Motorcycles are smaller than cars. this makes them:

How Much More Dangerous are Motorcycles Than Cars in Tampa?

February 18, 2022 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are symbolic of American freedom, adventure, and the open road to many who ride them. For others, they are a way to decrease transportation expenses or their environmental footprint. Unfortunately, no matter how much someone enjoys riding a motorcycle or how noble their intentions feel, they are still at much more of an injury risk than others who share the road in a passenger vehicle.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2019 alone, over 5,000 motorcyclists lost their lives in motorcycle collisions. Motorcyclists were almost 29 times more likely than occupants of passenger cars to suffer fatal injuries in a crash per vehicle miles traveled during the same year. Motorcyclists are more at risk for many reasons. However, no matter the cause, they could be owed compensation for their injuries. Suppose you or someone you love was involved in an injury motorcycle accident. In that case, it's time to get a dedicated Tampa motorcycle attorney from Matthews Injury Law on your side.

What Makes Motorcycles More Dangerous?

Motorcycles are quite different from other vehicles on the road in many ways. Unfortunately, many of these differences make them more dangerous.

Lack of Protection and Safety Features

Motorcycles are inherently less crashworthy than their enclosed vehicle counterparts. They lack the protection and safety features other motor vehicles have, such as:

  • Airbags
  • Crumple zones
  • Seat belts
  • Roll bars

Additionally, motorcycles don't have the stability that other vehicles afford their drivers and passengers. Without four wheels as points of contact on the ground, motorcycles are more prone to getting into accidents and having them be more serious when they do happen.

Less Visible

Other drivers and pedestrians often find it more difficult to see motorcycles on the road. Not only are they smaller than typical vehicles, but also a driver's brain and eyes are also not wired to look for them and recognize them in ways that they do with larger cars and trucks.

Vulnerable to Weather/Road Conditions

Because they aren't in an enclosed vehicle, motorcyclists and their passengers are exposed to anything they might encounter. Road hazards and weather conditions can impact them much more than it does others they share the road with. While protective gear such as helmets, boots, and gloves can help, they generally don't prevent accidents, and there's no guarantee of them preventing injury or death.

Different Driving Mental Tasks

No matter what type of vehicle someone drives, driving requires knowledge, skill, and mental stamina. While the same factors are involved with driving vehicles with four or more wheels, driving a motorcycle is an entirely different experience. If a motorcyclist isn't prepared for this, it can increase the risk of an accident. However, those who drive passenger vehicles also need to know how to be cautious when driving with motorcycles in the vicinity.

Injured in an Accident? Contact a Skilled Tampa Motorcycle Attorney Today

Many different factors can cause a motorcycle accident. If you were recently injured in one, a Tampa motorcycle lawyer can help determine what might have caused your accident and who should be held liable. At Matthews Injury Law, it's our priority to help injured motorcycle accident victims and their families obtain compensation for their damages. To start this process, contact us to schedule a free personal injury consultation. Call 941-877-5800 or contact us online to learn more about how the services we offer can help you after a personal injury.

  • August 24, 2022

Are Motorcycles Better to Ride in City Than Cars?. It’s a debate as old as time. Or, at least, as old as the automotive industry. Still, the debate rages on.

Do you prefer the spaciousness of a car or the fresh air and freedom of a motorcycle?

Other questions include ones around fuel efficiency, resale value, parking, and traffic jams.

With so many things to consider, many people choose a car by default. However, as many riders know, motorcycles can be mighty rewarding.

No matter what you look for in a vehicle, there are plenty of worthwhile reasons to swap your car for a motorcycle.

Avoid Traffic Congestion

Everyone is in a mad rush in cities. Commuting to your office in a car is like creating a fuss for oneself daily. Getting to your destination faster is easier with motorcycles because it can squeeze through traffic and avoid jams, as gaining an advantage in traffic requires only a gap. It can filter through the traffic easily so you reach your destination much faster. 

A motor cycle can easily sift through traffic maneuvering your way to the front. 

Forget the Parking Woes 

Because motorcycles are smaller than cars, they can fit into tighter spaces, which can make finding a parking spot easier.

Not only can motorcyclists save time circling the block looking for a park, they generally pay less for parking than car owners.

No Queuing Up at Tolls

Not only that the motorcycles are exempt from paying toll tax in India, but they also gain the advantage of avoiding the long queues by passing through split lanes at the toll gate. The average time spent in a car on a toll gate in India is around 10-15 minutes during the peak hours, which ideally should take 10 seconds only. Commuting on a motor cycle saves a massive chunk of your time while crossing crowded toll plazas during peak hours. 


Motorcycles are more fuel-efficient than cars. Many consume less than four litres of fuel per 100km — outperforming even the most fuel-efficient hybrid cars.

This can save a motorcyclist literally thousands of rupees a year in fuel costs.

Feel Closer to the Nature

Imagine this: sunshine, a cool breeze, an open road, and the scent of leather and the great outdoors.

Few things beat the fresh air and freedom you experience when riding a motorcycle. It can be equal parts exhilarating and liberating.

Studies have shown that riding a motorcycle can both reduce stress and promote relaxation.

A recent study found that riding a motorcycle had “a positive effect on stress levels, decreasing hormonal biomarkers by 28 percent compared to the other measured activities”.

Sounds like the ideal excuse to hit the road!


Motorcycles are fun. You’re roaring down the road, adrenaline pumping, off on an adventure.

In contrast, many cars are simply a way for their owners to get from point A to point B.


Not only are motorcycles a whole lot of fun, they’re also good for your health.

A 70kg motorcycle rider will burn an average of 170 calories during a one-hour ride — roughly 40 calories more than the same person would burn by driving a car for one hour.

Plus, riding a motorcycle engages far more muscle groups than driving, giving you a full-body workout. While this admittedly isn’t enough to forego your regular exercise routine, it’s certainly a nice bonus!

Keeping Clean

When was the last time you cleaned your car (driving in the rain doesn’t count)?

If it’s been longer than you’d like to admit, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

The good news is that motorcycles are significantly easier to clean than cars, for the simple reason there’s less to clean.

This is particularly true for people who ride their motorcycles mainly on sealed roads (as opposed to off-road).

Plus, you don’t have to worry about decluttering the boot, tidying the glovebox, or trying to clean under seats.

Safety Concerns

Over time, cars have gained an advantage over motorcycles when it comes to safety concerns. But today, we have a plethora of safety gears for the biking community that offers utmost safety so that you do not have to compromise on your love for the two-wheeled engineering marvel. 

So grab your helmet and other safety gear to zoom through traffic. 😉 

What is the most common type of collision between cars and motorcycles answer?

Left-Turn Collisions at Intersections The researchers found that the most common type of collision between a motorcycle and a car is a left-turn accident at an intersection.

How are motorcycles different from cars?

The definition of an automobile is a road vehicle that powers itself typically on four wheels that can carry a small amount of passengers. Since motorcycles only have two wheels and carry a max of one passenger, they don't fall under the definition of “automobile.”

Is a motorcycle faster than a car?

Motorcycles have traditionally enjoyed an advantage over cars in acceleration due to their lighter weight, while cars normally have higher top speeds because they are more aerodynamically efficient, leaving two-wheeled and four-wheeled advocates at odds over which is truly faster.

What is the similarities between car and motorcycle?

a) Both cars and motorcycles are vehicles for transporting one or more persons. b) Both cars and motorcycles need fuel. Fuel serves a vital art in both cases as it supplies the energy required are the engines to work properly. c) Both cars and motorcycle use wheel made of rubber tires.

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