Multiplying fractions with whole numbers and mixed numbers

The steps involved in multiplying fractions and mixed numbers are similar, but an important first step is required when multiplying mixed numbers.

To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators; then multiply the denominators. Simplify to lowest terms if possible.



This answer had to be simplified because it wasn't in lowest terms.

When multiplying fractions, you can cancel (do early simplifying) first, which eliminates the need to simplify your answer later. To cancel, find a number that divides evenly into one numerator and one denominator. In Example , 2 will divide evenly into 2 in the numerator (it goes in one time) and 12 in the denominator (it goes in six times). Thus, 

Whole numbers can also be written as fractions 

, so the problem 
 is worked by changing 3 to 





Remember: You may cancel only when multiplying fractions.

To multiply mixed numbers, first change any mixed number to an improper fraction. Then multiply the numerators together and the denominators together, as shown in Example .





Multiplying Mixed Fractions

("Mixed Fractions" are also called "Mixed Numbers")

To multiply Mixed Fractions:

  • convert to Improper Fractions
  • Multiply the Fractions
  • convert the result back to Mixed Fractions

Example: What is 138 × 3 ?

Think of Pizzas.

First, convert the mixed fraction (138) to an improper fraction (118):

Cut the whole pizza into eighths and how many eighths do you have in total?

1 lot of 8, plus the 3 eighths = 8+3 = 11 eighths.

Now multiply that by 3:

138 × 3 = 118 × 31 = 338

You have 33 eighths.

And, lastly, convert to a mixed fraction (only because the original fraction was in that form):

And this is what it looks like in one line:

138 × 3 = 118 × 31 = 338 = 418

Another Example: What is 112 × 215 ?

Do the steps from above:

  1. convert to Improper Fractions
  2. Multiply the Fractions
  3. convert the result back to Mixed Fractions

Step, by step it is:

Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:

112 = 22+12 = 32

215 =105+15 =115

Multiply the fractions (multiply the top numbers, multiply bottom numbers):

32 × 115 = 3 × 112 × 5 = 3310

Convert to a mixed number

3310 = 3310

If you are clever you can do it all in one line like this:

112 × 215 = 32 × 115 = 3310 = 3310

One More Example: What is 314 × 313 ?

Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:

314 = 134

313 = 103


134 × 103 = 13012

Convert to a mixed number:

13012 = 101012

And simplify:

101012 = 1056

Here it is in one line:

314 × 313 = 134 × 103 = 13012 = 101012 = 1056

This One Has Negatives: What is −159 × −217 ?

Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:

159 = 99 + 59 = 149
217 = 147 + 17 = 157

Then multiply the Improper Fractions (Note: negative times negative gives positive) :

−149 × −157 = −14 × −159 × 7 = 21063 

We can simplify now. Here we use two steps, first by 7 (21 and 63 are both multiples of 7), then again by 3. But it could be done in one step by dividing by 21:

21063 = 309 = 103

Finally convert to a Mixed Fraction (because that was the style of the question):

103 = (9+1)3 = 93 + 13 = 313

How do you multiply simple fractions with whole numbers and mixed fractions?

It's easy to multiply fractions by mixed fractions or whole numbers. Start by turning your mixed fractions or whole numbers into improper fractions. Then multiply the numerators of both improper fractions. Multiply the denominators and simplify your result.


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