Can’t I See Who Has Reshared My Posts On Instagram?

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

There may be times on Instagram when you might not be able to see who has reshared your content on Instagram.

This is a common error, and it can sometimes happen because of the algorithm of Instagram.

For example, when you delete your account and reinstall the application, you will not find the reshare button on your profile anymore.

You can restore this option by talking to the Help Center of Instagram, as they will guide you on what you need to do.

Sometimes, there are bugs in the app that require fixing.

That is why the only solution you have is to call Instagram.

They will resolve the issue for you within no time.

Can You Repost Story From A Private Account?

How to see who reposted your post on instagram

If you are following a private account, you might be wondering if you can repost their stories.

Unfortunately, you can’t reshare an Instagram story that a private account posts.

You will only be able to share if the private account has tagged you or mentioned you in their story.

If you want to share someone’s story, you must first go on their profile to ensure that they have a public account.

Once they do, you can share their story or even their posts without any hassle.

There is no way you can go around and try to share the story of a private account, as Instagram will not allow you to do that as they respect the privacy of their users with a private account.


That was your complete guide on how to see who has shared your Instagram story.

It is an easy process and will only take you a few minutes to figure out.

You can follow our guidelines and check who has shared your Instagram story.

With this option, you will have the insights you require to take your business account to another level.

Social media platforms are all about growing your audience and profile, which is why you must take the right steps to execute this aim.

As you keep applying different strategies, you will figure out what works for you and help boost your account.

How can I see who shared my post on Instagram?

To see who shared your post on Instagram stories: go to your profile, open a post you have posted recently (older posts have a smaller chance of being shared on stories), click on three dots at the upper right-hand corner of the post, the button “View story re-shares” will show you if any single person shared your ...

How do you know if someone reposted your post on Instagram?

Click “View Insights” on your Instagram post. If your post was reshared, there will be a number directly underneath the paper airplane icon. This will tell you exactly how many people reshared your post. 3.

How can I see who shared my post?

Check the Original Post Select your name on the main Facebook page. Scroll down to look at your posts. If you see text directly underneath a post that says something like '1 share' (or more if you're popular), that means it's been shared. Select the text to gain more information about who has shared it.

Why can't I see who shared my post on Instagram?

To see who shared your Instagram feed post, you need to have a business account. Unfortunately, regular users can't see who has shared their Instagram posts. It's worth mentioning that Instagram won't reveal who shared your posts; it only shows how many times your post has been shared.