Judgement and decision making performance review phrases

Positive Examples of Judgement Evaluation Comments

Considers ramifications of decisions

Makes informed decisions and communicates well

Decisions are made based on results

Is respected for the decisions made

Employees and supervisors regularly accept decisions

Negative Examples of Judgement Evaluation Comments

Often disregards consequences of decisions

Has shown poor judgement when ....

Decisions are often made without enough information

Does not get enough input from employees before making decisions

Fails to consider alternative solutions

Ignores consequences of making bad choices

Evan improves staff morale

We all want our employees to make good decisions and use their judgment appropriately in a business setting. Performance Review Phrases for this competency can be subjective so be careful to listen to the employee’s input and also provide example of misjudgment if possible.   Sometimes the employee might be a great worker and do great work, but their judgment is skewed or they don’t understand the impact of things in the organization over all.

Some positive performance review phrases for judgment could be:

Terry uses sound judgment when deciding the most appropriate solution for a given assignment

Terry uses appropriate research and knowledge to make appropriate decisions

Terry uses impartial judgment when faced with a problem

Terry doesn’t let his emotions cloud his business decisions

Terry is level-headed even in trying times

Terry is persuasive and asserts his own ideas with confidence

Terry uses facts to make his decisions

Terry uses appropriate judgment on tasks that need immediate resolution

Some negative performance review phrases that could be used for Judgment are:

Terry doesn’t weigh all the facts before making a decision

Terry doesn’t consistently think through problems

Terry makes inappropriate comments without determining the audience

Terry doesn’t consult management when making decisions that have impact to the department

Terry doesn’t handle confrontation well

Some development opportunities for this core competency could be:

Visit with the employee to determine why they are having trouble with judgment or decisions.  Tell them that they need to make sure they have the proper authority before making decisions for the team or group.  Also, tell them to think before they speak in situations where the conversations are heated or difficult.  Tell them ultimately their words or actions impact the group’s credibility and to think before they act or respond to a situation where they think they could damage the group’s reputation.

For more Performance Review Phrases please go back to the Core Competency Listing

About Nancy Smart

Judgment and Decision Making

Meets/Exceeds Expectations

Displays sound judgment when deciding among multiple alternatives

Reaches conclusive decisions after researching alternatives thoroughly

Remains an impartial and objective evaluator of facts

Doesn’t allow his emotions to cloud his business judgment

Is decisive even in times of tight deadlines ...

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Performance reviews (“performance evaluations”, “performance feedback”, “performance appraisals”) are a common process used in many organizations to evaluate the performance of an employee. A review should be conducted professionally, meaning that both the person conducting the review and the person receiving it should maintain a professional attitude during the process.

Performance feedback can be an opportunity for employees to receive constructive criticism and guidance for their future growth. However, performance reviews can also be stressful and make employees feel defensive if they are not receiving positive feedback, so in order to make sure that performance reviews are as productive as possible, it is important to provide positive feedback along with constructive criticism so that employees know what they need to work on in order to improve their skills.

Besides the standard question “Did the employee meet the expectations set for their position?”, employee performance evaluation comments can include answers to the questions such as “In what ways did this individual contribute to the success of their team?” and “What could this employee do to improve their performance?”.

Performance feedback is important because it helps employees understand their strengths and weaknesses and how they can improve their work performance in the future.

We created the most complete list of performance review examples for different skills which you will find below. Follow the link under each section to open the full list of phrases for that particular skill set.

Part 1
Collaboration and Cooperation

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He helps coworkers with their tasks even if they are outside his direct responsibility.

✓ He always assists coworkers that are having difficulty with their tasks.

✓ He promotes cooperation well to ensure staff work as a team to meet deadlines.

✓ He offers assistance willingly.

✓ He accepts constructive criticism positively.

✓ He can be counted on to carry out assignments with careful follow-through and follow-up.

Below Expectations

✗ He is not a willing team player and prefers to work individually.

✗ He is unwilling to assist coworkers, even when asked.

✗ He is professional in his work but is unwilling to give advice to others.

✗ He shows himself to be a person who does not want to work with others.

✗ He is the person least likely to offer assistance when needed.

