How would an asthma attack most likely affect oxygen delivery in the body

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes breathing difficulty. It can develop due to many reasons including hereditary factors, being exposed to pollution or be induced by physical exercise. Childhood asthma in especially bears a brunt on the lives of those affected.

Asthma; what it does to your health

When having an asthma attack, your airway in flames causing difficulty for air to move in and out of the lungs, causing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. It has the potential of being life threatening. Lack of oxygen can also weaken your body and mind, causing drastic results over the long term.

Oxygen Therapy

Nebulizers are usually used to open up airways during asthma attacks but oxygen therapy is used as well as treatment for asthma patients. Oxygen therapy is used especially for patients with life-threatening asthma. Oxygen therapy is also used for many other complications associated with the respiratory system as well. Oxygen therapy should be received after consulting a doctor or an oxygen specialist. Oxygen therapy provides your lungs with extra oxygen cutting out the negative effects that depletion of oxygen supply can have on your body. It is also very useful to have an oxygen concentrator at hand for use during emergency asthma attacks.

Receiving oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy can be received at home or at a hospital through oxygen concentrators or cylinders. Oxygen concentrators are more convenient for usage than cylinders. Oxygen Solutions provide a perfect collection of oxygen therapy equipment; including a range of oxygen concentrators and portable oxygen concentrators. It is much easier to own your own oxygen concentrator at home rather than traveling to hospital. Things to consider when buying an oxygen concentrator are its oxygen delivery, battery life, compactness, and warranty. To make sure you obtain a quality product it is advisable to purchase it through a trust able source such as Oxygen Solutions. It is also advisable to carry out regular performance checks on your home oxygen concentrator and fix any malfunctioning. Safety precautions such as not leaving your oxygen concentrator close to open fires are also important.

Portable Oxygen Concentrators

Portable oxygen concentrators are more convenient as they help you still be active and independent while receiving your oxygen treatment. If you suffer from exercise-induced asthma, the portable oxygen concentrator can accompany your walks and jogs. You can even carry it when you travel abroad. Most airlines and cruise ships allow oxygen concentrators abroad.

Benefits of oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy will help prevent strokes during severe asthma attacks. It can also improve the quality of life, mental alertness, increase stamina and provide a better night’s sleep. So you can be both happier and healthier if you have an oxygen concentrator at home.

Asthmabegins with an inflammation in the lungs. The airways inside the lungs swell up, obstructing the airflow, which impedes gas exchange in the lungs. Especially exhaling becomes difficult for patients. Carbon-dioxide-enriched air in the lungs can no longer be properly discharged. The patients feel difficulty in breathing while the stimulus — the desire to get fresh oxygen into the lungs — becomes stronger and stronger. However, when they inhale, they cannot ventilate the lungs properly because the stale air in the lungs has not been completely released yet. This leads to dyspnea, a vicious circle which the patients can only break out of through conscious and calm exhalation excercises. 

Read more: Fast food 'increases' asthma risk in children

What to do in the event of an asthma attack?

It's important to keep calm. The patient should sit upright and place their forearms on their thighs. When standing, they should adopt a broad-legged, forward-leaning "goalkeeper position." This helps them to use all the auxiliary breathing muscles in the shoulder, chest and back area.

Then they should exhale slowly through largely closed lips. This "lip brake" suppresses the inhalation impulse and thus helps to reduce shortness of breath. Then first responders should help those affected to take the right medication. Patients usually use inhalers to nebulize specific medication, often including cortison. The drugs expand the bronchia and make breathing easier.

Before inhalation, the patient should exhale completely and hold his breath for a while after inhalation. This way, the medication can take effect. If the situation worsens, first responders must call a paramedic.

How to prevent asthma attacks

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What prognosis do asthma sufferers have?

The disease often develops in childhood, but is often recognized late. In children, asthma often can be cured completely. In adults, however, that is usually no longer possible.

But the disease can be treated well. With successful treatment and good prevention, asthmatics are fully able to do physical work and can even take part in competitive sports. In order for patients to achieve this, they can participate in special training courses.

However, if asthma remains untreated, the respiratory tract can be severely damaged. Asthma attacks can then become increasingly severe. Without medical treatment, the lack of oxygen can even lead to unconsciousness in rare cases. That means the patient's life is in danger. Under certain circumstances, they must be given artificial respiration with oxygen.  

Read more: Scientists want to learn more about human lungs by mimicking them in the lab

What are the causes

Doctors have not yet fully understood the reason why some people develop asthma and others do not. It is likely that genetic predisposition plays a role. But external influences are also decisive in the development of asthma. That's especially true for allergic or "extrinsic" asthma. It is caused by a multitude of possible pollutants in the air, ranging from chemicals and solvents in paints, adhesives and plastics to vapors and dusts produced in metal or wood workshops, animal hair, grain dust or food such as fish and shellfish or meat products.

Asthma can also be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Often this leads to so-called "intrinsic asthma," which is accompanied by an increased immune defense of the body. The paranasal sinuses are almost always inflamed and nasal polyps can occur.

Medication can also trigger asthma. Another cause can be the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus. Asthma can also develop into chronic obstructive bronchitis (COPD). Then the cough no longer occurs in form of a sudden asthma attack, but continues constantly. 

Read more: Detecting and treating asthma

Acupressure for asthma

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What can people affected by asthma do?

First of all, it is important to find out, with the help of lung doctors and allergists, what type of asthma is involved. Allergy sufferers should avoid allergens that play a role in the development of asthma. Strong physical exertion can trigger an asthma attack, so at work and during sports, patients should increase their performance step by step and observe the reaction in their lungs carefully.

Even when they are not under physical stress, people affected should pay attention to their breathing, because emotional stress can also lead to breathlessness. The risk of an asthma attack also increases if patients suddenly inhale cold or foggy air. Cigarette smoke, strong car exhaust fumes or even ozone are also triggers. And asthmatics should avoid certain medications.

Above all, it is important to follow therapy instructions of the lung doctor to a tee, take prescribed medication regularly and do breathing exercises.

How would an asthma attack affect oxygen delivery in the body?

During an asthma attack, the airways usually narrow, limiting the oxygen supply to the lungs. As a result, you may experience shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. If mild, these symptoms can be relieved through medication that helps relax the airways, allowing air into the body.

How Does asthma affect the respiratory system?

If you have asthma, the inside walls of the airways in your lungs can become inflamed and swollen. In addition, membranes in your airway linings may secrete excess mucus. The result is an asthma attack. During an asthma attack, your narrowed airways make it harder to breathe, and you may cough and wheeze.

What happens during asthma attack?

During an asthma attack, also called an asthma exacerbation, the airways become swollen and inflamed. The muscles around the airways contract and the airways produce extra mucus, causing the breathing (bronchial) tubes to narrow. During an attack, you may cough, wheeze and have trouble breathing.

What body systems are affected by asthma?

Asthma is a chronic (long-term) condition that affects the airways in the lungs. The airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the airways can become inflamed and narrowed at times. This makes it harder for air to flow out of your airways when you breathe out.


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