Increasing wellbutrin dosage from 150 to 300 reddit

Ive been on Wellbutrin for about a month and a half and at first saw some differences in my mood and anxiety but my inattentiveness was still present. It has helped with my thought process as far as not thinking of a million things at once. However I still get distracted easily and not as organized as i want to be. Ive even implemented reminders, alarms, and a calendar. I just cant seem to stick with it.

I was prescribed Wellbutrin 300mg today, from what ive read online and heard from people is that wellbutrin works better for depression (which i have a mild case of) but not as well for ADHD.

Seems like my Dr. is started me from the bottom wellbutrin 200mg daily and is gradually raising my dosage. Im hoping 300mg helps or she prescribes a second med on top of wellbutrin.

Will i see a difference taking 300mg and will i experience side affects like i did when i first started wellbutrin?

EDIT: Title error i meant to say Im on 200mg daily and dosage was raised to 300mg daily

to be fair i take a serotonin precursor and some taurine (mild xanax like action /GABA-a action) and ashwagandha (again gaba action and some balancing of dopamine norepinephrine ratio) all before bed so that i can keep a reasonable sleep schedule and not sleep into the day (which wellbutrin does this for me). so some of the "antiwellbutrin effects" linger on to the next day and this might not make me the most objective report. but i dont plan on taking these forever. im only waiting for my body to get accustumed to it and then i will drop the rest.

so with having this detail in mind, id say the increase in dosage was very good for my anxiety (or was it hyperactivity all this time/lack of focus?) makes feel even tempered and has decreased my impulsivity - like a lot! so in terms of calmenss id give it a 8/10 compared to the king of stillness which was ritalin for me.

i still havent experienced any antiprocrastination effects but i observe a "badly focused" increase in motivation. and it is huge. if only i could focus it on the appropriate chores instead of wasting my time writting lenghty reports on reddit.... if only.. :)

150 wasnt like that. 150 made me feel awful and tense and jumpy and sweaty and all this bad. it got better after the third week. somewhat good for ADHD near the 8th but also my pessimism came back and my anger fits that i had before starting it.

one day i took two pills by accident and i felt ... serene. activated but extremely chill and in control. (the effect i was after) and also my appetite came back. paradoxical i know. but paradoxical has been my whole experience with it. from then on i switched to 300.

i also dont feel letharegic during its peak effects any more. i feel like im using a proper ADHD medication. although i sill prefer the honey moon period or ritalin or the effects i was getting from nootropics that work on dopamine/norepinephrine.

but it is decent enough and im waiting to see if it gets any better. i just finished my first week (9 weeks total)

so if TLDR:

switching to 300 mg erased the side effects of 150. and i had a lot of these at the beggining.

Everyone's experience is so different. I felt immediate benefit very early on in 150mg. I'm also extremely sensitive to it. But for me, the benefits were very noticeable. Things like sharper sense of smell, perceiving light differently (world is literally brighter than before). Then, I wanted to go to 300 to see if I could have even more benefit. Unfortunately, the side effects were so extreme to the point where I had manic episodes and extreme headaches, but in between that, 300mg made orgasm return and made me able to hear music again. I'm now back on 150mg but the hearing music thing seems to be a permanent thing now.

My first trial of 300mg went poorly as did my second trial of 300mg, but on that second trial, on the very first day, I noticed I could hear music again. Strangely enough, after the second failed trial of 300mg, I now seem to have anxiety issues in the form of a faster heart rate that have persisted for 3 weeks now (still ongoing)

The sleep problems might be transient and it does seem to be a minor side effect. My sleep experience with trying 300mg led me to only sleep 1 to 2 hours a night which only makes everything worse. If it's tolerable, maybe you should give it some time to see if you get more out of it.

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Posted byu/[deleted]7 years ago


Hey I'm on 150 right now but I still have trouble relaxing, being positive in general and my sleep is really fucked up.

What difference did it make when you got a dosage increase?

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level 1

From personal experience, if your sleep is bad on 150, it will be much worse on 300. I've been on 150 for about 10 years now.

I was above the FDA approved dosage at 600 during the peak of my depression before that. As I got better emotionally, I found that I had increased insomnia. I needed 100 mg of Seroquel to sleep at all. I've tried going back up from 150 a few times, but the sleep problems came back. Personally I didn't like Seroquel for sleep because I would sleep through alarms and such.

level 2

I started taking a 150 in the evening yesterday and I could instantly relax.

level 1

i can't answer you question, but i'm curious, has it helped with ADHD symptoms? life better before or after Wellbutrin? Thanks. :D

level 2

I have strattera for adhd. it's great. I got up, meditated for 20 minutes, studied medicine for 20, studied languages for 30, then had breakfast that I cooked yesterday and now I'm on reddit/playing dota 2.

Later today I'll go for a run.

I take wellbutrin because I'm fucking sad nonetheless all the time.

level 1

Is there a possible step in between?

level 2

no not that I'm aware of.

level 2

XL (12+hr) comes in 150 or 300. You could go in between with SR (6-8ish hr) 100mg twice a day. It would be really nice if there was something in between, although I've had pharmacies that don't want to stock 150 because they say not enough people take it.

level 1

I take 300mg Wellbutrin XL daily. It takes a month to get used to it but then its perfect. Note I weigh 95 kilos. I tried upping to 450mg but it felt weird and unnecessary. I find it helps curb my anxiety and boredom. If I have a coke or other sugar then my focus improves 100 percent. I will start ritalin in 3 weeks. I think I will keep the wellbutrin and cut out the coke and see what happens. Good luck!

level 2

thanks I took 300mg (150 in the morning, 150 late afternoon) yesterday and today and it's been a lot easier already to keep it together emotionally.

Normally a wave of despair hits me in the afternoon and today I even went to work at a shitty restaurant for 4 hours.

good luck with ritalin!

I'm on strattera 80 mg.

level 1

I went from 150 to 300 after a few weeks at 150. It was awful. It started out by just a feeling of being on edge. Then, I started getting that creepy feeling of someone lurking around. Then, I started having episodes where I would think a person jumped out in front of my car and dangerously slam my breaks only to find nobody was there. Then, I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I saw a huge spider eating a big silverfish in my room. The day after that I came home from class, saw huge five feet wide/tall spider webs with spiders the size of table lamps in them everywhere in my apartment. I called my mom freaking out, realized that the new dose was making me hallucinate, and I never took Wellbutrin again.

Increased dose won't always get you better results. I was better off before my doctor upped the dose.

level 2

I had mild hallucinations from sleep deprivation when my dosage was too high, but it hasn't been a problem on 150 a day for years.

level 2

wow that's some effects. I have never had a hallucination in my life.

what are you taking now?

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