Map of the book of acts

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Download story: Maps: Journeys of the early church

  1. These maps are the copyright of Chris and Jenifer Taylor of The Bible Journey who have granted FreeBibleimages permission to distribute them using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  2. Individual maps can be used in educational presentations, web articles, blogs and social media with attribution to
  3. These images cannot be sold under any circumstances or used in any format for commercial gain.
  4. You cannot redistribute this set of maps online but you can create a link to the relevant page on or to allow others to download these images under the same Terms of Download.
  5. These maps are not to be used in any context where the accompanying message is undermining of the Christian faith and gospel.

Download story: Maps: Journeys of the early church

Download story: Maps: Journeys of the early church

Maps page with index of places in Acts. A place name listed more than once, can be found on more than one map.   Click or touch any place to bring corresponding map to top of screen   Click or touch the info button to go to information about the place

Maps page with index of places in Acts. A place name listed more than once, can be found on more than one map.   Click or touch any place to bring corresponding map to top of screen   Click or touch the info button to go to information about the place

Bible map Cities

Bible map Asia

Bible map Greece

Bible map Italy

Bible map Syria

Bible map Antiochs

Bible map Pisidia

Bible map Crete

Bible map East

Bible map Judea

Bible map Isaiah reference map

Maps by Ron Graham

Maps Index...

Touch info for facts, or place name for map.

info Achaia

info Achaia

info Adramyttium

info Adria

info Alexandria

info Amphipolis

info Antioch Syria

info Antioch Syria

info Antioch Syria

info Antioch Pisidia

info Antioch Pisidia

info Antipatris

info Apollonia

info Apii Forum

info Arabia

info Arabia

info Arabia

info Asia

info Asia

info Asia

info Assos

info Athens

info Athens

info Attalia

info Azotus

info Azotus

info Berea

info Black Sea

info Bithynia

info Cape Salmone

info Cappadocia

info Caesarea

info Caesarea

info Caesarea Philippi

info Caspian Sea

info Cenchrea

info Chios

info Cilicia

info Clauda

info Cnidus

info Colossae

info Corinth

info Corinth

info Coos

info Crete

info Crete

info Cyrene

info Cyprus

info Cyprus

info Cyprus

info Dalmatia

info Damascus

info Derbe

info Derbe

info Dead Sea

info Egypt

info Elam

info Ephesus

info Ephesus

info Ephesus

info Ephesus

info Ephesus

info Ethiopia

info Fair Havens

info Galatia

info Galilee

info Galilee

info Galilee, Sea of

info Gaza

info Iconium

info Iconium

info Illyricum

info Italy

info Jerusalem

info Jerusalem

info Jerusalem

info Jerusalem

info Judea

info Joppa

info Joppa

info Jordan River

info Judea

info Laodicea

info Lasea

info Libya

info Lycia

info Lydda

info Lydda

info Lystra

info Macedonia

info Macedonia

info Macedonia

info Media

info Melita

info Mesopotamia

info Miletus

info Miletus

info Mitylene

info Myra

info Mysia

info Mysia

info Nazareth

info Nazareth

info Neapolis

info Neapolis

info Olivet

info Pamphylia

info Pamphilia

info Paphos

info Parthia

info Patara

info Perea

info Perga

info Pergamum

info Phenice (Phoenix)

info Philadelphia

info Philippi

info Phoenix (Phenice)

info Phonecia

info Phrygia

info Phrygia

info Pisidia

info Pontus

info Pontus

info Ptolemais

info Ptolemais

info Puteoli

info Red Sea

info Rhegium

info Rhodes

info Rhodes

info Rome

info Rome

info Salamis

info Samaria

info Samaria

info Samos

info Samothrace

info Sardis

info Saron

info Sea of Galilee

info Selucia

info Sicily

info Sidon

info Smyrna

info Syracuse

info Syria

info Syria

info Syria

info Syrtis

info Tarsus

info Thessalonica

info Three Taverns

info Thyatira

info Troas

info Troas

info Troas

info Trogyllium

info Tyre

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How is the book of Acts structured?

The outline of Acts can be roughly divided into two parts: the mission under Peter, centred in Jerusalem (chapters 1–12); and the missions to the Gentiles all the way to Rome (cf. chapter 1, verse 8), under the leadership of Paul (chapters 13–28).

What are the main points of Acts?

The overarching theme of Acts consists of three interrelated themes - the Holy Spirit, the Great Commission, and the Church, related as follows: The Holy Spirit: the entity that empowers the work of the Great Commission. The Great Commission: Jesus' command for followers to share the Gospel message with others ...

Where geographically did the book of Acts end?

Rejected by the Jews, the message is taken to the Gentiles under the guidance of Paul the Apostle. The later chapters tell of Paul's conversion, his mission in Asia Minor and the Aegean, and finally his imprisonment in Rome, where, as the book ends, he awaits trial.

Where is the book of Acts set?

The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting is devoted to a series of studies of those parts of the narrative of Acts that are specifically set in Palestine.


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