Logon failed use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt

GitHub has not been used for some time recently. A new warehouse has been built and openedSourcetree → + → Clone→ fill in the GIT address and successfully pull the warehouse branch. Branch a → submit → push, and suddenly the GitHub login window pops up. I remember playing it once before. If I forget anything, fill in the user name and password,loginRight:

Red flashing eyes, reporting errors~
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false –no-optional-locks push -v –tags origin main:main
Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt.

“Logon failed…”It’s probably quick. The password is wrong. Do it again. What? Still failed. I guess I remember the password wrong. Go to the official website to log in and try it. It really can’t be reset… Eh? It’s still the user name and password just now. You can log in successfully on the official website. No problem. Come back to sourcetree and try again. The error is normal. It seems that there is something wrong with sourcetree. Baidu, oh, someone said that the GIT software has been updated and the login mechanism has changed. You can’t log in with the login box. After the update, the login box won’t appear and will automatically connect to the GitHub official website for verification… Yunyun. Well, it’s consistent with my situation. Quickly click the official git link in the article to download the latest version of GIT and install it. To be safe, restart the computer, open sourcetree and submit. Wow, there is still a pop-up window to stabilize your mood. Maybe you can log in this time. Enter your user name and password →login, the error is still reported. It seems that this method doesn’t work. Continue Baidu, and try to modify the GIT address in the warehouse settings [email protected] /XXX / xx.git format, or not. Finally, this tip helped me. Some netizens said they needed it“Use OAuth for authentication”, I flipped through the sourcetree menu, and finallytooloptionFind the answer in.optionverificationTab. Seeing that the current GitHub login is verified as basic, directly edit the user and enter the password, it seems that there is no response. Create a new one, in the upper right corner“Add”, service provider:GitHub, verify certain optionsOAuthAt this time, the following user name will be disabled:

Directly click the button below“Refresh OAuth token”, a miracle occurred, automatically jump to the browser and open the GitHub login interface:

Log in now. After logging in:

See authorization succeeded! Return to the sourcetree interface again and see that green has been displayed on the login window, authentication succeeded!

OK, you can see that there is an additional account in the verification window, as shown below“Git saved password”A git user is also added to the, but the two authentication methods are different. I don’t quite understand the specific meaning. I have time to check. All right, next, push it quickly. I wish you a smooth push!

How do I fix logon failed using Ctrl C to cancel basic credential prompt?

Trying to login in git bash but getting following error: Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt..
go to Settings =>.
Developer Settings =>.
Personal Access Token =>.
Generate New Token (Give your password) =>.
Fill-up the form => click Generate token => Copy the generated Token..

How do I get rid of basic credential prompt Sourcetree?

Error: Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt..
Sourcetree > Tools > Options > Authentication..
Click on the account listed,.
Click 'Edit'.
Under Credentials, click Refresh OAuth Token..

How do I stop Git from asking for credentials?

You can avoid being prompted for your password by configuring Git to cache your credentials for you. Once you've configured credential caching, Git automatically uses your cached personal access token when you pull or push a repository using HTTPS.

What is git credential Manager?

Git Credential Manager creates and stores credentials to access Git repositories on a host of platforms. We hold in the highest regard the need to keep your credentials and access secure. That's why we always keep your credentials stored using industry standard encryption and storage APIs.


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