✗ He easily takes on new tasks well but fails to communicate with and train others.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for collaboration: 200+ Performance Review Phrases for Professionalism, Collaboration, Punctuality

Part 2
Commitment and Professionalism

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is self-motivated and strives to complete all his tasks on time.

✓ He is a perfectionist. He does not stop until he has produced excellent results.

✓ He shows significant interest in his job and he constantly generates new ideas.

✓ He has a high level of professional knowledge of his job.

Below Expectations

✗ He fails to perform his required duties.

✗ He takes excessive breaks and is reluctant to perform his duties.

✗ He often attempts to leave the workplace early.

✗ He fails to show any real interest in his job.

✗ He is rarely on time and his appearance is untidy.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for professionalism: 200+ Performance Review Phrases for Professionalism, Collaboration, Punctuality

Part 3
Attendance and Punctuality

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ His performance is always reliable and he follows his work schedule well.

✓ He manages his schedule well. He fully completes all tasks assigned to him for the week.

✓ He sets a standard by his perfect attendance.

✓ He is the ideal employee who arrives to work and leaves on time. He also takes his breaks as per his schedule.

✓ He arrives at work every day fully prepared to tackle his responsibilities.

✓ He is reliable and there are no concerns with his attendance.

✓ He is punctual for work and meetings.

✓ He always arrives to work prepared.

Below Expectations

✗ He has an inconsistent attitude that often negatively affects the team.

✗ He follows the appropriate schedule but he is often late returning from off-site activities which negatively impacts his coworkers.

✗ He does not meet the attendance standards for punctuality.

✗ He does not return communications in a timely manner.

✗ He is often late for work and does not follow the attendance policy.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for punctuality: 200+ Performance Review Phrases for Professionalism, Collaboration, Punctuality

Part 4
Quality of Work and Productivity

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is a detail minded person and his work is always completed with high quality.

✓ He always maintains a high level of accuracy in his work.

✓ He maintains a good standard of work aligned with a high level of productivity.

✓ He takes on new responsibilities with minimal guidance or direction.

✓ He has a strong grasp and understanding of his job responsibilities.

✓ He always maintains accuracy in his work.

✓ He never neglects any detail of any task given to him.

✓ His good performance level is highly appreciated. His work is high quality and accurate.

✓ He developed a [program/initiative] that delivered [x] results.

✓ He improved output/production by [x]%.

✓ He exceeded start of year goals by [number].

✓ He provides consistent results that clients or customers can always count on.

Below Expectations

✗ He rarely achieves his monthly performance targets.

✗ He produces a higher defect rate than his peers.

✗ His work does not comply with the required output standards.

✗ He demonstrates a low level of knowledge of the required work procedures.

✗ He is reluctant to take on new responsibilities.

✗ He is unable to concentrate on his work.

✗ He is unaware of his job requirements.

✗ The quality of his work is unreliable.

✗ He fails to spend sufficient time to check his work before submission.

✗ He is unable to perform his job without assistance.

✗ His lack of concentration results in a high level of errors.

✗ His work doesn’t pass inspection by other team members.

✗ He doesn’t pay attention to the details of the tasks he is assigned.

✗ He overlooks key requirements given to him for his tasks.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for quality of work: 300+ Performance Review Phrases for Quality of Work, Adaptability, Communication

Part 5

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He maintains a calm and composed demeanor under stressful situations.

✓ He acknowledges and recognizes any proposal for change.

✓ He promptly tackles changes while completing his assignments.

✓ He welcomes criticism that will help to improve the business.

✓ He is willing to look for more effective methods to conduct business.

Below Expectations

✗ He is slow to confront any changes.

✗ He is unwilling to accept even minor changes.

✗ He is easily confused about “out of plan” changes.

✗ He is unwilling to accept last-minute changes.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for adaptability: 300+ Performance Review Phrases for Quality of Work, Adaptability, Communication

Part 6
Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ His communication skills, both verbal and written, are highly effective.

✓ He is a friendly communicator and has built a rapport with every division in the company.

✓ His positive attitude and willingness to listen are highly appreciated by her coworkers.

✓ He regularly gives constructive feedback.

✓ He makes new employees feel welcome.

✓ He provides accurate and timely information, both written and orally.

✓ He actively listens to others.

✓ He involves others in problem solving.

