Lyrics to bandy the rodeo clown

Moe Bandy feat. Joe Stampley Lyrics"Bandy The Rodeo Clown"

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(Lefty Frizzell - Sanger D. Shafer)

Who was once a bull hooking son of a gun
Now who keeps a pint hid out behind chute No 1
Who was ridin' high till a pretty girl rode him to the ground
Any kid knows where to find me I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

In the ridin' and a ropin' I was closin' in on No 1
Now in dreams at night I ride on that silver saddle I never won
Since she left me the whiskey takes me to the rodeo grounds
Where the cowboys think I'm handy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss
But the ride that woman took me on
Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones
While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown
The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

And I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss
But the ride that woman took me on
Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones
While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown
The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown...

This song is from the album "Bandy the Rodeo Clown (GRC)", "The Best of Moe Bandy (Columbia)", "Live in Branson (Laserlight)", "Live At Billy Bob's Texas (w Joe Stampley) (Smith)", "The Very Best of Moe Bandy", "Honky Tonk Amnesia - The Hard Country Sound of Moe", "Once More", "Super Hits", "Original Artist Hit List", "Greatest Hits, Vol. 1" and "Picture in a Frame (Intersound)".

Bandy The Rodeo Clown by Moe Bandy

Who was once a bull hooking son of a gun

Now who keeps a pint hid out behind chute No 1

Who was ridin' high till a pretty girl rode him to the ground

Any kid knows where to find me I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

In the ridin' and a ropin' I was closin' in on No 1

Now in dreams at night I ride on that silver saddle I never won

Since she left me the whiskey takes me to the rodeo grounds

Where the cowboys think I'm handy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss

But the ride that woman took me on

Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones

While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown

The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

And I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss

But the ride that woman took me on

Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones

While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown

The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown...

Who was once a bull hooking son of a gun
Now who keeps a pint hid out behind chute No 1
Who was ridin' high till a pretty girl rode him to the ground
Any kid knows where to find me I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

In the ridin' and a ropin' I was closin' in on No 1
Now in dreams at night I ride on that silver saddle I never won
Since she left me the whiskey takes me to the rodeo grounds
Where the cowboys think I'm handy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss
But the ride that woman took me on
Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones
While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown
The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown.

And I could ride 'em all the bulls and the broncos knew I was boss
But the ride that woman took me on
Broke a whole lot more than this ole cowboy's bones
While the tears on my make-up melts my painted smile into a frown
The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown...

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/m/moe_bandy/bandy_the_rodeo_clown.html


Bandy The Rodeo Clown lyrics and chords

These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

Bandy The Rodeo Clown lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use, it's a great Moe Bandy country classic. You can learn to play and sing it using these lyrics with chords, enjoy your music.


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 Bandy The Rodeo Clown

Recorded by Moe Bandy   
Written by Lefty Frizzell

G Am
Who was once a bull hooking son of a gun
D7 G
Now who keeps a pint hid out behind chute number one
Who was riding high till a pretty girl rode him to the ground
D7 G
Any kid knows where to find me I'm Bandy the rodeo clown

In the riding and the roping I was closing in on number one
D7 G
Now in dreams at night I ride on that silver saddle I never won
Since she left me the whiskey takes me to the rodeo grounds
D7 G
Where the cowboys think I'm handy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown

I could ride 'em all
D7 G
The bulls and the broncs knew I was boss
But the ride that woman took me on broke a whole lot more
Than this old cowboy's bones

G Am
While the tears on my makeup melts my painted smile into a frown
D7 G
The crowd thinks I'm a dandy I'm Bandy the rodeo clown

Repeat last two verses


If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer. This software was developed by John Logue.    

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