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    (7316 Ratings & Reviews) 4.2 Average Ratings

    Which are the top Ice Cream Parlours in Balaji Nagar-Dhankawadi?

    Top 1 Ice Cream Parlours near you in Balaji Nagar-Dhankawadi are:

  • ▪ The Natural Ice Cream Parlour
  • You can check ratings, reviews, address, contact number, images, operational hours above.

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    Healthy Reasons to eat Froyo

    Low Fat And Calories for healthy weight loss.

    Frozen yogurt is relatively low in fat and calories, which promotes healthy weight loss.

    High Calcium and Protein

    High calcium and protein content makes frozen yogurt good for your bones & muscles.

    Healthy Digestion

    Frozen yogurt contains enzymes that help in digestion.

    Anti Cancers

    Yogurt has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers.


    The 'good bacteria' in yogurt boosts the immune system.

    Healthy Heart

    Yogurt increases 'good' HDL cholesterol, which may protect heart health

    1 of 2

    Cool off with fresh frozen yoghurt and beat the summer heat with these cold bites. For the ones who don't know about frozen yoghurts we dare say these are far better than ice creams. You want to know, how? These creamy, naturally flavoured coolants are made with yoghurt these are probiotic in nature and have lesser calories and fats compared to ice cream. So indulge in a frozen yoghurt tub on hot summer days.

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    Bakeries & Desserts

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    A/4 Aashiyana Park, North Main Road, Koregaon Park

    Cuisines Desserts, Frozen Desserts



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    Is frozen yogurt healthier than ice cream?

    Frozen yogurt tends to be lower in fat and calories than ice cream, but it could have more added sugar. Both frozen treats are decent sources of calcium but contain no fiber.

    What is yogurt ice cream?

    Ice cream is made with cream, a key ingredient that distinguishes it from frozen yogurt. Ice cream is also made with milk, eggs yolks and sugar. Frozen yogurt consists of yogurt made from milk, including milk solids and milk fats. It also contains corn syrup, flavorings, gelatin, emulsifiers and yogurt culture.

    What is the most popular frozen yogurt?

    Top 5 Most Popular Frozen Yogurt Flavors.
    Vanilla. It might seem boring, but vanilla's pure taste goes with almost anything. ... .
    Chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, this flavor is certainly one of the most loved in the world, regardless if it is in the form of yogurt. ... .
    Strawberry. ... .
    Cookies and cream. ... .

    What is the target market for frozen yogurt?

    Frozen Yogurt's Average Consumer: Females Age 18 – 35 According to research from IBISWorld, consumers age 18 to 35 buy the most frozen yogurt, accounting for 41.8 percent of sales. The rising do-it-yourself trend in that age range has likely contributed to that high percentage as DIYers enjoy the self-serve model.


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