✓ He provides clear instructions and expectations.

✓ He accepts criticism, is open to new ideas, and handles conflict constructively and diplomatically.

Below Expectations

✗ He fails to communicate with his team members in an effective way.

✗ He must improve his foreign language skills.

✗ He is not adept at documenting verbal communication. He should work on this skill over the next 90 days.

✗ He should communicate project status updates more frequently.

✗ Many of his coworkers see him as unapproachable.

✗ He does not return communications in a timely manner.

✗ He needs to work on listening to others.

✗ He works well with members of his own team, yet he has an “us” against “them” mentality when it comes to others within the company.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for communication skills: 300+ Performance Review Phrases for Quality of Work, Adaptability, Communication

Part 7
Creativity and Innovation

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He shows that he can develop creative solutions to solve problems.

✓ He thinks outside the box to find the best solutions to a particular problem.

✓ He regularly contributes suggestions on how to improve company processes.

✓ He constantly searches for new ideas and ways to improve efficiency.

✓ He has launched creative initiatives such as [specific example].

✓ He creates breakthrough and helpful ideas in meetings.

✓ When we face difficulty, we are sure that we can rely on her for a helpful and creative solution.

✓ He is a creative person. When problems occur, he is often the first person who thinks and finds the most effective solutions to deal with them perfectly.

Below Expectations

✗ He does not care about the creative side of her team and always ignores the innovate employees reporting to him.

✗ He does not encourage his team to find creative solutions.

✗ He demonstrates a lack of interest in contributing creative or innovative ideas.

✗ He has a difficult time thinking “outside of the box” and creating new solutions.

✗ He is creative but he has a tendency to act before thinking. This causes problems when an untested or unexamined idea is moved forward too quickly.

✗ He discourages creative solutions from his team.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for creativity: 242 Performance Appraisal Examples (Creativity, Accountability, Customer Satisfaction)

Part 8

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ His willingness to assist team mates in completing their tasks demonstrates his sense of responsibility.

✓ His is fully accountable for his actions and never shirks responsibility.

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✓ He readily assists coworkers in response to fluctuations in workloads.

✓ He offers assistance to others without needing to be asked.

✓ He readily volunteers assistance even when it would not normally be expected.

✓ He is empathetic to the needs of others.

✓ He strives to create a positive atmosphere in the work place.

✓ He shows awareness of the environment external to the organization and its needs.

✓ He routinely uses his time efficiently.

✓ He is always open to receiving feedback on his work.

Below Expectations

✗ He often tries to offset responsibility onto others.

✗ He is very reluctant to acknowledge his failures.

✗ He doesn’t accept responsibility well.

✗ He frequently looks for excuses for failure instead of accepting responsibility.

✗ He blames processes and policies for his own shortcomings.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for accountability: 242 Performance Appraisal Examples (Creativity, Accountability, Customer Satisfaction)

Part 9
Customer Focus and Customer Satisfaction

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He can find the right approach with any client, even the most critical one.

✓ He is always polite and friendly with his customers. He never interrupts them during a conversation.

✓ He cannot afford to disappoint his client. If he has promised to do something, he will fulfill his promise.

✓ He always cares about the clients’ comfort and convenience.

✓ He always goes above and beyond his job requirements to satisfy his customers.

✓ He works well with clients. His clients never complain about him.

✓ He deals with difficult customers with grace.

✓ He has consistently high marks on his customer satisfaction surveys.

✓ He provides consistent, quality service to all customers.

✓ He follows up with customers in a timely manner.

✓ He makes an extra effort to keep customers accurately informed.

Below Expectations

✗ He can deal with the everyday customer service situations, but with complex issues, he is not flexible and does not know what action to take.

✗ His average time per call is too high. He needs to reduce the average time per call.

✗ He can deal with customers on the phone very well, but he does not handle face to face customer contact very well.

✗ His customers always give him low marks in the customer satisfaction surveys.

✗ He does not always listen to his customers well.

✗ He has not understood completely why customer service training is important. He is late to class frequently and sometimes does not take part at all.

✗ He consistently passes challenging issues to others instead of tackling them himself.

✗ He appears to become frustrated by clients who ask questions.

