Kidney infection when to go to hospital reddit

i woke up today at noon was totally fine, woke up at 1pm... once again totally fine... woke up at 4pm and dear god thought i was dying.

The back left flank of my back had/has such a god damn awful burn its insane. Now i normally can handle some pain but ill be honest i cried a few times from this one... i decided ok, ill go to the med express here for a quick check before they close.

Doctor tells me i either have a strained muscle or a kidney infection but hes not sure as it was closing time and they were not able to check my sample and will call me tomorrow.

Told me if it gets worse before monday to flat out go to the ER

Im basically feeling pretty chilly, i dont have a temp though. I dont have pain when i urinate at all, but its now to the point i cant even really urinate.. its just dribble.

I am in such intense burning dull ache in my back left side and half of my side into my stomach i cant sleep, i cant sit more than a few moments, i cant lay down. I feel beyond fucked. This is the first time of this happening ever and i dont know how to calm down the pain or help it ease up..

Anyone know how long antibiotics take to start working to reduce this ache?

Sorry for the rant, im just in pain and ranting is kinda helping.. sorta

For those that want the story.... Thursday night I went to bed shivering, initially I thought nothing of it (its winter here in australia) the next morning I had a major headache after poping some prescription pain pills I attempted yo go to work but was sent home early when the manager thought I looked like I was going to pass out. Then late friday night I faced a burning sensation when I peed, which was worse this morning when there was blood in my urine, a trip to the emergency room later I'm told I have a kidney infection and if it gets any worse ill be admitted to hospital

Tldr: blood in urine = kidney infection

Edit: well its been about 2 days now and ive just seen my doctor again, he stuck me on a different script as the infection is apparently resistant to the original prescription, so im on a new lot now and should know in a few days if im getting any better

So reddit what things do you do when sick that help you feel better?

I'm pissed. I'm pregnant, and FHM hasn't been done yet (they're moving just fine thank goodness). My UTI turned into a crazy kidney infection and I've said since I was told I would be admitted, I can't stay for more than a day.

My son is homeschooled. My husband is an electrician. All of my son's grandparents work full time (and I don't trust my stepdad who doesn't to watch him). We have no one to watch him. Not since my GMIL's stroke.

Fucking Capitalism. My husband would be able to take off the week but it'd be unpaid and his apprentice would be unpaid. We can't afford to do that, to my family or my husband's apprentice's family.

My daughter's dad has offered to keep my three year old through the time I need to recover, or at least to Friday night which is amazing! He's a good person.

I will drive to every appointment I can with my kids. I will do whatever they want for me to go home tonight. I'm not going to do meth and go four wheeling. I'm going to lie down on the couch and watch cartoons.

Edit: I've been released! I have some gnarly antibiotics to take, and a follow-up appointment at 10am. I got this y'all. I appreciate the concern and if I had been any worse after the rocephin and fluids I'd have stayed.

I feel dumb and like an ass on our overwhelmed healthcare system. I had no idea! I was just soo dizzy and more tired than normal. I always pee frequently so nothing new, and no pain. Im 30 and never been diagnosed with a UTI before.

I finally over the last two years started getting mental health under control ( sober year and 4 months) but I still haven't been to a PCP in years. Gonna book that tomorrow.

I left a work shift over this. So embarrassed. Didn't go to Urgent care because getting the bus home wouldn't have been possible .

I'm so embarrassed and ashamed, needed to rant. Thanks!

TL;DR: Keep an eye on UTIs, go to nurse/doctor ASAP if you can, just because there isn't blood doesn't mean it's not serious.

So, last night, I got back from the emergency room for the first time since I was 4. Yikes!

I've had a few UTIs previously. They suck, so I do a lot of preventative measures: I always pee after sex except the time that caused my last one ; I take cranberry pills; when I feel one coming, I chug cranberry juice and as much water as I can stand.

I wrote this one off because there hadn't been any blood. Years ago as a freshmen, I went to get help because there was blood in my urine. I figured blood = serious, a motto I've kept for the last four years. This one had no blood. I figured I was fine.

Welp, writing this one off was a big mistake. I finally went the wellness center friday, got meds ... but they weren't enough. After finishing the three-day course, I showed up to the wellness center thinking I was having a bad reaction to the antibiotics.

Nope. The nurses sent me off to the ER. I ended up with a kidney infection. I'm going to have to miss one of my summer classes (Doctor's orders; I'm bummed). They let me go home, but I have a very high fever and tons of meds to take. I hurt. I vomited this morning. This sucks.

If I can keep just one of you from feeling this fucking awful, I'm glad I posted this.

When should you go to the ER for a kidney infection?

If treated promptly, a kidney infection shouldn't cause serious harm. If you experience a fever over 101°F, pain, are unable to drink or take oral medication along with some of the other symptoms, get to the nearest urgent care or ER.

Will they hospitalize me for a kidney infection?

However, if the infection spreads to the kidneys, it can become much more serious. In some cases, a kidney infection will require treatment in a hospital.

How urgent is a kidney infection?

A kidney infection is a serious condition that deserves prompt medical care. Visit a doctor or urgent care unless your symptoms are severe.

How fatal can a kidney infection be?

In very rare cases, a kidney infection can cause severe kidney damage that results in kidney failure. This is when the kidneys stop working properly. Kidney failure is potentially fatal, but it can be treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant.


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