✗ He does not understand how to deal with a difficult customer. He passes difficult customers to his supervisor frequently.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for customer focus: 242 Performance Appraisal Examples (Creativity, Accountability, Customer Focus)

Part 10
Decision Making and Problem Solving

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is skilled at analyzing any situation and working out a solution.

✓ He always defines a problem clearly and seeks out alternative solutions.

✓ He is decisive in difficult situations.

✓ He is able to make sound fact-based judgments.

✓ He always analyzes an issue carefully and then looks for different ways to resolve that issue.

Below Expectations

✗ He applies overly complex and impractical approaches to solving problems.

✗ He is often paralyzed and confused when facing tight deadlines to make decisions.

✗ He struggles to work out a solution to any difficult problem.

✗ He is uncomfortable when faced with any awkward problem.

✗ He easily loses focus when facing a complex situation.

Click here to open more performance feedback phrases for decision making and problem solving: 174 Performance Feedback Examples (Reliability, Integrity, Problem Solving)

Part 11
Dependability and Reliability

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is willing to work overtime until the project is finished.

✓ He is the go-to person if the task absolutely must be completed by a given time.

✓ He is dependable and turns in good performance each day. He never fails to impress.

✓ He shows faithful commitment to getting the job done. He consistently performs at or above expectations.

✓ When we have a task that must be done, we turn to him. He has our trust because he’s proven he can get the job done.

✓ He is known for his dependability and willingness to do what it takes.

✓ He can be counted upon for steady performance.

✓ He consistently demonstrates solid performance in all aspects of his work.

✓ He handles projects conscientiously from start to finish.

Below Expectations

✗ We cannot depend on him. If a task must be completed it is better assigned to someone else.

✗ His productivity is not as good as that of his coworkers.

✗ He is very loyal but he cannot be depended on. He is an irresponsible person.

✗ He demands reliability from others, but not from himself.

✗ He has energy, drive, and performance levels that are inconsistent and unpredictable.

✗ He makes promises that he doesn’t keep.

✗ He guarantees that deadlines will be met, but consistently misses them.

✗ He is reliable when it suits him, he constantly needs to be reminded to do tasks he does not enjoy.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for reliability: 174 Performance Feedback Examples (Reliability, Integrity, Problem Solving)

Part 12
Ethics and Integrity

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is a very honest person. He never abuses any company benefits for personal purposes.

✓ He is a highly principled. He is good employee who treats all coworkers equally, regardless of gender, age or any other factor.

✓ He has the ability to resolve disputes with clients and partners peacefully.

✓ He discourages gossip or other negative discourse at the workplace. He forms a good working climate.

✓ He understands his legal responsibility to the company very well.

✓ He has a strong sense of integrity that underlies all his dealings with vendors.

✓ He makes decisions that consistently reflect his strong commitment to acting reputably.

Below Expectations

✗ He has occasionally made misleading statements that have needed to be corrected.

✗ There are some accusations from customers that he been untruthful.

✗ Integrity does not seem to rank particularly highly on his list of priorities.

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✗ He always expects integrity from others, but doesn’t always display it himself.

✗ He demonstrates acceptable levels of integrity only intermittently.

✗ He has show several recent lapses in integrity.

✗ He violates company standards and expectations regarding employee integrity

✗ He has cost the company customers and money because of his disingenuous behavior.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for ethics and integrity: 174 Performance Feedback Examples (Reliability, Integrity, Problem Solving)

Part 13

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is ready to make a new and carefully considered decision if the situation has changed and the previous actions have become inappropriate.

✓ He is ready to work extra hours if urgent and essential issues must be solved by the end of the day.

✓ He is strong and confident but at the same time open-minded. He is always ready to consider proposals from colleagues.

✓ He is always stays aware of market changes to be able to react immediately. This awareness helps the company develop and flourish.

✓ He shows initiative, and is flexible when approaching new tasks.

Below Expectations

✗He does not excel at activities which require a high degree of flexibility.

✗ He can change his point of view without analyzing or defending it. He should be more certain about his proposals.

✗ He tends to resist activities where the path is unknown.

✗ He becomes uptight when the plan changes.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for flexibility: 142 Employee Performance Evaluation Examples (Initiative, Flexibility, Goal-Setting)

Part 14
Goal Setting

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓One of his strengths is his ability to design achievable goals. He ensures those goals are all met on time.

✓He is effective at goal-setting and challenging himself.

✓He clearly communicates goals and objectives to coworkers.

✓ He creates clearly defined goals aligned with the company’s mission.

✓ He proactively shares progress towards goals.

✓ He clearly communicates objectives, and what is expected from them to his team members.

✓ He sets clear and measurable performance expectations.

Below Expectations

✗He struggles to set goals that align with company objectives.

✗ He is ineffective at pursuing his goals.

✗ He is unwilling to accept responsibility for missed goals.

✗ He gets distracted and doesn’t reach his goals or objectives.

✗ He will blame others for missed deadlines and objectives.

✗ He sets goals that sometimes are not achievable.

✗ He would benefit from reigning in goals and vision to something more achievable.

✗ He needs to set goals that more accurately match his talent level.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for goal setting: 142 Employee Performance Evaluation Examples (Initiative, Flexibility, Goal-Setting)

Part 15

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He doesn’t wait for instructions. He shows the initiative to find new tasks himself.

✓ He requires minimal supervision. He shows initiative on his own.

✓ He s a goal-oriented person. He sets his own priorities to accomplish his job.

✓ He always takes initiative in overcoming obstacles and finding a resolution that meets everyone’s needs.

✓ He is considered as the best person in the group because of his innovative ideas, critical goals and effective working methods.

✓ He never minds taking on new tasks. He always takes on even the most difficult tasks to develop himself.

Below Expectations

✗ It seems too difficult for him to do his job on his own.

✗ He has poor abilities to establish priorities and courses of action for himself. He lacks the skills in planning and following up to achieve results.

✗ He needs close supervision when he is performing his assignments.

✗ He needs constant guidance in order to accomplish his assignments.

✗ He doesn’t seek out opportunities to learn and grow within his role.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for initiative: 142 Employee Performance Evaluation Examples (Initiative, Flexibility, Goal-Setting)

Part 16
Job Knowledge

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He possesses the perfect knowledge and skills that are useful for the his job.

✓ He has a deep knowledge of the products and particular characteristics of the company’s products.

✓ He possesses appropriate the expertise to perform his job at a highly professional level.

✓ He takes the available opportunities to increase his knowledge of relevant job skills.

✓ He completes his assignments accurately and in a timely and efficient manner.

✓ He maintains an up-to-date level of professional and technical knowledge.

✓ He demonstrates his knowledge of his job on a daily basis.

✓ He always applies new knowledge to his work and keeps up with changes in his field.

Below Expectations

✗ He cannot fulfill his duties due to his lack of necessary knowledge of the job.

✗ He is not as knowledgeable about the job and its requirements as we expected.

✗ He doesn’t know even the key fundamentals of the job. He always has to ask for other people’s instruction.

✗ He repeatedly asks the same questions about his job duties. He does not retain the important information required to perform his job well.

✗ His skill set does not meet requirements for the job.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for job knowledge: 100 Performance Review Phrases for Job Knowledge, Judgment, Listening Skills

Part 17

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He knows how to apply appropriate knowledge and find information sources to make sound decisions.

✓ He is a fact-based decision maker.

✓ He maintains an objective judgment when determining immediate actions.

✓ He comes to reasonable conclusions based on the information presented to him.

✓ He is fact-based, and refuses to accept emotional arguments when making a decision.

✓ He effectively prioritizes urgent matters over those that can wait.

Below Expectations

✗ He is more of an emotion-based decision maker.

✗ He fails to make sound judgments.

✗ He approaches decisions with a one-track mindset.

✗ He commonly fails to consider all the facts before making a decision.

Click here to find more performance feedback phrases for judgement: 100 Performance Review Phrases for Job Knowledge, Judgment, Listening Skills

Part 18
Listening Skills

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He encourages others to voice their own opinions.

✓ He listens to opinions and ensures that staff feel that they are being listened to, and are free to express their opinions.

✓ He is an active and focused listener.

✓ He makes sure the team feels heard.

✓ He asks insightful questions to understand the root cause of an issue.

✓ He empathizes with others who have opposing viewpoints.

✓ He follows instructions with care and attention.

✓ He encourages feedback from his customers. He listens to customers and works to resolve any problems.

Below Expectations

✗ He does not pay attention when others are talking and frequently asks silly questions.

✗ He is easily distracted when listening to others.

✗ He interrupts others while they are speaking.

✗ He loses his temper easily when others give criticism.

✗ He interrupts others and changes their topics if he does not like them.

✗ He asks questions that show he is not actively listening to the conversation at hand.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for listening skills: 100 Performance Review Phrases for Job Knowledge, Judgment, Listening Skills

ProsperForms — receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started

Part 19
Leadership and Mentoring

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He distributes resources in an appropriate manner depending on the priority of assignments.

✓ He establishes a corporate culture of reliability and caring.

✓ He is ready to share information and knowledge for the common development of all staff.

✓ He is very helpful when mentoring entry-level staff getting used to their jobs.

✓ He creates a culture of dialogue.

✓ He recognizes staff for a job well done.

✓ He allocates tasks appropriately based on the prior assignments.

✓ He understands people and the different ways to motivate them to get the job done.

✓ He provides constant coaching and guidance to employees.

Below Expectations

✗ He confuses the employees through different directions and guidance.

✗ He rarely shows appreciation for good performance.

✗ He fails to explain procedures to his subordinates clearly. He lacks the qualifications to be an effective mentor.

✗ He gets frustrated easily with new team members and fails to offer any support.

✗ He is often impatient and unhelpful.

✗ He sends mixed signals to his team regarding goals and day-to-day activities.

✗ He rarely shows any recognition to his team.

✗ He sets unreasonably high expectations for his team.

✗ He fails to keep confidential information secret.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for leadership skills: 169 Performance Review Feedback Phrases for Planning, Leadership, Management Style

Part 20
Management Style and Supervision

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is very good at managing his team to perform their tasks excellently.

✓ He is a good manager and he leads his team to perform their assignments well.

✓ He designs action plans and deadlines needed for each subordinate to accomplish their tasks.

✓ He is very professional with his employees and manages them well.

✓ He has received good feedback from both his team and his managers.

✓ He is very adept at managing difficult employees and turning their energies towards higher performances.

✓ He is an excellent manager and he knows how to lead his staff to satisfy his expectations.

✓ He works as an advisor, friend, and boss for his team. He plays these three roles well to manage his team.

✓ His team performs well and all speak highly of him.

Below Expectations

✗ Despite being a good supervisor, he does not know how to lead his staff to achieve a perfect performance.

✗ He fails to resolve conflict among subordinates.

✗ He fails to resolve problems until they becomes conflicts.

✗ He fails to meet schedules.

✗ He does not cope very well with managing employees.

✗ He does not understand how to set team goals and manage his team to achieve them. He does not focus on the goals necessary to move his team forward.

✗ He is a decent task manager, but falls short when it comes to setting a vision.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for supervision skills: 169 Performance Review Feedback Phrases for Planning, Leadership, Management Style

Part 21
Organizing and Planning

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He demonstrates good organizational and planning skills.

✓ He is plans and organizes work in timely manner.

✓ He adheres to deadlines and meets production benchmarks.

Below Expectations

✗ He finds it difficult to plan an action without instruction.

✗ He fails to resolve problems in a timely manner.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for planning skills: 169 Performance Review Feedback Phrases for Planning, Leadership, Management Style

Part 22

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He shows a high level of team spirit. He readily cooperates with his team members to get the job done.

✓ He respects every team member.

✓ He works well with others.

✓ He always helps out to achieve the goals of the group.

✓ He has a great willingness to help his fellow teammates.

✓ He is a good team member. He is very cooperative and helpful in times of need.

✓ He makes new employees feel welcome.

Below Expectations

✗ He doesn’t have a good relationship with his team members. He sometimes refuses to accept their opinion.

✗ He is not consistent in supporting his teammates.

✗ He does not understand how to share tasks with others.

✗ He is more suitable to an individual-focused environment than a group-work environment.

✗ He does not know how to cooperate with his colleagues in his team to achieve targets.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for teamwork skills: 150+ Performance Appraisal Phrases (Teamwork, Technical Skills, Time Management)

Part 23
Technical Skills

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is an excellent employee and he understands our systems and processes thoroughly.

✓ He knows the technical essence of his assignments thoroughly.

✓ He is good at solving complicated issues in his job.

✓ He one of the most technical employees we have.

✓ He is able to grasp complex technical concepts. He explains them in easy to understand ways.

✓ We rely on him when we need to implement new technology.

Below Expectations

✗ He has good knowledge of business, but he fails to properly communicate with other technical members of his team.

✗ He should attend more training sessions and he should study harder to improve his technical knowledge.

✗ He seems to find it hard when learning new technology.

✗ He is unable to get along with our technology even though our systems have been used for a long time and well documented.

✗ He needs to improve his technical understanding of his job.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for technical skills: 150+ Performance Appraisal Phrases (Teamwork, Technical Skills, Time Management)

Part 24
Time Management

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He performs his tasks with heart and always accomplishes them in due time.

✓ He shows his ability to manage various tasks and accomplish them on time.

✓ He uses his time effectively to perform the big and small duties which must be done every week.

✓ He divides his time logically to achieve his goals.

Below Expectations

✗ He does not know how to manage his time and he cannot satisfy deadlines of projects again and again.

✗ He should learn how to manage his time in a more effective way.

✗ He should make a work plan for each week. He spends too much time performing his assignments without a proper plan.

✗ He cannot complete his tasks because he manages his time ineffectively.

✗ He takes too much time to perform his tasks. We advise him to make concrete plan for every week.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for time management skills: 150+ Performance Appraisal Phrases (Teamwork, Technical Skills, Time Management)

Part 25
Training Ability

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He does not mind taking part in on the job training. He is a valued team member with his enthusiasm.

✓ He encourages all the team members to join in the necessary training sessions.

✓ He is able to learn concepts quickly and adopt them into his performance.

✓ He always finds opportunities to take part in specialized training sessions.

Below Expectations

✗ He should take part in more training opportunities and concentrate on them.

✗ He should prepare before coming to training sessions, This will help him understand all knowledge that trainers are imparting.

✗ He does not know how to apply the knowledge learned in training sessions into his performance.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for training ability: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking

Part 26

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He builds an atmosphere of trust within his team.

✓ His cheerful attitude makes others feel good when he’s around.

✓ He has never complained about his job or his colleagues.

✓ He usually focuses his attention on the positives when dealing with problems.

✓ He is always enthusiastic and helps motivate team other members.

Below Expectations

✗ His choice of language can be inappropriate. His level of voice is also inappropriate at times.

✗ He has a tendency to trigger problems between his coworkers.

✗ He needs to control his temper and attitude, he needs to learn not to react too strongly towards negative situations.

✗ He has an overly sensitive and pessimistic personality. He is easily upset by problems or difficult situations. He should try to think more positively, focus on the good and avoid being overly concerned with his perceived negatives.

✗ He often has troubles with his coworkers when they work together. He is easily angered and argumentative with his colleagues.

✗ He talks negatively about other team members.

✗ He needs to focus on the positive aspects of his job and his team.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for attitude: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking

Part 27
Critical Thinking

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He uses sharp ideas and critical thinking ability to solve issues quickly.

✓ He has strong reasoning and critical-thinking skills that help him handle problems well.

✓ He is careful and always thoroughly considers everything before he submitting any idea.

✓ He establishes workable, prioritized, and highly effective problem-solving plans for each problem.

Below Expectations

✗ He never considers potential changes in circumstances when making decisions.

✗ He rarely thoroughly thinks decisions through.

✗ He employs problem-solving techniques that end up generating even more problems.

✗ He decides on the solution before properly analyzing it.

Click here to find the full list of performance feedback phrases for critical thinking: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking

Part 28
General Phrases

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He has remained firmly focused on his team’s goals despite the tremendous pressure recently.

✓ He quickly gets to the heart of the problem identifies the root cause. This allows him to manage multiple projects simultaneously, performing well with each.

✓ He knows how to prioritize short-term and long-term goals.

✓ He is a gem and knows the value of time.

✓ He keeps the faith for the team.

✓ He is a consistent performer, a great task scheduler, and has a no-quitter approach to solving problems.

✓ He is like good software that offers seamless backward compatibility.

✓ His team has performed very well over the past year.

✓ He thinks twice before doing anything that may not be worthwhile.

✓ His team looks up to him as a positive influence.

✓ He never loses sight of his goal.

✓ No technical problem is too difficult to solve for him.

✓ He knows the technology that we employ inside-out, and keeps himself informed about up-to-date changes.

Below Expectations

✗ His team meetings often overrun the allotted time. He should work to improve his time management skills to ensure meetings begin and end as scheduled.

✗ He is frequently late for work and does not adhere to a proper work schedule.

✗ He needs to work on his ability to accept feedback from coworkers.

✗ He should improve his communication with his management team.

✗ He frequently withholds information from his team.

✗ He has a tendency to make other people feel intimidated when they propose new ideas or ask for assistance.

✗ He should work on approaching his coworkers in a more professional and welcoming manner.

✗ He does not attempt to take creative risks. He creates a stiff environment that is not conducive to innovation.

✗ He does not adhere to the sales script that is proven for success. He attempts to unacceptably modify the script.

✗ He does not work within the company policies that are proven for ultimate success rates.

✗ He does not always ensure his customers are satisfied. He has had complaints filed against him for inappropriate responses to customer feedback.

✗ He frequently misses targets and does not keep up to date with the objectives expected of him.

✗ He does not willingly take on additional responsibility or step forward when new tasks or projects arrive.

✗ He consistently relies on other people.

✗ He should work to improve his interaction with customers and how well he meets their needs.

✗ He rarely shows appreciation to his employees for a job well done.

✗ He should be more open to feedback and apply it to his work to increase his accuracy and productivity.


ProsperForms is a cloud solution to dramatically reduce the time you spend creating reports

  1. Make reporting easier with auto-fill: Fields such as date, name, report type, and formatting are inserted automatically by software.
  2. Consolidate reports automatically: Reports created by your team members can be consolidated easily.
  3. Save time with auto-layout: No need to spend hours in Word or Excel perfecting the report’s layout because it exports your updates into a beautifully crafted file with a couple of clicks.
  4. Peace of mind with auto-reminders: No one forgets to submit their reports because ProsperForms automatically sends timely reminders according to the schedule you chose.
  5. Decrease time and effort spent on monthly, quarterly, and yearly reporting thanks to powerful filtering and export features.
  6. Quick sharing: Reports can be either - exported to files and printed, or sent by email; - shared with the manager online (in real time); - optionally shared online as team-wide status reports, i.e., all team members share their progress with each other to spend less time on meetings.

How to configure reports on ProsperForms:

Step 1:

  • Choose a form (100+ forms available) — customize our preset forms or easily create a new form in minutes.
  • Setup reminders if you want your team members to receive automatic reminders when their reports are due.
  • Configure who will submit reports by choosing the “Participants” tab.

Step 2: Click the "Open Submission Form" button to fill in and submit the report. Data such as the report type, date and name will be added automatically. As soon as a new report is added, participants with “View” rights can view it in real time.

Step 3 (Optional): Generate a report and export it to PDF. (Skip this step if you share status reports online and don’t print them.)Click “Generate Report”.


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What should a performance review say about decision making?

Decision-Making & Problem-solving Displays good judgment and makes decisions based on facts. Analyzes problems carefully, explores multiple solutions, and finds the optimal solution to the issue. Maintains an objective stance when assessing a problem or situation.

How do you demonstrate Judgement and decision making?

Here are five ways you can demonstrate good judgment:.
Think critically, and tackle ambiguity and complex problems effectively and efficiently..
Listen, respect others and appreciate diversity in all its forms..
Surround yourself with highly-regarded people..
Communicate clearly and effectively..

What should I write for decision making skills in appraisal?

Phrases to make during your performance review.
I do not hesitate to take hard decisions..
I do not get paralyzed with hard decisions..
I apply a narrow and rushed decision-making process..

How do you write an impactful performance review phrase?

Here are some phrases that emphasize an employee's strong work ethic and overall performance:.
“Consistently meets sales goals”.
“Assists coworkers and helps them achieve their own goals”.
“Completes all tasks on time”.
“Works well with all members of their team”.
“Follows directions for all assigned tasks”.

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